, -^^,.^ .>,^^v. \^/ ,^\ %/ ,J5 0^ c°.:°..'^o '^^ ^^ -^\^>^i:!^^ V y A^- -° . ** *<<. , '^y^W.' S' '%_ : ^ v-^ .^' ^ v'^^V ^ -^^' ''?\^ -.'?'> ^^ "" C5 '' . . 0' .' <}>"^ O '^ . . s' .0 ■"^ 0 « o ^ Vl .\'^ • " o. ADVERTISEMENTS. GILLIG, MOTT & CO., HARDWARE, STEAM GOODS, GILLBC, MOTT & CO., Corner C and Taylor Streets, Virginia. CILLIC, MOTT & CO., Carson Street, Carson City, N. T. CILLIC, MOTT & CO., Aurora, Nevada Territory. CILLIC, MOTT & CO., bacramento and San Francisco, Cal. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP l,iy lk$ STEAM GOODS, BELTtSMG, GAS PIPE, Stef ©§,f It aid iSffiff ©r WiFij Agricultural Implements, Etc., Etc. J|®°"Have on hand Bar and Sheet Iron, Copper, Nails, Anvils, Bellows, Rope, Gas Pipe, Brass Goods, &c., ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD ^^T THE! I_iO'W^:EST P\.i^TEIS- CILLIC, MOTT & CO., Corner C and Taylor Streets, Virginia. 11 ADVERTISEMEXTS. tg o o a o Bpine practical Boiler Makers ol mnfr experience, confining oui whole time and attention exolu- Rively to one branch of business, and using the best q\iaWy and brands of Boiler and Sheet-Iron and Boiler Tubes, we are enabled to turn out work of the best quality-, at reasonable prices, and war- ranted according to order. Those in want of anything in the above lint are invited to give us a call. <^ Orders from the country, by express or otherwise, with a remittance or satisfactory refer- ence, will b« promptly executed and shipped as ordered. Parttcniar attention paid to tite Repairing of Steam Boilers. RF.KER To— The Oi'hir Co., Gon.D & Cckry Co., Ck.ntral Milt., St. I,oris Mill, A. B. Paul, Supt. Washoe G. and S. Mining Co. No. 1. Silvkr Citt Quartz Mill Co., Churchill & Co., Eastern Stora f'o., and to all the mills now in Nevada Territory. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.. ADVERTISEMENTS. HI OK AND PERIODICAL DEPOT. OEIO. 13:. BE]I-.I_., BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 611 Montgomery Street, Corner of MercUant, San Francisco^ Receives subscriptions for any periodical published in the United States or Europe, among which are the following : 2 50 50 PER ANNUM London Art Journal.lO 00 Athenaeum 11 00 TheCornhillMag... 5 5ii Temple Bar 5 50 London Society 5 50 Sixpenny Magazine. 4 00 English Women's Do niestic Magazine . . 4 00 Intellectual Observ'r 5 50 The Mining & Smelt- ing Magazine 6 00 Hunt's Merch't Mag. 5 50 The American Agri- culturist 2 Phrenological Jour. . 2 Water Cure Journal . 2 Missouri Republican. 3 Forney's War Press. 3 Littell's Living Age, 7 Yankee Notions 2 Nick Nax 2 Budget of Fun 2 Merrymau's Monthly 2 Literary Companion. 3 Flag of Our Union . . 3 Waverley Magazine. 3 N.Y. Ledger 3 00 N. Y. Mercurv 3 00 N. Y. Leader". 3 00 N. Y. Home Journal. 3 00 N. Y. Indi'pendent. . . The Horticulturist.. . Banner of Light. . . , Herald of Progress.. The Irish American.. The Scottish Ameri- can Journal 3 50 PER ANXUM. Harper's Monthly... $3 50 Godey's Lady's Book 3 50 Atlantic Monthly. ... 350 Leslie's Family Mftg. 3 50 Knickerbocker Mag.. 3 50 Continental Monthly. 3 50 Arthur's Home Mag. 2 50 Peterson^s Ladies' •' . 2 50 Merry's Museum. ... 1 50 The j-ittle Pilgrim.. 1 50 The Boy's Own Mag. 4 On Every Bov's Mag. . . 4 00 LeBonTonofFash'n 5 50 The World of Fash'ii 5 50 Eclectic Magazine. . . 5 50 Ballou's Magazine... 2 50 Once a Week, monthly parts 5 50 Good Words 4 .00 St. James' Magazine . 5 50 The Leisure Hour. . . 4 00 Hall's Jour, of Health 1 50 London Lancet 5 50 Braithwaite's Retro- spect, Medical All the Year Round, (English edition) . . Chambers' Journal, (monthly) 3 50 Blackwood's Edinb'g Magazine 3 50 The Four Foreign Re- views & Blackwood. 1 2 00 S.F. Weekly AltaCaL 5 00 Weekly Bulletin 5 ©0 Sac. Weekly Union ..500 Congressional Globe and Appendix 8 00 Agency for the Art Union of ZiOndon. Subscriptions received for the Annual Distribution of Paintings and other Works of Art. Any Newspaper. Magazine, Review, or other Periodical not mentioned in the above list will be furnished to order. Special attention will be paid to importing books that may be wanted and can- not be otherwise obtained. A general assoriment of books always on hand, including all the new publications. PER ANNUM- Harper's Weekly. ... 3 50 N.Y. Illust'd News.. 3 50 Leslie's Ulustd Paper 3 50 New York Illustrated Zeitung 3 50 Illustrated Lon. News (with all Sup.).... 13 00 Illust'd London News of the World 13 00 London Week. Times.lO 00 London Weekly Dis- patch 13 00 Bell's Life in London.l3 00 London Punch 6 50 The Spectator 13 00 The Sat'day Review. 13 00 Public Opinion 11 00 The London Mining Journal 12 00 Scientific American.. 3 50 The Country G J^ ADVERTISEMENTS- J. G. KELLOGG, J. HEWSTON, Jr. J. H. STEARNS. KELLOGG, HEWSTON & CO., , .11 AND CHEMICAL LABORATORY, Deposits for Uxrefixed Gold Bars will be returned in twenty-four hours. The charge will be one-quarter of one per cent, for all amounts over $1,200, and three dollars for any smaller amount. For Silver Bars one per cent, on the value of the Silver, and one-quarter of one per cent, on the value of the Gold contained. No charge being less than three dollars. Charges of Refining per ounce, gross weight, after melting : For huUion iinrler 300 parts o:olil....3 cts. I For bullion from 501 to 750 parts goW 7 cts. For bullion from 301 to 600 parts g Legal and Commeroial Blanks. Vlll ADVERTISEMENTS. W. T. GARRATT, Cur. Market and First Sts., Op. Oriental Hotel. BRASS, ZINC, AND ANTI-FRICTION CASTINGS. 13ai»l>et jVtetal, Clxiil'oh and ©teaiii"boat Bells, Ta^-erii and Hand Bells and Gongs, FIRE ENGINES, FORCE & LIFT PUMPS, Steam, Liquor, Soda, Oil, Water and Flange Cocks and Valves, Of all descriptions made and repaired. Hose and all other joints. Spelter Solder and Copper Kivets, etc.. Gauge Cocks. Cylinder Cocks. Oil Globe?. Steam Whistles, Hydraulic Pipes, and Nozzles fur Mining purposes. Iron Steam Pipes furnished with Fittings, etc. Coupling Joints of all sizes. Manufacturers of '-Garkatt's Patent Improved Journal Metal" ]iKr TSFn laFr; KITTREDGE & LEAVITT, MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE-PROOF DOORS &SHUTTEES, VAULTS, AWNINGS, BALCONIES, IRON FENCE, STAIRS, &c. Cor. Battery & Jackson Streets, i3.A^T>Sr IE" II -A. T»a" O I s o o. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Second Hand Fire Proof Doors and Shutters. CLLLh, GRATINGS, HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., ADVERTISEMENTS. SAN FRAISrCISOO N. E. Cor. Fremont and Mission Streets. DEVOE, DINSMORE & CO., Having enlarged their business capacities this Spring, are prepared to do all work ia their line of as good material and workiiiaaship as any party in the State STEAM ENGINES, lIlGli OB LOW PRESSURE, OF ANY REQUIRED POWER, ^mxU §V\\U, ^m pitfe, piniuj §xn\xp, IDlSTlNi WHKLI FBI Mimm PMPOSES, Wine Presses, Agricultural Tools, Etc., "BRODIE'S" IMPROVED WIND BLAST SEPARATOR r-OK I>R,Y CRXJISHIIVG. CASTINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM ENGINES ON HAND. ALL MACHINERY REPAIRED. They refer to Engines made by them for the following Steamers and Mining Companies : 2 Engines for Steamer Willamette, 2 do do Princess, 1 do do 2 do do 2 do do \ do do 2 do do Rambler, 1 Dashaway, |1 McClellau, jl Goodwin Castle, |1 Lark, |1 il Engine for Steamer J. T. Wright, |3 do Silver City Mining Co., 1 do Daney Company, {1 do Meeker & Co., G. "Valley. jl do Sides Mining Company, do Utah Mining Company, do Temelic Mill. AND NUMEROUS OTHERS. Steam Power for Amalg^amatinj Ores. We have accommodations fur parties wishing to amalgamate Ores, at SAN FRANCISCO MACHINE WORKS, COR. FREMONT & MISSION STREETS. Sctool Books at Greatly Reduced Prices. b ADVERTISEMENTS. ffihcmicat, pctallurgical and pining Mml NO. r> FIRST S'PRKKT, SAV FUANTGISCO A LahoroAory is sjjecialhj fitted up for laMiig students through a BegnJar Course of Analijtical Chemistry ; or Assaying alone in all its hranches are taught. Special attention is given to the Chemistry of Gold, Silver, Lead and Copper Ores. THOMAS PRICE. PoRTLA]sri> Boiler ^W^orks !#ia MOYNIHi^N & AITEEN, AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, MISSION ST., bet. Fremont & Beale, SAl ]?MISIlSi. N. B. — All kinds of Boiler and Sheet Iron Work executed at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. HAYNES & LAWTON, IMPORTERS. tt$tktt^, # %tC,^ FRENCH CHINA, TABLE CUTLERY. B^-- Wc give ESPECIAL ATTENTION to HOTEL AND BAR OUTFITS, Which wc ai-e always prcj)are(l to furnish in the MOST ELEGANT MANNER. 516 & 518 Sansome Street, cor. Merchant, HODOE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., ADVERTISEMENTS. TARHEELER'S This engraving- represents a perspective view ot a new amal- gamator recently patented by Zenas Wheeler, of this city, as it appears when at work. Manufactured at MINERS' FOUNDRY, AND AT THE Dealers in Printers' Cards, Card Board/ Bill Head i'aperj, tant, and that having a strong par- tiality for the Water Cure system, 1 took every opportunity afforded by observation and reading to study the system as practiced by these distinguished physicians, and became perfectly familiar ■with it and know its results. I have been with Dr. Bourne upward of two years. I know hia moiles ot treatment; they differ essentially from those pursued by the other gentlemen mimeu. Dr. Bourne's results are equ illy as certain as theirs, ana at ained to with much greater rapidity; in fact they would consider it preposterous to undertake the cures whicli Pr. Bourne effects in six or eight weeks. KOBERT 6Ti,WAlU' MAlBLTH. 4®- The persistent efforts to detract from Dr. Bourne's standing as a Water Cure Physician made lor some time past from inte esled and unworthy motives, has rendered it proper to publish the above estimates of the positi'm he iiolds by geiitlemen competent to form a correct judgment, fo that shallow pretension based upon the supposed superior mei its of others may be uuly appre- ciated. If dei-p anil intelligent study, loug e.\pirience, (more than twenty-two years.) close and critical ob-erva'ion, mature years and ardent devotion to one's profession, with a large and varied practice, cousiitute any claim to the conSdence of a community In the qiialiricalions of an indi- vidual as a pliysician, then Dr. Bourne claini.s that ol this community, as iho.se attributes of a physician are Ins. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., ADVERTISEMF.NTS. T. EODGERS JOHNSON, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, BfO. 325 M0KTG031ERY ST., Importer and Manufacturer of '^rplias, |iaitiurs, Jlags, ^ilitarg Cinbroitej, ROBES, fcAFS, SEALS, and all Goods required by Societies, Military and Civic Parades. J. X^EilK^ O JE, Importer and Dealer in 415, 417 and 419 CAL.IFORXIA STREET, Between Montgomery and Sansome, Latest Styles of Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Chamber Sets, Bedsteads, Bedding. The Trade siipplied at tlie XjO'tv^est ■Wholesale Frices. Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Bfenks. MERCAMLE GUIDE AND DIRECTORY FOR r AND COMPRISING A General Bu:iiine«^s and Resident Directory for those CJities, witli sketches of their growth, development and resources. ALSO CONTAINING Yaluable Historical and Statistical Matter OF UNUSUAL INTEREST, TOGETHER WITH THE ONLY ACCURATE MINING DIRECTORY YET PUBLISHED, Giving the namt of the Mine, number of feet in each claim, the District in which the same is located, and the names of Secretaries, with their respective places of business. COMPILED BY OB[.A^I=^I_.E]S OOLILiZISrS. VIROITVIA. 1864-5. Pbdhed by Agsew & DEiTEftiaHi Book asd Job PwsjsBSj.ail SiHSOuE Sisekij S. F* C M \Z S^ JNO. SIME & CO., San Francisco. B. F. HASTINGS & CO., Sacramento. A. K. GRm, Virginia^ — OF — B. P. Hastings & Co. No. 35 SOUTH C STREET, YIRGIMA, ST. T. I33E1.-A.'\;^ 03Xr JNO. SIME & CO., San Francisco, California. B. F. HASTINGS & CO,, Sacramento, THOS. FINDLEY & CO., Grass Valley, H. MAEDIR & CO., Nevada, DECKER & JEWETT, Marysville, BOURS & CO., Stockton, JNO. W. COLEMAN & CO., Austin, N. T. BILLS OF EXCHANGE SOLD ON BANK OF THE STATE OF NB^W YORK, New York. BULLION Purchased, and advances made on same. DEPOSITS, General and Special, received. ^CLlle/±Lan.& in. cltui /za/t af J^ejUuCLcla. ^a^i'Ltcj'Ji, — DEPOSITED WITH — CrOIHIJSr SI]yLEl cS3 C^CD., S^ix ZF'i-a.ixclsco, OR ^^WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION."'^ I^HEFACTORY-. In making our debut in the present form, custom and precedent demands a review of our labors and the object we have endea- vored to attain. In the historical and general review, our aim has been to give an accurate and truthful record of current events, rather than an elaborate and lengthy history of matters outside the general limits of a Directory. In the compilation of the work, accuracy and facts have been our aim, and to what extent our efforts have been successful, we leave the reader to determine. Neither time, labor or expense have been spared to render the Resident and Business Directory complete and perfect. The Mining Directory required much time and labor in its produc- tion, and stands prominent among the attractive features of the work. The idea having become prevalent that we were collect- ing names for a " draft," caused the iceak-kneed (a few of whom are to be found in every community) to refuse to give their names. To this class particular attention has been given. Their names will be found in alphabetical order. The various corporations (with one exception) rendered every assistance and information desired. The exception above alluded to was the " Gould Sf Curry. ^' One of the surplus or sub-super* iutendents, who has not an enviable reputation for either good sense or p^atriotism, threw every obstacle in the way of our ob- taining the names of the workmen ; but through exertion and strategy, the names were finally procured and will appear in their proper place in the work. The inaccuracies and imperfections of previoi\s works, claim- ing the name of Directories for this Territory, had created a 12 PREFACE. popular distrust and prejudice which required no small amount of exertion and argument to overcome ; but with a strong belief in our humble experience and ability, and with perseverance as our motto, we proceeded with our task, and the work now prer sented is the result of our labors. The general review contains brief notices of public and pri- vate enterprises, churches, schools, military, benevolent and other societies, brief notices of the different fire companies, stage lines, routes of travel, city improvements, etc. Our aim has been to make the work a source of information for strangers and a convenient hand-book of reference for resi- dents. The patrons of the present work are assured that no pains or expense will be spared to render the next issue of our Directory all that could be desired, and by far superior to any similar publication ever offered to the public here. The compiler would feel derelict and ungrateful did he close these remarks without expressing his obligations for the favors extended, courtesy shown, and information obtained from the various public officers, heads of societies, the press and the " old- est inhabitant. ^^ CHARLES COLLINS, yirginia, July 1st, 1864. INDEX OF CON'TENTS, PAGE. Advertisements 1 Title 9 Preface ll Index 13 Names of Advertisers 15 Historical 17 Virginia, (description of) 23 City Improvements 24 Police 26 Churches 26 Schools. 28 Cemeteries 29 Hospitals 29 ]VIasonic and Odd Fellows 30 Sons of Temperance 31 Fenian Brotherhood 31 Eureka Society 32 Germania Singing and German Benevolent 32 Typographical 32 ]\riLITARY 33 Virginia Guard 33 "Washoe Guard 33 National Guard 33 Emmet Guard 33 Gas Works 34 Water Works 34 Rail Roads 34 Stage Lines 35 Washoe Stock and Exchange Board — 37 14 index of contents. Keview of Industrial Enterprises 38 Sand Springs Salt Fields 38 Breweries 39 Assay Offices 40 Brick Yards 40 Potteries 40 Places of Amusement 40 Newspapers 41 Enterprise 41 Union 41 Old Piute 41 Nevada Pioneer (German) 41 Fire Department 42 "Virginia Engine Co. No. 1 42 Nevada Hook and Ladder No. 1 42 Young America No. 2 43 Eagle Engine Co. No. 3 43 Washoe Engine Co. No. 4 , 43 Territorial County and City Officials 44 Quartz Mills and Hoisting Works 45 Virginia Resident's Directory 49 ^ YiRGiNiA Business Directory, (classified) 217 Gold Hill, (description of ) 239 Societies, Associations, etc 242 Quartz Mills and Hoisting Works 247 Resident Directory 253 Business Directory (classified) 303 Silver City, (description of) 413 Associations, Schools, etc 314 Quartz Mills 315 Resident Directory , 319 Business Directory (classified) 335 American City, (description of) 339 Resident Directory 341 Business Directory 349 Mining Directory 353 Advertisements NAMES OF ADVERTISERS, THEIR BUSINESS AND LOCATION. CLASSIFED. Am. City. .American City. G- Hill.. Gold Hill. S. Frsco..San Francisco.- S. City. .Silver City. Va. .Virginia. Adams Thns. haj'yard & stables, Va 178 Agnew & Peffebach, printers, S. Frsco....l78 & 3'.;l Alstrom & .Johnson Lick House, S. Frsc '.. 348 Arnold & Blauvelt, bankers, Va Front cover Bach, Louis, baths, Va i 52 Baker, Chas. Union Brewery, Va j 54 Baldwin, A. R. & Co. liquors, S. Ftsco 350 Barnert, J. & Co., clothing, Va IflS Barney, McDuffie & Co., groceries, S. City 3-0 Bartling Kimball, bookbinders, ..« 7S Esberg & Fried, tobacco and cigars, Va 78' Fast Freight and Ex. Co. H. D. Smith agent, Va Outside cover Faucett Wm. hotel. Am. City 346 Feusier L. Jte Co. groceries, Va 82 Finch T. E. Faloon, G. Hill 2H3 Fishb(jurne R. W. engraver, S. Frsco 237 Fitzpatrick & Kenison, blacksmiths, S. City. ..320 Flagg H. H. & Co. brokers, G. Hill 266 Foster & Robedee, livery stable, S. City 323 Fox & Co. liquors. Sac 383 Franz B. stationery, Va 84 Fredericks J. paints and oils, Va Outside cover Fulton & Savery, stock brokers, Va 84 Gaines R. Exchange Hotel, G. Hill 267 Gamble E. A. druggist, G. Hill 276 Gartrell & Murray, commission, Va 92 Garratt W. T. brass foundry, S. Frsco viii Gaston W. physician, G. Hill 268 Gerhauser A. St. Louis Brewery, Va 198 Gillig. Mott&Co. hardware, Va.. Outside cover & i Goddard is. Co. Pacific Iron Works, S. Frsco Gold J. M. lager beer, G.Hill 268 Goodrich C. V. mining sec'y, Q-. Hill 257 Gus.se Theo. hotel, Am. City 342 Green L. dry goods, Va 331 Greenhood M. forwarding. Sac 374 Gruber fi Elliott, hotel, S. City 334 Gunther J. B. harness, Va 224 Haas S. & Co. clothing, G.Hill 270 Hale W. E. notary public, G. Hill 270 Hall & Noyes, Arcade Saloon, S. City 326 Hardenbergh & Dyer, Russ House, S. Frsco 350 Harris H. assaycr, G. Hill 270 Harris &Kauffman, grocers, Va 92 Harvey C. C. insurance and commission, Va 224 Hastings B. F. & Co. bankers 10 Hatch Bros, grocers, Va 98 Haubert C. furniture, Va 92 Haynes & Lawton, crockery, S. Frsco 2 Hepburn & Peterson, amalgamators S. Frsco. ..244 Herrick, McCurdy & Co. G. Hill Foundrj' 272 Hentsch & Berton, assayists, S in Francisco vi Heustou, Hastings & Co. clothing, S. Fr.sco, Back Out.-iide cover Hill Sam'l, Florence Sewing Machine. S.Frsco..334 Hodge & Wood, stationers, S. Frsco... Bottom pages Hoff D. E. &Co. lumber, Va 98 Hubbard, McAdams & Co. Emp. F'y., G. Hill.. 164 Hunt Wm. stock broker. Am. City 346 Hyde 0. Pioneer Foundry, G. Hill Inside cover Johnston T. Rodgers, militarj goods S- Frsco.. 7 Jones Thos. Fulton Foundry, G. Hill. .....206, 207 teliogg, Hewston & Co. assayws, S. Frsco...«k v 16 NAMES OP ADVEETISERS. Kittredare Jon. Phoenix Works, S. Frsco 302 Kittredge & Leavitt. safe iranuf's, S. Frsco. ..viii Korn Bro^. grocers, G. Hill '276 Kub Leopold, assayor. Va 10-3 Langton's Pioneer Express 381 Lannan P. H. butclier, Va 162 Lawrence & Houseworth, opticians, S. Irsco, Outside cover Lee & Keepers, Willows Saloon. Am. City 34f' Leland Lewis & Co. Occidental Hotel, S. Fr.sco..334 Lemar R. C. stock broker, S. Frsco.; 16'J Levison B. stationery, G.Hill 279 Lynch & Mundall, -'Gold Hill News" 278 Majer Isidor, tailor, Va 172 Maynard & Flood, banker.*;, G. Hill Front cover Miller & Co. stationery. Va. , 164 Mitchell J. C. & Co. tailors, S. Frsco 347 Mountminy A. tobacconist, G. Hill 282 Moody ;ii Wilkins, barbers, Va 173 Moore G. E. assayer, S. Frsco iv Moore SCorbett, boiler works, G. Hill 282 Morrison W. A. U. S. Hotel, Va 20^ Morris Mrs. R. Occidental, Va 180 Morton E. H. cider factory, Va 173 Moxley, Hughes &. Co planing mill, Va 207 Moy nihan & Aitkius , Portland Boiler Works , 8. Frsco 2 McCoy Wm. Occidental, Va 178 Mcllonald R. H. &, Co. druggists, .inside b'ck cov McLaughlin &Root, hardware, Va 164 Nertman A. & Co. butchers, Va 175 Nolan Patk. Central House, Va 175 Noreross D. military good.s,S. Frsco 318 Nudd, Stanleys Co. liquors, S, Frsco ......... 29u Orleans Restaurant, Va 178 Oxenham A. H & Co. cutlery, S. Frsco 301 Pacific Stage aud Express Co 37() Palmer, Knox & Co. iron works, S. Frsco vii Parker Thos. stables, Va 162 Pearce H. D. told pen manufacturer, S. Frsco. 238 Perley & DeLong, att'ys, Va 180 Perry & Leichter, liquors, G.Hill 2S8 Philippson & Mausfeld, tobacco, Va 182 Perkins W. L. forwarding and commission 379 Pierce J. furniture, S. Frsco 7 Pioneer Stage Co 380 Pioneer Laundry, Va 340 Plate A. J. guns and pistols, S. Fr.sco 352 Pray Mrs. Mary, hotel, G. Hill 289 Prescott &,Earl, lumber, Va ISO Price Thos. a.ssayer, S. Frsco 2 Prior J. K. ga%lixtures, S. Frsco 380 Quick &Gagnon, butchers, G. Hill 290 Quigley Patk. iJelmonico Hotel, Va 74 Rapp & Reick, Ncv.ida Brewery, Va 214 Kee.se P. blacksmith, Va 189 Ressayre V. notary public 187 Robin.son J. P. S. V. R.iil Road, Sac 375 Roman A. & Co. stttioners, S, Frsco.. ..Out. cover Roseuer S. &, Co. dry goods, Va 187 Rourue M. J lumber, S. City 326 KusselH. D. billiards, Va 212 Sander feSchaefer, restaurant, 6. Hill 293 Sargent &, Fogler, paints and oils, Va...Out. cover Schac-fer J F. & H H bedding, S. Frsco 302 Schaefer &Lux, saloon, G. Hill 295 Shehan & Co. intelligence. Va '202 shepard Wra & Sons, gas fixtures, Va 194 Shepard Levi, grocer, G.Hill 292 Shew W. photogiapher,S.F.262,282,230,236, 360 Shuck 0. C. att'y at Law, Va 216 Sims J. R. brass foundry, S. Frsco vii ::inow Sam'l A. painter. Va 202 Spalding V. saloon, Va 198 Sparks Wm blacksmith, S. City 330 tanway &Sons, buillers, Am City 290 Stateler & Arrington, bankers, Va 202 Steiner &Koneman, grocers, S. City 326 Stephenson W. H. physician, S. City 330 Sutterly Bros, photographers, Va 191 Swain K. A. cr'Ckery, S, Frsco 882 Sweeney J, 1*. & Co. .-eed store, S. Frsco 297 Taylor John, glassware, S. Frsco 3S4 Tomlin.son R. B grocer, S. City 330 Tortell & Bush, grocers. Va 205 Truwortliy F. M stencil plates, S. Frsco 237 Vanduyn H. & Co. .Mechanic's Mills, Va 384 Vespy H. M. Vesey Hotel, G. Hill 297 Vulcan Iron Works, S. Frsco.. 245 Warren W. T wagon maker, etc, Va 214 Warschauer M. harness maker, Va 214 Waugaman Asa L, saloon, Va 78 Welch & I'reston, restaurant, Va 178 Wells, Fargo &Co. express, S, Frsco 882 Wheeler Zenas, amalgamator, S. Frsco 3, 4, 5 White & Youst, billiard salooii, G. Hill 299 Wilkins A L. livery stable, Va 84 Wilson & Evans, gunsmiths. Sac 383 Wilson W. F. stage line, Va 312 Winegar A. B. salt, S. Frsco 384 Winton N. W. commissioner, Va 214 WoodCJeo. M. engraver, S, Frsco 279 Young J, C, M, U. S. Frsco 30O, 333 Young &, Georges, stables, Va... .206 WILL BE ISSUED ANNUALLY A DIRECTORY SIMILAR TO THE PRESENT, WHICH WILL BE INCREASED IN SIZE AND MATTER WITH THE INCREASE OF POPULATION AND BUSINESS OF THE TERRITORY. CHAS. COLLINS; Virgiaia; and 611 Sausoue Streetj San Fraacieco. lEIlSTOI^LOl^^Xj. But little was knoi^n of this country previous to the silter ex- citement of the last few years, separated by the Sierras from California, and situated at such a distance from the Atlantic States, its earliest Visitors were emigrants passing through here on their way to California, and they having the latter country so impressed on their mind it would have required more glitter- ing assurances than this country at that time offered to have induced them to locate \^ithin its borders. The first white set- tlements of this country, claiming the protection of the American flag, were Mormons, afterwards it was selected by a class of desperadoes and horse thieves, whose nefarious pursuits could be carried on without molestation, and generally without pursuit — the various mountain fastnesses and uninhabited valleys affording them ample protection from the hands of justice. The early history of Nevada, up to within the last few years, was char- acterized and chequered by unfruitful attempts to form a govern- ment and have a separate Territory laid off from the ample limits of Utah, (what is now- Nevada Territory,) which would place the settlers outside the limits of Mormon laws ; and amongst thoi=e who were foremost in furthering this object was the late Judge' Crane, who was the first delegate sent to the National Capitol for that purpose, being elected unanimously by the people of the Territory, who wished to live under the protection of the Federal Government, and governed by its appointees. At Washington he failed to carry his point of obtaining a separate Territorial Government, under the auspices of the General Government. Dealers in Printers' Cards, Card Board, Bill Head Papers, &c. 18 HISTOEICAL. The people enraged at the negligence and apathy shown by the' General Governnient in not attending to their wants, and being determined to have some system of government not connected with Mormon rule, on June 6th, 1859, a mass meeting of the residents was held, when it was resolved to call a Convention of Delegates to meet at Genoa on the 18th of July ; accordingly the delegates met and framed a ''Declaration,^^ stating their griev- ances, the principal points of which averred that the Mormons^ who had the reins of government and the administration of the laws, had abused the powers placed in their keeping ; that they had denied to the Judges of the United States the right to try criminals, when such criminals were Mormons, with several more specifications showing Mormon injustice in the administration of the government in the Territory. The Convention, after passing a series of resolutions, stating their grievances, wound up with the following : " Therefore, believing in the rectitude of our intentions, and believing the time has arrivetl, we make known and declare our entire, unconditional separation from Eastern Utah. To provide for and secure our future protection, we pledge to each oth"r our sacred obligations to erect for ourselves a Territorial Government, founded upon the Repulilican principles of the Constitution of the United States, and that we will maintain and defend it to the best of our ability, and we look to the support and protection of the Federal Government and our fellow-citizens in every part of the Union." The discovery and development of the mines, the large influx of capital and population, consequent upon their development, for a time diverted tlie minds of the people ; the subject being again agitated, a Governor and Legislature was elected and met at Genoa in 1859. After receiving the message of the Governor, (who had just been elected,) the Legislature adjourned. In May, 18()0, an event took place which marks an important epoch in our history, and for a time retarded the development of our mines, and foreboded serious injury to the country, a difficulty having arisen between a party of Indians and some settlers, at a place which was then known as William's Station, about sixty miles below Genoa, four whites got killed. This wholesale murder aroused the country to a state of maddened frenzy and revenge, and for three months the indiscriminate scalping of every Indian that could be found was carried out, and public vengeance had been fully appeased. This unfortumte affair operated with such damaging influences on the country, and created such a panic among emigrants that were preparing to visit the Territory, that HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., HISTORICAL. 19 for a year following there was a perfect stagnation in all kinds of business. In 1861 Governor Nye, and other Federal ap- pointees arrived, and took cliarge of the reins of government and the administration of its affairs. An attempt was made last fall to have Nevada admitted as a State, which would have succeeded had not a party of ofl&ce seekers, who cared more for their own personal aggrandizement than their country's welfare, tried to force themselves upon the people for appointments. The Con- veh tion for the formation of a State Government met in Carson last fall, and, after a lengthy session, drew up a " State Constitution," with so many obnoxious and objectionable features in it that the people, by a large and overwhelming vote, rejected it, and the government again relapsed into its Territorial form ; but the " outside world " must not form rash conclusions from these re- sults, nor doubt either the loyalty or the enthusiastic patriotism that actuate the people of the Territory. She has given in her numerous munificent donations to the Sanitary Fund, and through the loyal press of the country uncontrovertible proofs of her adhesion to the Government, and her loyalty to the Union and Administration. Nevada is bound to be a State ; her pride, in- telligence, wealth and capacities, all point to her abilities, as well as to the necessities of a State Government. It has been claimed by parties, pretending to speak for Nevada, that the people objected to a State Government on account of the ad- ditional expense incurred. This is a base slander upon the liber- ality and patriotism of her citizens. There is not under the broad canopy of the American flag a more loyal, law abiding and self-reliant people ; and when the country purges itself (as she is now doing) of the cankerworm of politicians that infest her, a State Constitution will be adopted, and a State Government formed, which will reflect the genius, capacity, and loyalty of Nevada. Governor Nye, under the auspices of the Administra- tion, and a special Act of Congress admitting Territories, has issued his call for a convention of delegates to meet in Carson at an early date to form a State Constitution and have it adopted by the people. There is little doubt but that the Constitution •will be ratified by the people, as they have too much pride and patriotism to remain in Territorial obscurity when the oppor- tunity is offered them to strengthen the Government by the ad- Baalers in Blank Books, Legal and Commereial Blanks. 20 HISTORICAL, dition of another "JPVee State." If political hucksters can only be kept out of the convention, Nevada will, this fall, clothe herself in the virgin robes of State, and give another proof to the Ad- ministration and the world of her unflinching adhesion to the Government and the " Union" A series of attempts have been made by a hungry and unscru- pulous lot of brokers, assisted by putrid copperheads and loud- mouthed Union men, to force greenbacks as the standard currency on the Territory. The advocates of this measure have labored to impugn the patriotism of the opponents of this measure. The following resolution, which speaks for itself, was introduced at a meeting (held in Virginia City a short time since) by A.B. Paul, Esq., of Gold Hill, a gentleman who has labored with more zeal for the cau-e of the Union, and expended more time and money in strengthening the Government, soliciting aid, and collecting funds for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission, than any other man in the Territory, and all the greenback agitators put to- gether : Resolved, That we, the merchants, miners, business men. and citizens generally, of Storey county, do hereby, in mass meeting: assembled, declare our full adher- ence to tlie Federal Govornraent, and our readiness to aid it as far as in our power, but as gAA and silver has been for years our standard currency, we hereby de- clare that we will aflhere to the same, and denounce any man as acting dishonor- ably who pays any debts with greenbacks, unless by agreement. The resolution was adopted with unbounded enthusiasm by the largest assemblage ever collected in the Territory. There is one noticable fact to be observed in this controversy, the in- fluential Union newspapers of the Territory, and all Union men who are not in search of office, are advocates of hard currency. The Territory contains about 65,000 square miles, a large pro- portion of wliich is mineral fields. Prof, Sllliman, a gentleman in every way competent, has been appointed by the Federal Government to make a geological survey and report on its min- eral resources. His report and opinion of our resources will be anxiously looked for. Mr. R. M. ^vans, a gentleman of great research, keen observa- tion, and an able writer, is now engaged in publishing a book wliich will give a succinct history of everything appertaining to this Territory, from its earliest history up to the present time. The book will be embellished with maps showing the location of HODGi: & WOOD, Wliolesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.' HISTORICAL. 21 the various prominent " lodes " throughout the Territory. It will form a valuable addition to the meagre works already published on this Territory. Mr. Grafton Brown, a young gentleman who is a master spirit in his profession, will shortly issue a series of maps and views showing the location of Virginia, Gold Hill, and the various lodes that have gained for these places such an en- viable name. Although scarcely five years have elapsed since the di.-covery and development of the minerals of this country, the silver mines of Nevada yield a greater annual product than those of any other country, Mexico excepted ; and this yield is clearly not one-hundredth part of what it will be. Nevada is remarkably, and from its position and formation, necessarily healthy. It forms the western side of the great basin inclosed by the Rocky Mountains on the east, and the Sierra Nevadas on the west, the average elevation of its valleys being at least 5,000 feet above tide-water, while very little of it is as low as 4,000. Some of the peaks of the Humboldt Mountains are 11,000 feet high. The winters are of moderate length, with a temperature modified by the mild breezes that come from the Pacific. No rain falls for six or eight months in each year, and the country is entirely destitute of swamps. The rivers that runs from the Sierras, on the south, as well as the Humboldt, and those coming from that direction, lose themselves and are absorbed on the great and barren desert that stretches far eastward. This desert is thinly covered with the useless shrub (to all but emigrants) known as ^' sage brush J" The Humboldt River rises in the moun- tains of Western Utah, pursues a circuitous but generally south- western course for a distance of 350 miles, losing itself in the great " Sink" soon after passing through Humboldt Lake, which is about 100 miles from the foot of the Sierra Nevadas, and 40 north of the "Sink" of Carson, The Humboldt is largest near its head, receiving on its course a few very diminutive tributaries. In summer it gets so low that it can be forded almost anywhere on its whole length, and dwindles in size as it proceeds, until finally it is entirely lost in the "SinkJ' It runs through a desolate valley, from ten to thirty miles wide, bounded by ranges of moun- tains as desolate in appearance as itself. Those mountains, known as the Humboldt, with the Reese River mountains further east, are now disclosing immense deposits of the precious metals Dealers in Arnold's Genuine Writing Fluid, imported direct. 22 HISTORICAL. to the explorers' energetic endeavors. A ditch is being con- structed, to tap the Humboldt River sixty miles above what is now known as Humboldt City, which, when completed, will give water privileges to sufficient mills, and other branches of indus- try, to develop the rich resources of the country, and build up a new empire in what was formerly a barren wilderness. The Humboldt mountains are now acknowledged to be miracles of wealth, which only requires time and the necessary machinery to develop. With the Pacific Railroad to bring them food at moderate rates, the people of this country have a future before them which shine as resplendantlyas the precious metals that lay encompassed in their mountains. The day is not far distant when this country will produce enough of silver to^ supply the wants of the world ; then greenbacks will command a premium, and green- back agitators will lose their potency for evil. EODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St, S. F., VmaiNIA, STOREY COUNTY. Virginia is to '^JVevada " what San Francisco is to the Pacific Coast — the reservoir that contains the nucleus and material to support and sustain the surrounding country. A stranger coming' from the " States," (after passing over a series of sterile deserts and barren mountains,) arriving in the city, is at first wrapt up in wonder and amazement, and finally gives vent to his admira- tion of a people who have the enterprise to raise such towering proofs of their indomitable energy and perseverance. No matter in what direction the eyes are turned is to be seen mammoth blocks of business houses, palatial residences, and workshops where every conceivable business and trade is represented, and from every prominence the towering steeples of religious institu- tions bespeak the refinement, intelligence and cultivated tastes of the residents. Situated on the eastern side of Mount David- son, with a very limited amount of level land on which to build the city, possessing but few of the materials necessary to assist in building it up, Virginia, like a meteor, has sprung up under the untiring energy of her citizens to the mammoth proportions of a metropolis. The city must ot necessity continue to be, as she now is, the headquarters and mart of trade and commerce for this Territory. Here are located business houses, whose mam- moth stocks of goods are continually kept replete with all that is necessary or demanded by the people of the Territory. A large proportion of the merchants being direct importers, or branches from large manufacturing establishments in California and the East, and selecting the most advantageous seasons for the transportation of their goods over the mountains, are thus eu' abled to successfully compete with and undersell (adding freight} dealers in other places. Another year's growth, similar to the past, would place her beyond the sanguine expectations of her School Books at Greatly Reduced Prices. 24 HISTORlCAr,. most entliusiastic admirers. Her growth is unparalleled and hefT progress marvellous. The valleys in the immediate vicinity al- ways raise sufficient of the necessaries of life to support a popu- lation treble the present size. Lake Tahoe, the Truckee, and Carson River and Valley give to this place a superabundance of fish and game ; and the increased development and rapidly in- creasing wealth of the surrounding mines gives a confidence to the business man, resident, and speculator, in everything they un- dertake. The city has four daily and the same number of weekl/ newspapers, which, for size and " matter" are not surpassed on the Pacific coast. Stages radiate from here to all parts of thef Territory, California, and the States. Omnibusses ply between here and Gold Hill, Silver City, and surrounding points, at all hours. Foundries, machine shops, potteries, brick-yards, and other domestic manufactures, are in abundance ; and every pro^ fession has here its representatives. On the succeeding pages will be found a brief sketch of " The City, and what it coN' TAINS." CITY IMPROVEMENTS. In essaying to give a review, mark the progress, and exhibit the enterprise di?played within the past year, by both the City Authorities and private enterprise, we will curtail our remarks^ and chronicle only facts of public interest. The year just past has been remarkable for the enterpfise and public spirit mani- fested by the old City government. The present City Council deserves the thanks of the citizens for the many improvements and very necessary changes and reforms that they have projected, and are now carrying out. Virginia owes the proud position that she now occupies, more to the indefatigable go-aheaditive- ness of her business men than to any natural causes (other than the mines). None but an actual observer could realize the^ celerity ])y which streets are opened and graded, and whole blocks of three and four story buildings are erected. The rapid manner by which they are tenanted, at once shows that our HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.^ flISTORICAL. 25 growth is healthy and permanent. Such extensive improve- ments has had the effect of enhancing the value of property, and it is a fact worthy of note that real estate has doubled in value during the past year. There is a marked difference in the style and finish of a large proportion of the residences that are being erected. Luxuries and the comforts of a permanent home, are being observed in their construction. Louis Feusier & Co., Wholesale Grocers, and Gillig, Mott & Co., the well- know Hardware merchants, have erected a block of four story brick buildings, corner of C and Taylor streets ; the ground floors are occupied by the owners for stores ; the upper stories are used for storage and manufacturing connected with their business. L. Feusier & Co., erected during the past year for Wells, Fargo & Co., the building which that Company now occupy. The lower story was laid off for the express accomodation of this Company, and we venture to say it is the most commodious, as well as the best arranged, office occupied by the Company on the Pacific coast ; the second floor is occupied for offices, and the basement by the well-know firm of Wm. Shepard & Sons, Gas Fitters and Plumbers. Howell, Black & Bro., merchants, corner of C and Taylor streets, have erected a magnificent brick building with stone basement run- ning clear through from C to D streets, which, for substantial- ness and perfect finish, is not surpassed on the Pacific coast. McLaughlin & Root, Hardware merchants, have put up and finished a substantial brick building, four stories high, having fronts both on B and C streets ; the ground and second floors are occupied by the firm for sales-room and workshops, and the two upper stories is occupied as offices and sleeping rooms. It is estimated that the residence of R. M. Stewart, cost $80,000. The Enterprise Building, is another of the noticeable features of the city. There are numerous other buildings that deserve a passing notice, but the space allotted to this department pre- cludes us from describing them. We have alluded to this sub- ject more to convince parties at a distance, that the business and population of the city is not upon a mushroom or fluctuating basis, but that it is as permanent as it is substantial. Mayor Arick, in his report for the last fiscal year, says — in reference to our finances : Dealers in Printers' Cards, Card Board, Bill Head Papers, &c. 26 HISTOKICAL* " The total tax roll of the city, accordino; to the report of tho City Tax Collector, is $90,858 75. The" amount collected— $69,779 13— with a delinquent tax of $20,783 12 ;" but since the installation of the present City Tax Collector, Mr. H. R. Alexander, the city revenue is flowing more freely into the Treasury. The finances of the city are now in a healthy condition. We make another extract from the Mayor's report, published on 6th April, 1864 : " The expenses of the City government during the past year, have been greater than anticipated, but the unprecedented growth of the city, the increased necessity for cross streets, engine houses, cisterns, hose, sewers, together with the nece.-sary expenses incurred in providing for the sick and indigent, have added much to the ordinary current expenses." The Mayor in closing his report winds up with the following : " Our new Charter says that you shall have power to make by-laws and ordinances not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the United States, or Territory of Nevada. Allow me to urge the importance of confining your legislation to the strict limits of the Charter, and always avoid the exercise of the doubtful powers. Before closing my report, I desire to return to the old Board of Aldermen and City officers, my profound and sincere thanks for the uniform kindness and courtesy extended during the past year, and to the newly elected govern- ment I pledge my hearty co-operation in all measures tending to promote the public good ; with you will rest the responsibility of sh.'iping the laws and establishing the government of a city, young but rich and flourishing, and now attracting the attention of the world. ' God made the country, man makes the town,' let us indulge the hope that its government will be a model — its existence, eternal." City Police. The newly elected officers seem to have been selected with an eye specially to their qualifications ; they are all men of reputation, and the present efficient City Marshal, C. W. Cooke, is building up a lasting re])utation by the efficient manner that he is discharging his official duties. In another part of this work will be found a notice of the Fire Department, giving the names of the various companies, with other interesting matter relating to this subject. Clivirclies. One of the strongest proofs of the intelligence, growth and progress of Virginia, lays in the towering steeples of the many HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., HTSTOEICAL. 27 cliurclies that dot the city on every side. Perhaps in no city in the United States can a people, thrown together from all parts of the world, in such a short space of time, boast of so many churches and places of worship for the population. The various denominations seem to have vieJ with each other in the size, architectural design, and beauty of finish of their va- rious places of worship. Xtoman Catliolic. The Immaculate Conception Church — Congregation of the Passionate Fathers — Very Rev. Peter Magagnotto, Superior ; (Very Revs. Father Angelo, John Phillip, John, Paul, Hycienth, and S. Wefonhus, Assistants.) This beautiful edifice is so advan- tageously situated that it commands a view of the city in all directions. It was opened for religious services on the 20th De- cember, 1863. The church is 40 feet wide by 100 feet in length, and its cost in its present state is about $15,000. When its in- terior decorations are completed, it will be one of the neatest and best arranged churches in the Territory, Monastery and res- idence of the Superior and Assistants in rear of church. St. Mary's in the Mountains — Rev. P. Manogue, Pastor. This new church is 38 feet wide by 100 feet long. It was built in October, 1863, at a cost of about $20,000, and can seat GDO persons. Residence and reception rooms of the Pastor in the basement of the church. I*x'Otestant-lEpiscopal. St. Paul's Church— Rev. Franklin S. Rising, Rector, corner of Taylor and F. streets. This elegant structure was completed on the 22d February, 1863, and was consecrated by Bishop Tal- bot on the 11th October of the same year. Size, 31 feet by 60 feet, and will seat 25lJ persons. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7^ P.M. Sunday School meets at 1.45 P. M. First Methodist Episcopal Church — Rev. C. V. Anthony, Pastor. This is the first denominaiion that held religious ser- vices in the city. The old church was built in the fall of 1860 ; their new church was dedicated on the 14th February, 1864. This is a beautiful brick building, with a cut stone basement. Size, 42 feet by 70 feet. It will seat 400, and will cost, when completed, about $40,000. It has a large and constantly aug- menting congregation. First Presbyterian Church — Rev. W. Palmer, Pastor — or- ganized on 21st September, 1862, by the Rev, W. W. Bryan. Religious services are now held at the District Court Room, Direct Importers of Arnold's Grenuine Writing Fluid. 28' HISTORICAL. South B every Sabbath, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Arrang:ementg are now being made for building a church to accommodate the constantly increasing number of members. African Methodist Episcopal Church — Rev. Green, Pastor. A neat and substantial church has lately been built on F street, and religious services are held every Sunday at the usual hours. Storey County Bible Society — Organized 26th October, 1863. Its officers are: David S. Turner, President; Dr. T. H. Pinkerton, Vice President ; Rev. C. V. Anthony, Rev. W. W. McComber, Rev. D. W. Palmer, Rev. N. W. Winters, Rev. Thos. R. Diehl, Executive Committee. The object of this Society is to promote the circulation of the Holy Bible without note or com- ment. The Society has Depositories in the following places for the sale of Bibles : Virginia, Gold Hill, Dayton, Washoe City, and Austin. ©cliools. Public Schools. — There is, perhaps, no city in the Union (population considered) where there has been as much interest evinced, and capital expended for school purposes, as in this city. The school buildings are located on E street, between Washington and Taj'lor, and have a front of 60 feet on E street, *and 90 on Washington. The schools are divided into the fol- lowing departments : Grammar — J. G. Chesnut, Teacher ; First Intermediate. Miss S. S. Mathews ; Second Intermediate, Miss H. K. Phillips ; Third Intermediate, Miss K. McLaughlin. First Primary, Miss S. Bisbee ; Second Primary, Miss C. M. Bachelder ; Third Intermediate, Miss A. Le Compt. The schools have an average attendance of 327 scholars, divided as follows: Males, 129; Females, 140. The following is the names of the newly elected School Trustees : Judge Tilford, President ; John Mallon, Flood, A. DeLand, N. A. H. Baldwin, Judge Robinson, and Brown. Private Educational Institutions. — The Sisters of Mercy have just Of)cned a school. The Misses Higgins, on North F street and Dr. H. M. Bien, corner of F and Union streets, have each got large and commodious schoolrooms, and teach all the various branches. There are numerous other private schools in different parts of the city. Sisters of Charity — Branch of Sisters of Charity, San Fran- cisco, Sister Frances, Surperioress. Have established a branch in this city for educational purposes. The Legislature of Cali- fornia have shown its appreciation of their invaluable services by voting tliem $10,'' 00, at the last session. The Sisters are cosmo- politan in their charity ; tlie only recommendation necessary to HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St, S. F, HISTORICAL. 29 obtain their clemency, is tlie knowledge that the parties claim- ing it are worthy of their assistance. The City government should lose no time in showing their appreciation of the services of the Sisters, by making them a liberal donation of land and money, and might rest assured that both would be properly applied. Their School will be on a lot south of Father Manogue's church ; and their re--idence will be in a building that is being erected at the old Catholic burying-ground. Cemetei'ies. This city can now boast of a public burial place for the dead, the ground formerly known as the Flowery Hill Cemetery has been purchased from its owner, J. B. Wallard, by the city, at a cost of twenty-five hundre I dollars. The City Council are taking the necessary steps to have the grounds laid off in a manner which, wdien completed, will reflect credit on the good taste of its projectors. The tract contains 27 acres. A portion of the grounds has been reserved and laid off for the exclusive use of the firemen of this city. Mount St. Mary's Cemetery. (Catholic,) under the charge of Rev. Father Manogue, is situated one mile east of the city. A good road is now constructed, and when the grounds, which are being tastily laid off, and other improvements whicli are now commenced are completed, it will be one of the ornaments of the city. A cross, forty feet high, is being erected in an ap- propriate portion of the grounds, which, when completed, can be seen from all parts of the city. About 100 has already been buried here. Fatlier Manogue has laid off and presented to the firemen of Virginia a plot of ground which is being laid off into parcels for their exclu-ive use. They intend the present year to erect a suitable monument to mark the locality of their burying ground. The Eureka (Hebrew) Society have purchased a plot of ground on Cedar Hili, to be used as a cemetery, which they have fenced in and otherwise improved. The Society have displayed a great deal of good taste, and expended a large sum of money in ornamenting their grounds. County Hospital. Is situated on the outskirts of the city, on the side of the ravine or canon that leads to the Gould and Curry mine ; the location is a healthy one, and an excellent view of the city and surrounding country, can be obtained from the building. The Hospital is divided into two buildings, three sti^ries high. The male department is 60 by 40 feet, and is capable of accomodating G(l patients. Patients can be provided with private rooms in the Hospital by paying five dollars per day. Dealers in Blank Books, Le^al and Commercial Blajik& 80 HISTORICAL. Patients who have money are charged two dollars per day, and tliose that are destitute are kept at the expense of the County ; the object bein Arnold & Blauvelt, bankers, cor Taylor and C Arnold John, banker, cor Taylor and 0 Arscheem Morris, barber Metropolitan Baths Arthur John, miner Central Mine Arthur S. J. teamster Storey & Faull Artists' Hall, (R, Grunwald,) 16 north C Arvell Edward, night foreman Choller Mining Co Arzaga Joseph, printer, res North Mill ARRINGTON N. 0. banker, (Stateler & Arrington,) res 44 A Arrington A. S. broker, Medan Building, 10 north C Arrington Wm. broker, Medan Building, 10 north C Ash Wm. hay yard, 336 south C Ash A. S. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Asher H. F, tailor Isidor Mayers Ashern James, iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Ashley Wm. at Gillig, Mott & Co Ashley John, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Atkinson George, miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Atkinson Levi, miner, res south B Atkinson T. B- blacksmith, 69 north B ATWILL J. F. justice of the peace, office 55 south C Attienna Chabrier, at Howard Street Laundry, res Howard Aud, Beebe & Hundley, attorneys at law, office Masonic Block, north. B Aud F. L. of Aud, Beebe & Hundley, res south B Aurich A. butcher, 32 south C Hay and Peed Stable, No. 60 North D Street. M^^ Horses constantly on hand for Hire, and on Livery. '"©^ 52 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. WM. BREMNER, 0itimisswii Office, Enterprise Building, No. 24 South C St., ,^^^ Refers by permission to A. C. Wigbtman. R. C. Chappell, Edward Cahill, Paxton & Thornbiirgh, of Virginia City, and H. H. Flagg, of Gold Hill. Orders Carefully and Promptly attended to. METROPOLITAN, 23 North B. WASHINGTON, 51 South C. SAN FRANCISCO, 7 North B. 'ts^m^ ^s^^^^ ^^^^^Si,S^S4^^, H. S. BECK. W. H. YOUNG. ff^irp ! H. S. BECK ^ CO., VXXLGXISXA. BENHAM $( HEATON, X13 SOUTH O STI^EEIT, VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 53 IB BA(yH LOUIS, Metropolitan, San Francisco and Washington Baths Bachelor Miss C. M. primary department Virginia public schools Bafchelden J. C. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Bagley John, miner Gould & Curry Mine Bage J. N. painter Gould & Curry Mill Bahr L.. waiter International Hotel Baiker L. C. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Baike J. S. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Bailey R. W. carman Chollar Silver Mining Co Bailey H. I. laborer, res nr Catholic Church Bailey David, miner, res 60 south C Bain J. H. printer, "Old Piute Office" Baird Wm. engineer Empire Mill ]Baird S. H. broker, res north E Baird J. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Baker P. H. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Baker Sam, brakeman Best & B. Gold and Silver Mining Co Baker E. G. tinsmith, res Summit st BAKER CHARLES, Union Brwerv, 40 north C Balch D. W. clerk Gould & Curry Mill Baldwin Susan Mrs. 62 north A BALDWIN M. A. mining sup't, office Taylor's Building Ball James, laborer north L Balzer Jos. miner Gould & Curry Mine Ball N. H. miner Gould & Curry Mine Ball James, miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Ball W. miner Chollar Silver Mining Co Bannigan Miss Isabel, res 115 north D Banning A. A. blacksmith Gould & Curry Mine Baker E. G. hardware merch't, of Baker & Andrews, res C near Summit Barrage M. cook Progress Restaurant Barber H. miner, res 33 north E Barber Wm. M. blacksmith, 124 north C Barber T. teamster, res north E Barker A. H. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Barker Julius, carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Barkley Samuel, cashier at Paxton & Thornburgli Barnert Julius, of J. Barnert & Co. office cor Battery and Hal- leek, (up-stairs,) San Francisco Barney James, teamster Gould & Curry Mill Barnes M. H. clerk McLaughlin & Root Barnes J. D. saloon B, res 19 A Barret P. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Bartholomew G. W. carpenter south-east cor D and Union 54 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. CHAS. BOWIE, AND m m mn! Hill ii i ]Sro. 134 ISTortli O Street, vikmm @f All Kifjis eBNSTiMTLif m mm i Orders from all parts of the Country Promptly attended to. Done in the best style of Workmanship. CHAS. BAKER, i ill 40 North C Street, co3l,e; Ac <3-a^tvi::ble:, DRUGGISTS, ^@* Particular attention paid to putting up Prescriptions, ■'S^ AT ALL HOURS OF THK DAY AND NIGHT ! Nq. 90 South C Street, Virginia. VIEGINIA DIRECTORY. 55 Bartlett E. H. blacksmith Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Bary John, miner Gould & Curry Mine Barry A. engineer Hoosier State Mill Barnett Patrick, liquor dealer, 50 south D BARNUM HOTEL, (A. Larouche & Co.) 36 south G Bartlett J. H. res Merchants' Exchange Barkley Thomas, stock broker, res 155 north C Barney Aurilieus, express wagon, north P Barnes W. W. printer "Union Office" Barnes J. D. (Court Exchange Saloon,) 18 south B BARNERT J. & CO. clothing and furnishing goods, 27 south G Barns Fred, butcher 92 north C Barry John T. printer "Old Piute Office" Barrett A. J. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Barry Robert, porter Ophir Mine Barron John, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Barrett Joseph, plumber, res north F Bash CO. miner Gould & Curry Mine Bass John, butcher cor E and Union Bassett A, quartz mill proprietor, office Enterprise Building Barssetti G. waiter Progress Restaurant Bastion Chris, miner Chollar Gold and Silver Mining Co Batch D. W. smelter Gould & Curry Mill Bates John, (California Hay Yard,) cor Carson and C Bates Mrs. R. S. dress making, room B nr Taylor Baudonnat P. C. fashionable hatter, 27 north B Bamer George, restaurant, 42 north C BAXTER ROBERT, (Baxter & Durant,) office 94 south C Baxter G. W. supt. Iowa Mine Bayreuther Albert, of Bayreuther Bros. Restaurant Bayreuther Bros. Restaurant, cor D and Union Bayreuther Gus. of Bayreuther Bros. Restaurant Bay J. G. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Bean P. B. carpenter Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Beargo B. miner Ophir Mine Beattig Henry, musician, 24 north P Beatty John, painter, Applegate House Beach & Paxton, (located 1859,) situation Virginia Hill Beatty & McRae, attorneys at law, 23 and 24 Jones' Buildings Beale G. I. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Beam John M. clerk H. C. Kirk & Co. 24 north B nr Taylor . Beasley W. engineer Ophir Mine Beck H. S. of H. S. Beck & Co. res north A BECK H. S. & CO. hardware store, 13 C and B Beck A. res north A Beck Stephen, res south G Becker John, blacksmith Allen Gold and Silver Mining Co Beckman E. apothecary, 114 south C 56 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Beckman C. at A. Friedenberg & Co Bedford V. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Beebe G. M. of Aud, Beebo & Hundley, office Masonic Block, u Er Beeni J. H. miner Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Beicki Louis, blacksmith, res 119 nortli D Bejar Rafael, miner, res North Mill Beleran Lewis, watchman Gould & Curry Mill Bell J. De. res north F Bell Wm. carpenter Chollar Gold aud Silver Mining Co Bell Jas. washing, etc. south G Bellhorn J. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Bellinger P. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Berry James, carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Bemen A. carpenter, res south B Bemis 0. S. butcher, 92 north C Bender D. A. clerk W. A. M. Van Bokkelen Bender Theodore, blacksmith California Mine Bender W. S. clerk Telegraph Office BENDER THOS. blacksmith shop, 29 north F Bendi Jas. mason, res nr Summit BENHAM & HEATON, contractors and builders, 113 south C (see advertisement) Benham H. at Benham & Heaton's Benham C. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co BENHAM A. & BRO. (Virginia Stables,) 29 south C Benham John A. of Benham & Heaton, res 113 south C Benke Edw. ore-worker Gould & Curry Mill Benton A. P. carpenter, res south D BENNETT H. C. associate editor "Bulletin Office" Bennett R. K. book-binder, res south F Bennetto J. miner Ophir Mine Bennett Wm. E. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Bennison Luis, miner Baj. and Golden Era G. and S. M. Co Benton S. S. carman Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Benwick W. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Beppingham P. miner Burning Moscow Beresford J. laborer Ophir Mine Bergman Wm. chemist, etc. with Jos. Armitage, res B Bergmann Wm. druggist, 4 north C Berkins C. H. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Bertramd Domec. (Barnum Restaurant,) cor B and Sutton Av Bertram Fred, cook at International Hotel Bertrand N. waiter Leggett's Chop House BERTHIER DR. A. physician and surgeon, office cor B and Union, res Union bet A and B Bevins E. miner Sides' Silver Mining Co Berlin David, book-keeper and mining secretary, Howard Berwin L. D. clothing, 138 south C VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 57 Berry -Teliii, of Pitzer & Berry, attorneys Berry D. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Berry J. R. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Berry J. blacksmith DcLand's Mill. Flowery Berry A. miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Berry James, miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mine Berry H. asst. fireman Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Berry H. V. assistant Langton largest and finest ever offered in Virginia. BURNHAM & HALL, No. 83 South C Street, Virginia. VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 59 Bliss D. L. of Almaria B. Paul & Co Bliss Capt. B. B. overseer Gould & Curry Mill Bliss B. B. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Bliss E. S. smelter, Gould & Curry Mill Block & Co. dry-goods, 20 south C Block D. of Block & Co Blodgett H. L. notary public, conveyancer and commissioner for California, res Summit bet Union and Taylor Bloomer H. C, house and sign painter, Wells & Fargo's Block, south C Bloomer J. G. agent Telegraph Co Bloomer H. R. re-toucher, at Sutterly Bros. Daguerrean Gallery BLOOMFIBLD & CO. tobacco and cigars, 8 south C Bloomfield S. of S. Bloomfield & Co Bluett J. W. miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co , Blumenthal J. M. (Collins' House,) 17^ south B Bockley John, boot and shoemaker, at O'Donohues Boden Pat. lalDorer Gould & Curry Mill Bof , miner Sides Silver Mining Co Boffer W. P. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Bohan Mike, boarding house, 210 B Bolan & Co. grocery, provision merchant, €tc. cor B and Union Bolan J. of Bolan & Co Bolisho Thos. saloon, 47 north C Bommar J. driver Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co BOND ERASTUS, secretary of mining companies and stock broker, 5 Myers & Daggett's Building, res 27 north C Bonds John, miner Milton Mining Co Bone Wm. miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Bone John, miner north Carson Bonelright G. W. carpenter Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Bongorer H. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Bonham Dr. B. B. rooms cor B and Taylor BONNER CHAS. general supt Gould & Curry Silver Mining Co. res south B Bonny E. B. miner Bonwing A. A. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Bonynge C. W. lumber dealer, res north E Bookwater S. miner W. and M. Co Booth B. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Border Jas. N. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Borland James, miner Gould & Curry Mine Borland Arche, miner Gould & Curry Mine Borland James, miner, res 169 north C Borneman W. G. book-keeper Paxton & Thornburgh Borrish Nicholas, fruit-stand, 68 south C Bortis N. M. painter Gould & Curry Mill Bortles Wm. carpenter Gould & Curr;^ Mine 60 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Boston Saloon, (Wm. A. CI. Brown,) 52 north B Bostwick Wm. jeweler, 19 north C Bottomby J. miner North Potosi G. and S. Mining Co Bottorf J. K. of Bottorff & Wild Botts & Wallace, attorneys at law, office Enterprise Building Botts C. T. of Botts & Wallace, office P]nterprise Building Boulton G. miner Allen Gold and Silver Mining Co Bourke M. miner Ophir Mine Bourke J. miner Ophir Mine Boutcher J. carpenter Winfield Mill, Virginia Bowes Jnolb, miner Gould & Curry Mine Bowes John, laborer, res north L Bowie M. D, dealer in hides, res H Bowie David, head book-keeper Gould & Curry Mine BOWIE CHAS. blacksmith and wagon maker, 124 north 0 (see advertisement) Bowin W. laborer Ophir Mine Bowlenger F. miner Chollar Silver Mining Co Bowman Mrs. M. A. res 105 north B Bowmer J. C. miner Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Boyd John, amalgamator Central Mill Boyd James, amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill BOYD J AS. H. agent Wilson's stage line, 3 north C Boyle 0. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill Boyle A. miner Baj. and Goiden Era G. and S. M, Co Bovle M. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Brackett H. H. with Gillig, Mott & Co Braden C. C. teamster Storey & Farell Braden T. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Bradley F. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Bradt Byron, Bradt Saloon, 5 north B Brady Patrick, of Roberts & Brady, (metal roofers) Brady Edward, miner Gould and Curry Mine Bradford A. C. Attorney at Law, office Enterprise Building Bradley L. L. at Sawyer's Club Room Bradley Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Bradley Patrick, teamster, res cor Flowery and D Bradley Michael, miner Gould and Curry Mine Bradley Patrick, baker, res Mill Bradley Frank, roaster Central Mill Brady J laborer Ophir Mine Bragis E. B. foreman Bajazette Mines, res south E Bragg C. C. carpenter Ophir Mine J>ram M. laborer Chollar Gold and Silver Mining Co BRAN CH SALOON, Maguire's Opera House, (Maguire & Burns proprietors) Brannigan Arthur, miner 140 north P Brandos Chas. of D. E. Hoff & Co VIKGINIA DIRECTORY. 61 Bray P. miner Ophir Mine Breedler B. S. miner Gould & Curry Mine JJreemish John, miner, res south G Breen Martin, laborer Gould and Curry Mill Breman James, stone mason Gould and Curry Mill Bremer W. H. broker, 17 north C BREMNER WM. stock broker, Enterprise Building, (see adv't.) Brennan M porter Gould ai;d Curry Brestsey C. H. iron-worker Gould and Curry Mill Brew Ph. miner, boards at Cedar Hill House C Brian John, miner Beach & Paxton Brick Wm. miner Gould and Curry Mine Brechell Jno. trustee Bridger J. T. miner Gould and Curry Mine Bride Miche, carpenter Gould and Curry Mine Brigg William, miner Baj. and Golden Era G. and S. M. Co Bring i\ndrew, carpenter, res H Brigham S. amalgamator Gould and Curry Mill Brisacher Bro's wine and liquor merchants, south B Brishlin Pat. miner Gould and Curry Mine Brusner Wm. miner Spanish No .2 Brock Henry, Wm. Tell House, 46 south D Broderick B. miner Spanish No. 2 Brodrick G. boot and shoe maker, shop Union between C and D Brogan B. driver Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Brogan Bernard miner, boards with Miss Daly Brokaw I. special policeman, first ward Bromberger M. dry goods &c., Internation Building, nortii B Bronson Dr. north B, res Virginia Hotel Brooks C. B. at Giilig, Mott & Co's Brophy Pat. laborer Gould and Curry Mill Brosnan C. M. Attorney at Law, 20 north C Brown W. C. saloon, 138 south C Brown Thos. miner Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Brown A, C. speculator, boards at Chapin House Brown Chas. Mechanics' Exchange, 82 north B BROWN C. M, car})enter and billiard table repairer, 24 north E Brown Wm. amalgamator Gould and Curry Mill Brown Jno. H. carpenter Gould and Curry Mine Brown J. W. secretary mining company, boards at Mrs. Keith, north C Brown L. A. carpenter Gould and Curry Mine Brown 0. B. miner Empire Mill Brown F. W. teamster D. E. Hoff & Co Brown D. D. cook, res on K nr Union Brown Patrick, laborer, res north J Brown Chas. miner, res Mill Brown W. A. G. Boston Saloon, 52 north B 62 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Brown Chas. Mt. Davis Hotel, 291 south C Brown J. W. secretary i)aniel Webster, Monitor, etc , office Crys- tal Peak Brown Thos. roaster Central Mill Brown B. laborer Empire Mill, Virginia Brown Mathew, miner Gould and Curry Mine Brown Wm . of Thomas & Brown's Lodging- House, north B Brown James carpenter Gould and Curry Mill Brown Thos. miner Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Brown Jno. Tonitine Saloon, No. 3 south C Brown N. T. cor Main and Blanchard Brown John dishwasher Bauresher's restaurant Brown J. D. painter Gould & Curry Mill Brown L. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Brown James carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Brown S. J. Board of Brokers (Washoe Exchange), res Summit Brownell A. H, iron-worker Gould and Curry Mill Broning John, miner, boards on north E Bronning J. miner Ophir Mine Bruce R. M. barber, with L. Bach Bruecker M. carpenter Gould and Curry Mill Bruiise Fred, miner Utah Silver Mining Co Brundagc E. F. painter, res south D Bryan Jno. miner, res Howard Bryant Wm. miner res north F Bryan M. H. broker, res cor of G and Sutton Av Bryant E. S. foreman Ogden Mill Bryant (J. Attorney at Law, res '25 north F Bryant & Seely, Attorney at Law 52 south B Bryarly W. physician, office 57 south C Buck C. Blacksmith. 63 north B Buckett Wm. miner Best and B. Gold and Silver Mining Co Bucket W^m. miner Sides Silver Mining Co Buckingham E. L. amalgamator Gould and Curry Mill Buckner C. P. bar-tender, Sutliffs Hall Buckley Jerry, miner Gould and Curry Mine Bucknam Frank, at Gillig, Mott & Co Bucknam George, at Gillig, Mott & Co Bucknam Franklin, tin-smith, res E south side BUFFALO MARKET, (McCay & Baso,) cor E and Union BULKELEY L. E. Counsellor at Law, 41 south B, over Post Office Buley Wra. miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Bulger Jno. miner Gould and Curry Mine Bullock W. H. attorney at law, office Virginia Hotel Bunon J. S. miner Savage Mine Eurbank A; Edgerton, attorneys at law, rooms 17 Taylor's Build Burke E. W. with A. I. Burke, Virginia News Depot 63 south 0 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 63 BURKE A. I. business agent Virginia "Evening Bulletin," office 63 south C Burk v. sup't Empress Mine, res. 70 south D Burkheacl Wm. foreman "Enterprise " office Burke Geo. at Spittle & Cramer, 93 north C BURKE M. wagon and carriage maker, 154 and 156 south C Burk Thomas, carman California Mine Burke Michael, laborer res Carson Burlington House by J. Mclvoy, south B Burney Jno. miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Burns J. A. miner Baj. and Golden Era G. and S. M. Co Burns L. miner Baj. and Golden Era G. and S. M. Co Burns Wm. miner, south G Burns Wm. miner Gould and Curry Mine Burns Thos. bar-tender Reticker's Saloon Burns John H. of Maguire's Opera House Burnes M. miner Gould and Curry Mine Burnett John S. California Stage Company, corner C and Union BURNHAM & HALL, carpets, oil cloths and paper hanging, 83 south C, (see advertisement) BURNHAM JAS. W. of Burnham & Hall, res F nr south BURRALL W. H. stationery and news depot, corner C and Union Bury Thos. clerk letter dep't. Wells, Fargo & Co Bush H. Jr. of Tortell & Bush IBi south C Bush David, cashier Arnold & Blauvelt, res Howard Bushby Mrs. Christina, washing, res north G Butler Wm. policeman, res 25 A Butler Jas. draughtsman with J. L. Mason, rooms 6 and 7 Union Block, corner B and Taylor Butterfield D. C. oiler Gould and Curry Mill Buxton W. H. at L. H. P. Smith Bjerregaard B. mine , 47 south F Byrne Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine. BYRNES MICHAEL, cabinet maker, corner F and Union Byrnes Richard, Identical Saloon, 56 south C Byrnes Kate, Boarding House, Washington and J. l©f eliit filter k ^Mhmfp No. 7 North C Street, Virginia. BRANCH OF THE SACRAMENTO STORE. 64 VIEGINIA DIRECTORY. EDVTARD CAHILL, ip ENTERPRISE BUILDING, No. 34 SOUTH C STREET, 6^°" Refers by permission to Donoliue, Ralston & Co., John Sime & Co., A. J. Moulder & Co., and Capt. R. L. Ogden, U. S. A., San Francisco. B. F. Hastings & Co., Stateler & Arrington, and Arnold & Blauvelt, Virginia. J. O. CURRIB & CO., ^«di0ii mi &$mmmm '^mlmb, No. 13 North B Street. SALE DAYS— Mondays and Saturdays. 23^ North B Street, Mrs. G. Chapman, - - Proprietress. g@^ The choicest Steaks, most delicious Coffee, good Cooks, Attentive Waiters, and Moderate Prices are the attractive features of this Establishment. C-A-IjIj -A-lSriD T£^^2- XJS, tlRGflNIA DIRECTORY, 65* o Cadin W. G. Oo:den Mill CAHILL EDWARD, stockbroker, Howell, Black & Co. 's build- ing, cor C and Taylor Caliill J. laborer Gould and Curry Mill Cain Geo. miner, res south E. Cain G. R. laborer Chollar Gold and Silver Mining Co Cain Foster, miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Cain S. F. miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Cain E. miner, res south E Cain Thos. F. miner boards with E. Cain Cain Thomas, miner Gould and Curry Mine Caiby W. S. carpenter Ophir Mine CALIFORNIA STAGE COMPANY, Thos. Henry Agent, cor C and Union California Exchange, II and 13 north D CALIFORNIA BREWERY, Deininger & Schmidt, 52 south D Calvert John, mason, res below Catholic Church Calvert J. S. foreman Roger's Mill Virginia Calwell Joseph A. carpenter, res D south of Hickey Cameron Alex, miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Cameron Jas. carpenter Ophir Mine Cameron R. carpenter Ophir Mine Camp S. first cook at Mr. Keith, n C Campbell C. engineer Empire Mill, Yirginia Campbell M. bar-tender Tontine Saloon, 3 south C Campbell T. miner Ophir Mine Campbell Robert, miner, res south F Campbell Thos. carpenter Gould and Curry Mine Campbell G. C. Stewart No. 1 Engine Co. and H. and L. Co Campbell P. engineer Ogden Mill, res Mill Campbell Wm. miner Gould and Curry Mine Campbell W. H. Supt Peavine Cons. Copper, G & S Mining Co Camplinton Mr. Hubert House, Lodging, 45 south B Candy J. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Cane Jas. miner Gould and Curry Mine Canol D. miner Sides S. F. Co Canty W. S. Washington Hotel, south 0 • Capomo Jno. laborer Ophir Mine Caprihorn Chas. laborer, 114 north D Capuro A. gardener, res Mill Carly Lany, cabman Ophir Mine Carley John, boots and shoes, Union bet C and D Carlyle R. G. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Carlock F. M. liquors, 164 south C Cancaw Chas. Boulder Resturant Carne S. miner Ophir Mine 66 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Carpenter C. G. miner Croesus Mine i CawtiU James, miner Gould & Curry Mine Carie A. sec y mining company s, office Howard nr Clirysopolis Tunnel Carroll H. stone-mason Gould c^' Curry Mill Carr L. W. mining sec y at D. Wolf & Co Carrigon M. laborer Carriere H. laborer Sapphire Mill. Yirginia Carson L. D. miner Gould tfc Curry Mine Carter Geo. B. boot black Metropolitan Baths Casamajou A. & Co. Rotisserie Coffee Saloon 20 north C Casaday N. blacksmith, res south F Casbey P. miner Ophir Mine Casey, miner Sides S, M. Co Caserove W. feeder Gould & Curry Mill Cashen Thos. laborer Gould ct Curry Mill Casley P. miner Best and B. Gold and Silver Mining Co Cassiday Nathan, blacksmith Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Co Cassadv H. laborer Ophir ]\Iine CASSIN THOS. foreman El Dorado Mine Castle Henry, carman Chollar Gold and Silver Mining Co Cattle George, (colored) porter, res 5 E Cavano M. J. butcher, res K. north Union Cavanaugh Thos. miner Gould & Cm-ry Mine Cavanaugh A. laborer Ophir Mine Cavanagh Thos. miner, bds at Lynch's Boarding House Cendla Daniel, tailor, res north D Center M. of Winn & Center, 50 south C CEXTEAL HOUSE, P. Nolan, 80 north C Central Market, A. Straus prop'r, IS south 0 Cerry J. miner Allen Gold and Silver Mining Co Cers Pat. miner Savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Chamberlain J. barber, 18 north B Chamberlain Mrs. H. boarding, 73 north B Chamberlain C. C. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Chandler W. S. miner Gould rter J. Barnet COXJRT HOXJ^iE BXJILDING. Shell Oysters alvrays on hand. Hot Liiiicli from 11 to 3 P. M., every day. ASA L. WAUGAMAN, Proprietor. P. ENGELBREOHT, DEALER IN ipvjsi, ®okt0, ^tationei'i, tit, No. 73 South C Street, Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Office, VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 79 IE Eabes W. T. jeweller, cor C and Union, res Stewart Ebert J. ornamental sign painter, 19 south B Eade Sam'l, miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining comp'y Eade Sept. miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining comp'y Eadi Sam'l, miner Opliir Mine Eagan C. II. painter, 47 south D Eageu Chas. ore-worker Gould. & Curry Mill Eagle Brewery, by Osborne & Sander, south B Earl J. lumber, firm of Prescott & Earl Earl T. B. with McLaughlan & Willick, 117 south C Earley Jas. D. miner Gould & Curry Mine Eason J. R. amalgamator Cedar Hill Mill EASTMAN & CO. lumber dealers, 119 south D Eastman C. H. of Eastman & Co. 119 south D Eastman 0. ore-worker Savage Gold and Silver Mining comp'y Eastman H. P. at Gillig, Mott & Go's Eaton F. miner, res 282 B EAVES & NYE. jewelers, cor C and Union Eaves W. T. of Eaves & Nye Eavans F. B. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Ebersole A. S. miner Savage Gold and Silver Mining comp'y Eddy M. miner Ophir Mine Edgar D. E. sup't Mining corap'ys, res south G Edrington L. miner, res south D Edwards VV. S. sec'y Mining comp'ys, 19 south B Edward Frank, miner Gould & Curry Mine Eflwards F. miner, bds Central House Edwards Chas. R. salesman McLaughlin & Roots Edwards Charles, agent, 50 south B Edwards E. lodging house, 15 south C Edwards M. teamster Story & Hull Eells Geo. sup't Mining comp'ys, res Summit Eggfrt PL prop'r Washoe Brewery Ehrenberg Dr. rooms 4 and 5 over Wells, Fargo & Co EICHLER Dr. office Kirk's drugstore, south B Elam Joel A. miner, res south D Elan Joseph, miner Baj. and G. E. G. and S. Mining comp'y EL DORADO SALOON. Asa L. Waugaman, prop'r, 54 south C Eldred E. milk ranch Gould & Curry Canon, Flowery Eldridge J. res south C Eldridge S. C. stock broker Virginia Stock Board, room 11 Tay- lor's building Elenes Antonia, rock-sorter Chollar G. and S. Mining comp'y Elias Cook, barber, 301 south C ELKUS L. clothing and merchant tailor, 7 north C Elohom A. miner North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining comp'y 80 VIROxINIA DIRECTORY. Ellis T. H. Deputy Sheriff, res south L Ellis Frank, Minins; Secretary, 26 south C Ellis E. miner at J. Lamberts Elliott C. miner Ophir Mines Elliott Parker, miner Potosi Gold and Silver Mining comp'y ELLIOTT AUGUSTUS, News Agent, office in Post Office Elliot A. B. Attorney at Law, 30 south B Elliot M. cook DeLand's Mill, Flowery Elliot V. grocers, 20 north B Emanuel A. H. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Emanuel E. clerk D. Woif & Co Emerson D. cider manufactory, 311 south C Em{>ey B. L. miner, res south D Empire Market, Lang & Furman, cor C and Sutton Emry E. miner Chollar Mine Engelman V. barber 6 north C Eugele Graseley Laundry, 121 north B Engelhard Fred, printer, " Nevada Pioneer " (German) ENGELBRECHT P. cigars, tobacco and stationery, 76 south C Englander Wm. cigars and tobacco, 9 south C English P. miner Ophir ]\[ine Ennis M. driver savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Ensign L. teamster for Storey & Farrell ENTERPRISE, Daiy and Weekly, Enterprise Building south C Enterprise Saloon, LiXvinson & Co. Enterprise Building Eppinger L. bar-tender International Ernst Geo. jeweler, 86 south C ESBERG & FRIED, Tobacco and Cigars, 25 north C, (Wells, Fargo & Go's old office Esberg M. of Esberg & Fried, cor Front and Sacramento, San Francisco Estep James, carpenter res 19 south A Estabrook W. W. stock broker, office 35 Union Block south B Estill A. H. clerk Chollar Mining comp'y res Virginia Estrem P. groceries cor D and Mill Ettlinger Bro's vegetable and poultry, 18 south C Ettlinger B. of Ettlinger Bro's Ettlinger S. of Ettlinger Bro's Evans C. miner Evans Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Evans & Schultz, saloon, 59 north C Evans Wm. miner, cor F and Washington Evans W. miner savage Gold and Silver Mining Co Everett J. A. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Eyre & Price, brokers, Black & Howell's Building VIRGINIA DIRECTORY.' 6| Fagan Johu, laborer, res K Fair, Mrs. W. D Tahoe House, 72 sontTi C Fairlamb Wm. at Gillig, Mott & Co Fairchiid, Mary R. private boarding, coi' F and Hickey Fairhaven Robert, blacksmitli Best and B. Mining Co Falconer W. M. miner north Carson Fales N. W. Dr. office 56 B Faley G. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Faley laborer Gould & Curry Mill Falconer F. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill Fardle Henry engineer Utah Mining Co Farewell John, cooper, Taylor, bet C and D Farewell A. painter, Gould & Curry Mill Fargo E. A. wholesale liquors, 16 north C Fall Jno. foreman Potosi Mining Co Fargo F. F. sec'y Baj. and G. E. Mining Co. office south C Farley H. S. roaster Central Mill Farley Thos. miner Best and B. Mining Co Farrell Jno. timberman Potosi Mining Co Farrell James, rock-breaker Roger's Mill, Virginia Farrell Richard, laborer, I Farren R. paper hanger for Benham & Hall Farrey Daniel, laborer res K FARRINGTON F. C. local editor "Old Piute" Farrington J. G. & Co. grocers and provision dealers 17 north B Fashion Saloon, by Jno. Harris 39 north B FAST FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CO. H. D. Smith agent, office Taylor's Building, between B and C Faull John, foreman Potosi Mine Fay Wesley, clerk at Hatch Bro's Taylor George, res cor Sutton Av. and E Fay Robert, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Feeney Michael, laborer, res L Felch Ch. engineer, res north E Feldberg J. at Mandel & Co Feldman S. upholsterer with C. Feuldman B Fellow P. miner bds at Canandagua House Feller Paul, miner Gould & Curry Mine Fellow John, carpenter Utah Mining Co Feneral, miner Sides Mining Co Ferguson Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Ferguson Thos. pitman Ophir Mine FERGUSON R. D. sup't Baj. and G. E. Mine, office 11 and 12 Jone's Building FEUSIER L. & CO. groceries and provisions, cor C and Tayloi Feusier Louis, of L. Feusier & Co. cor C and Taylor 8 82 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Louis Peusier & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in mimm, mmmm%, BARLEY AND FEED. Cor. C & Taylor sts., HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., TIEGINIA DIRECTOEY. 83 Feusier Francis, bookkeeper L. Feusier & Co Feusier Henry, Jr. clerk with L. Feusier & Co Fiesher Louis, bar tender Philadelphia Brewery Fig Wm. teamster, north F Figell Wra. laborer Gould & Currv Mill Finck Edw. clerk J. G. Frisch & Co Findley W. laborer D. B. Hoff & Co Finley'C. clerk H, S. Beck & Co Finn Jno. T. Attorney at Law, room 8 Taylor's building Finn Geo. T. book-keeper Stateler & Arrington Finn D. A. pressman, " Enterprise" building Finn Owen, miner, res north I Firmingan M. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Fish G. H. at Gillig, Mott & Go's Fisher L. shoemaker, 57 south C Fisher T. blacksmith Sapphere Mill, Virginia Fisher J. tailor, 76 south C FISHER ROBT. blacksmith, shop 29 north D Fisher G. P. fruit stand. 122 south C Fitch Thos. Attorney at Law, 10 Myers & Daggett's building, north B Fisher Julius, tailor, 45 north F Fisher T. boot-maker, at O'Donohue's Fiske H. G. metal roofer, res 43 south F Fisher J. D. Chollar Boarding House, south A Fitzgerald Morris, miner Gould & Curry Mine Fitzgerald Thomas, miner, 114 north D Fitzjohn A. miner Savage comp'y Fitzgeralds Thomas, miner Spanish No. 2 Fizette W. teamster Gould & Curry Mill Flanders R. speculator, bds Sutton Av Flanigan Mary, saloon, 289 south C Flannery Thos. miner Fair View comp'y Fleek Fred, rockbreaker Cedar Hill Mill Fleming F. miner Sides comp'y Fleming Jno. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Fleming A. M. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Fleming Lewis, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Fleming Geo. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Fleishman L. at Newman & Co's, 32 south C Fleres Antonio, barber, cor B and Sutton Av Fletcher C. A. partner D. Wolf & Co Fletcher C. E. at Gillig, Mott & Co's Flinn John, miner Gould & Curry l^linn Patrick, miner Gould & Curry Flinshburg E. boot-maker, with R. M. Black Flint Chas. bar-tender Washoe Exchange Dealers in Elank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. €4 yiEGINIA DIRECTORY. :XO. 41 SOUTH C STUEET, ^, lisle k StitlQ)i©f|e Agent for H. H. Bancroft 65 Co.'s LAW PUBLICATIONS AND IMPORTATIONS ; A. Full A-Ssortnient of CONSTANTLY ON HAND. J^^Agent for Collins' Virginia and Gold Hill Directory for 1864. J, B. FULTON. W. W. SAVERY. FUIiTON & SAVERY, ip®k©ffs I IMig S©©ff©tiF!©s Office, Taylor Street, bet. B & 0, TAYLOR'S BUILDING, FLORA TEMPLE STABLES, A. L. WILKINS, PROPRIETOR. 3^ KTor tlx O Stroot, 'Virg'inla.. A. Fine Assoi-tiiiont of CONSIANTLY ON HAND. Horses by the Day, Wtek or Month. Ilorae Feed of all kinds on hand. TIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 85 FLORA TEMPLE STABLE, A. L. Wilkins, prop'r 37 north C, (see advertisement) Florchitz G. & Co. Yirgiriia Brewerv, 7 mile Canon Florentine Albert, restaurant, north D Fly J. W. miner Sides comp'y Flynn Patrick, miner Fair View comp'y Flynn Nicholas, boarding house, 170 south C Flynn J. driver Savage comp'y Flynn John, miner, res south E Flynn John F. blacksmith, res south E Flynn Pat. miner Gould & Curry Mine Flynn Jno, miner Gould & Curry Mine Fobby J. miner Sides Mining Company Fogg Chas. foreman Baj. and G. E. Mine FOGLER C. N. of Sargent & Fogler south C Fogerty D. F. miner, north A Fogerty James, carpenter Gould & Curry Fogarty D. F. miner Gould & Ciirry Mine Fogarty Jerry, miner Gould & Curry Mine Foley, laborer Centreville Mill Foley Denis, carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Foley J. laborer Opliir Mine Foley Denis, carpenter 14 north F Foley P. hostler De Land's Mill, Flowery Foormau M. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill Foot E. 0. at Wright's gift enterprise office Ford Pat. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Ford Ed. miner, res with Mrs. George Ford W. J. miner, res north E Ford George, miner Ophir Mine Ford L. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Ford B. miner Rojer's Mill, Virginia Fordham Wm. plumber south I Forkner J. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Forzhimar Isaac, firm of Kernan Co. meat market, 4 B Foss, miner Sides Mining Co Fosster miner Sides Mining Co , Foster miner Sides Mining Co Foster, feeder Central Mill Fountain John, boarding house, 4 north D FOWLER T. B. Taylor's Building with Reardan & Hereford, (money lender) Fowler H. laborer Central Mill north A Foy F. M. at L. Elkus's Francis Mrs. A. P. lodging, res H Frank P. H. Superintendent Central Mill comp'y Frankenthal J. of F. Schloss & Co Frankenthal S. clerk at F. Schloss & Co •86 TIRGINIA DIRECTORY, FRANZ B. Jr. at Franz's book-store Frazer R. Lander Ophir Mine Frazer Wm, amalsamator Gould & Curry Mill FRANZ BERNHARD, book-store, 47 south 0 Fredentlial Henry, St. Louis House, 61 north B Friedenberg- A. of A. Friedenberg & Co. 28 north C FREDERICKS JOSEPH, paints, oils and window glass, 43 s C Frederick M. M. broker, 19 north C Frederick I. jeweler, 21 north C Fredericks Francz, at Joseph Fredericks, 43 south C Freeman Owen, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Freeman J, S, blacksmith Clark & Donaldson Freemyer James, miner, south D Freese L, D. miner Savage comp'y French W. miner Chollar comp'y French G, real estate. 172 south C French and German Saloon, by Martin Denaveaux, south B Frezene Jas, miner Potosi comp'y FRIED J, S. of Esberg & Fried, tobacconists. 25 north C Friedenberg A, & Co. groceries and liquors, 28 north C Friedlander W. jeweler, 12 south C Friedmann Chas, auctioneer and commission merchant, 8 south B Friedmann M, confectionaries, etc, north B Friedman S. Gift Enterprise, 171 C FRINK MRS. L. E. lodging house. 32 north B Frisbriey H, chief engineer Spanish No. 2 FRISCH J, G, & CO. wines and liquors, 130 south C Frore Jno, laborer Chollar comp'y Frost P. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Fruting G. carpenter, res south G Frvor Sam'l, miner Sides Mining comp'y Fuller S, E. stock broker, 62 south C Fnllman M. cigars, 96 south C Fuilton I, blacksmith Best & B, Mining comp'v FULTON & SAVERY, Stock Brokers and Mining Secretaries, Taylor bet B and C Fulton J. B, of Fulton & Savery Fulton I. miner Sides Mining comp'y Fulton S. D. Attorney at Law. room 32 Jones' building, south B Fulton A, cook International Hotel FULTON MARKET, by Kirman & Co, 4 B Furgison Chas. blacksmith Utah Mining comp'y Furlong J. engineer Cedar Hill Mill Furman John. Empire Market, 39 north 0 Furth F, S, of Bloomfield & Co G24 Tvlontgoinery Street, San Francisco. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 8t o Gailsecht J. amalg-amator Gould & Curry Mill Gaitland P. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Galchouse Fred, foreman Allen Mining Co Galvano F. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining- Co Galway Dan. miner, bds at Lynch's boarding House Gallagher James, miner, K nr Union Gallagan James, miner Gould & Curry Mine Gallegher D. J. laborer Gould & Curry Mine Gallagher H. miner Potosi Mining Co Galligan J. E. bar -keeper Hughe's Saloon Galligan Richard, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Gamble S. W. night watch California Mine Gamerdinger L. miner Ophir Mine Garner J. iron-worker Gould mi$, >a4 :iVIontgoixiery- Street, San. W rancisco. Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 102 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Jacobs Elias, Cheap John, 3 north B Jacobs M. fruit stand, 60 south C Jacobs J. N. brick-maker, res M and Carson Jacobs Elias, clothing, cheap John, etc., 3 north B Jacobs Noah, clerk E. Jacobs, 3 north B, res 3 north B Jacob L. shoemaker, etc., res Howard Jamison A. F. caipenter Gould & Curry Mine Jamison A. W. miner, res north C Jackman A. H. miner Gould & Curry Mine, res north E Jackson Calvin, miner Gould & Curry Mine Jackson E. brakeman Spanish No. 2 Jackson T. W. hay yard, Jackson Row Jackson Mrs. K. res 88 south D Jackson A. H. miner Gould & Curry Mine Jackson A. foreman and sup't Wm. Penn Jacoby A. of A. Freidenberg & Co. res San Francisco Jackman V. Miner's House, 317 south C JAMES E. A. printer James I. E. County Surveyor, office 75 north B James J. D. amalgamator, 40 north F James miner Sides Mining Co James L. B. feeder Cedar Hill Mill James Jno. miner Potosi Mining Co Jamison A. engineer Gould & Curry Mine Janin Edward, attorney at law, office 36 north C Jeifery E. miner North Potosi Mining Co Jelley Jeremiah, miner Potosi Mining Co Jenkins Joseph, ore-shipper Gould & Curry Mine Jenkins Jos. T. miner Gould & Curry Mine Jennings E. miner Ophir Mine Jenny Jos. minor Gould & Curry Mine Jessel S. of Jessel & Zacharias Jessel & Zacharias, liquors and cigars, 8 north C Jewell James, miner Best & B. Mining Co Johnson D. S. miner Savage Mining Co Johnson Wm. brakesman Savage Mining Co Johnson special policeman first ward Johnson A. miner Chollar Mining Co Johnson E. C. at Gillig, Mott & Go's Johnson Jno. feeder Empire Mill, Virginia Johnson C. A. upholsterer, cor D and Union Johnson Mrs. W. F. H. saloon, 142 south G Johnstone J. A. laborer Ophir Mine Johnson C. F. miner Potosi Mining Co Johnston A. miner Savage Mining Co Jolibi'is J. B. lo 'ging house, north A HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY, 105 Jolly A. B. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Jolly J. miner Sides Mining Co Jonas A. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Jones C. F. & Co. brokers, office Jones' building, 45 south G Jones C. lumber merchant, res north E Jones Mrs. dress-maker, Taylor Jones 0. E. printer " Union " office Jones James, miner Gould & Curry Mine Jones, miner Sides Mining Co Jones J. B. attorney at law, 1 Myers & Dagget's Block Jones Timothy, watchman Ophir Mine Jones Francis, carpenter, res 75 A Jones Jno, carpenter Potosi Mining Co Jones, miner Sides Mining Co Jones C. carpenter Savage Mining Co Jones Geo. miner Potosi Mining Co Jones J. H. miner Potosi Mining Co Jones Francis, miner Potosi Mining Co- Jones J. miner Sides Mining Co Jordan E. clerk McLaughlin & Root Jordan James, laborer Empire Mill JOSEPHI ROBT. at L. Elkus, res north F Jovanovich Capt. res 109 C LEOPOLD KUH, (Late U S. Branch Mint, San Francisco^) -A-ISriD A Street, near the Ophir Mine, Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 104 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Kaanan James, Empire Mill Kabler Ohas. M. bookkeeper at F. Schloss & Co Kaelble J. J. with C. H. Rich, merch't tailor north B Kain Thos. ore-worker Gould & Curry Mill Kain M. miner Allen Mining Co Kaiser C. H. sec'y mining co's, office 7 south C Kaitils W. G. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Lalber W. jeweler, res 43 north P Kallafret J. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Kane Wm. miner California Mine Kane Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine Kane Wm. at McFarland's Lumber Yard, Gold Hill Kane E. F. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Kane Foster, miner with G. Kane Kane Thomas miner, res south G Kaneen J. S. sup't of gas works, res Gas Works Kaplan Jacob, watch-maker 58 C Karl Fred, harness-maker for J. B. Gunther Kauflfman F. H. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kaufman Fred, musician, res on G Keane F. H. laborer Potosi Mining Co Kean Thos. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kearns P. rock-breaker Roger's Mill, Virginia Keefer F. shoe-maker, res 44^ south D Keefe M. miner Savage Mining Co Keefe J. laborer Gould k Curry Mill Keegan Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine Keehove T. miner F. Potosi Mining Co Keeler Dr. H. D. office 44 B Keenan J. carpenter, res G Keeney, Lee & Churchill, att'ys at law, room 14 Taylor's Building Keeney John, waterman, res J Keeruan James, miner Savage Mining Co Keetch J. Z. bookkeeper, bds with Mrs. Fairchild Keff P. 0. miner B. Moscow Keith W. R. Garden Valley Boundary House north C Kelaher C. miner Beach & Paxton Kelley S. miner Sides Mining Co Kelley J. miner Savage Mining Co Kelley Wm. miner Chollar Mining Co Kelley Mike, iron-worker Gould & Curry ]\rill Kelley K. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill Kelley D. F. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kelley J. laborer Gould k Curry Mill Kelley F. R. carpenter Gould k Curry Mill Kelley Mike, miner Utah Mining Co HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St.. S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 105 Kelley P. T. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Kelley 0. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kelley Pat. laborer Gould & Cuvvj Mill Kelley Capt. John G. Co. H, 1st Reg't Infantry, oiSce 15 north B, N. T. Volunteers Kelly Thos. painter, 51 south F Kelly James, of Casey, Kelly & Co. 60 north 0 Kelly Hugh, of Casey, Kelly & Co Kelly Thos. W. saloon 174 south 0 Kelly Kin, mason, res south E. Kelly Jno. laborer Ophir Mine KELLY J. W. Printer Kelly Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Kelly Richard, miner Gould & Curry Mine Kelly Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Kelly Lawrence, miner Best and B. Mining Co' Kelly Thos. miner Potosi Mining Co Kenan J. rock-breaker Empire Mill, Virginia Kanck Christian, shoe-maker, 45 south C Kenfick R. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kenfman F. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Kenady C. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kennedy J. rock-breaker Empire Mill Virginia Kennedy Cornelius, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kennedy Martin, lodging House, Sutter Kennedy P. J. iirm Kennedy & Mallon KENNEDY & MALLON, grocers, 22 south G Kennedy N. Empire Mill Kennedy J. N. Hotel, 208 south C Kenney Thomas, laborer, res K Kent W. H. apothecary &c. cor B and Union Kent Thos. watch-maker, Union bet B and C Kenzil Mac G. res north E Kerbin Pat. miner, bds Cedar Hill House^ Kerby Wm. Virginia Hotel Kerby J. miner Sierra Nevada Mill Kerman R. of Fulton Market Kernan B. miner Gould & Curry Mine Kern Fred, saddler and harness maker with J. B. Gunther, 46 south C Kern A. B. outside delivery clerk. Wells, Fargo & Cc Kerr Wm. carperiter, res south F Kerwin Pat. carpenter, res 51 north F Ketts H. miner Savage Mining Co Keyes F. W. undertaker, 26 south C Kellsan James, miner Savage Mining Co Kimble Chas. broker &c. north Howard Kidtt M. millwright, carpenter &c. Gould & Curry Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 106 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. King P. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine King- Chas. laborer, Gould & Curry Mill King Mrs. Ellen E. dress-making, 6 north D King Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine King Jas. H. miner Gould & Curry Mine King G. A. clerk dis't court 1st judicial dis't 1 Roe's Building King Homer S. cashier bank department. Wells, Fargo & Co King & Suskind, clothing store, north B King Jas A. "sraiter, res Howard King Pat. caruenter Gould & Curry Mine King W. miner, bds Cedar Hill House south B King G. A. district clerk, res 15 north A Kingston W. feeder Roger's Mill, A^irginia Kiukwood, miner Sides Mining Co Kinkade H. N. carpenter, south F Kinmicau T. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Kinny Jos. P. miner Gould & Curry Mine Kinney T. timborman Ophir Mine Kinney I. A. Virginia Planing Mill, res U. S. Hotel Kinney J. P. miner Gould & Curry Mine Kinney S. blacksmith, res 116 north D Kinney Felix, miner Ophir Mine Kinney Mrs. washing, res H Kinnicky J. miner Ophir Mine Kinsey Wm. blacksmith, 24 south D Kint Wm. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kirb Jas. timberman Ophir Mine Kirby T. timberman Ophir Mine Kirby Jas. miner, res above Stewart Kirk & Co. apothecaries and chemists, 24 B nr Taylor Kirkpatrick & Rhodes, attorneys at law, 9 Taylor's building Kirman & Co. Fulton Market, 4 south B Kirmau R. of Kirman & Co, res 4 B Kimin W. R. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Kite Jacob, miner Potosi Mining Co Kitts & Griswold, brokers, 10 Wells, Fargo & Go's Block Kitts James, stock broker, res south F Klee Martin, U. S. Bakery Saloon, 47 south C Klean N. tailor at I. Mayers Kleine J. W. of McFarland & Co. res south G Kleine C. R. boot-maker, 105 south C Kloupfer L. H. Gould & Curry Market, south F Klink J. G. cabinet maker, res south E Klopstock & Harris, cigars and notions, C Klopstock C. of Klopstock & Harris Kncal James, miner Potosi Mining Co Knifl" Thos. miner Spanish No. 2 Knox Robt. watchman Gould & Curry Mine HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S- F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 107 Knox Charles, res Chapin House Knox A. C. attorney at law, 15 Taylor's building Knox H. B. teamster Gould & Curry Mill Knox A. C. notary public, res south F Knuemerla T. amalgamator Empire Mill, Virginia Koerner J. N. miner, M near Union Koerpel Sam'l, at J. Barnert & Go's Kohler C. H. engineer Best & B, Mining Co Kopp L. D. butcher, 92 north C Kornman S. speculator, bds International Hotel Korii*Joseph, groceries and vegetables, 36 south C Kramer F. miner Rogers' Mill, Virginia KRAUSE WM. groceries and clothing, 308 south C Krebs G-. E. at Rice & Livermore's Kron A. Sierra Market, 127 north B Krowe Jno. miner Potosi Mining Co Krutsmeyer G. B. miner Savage Mining Co KUH LEOPOLD, assayer and metallurgical chemist, office A near Ophir mine, res cor Sutton Av and Stewart (see ad.) Kuh J. musician Artist's Hall Kuhlman R. feeder Rogers' Mill, Virginia Kuhn G. shoe-maker, shop 112 south C Kuhn A. brewer Washoe Brewery Kuhnhaeuser A. coffee saloon, 28 north B Kukwood J. miner Sides Mining Co Kupfman H. laborer Washoe Brewery Kysor E. F. carpenter, 147 north D CASEY, KELLY & CO., PROPRIETORS, No. 60 NORTH G STREET, vxH.G-x:txrxA exTir, m. t. Importers and Jobbers in A Large Assortment constantly on hand, Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 108 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Lacey J. V. with W. T. Warren, 71 north B Lacy J. club room, 21 north C Lackey Albert, carpenter California Mine, res north 3 Lackey B. F. dep'y constable, office at J. F. AtwilFs Lackie Albert, carpenter, res north Stewart Laddock J. K. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Lafaile S. carpenter Sapphire Mill, Virginia Lafayette Saloon, A. Casamajou, 41 north A Laid John, tailor at I Meyer's «r Laiferty B. laborer Gould & Curry Mill La Hay Thos. miner Sierra Nevada Mill Laird James L. printer "Union Office," bds at Mrs. Dill's Lakam Jas. ag't for Wells, Fargo & Co. res Taylor Lally Pat. workman Gould & Curry Mill Lamar C. Miner Chollar Mining Co Lamb A. J. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Lambert Geo G. Laborer Gould & Curry Mill Lambert C. furnished rooms 8 A Lambert J. sup't Belcher Mine, res Main Lameraux Mrs. S. E. private res north A Lammon George E. saloon keeper, res 34 E Lanmion Geo. 1. Nevada Saloon Lamont, miner Sides Mining Co Lamol B. L. Progress Restaurant 33 north C Lanborn L. W. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Lancaster Wm. clock-dealer, Union bet B & C Lauchot Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Land C. B. Land's Quartz Mill, office "Enterprise Building" Landeker J. S. St. Nicholas Hotel, south B Landy M. S. miner Gould & Curry Mine Landy Michael, miner, res south G Lane Micliael, teamster Gould & Cury Mill Lane Fred, bookkeeper Merchants' Exchange, res D cor Hickey Lang Andrew Empire Market, 39 north C Lang Isaac, cigars and tobacco 58 south C LANGTON'S PIONEER EXPRESS, J.J. Cooper ag't, office Enterprise Building Langworthy P. miner Opliir Mine Laugridge Geo. Nevada Market, res south G Lannan Thos. miner, res 143 south D L ANN AN P. H. City Market cor of B and Sutton Av Lauuing S. W. carpenter 34 south D Lanpher George, at J. P. Smith's 46 north C Lansing W, G. clerk at McLaughlin & Root's, res G Lanszweert L. State Assayor at Theail & Go's, cor Taylor & C Larkins G. W. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill HODGE & WOOD, Whplesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 109 Laronche A. Barnum's Hotel Larue E. W. blacksmith, 297 south C Lary Jas. miner, res north A Lason Wm, R. laborer Gould & Curry Mill LATHAM JAS. H. ag't Wells, Fargo & Co Latton Jos. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Laurant, miner Sides Mining Co Lawlor James, prop'r saloon, SutlifF's Hall Lawry E. Miner Ophir Mine Lawton W. C. special policeman, res 82 south D Lawton , night watchman. 3d Ward Lawton Chas. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Lawson C. 2d engineer Sapphire Mill, Virginia Lawrence W. D. miner Chollar Mining Co Lazendy J. barber with L. Boch Leahy Jno. oiler Gould & Curry Mill Leary Dan. carman California Mine Leary J. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Leary Daniel laborer, res north G Leavett John, Winfield Quartz Mill, office Enterprise Building Lee Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Lee, Keeney & Churchill, att'ys at law, room 14 Taylor's Building Leeke E. E. barkeeper International Lee Jno. H. miner Gould & Curry Mine Leek Wm. boot-maker for R. M. Black Leconey J. C. Mining sec'y, Taylor bet 0. and D Leconey James, broker, res 40 south D Le Favor, A H. amalgamator Rogers' Mill, Virginia Lefferty M. workman Gould & Curry Mill Leflower Joseph, Grey Hound Saloon, north Main Legate Chas. T. chop house, 26 north C Lehman Justar, painter Joseph Fredericks Leitch Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Lemery B. book-keeper Sapphire Mill, Virginia Lennon Thos. driver Savage Mining Co Leonard T. laborer Sapphire Mill, Virginia Leonard Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Lesher Wm. Garibaldi Saloon, 42 north B Letterer L. Schuster's Brewery, 323 south C Leturnan John, carpenter Best & B. Mining Co Levans Thos. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Leventy Chas. carman Potosi Mining Co Levi Alick, clothier, res 3 A Levi J. speculator, 21 north C Levies Wm. sup't mining co's, north L Levison Mark, wholesale clothing store, etc., 49 south C \ Leverenty Ch;is. carman Chollar Mining Co Levinson M. Enterprise Saloon, Enterprise building Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 110 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Levy Chas, Lovejoy House, 47 south C Levy Elias, salesuiaii Weiushenk & AUsbacher Levy A. bar-tender Mayers' saloon Levy A. N. upholsterer, 1 36 south C Levy Louis, bar-tender St. Nicholas Saloon Levy Louis, of Davis & Levy, north B, res 37 north B Levy A. & W. clothing store, 16 B Levy L. of Levy & Greentaub, Union bet C. and D Levy J. upholsterer, 136 south 0 Levy A. N. upholsterer, 136 south 0 Levy & Leyser, clotliiuo:, 21 north C Levy B. of Levy & Leyser Levy Saul, upholsterer, 102 south C Levy & Greentaub, merchant tailors. Union bet C and D Lewis E. S. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Lewis George, International Saloon, 3 north 0 Lewis Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Lewis D. W. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Lewitt H. F. of H. F. Lewitt & Co Lewitt H. F. & Co. Young America Cigar Store, 56 south 0 Le} ser Jacob, of Levy & Leyser Libby J. G. broker, 30 north C Libby Ira M. carpenter, 34 south D Lichistine Marks, mining secretary, 19 north 0 Liddycout Jno. miner Opliir Mine Lie])man L. dry goods. 80 south C Lieurance James, Washoe Exchange Liffle P. E. lal)orer Gould & Curry Mill Lightner Mrs. M. E. boarding house, north H Lillie H. C. book-keeper Sargent & Fogler, res Union Block, cor B and Taylor Lillie J. C. watchman Gould & Curry Mill LILLIE LEWIS, time-keeper Gould & Curry Mine, res Flowery Lincoln Z. teamster, res 33 north L LINCOLN & WATSON, hay yard and stables, 33, 35 & 37 n F Lincoln C. T. hay yard, 33 north B Lindemon C. fruits, 88 south C Lindley & McQualid, attorneys at law, 12 Wells & Fargo Block Lindo Isaac, clerk P. Engelbrccht Lindsay Miss A. D. cor F and Taylor Ling Jno. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Linker Henry, miner Iloosier State Mill Lingo J. S. miner North Potosi Mining Co Lintott Chas. treasurer Baj. & G. E. Mining Co. office 11 and 12 Jones' building Lithgoe Jno. miner Potosi Mining Co Little Jno. amalgamator Empire Mill, Virginia Livermore Chas. driver California Stage Co HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIEGINIA DIRECTORY. HI Livcrmore Clms E. of Rice & Livermore, 44 south C Livingstone B. of Miller & Co. res U. S. Hotel Livingston M. clerk Wolf, Herzog & Co Lloyd Isaac W. miner Gould & Curry Mine Lockhart Walter, miner Gould & Curry Mine Lodge Wm. blacksmith Gould & Curry Mill Loftus Geo. W. miner, res 125 north B Llaguns R. miner Savage Mining Co Loftis Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine LONE STAR STABLE, Virginia and Gold Hill Divide, T. Par- ker, prop'r Long Mrs. boarding house, 41 south B Long Francis, amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Loon Van H. carman Chollar Mining Co Lopez John, miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Co Lord T. miner Fair View Mine Loryea Jos. stock broker, res north A Loughhead Robert, clerk Block & Co Love J. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill Love D. M. book-keeper Fulton Market LOVE JO Y JOHN K. editor and proprietor " Old Piute " Lowe W. L. engineer Chollar Mining Co Lowe John miner, bds Cedar Hill House Lowe W. L. 1st ass't engineer Chollar Mining Co Lowe Richard, groceries 129 north B Lowell W. H. bookkeeper Savage Mining Co Lowenstein W. at Dias & Gloubers Luckan Herman, of Parks &, Luckan Ludy Jeremiah, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Ludgwig H. California Exchange, 5 north D Luke J. miner Sierra Nevada Mill Lunstrum Chs. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Lurch Isaac, butcher City Market, cor B and Sutton Av LUTHER & SCHROEDER, grocers 103 south C and branch cor Union and H Luther F. of Luther & Schroeder Lutz , works for A. S. Tobias & Co Lynch Jerry Plumber, res 21 and 23 E Lynch John, pressroom "Union Office" Lynch J. driver Savage Mining Co Lynch Pat. Niagara Hall 18 north B Lynch M. ass't foreman Gould & Curry Mine Lynch John, miner south F • Lynch Chas. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Lynch Jno. C. miner Gould & Curry Mine Lyon C. brewer Union Brewery Lyon Jno. miner Potosi Mining Co Lyons S. miner N. Potosi mining Co Blank Sooks of all Descriptions Made to Order. 162 ViEGflNIA DIRECTORY. Lyons H. porter Wells, Fargo & Co Lyons John, R. miner, south H Lyons Thomas miner, res south F Lyons J. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Lyons D. A. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Lyons Pat. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co On Divide, between Virginia & Gold Hill. T.PARKER, PROPRIETOR. The largest and most commodious Stables and Corralls in the Territory. j)g- Attached to the Stables are Large Scales for weighing either Hay or Quartz.'=®|l P. H. LANNAIT, Corner B Street and Sutton Avenue, It. O. LEIMA-JR, OfEce, 526 Montgomery Street, (over the Blue Wing,) San Francisco. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.. VIRGINIA DIRECTORY^ l63 Maass A. bookkeeper D. Wolf & Co Mace A. A. att'y at law- Mack Jno. miner Utah Mining Co Macken S. engineer Allen Mining Co Mackay J. miner, res 117 north B Mackney T. laborer Opliir Mine Madden S. Stewart at U. S. Hotel Madden Edward, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Madrid J. res 72 north B Maestretti B. Columbus Saloon, 90 north B MAGAGNOTTI, Very Rev. Peter FathCT, res in building at- tached to Church Maggener Thos. saloon 28 south B Magill James, bricklayer, res 28 north E MAGUIRE'S OPERA HOUSE, D, Maguire & Burns prop'r Maguire E. res cor C and Mill Mahon Frank, printer " Old Piute " office Mahoney James, miner Gould & Curry Mine Mahoney Pat. miner, bds Cedar Hiil House north 0 Mahoney P. miner Ophir Mine Mahoney J. miner Ophir Mine Mahoney J. D. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Mahorn Jno. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Mahoney Jno Miner Gould & Curry Mine Mahoney Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine Maguire F. amalgamator Do Land's Mill, Flowery Mahony Tim. miner Ophir Mine Maiers A. A. carpenter res south E Maim Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Maiss -, laborer Centreville Mill Maitland Wm. 2d engineer Rogers' Mill, Virginia Maiter A. A. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Mailer Jos. miner Baj. aud G. E Mining Co Mallet Capt. J. H. sup't Milton Mining Co res north B, office Medan Building Malley Mrs Geo. boarding house 169 south B Malley Peter miner, Gould &. Curry Mine Mallon John, Kennedy & Mallon, 22 south C Malone J. miner Savage Mining Co Malony Edwin, driver Savage Mining Co Malony M. horse-shoer, 156 south C Malone James, Delta Saloon, 2'4 north C Malsh J. of Mandel & Co. 28 south C Mandel & Co. clothing, 28 south C Manders Jno. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Maris Joseph, miner Gould & Curry Mine Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Pancy Stationery. i3 164 VIEGINIA DIRECTORY. McLaughlin & root, Importers and Dealers in ROBBSR MD LEATHER BELIING, DOOKS AND WINDOWS, Ajnd. 31!aniiract\xrers of No. 41 0 Street, Virginia City. ^- Quartz Sieves punched to Order. "^ .^t TERMS CASH. "^ ■AND — Situated on the Divide, between Virginia City and Gold Hill. Have superior facilities for making MINING and MILLING MACHINERY. Also, complete set of Machine Tools. Are now prepared to do all kinds of Foundry work. Proprietors— HUBBARD, McADAl^IS <&. CO. MILLER & CO., DEALERS IN STA.TIOIsrE;ilY, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS & TOBACCO, HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 165 Marks L. California Exchange, 5 north D, Marrioff W. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Marrin James, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Marris M. cigar stand, 56 south C Marmix D. H. miner Gould & Curry Mine Marsh Henry B. clerk at Burralls book store Marsh Thos. house and sign painter, shop on C, res 25 s A Marshall John, miner, cor F and Washington MARSHAIiL G. M. local editor " Daily Union" Marshall Jno. miner Gould and Curry Mine Marshall G. K. trustee Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Maris Joseph, laborer Gould & Curry Mine Martell Charles, brakesman Milton Mining Co Martin Robert, miner Gould & Curry Mine Manich Mazron, res 87 A Manley W. P. teamster Gould & Curry Mill Mann Jacob, Virginia Bakery Mann A. B. teamster Gould & Curry Mill Manning James, bar-tender Maguire's Opera House Manogue Rev. P. pastor of St. Mary's Church in the mountains, (catholic,) res in basement Mansfield J. S. of Phillipson & Mansfield, cor of C and Union Mansfield Mike, miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Many P. at Gillig, Mott & Co Marengovich J. porter M. Goldman & Co Marill Mrs. dressmaker north A Maringowitch M. matress-maker at M. Goldman & Co Martin Pat. Gould & Curry Mine Martin Enterette, carpenter, G south of Washington Martin A. tinner at Beck & Co. res 159 north B Martin S. G. printer "Enterprise Office" Martin M. Phil'a boot and shoe store, Taylor bet C and D Martin Harper, contractor ChoUar Mining Co Martinvusky W. Tailor 57 south C Masel C. Sierra Market 127 north B Mason E. L, dep'y county surveyor office 75 north B Masterman P. B. broker office Union Block B Matherson Chs. carpenter Utah Mining Co Matherson Robt. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Matthews Miss S. S. first intermediate dep't public school Matthews J. C. carpenter Virginia Planing Mill Matthews J. E. miner Savage Mining Co Matthey C. cook Progress Restaurant Mau Albert, groceries and provisions, 7 south B Mauren Mrs. M. saloon, 123 north C Mayberry James, wagon-maker Clark & Donaldson, north C Mayberry James, carpenter, res 92 south D Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. 166 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. MAYER ISADOR, Merchant Tailor, one door south Wells, Fargo & Co.'s office Mayer & S. B. Detray, hairdressers, 33 south C Mayer Jacob, saloon, 6 north C Mayer H. stock broker, office 33 south C Mayer Mrs. Fanny, millinery, etc., 26 north G Mayer W. teamster south G Maytorena Jesus, res 87 A Maxwell T. G. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Maxwell F. G. carpenter, bds Oriental Hotel Meagher James D. broker, 62 soutli C Meara M. miner Gould & Curry Mine MECHANICS' MILLS, Vandusen & Hoold, south D, (see adv.) Medin Marco, fruit store, 4 south C Mee Sam'l, waiter International Hotel Meehan Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine Megerle H. C. druggist at Cole & Gamble's Meir 0. P. miner Sides Mining Co Meister Jno. clerk H. C. Kirk & Co. 24 B nr Taylor Melenkey Wm. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Melody Pat. miner Gould & Curry Mine Melve F. cook Barnum Restaurant Melville W. E. school teacher, bet A. and B Melzner C. W. saloon, Odd Fellows' building, corner Main and Bl an chard Meng Ciias. barber. Metropolitan Baths Merchants' Exchange, Jno. A. Moch, prop'r, 10 north C Merchant J. M. miner Chollar Mining Co Merigot A. barber, 18 north B Mero Alex, lumberman, res north F Merr 0. P. miner Sides Mining Co Merrill E. carpenter Potosi Mining Co Merritt C. M. engineer Gould & Curry Mill Mers Nick. Mountain View Saloon, cor Suttor and B Mcsick R. attornev at law, Fulton Market building, south B Metcalf M. M. at Gillig, Mott & Co's Metcalf B, Agent Pacific Stage Co. res Merchants' Exchange Mevin Thos. miner W. & M. Claim Meyer A, real estate agent. Piper's building, north B Meyer Henry, amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Meyers James, carpenter Empire Mill, Virginia Meyers R. E. foreman North Potosi Mining Co Mezon I), res 87 A Mezgar C. F. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Miciiacl H. of Gilbert & Michael MILATOVICH V. groceries, 89 north B Miles Mrs. H. A. letter writer, 42 north F Millan W. J, grainer C. H. Eagan HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 167 Millard C. M. S. printer " Enterprise " office MILLER & COMPY, booksellers and stationers, cor Union & B MILLER B. H. of Miller & Co. res International Miller C. M. printer " Union " office Miller Wm. with Louis Bach, 51 south C Miller J. D. carpenter, res south D Miller E. S. at Gillig, Mott & Go's Miller D. W. speculator, 45 south F Miller John (colored), cook, res south F Miller Chas. with Kirman & Co. meat market, 4 B Miller Wm. barber, Washington Baths Miller , physician, 58 south C Miller Jno. carpenter Gould &, Curry Mine Miller Frank, miner Gould & Curry Mine Miller Wm. miner Utah Mining Co Miller C. water cart, cor F and Taylor Miller F. J. cabinet maker D. Wolf & Co Millington S. J. wood turner, Virginia Mill, 45 south D Mimson A. J. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Minaghan Michael, miner, 11 south E Miner J. B. office Medeu Building Miner H, assayer Gould & Curry Mill Minshell G. K. office 11 and 12 Jones' Building Miot Alexander, sec'y mining co's, res 144 north D Missigmier Isaac, miner, bds Cedar Hill House Mitchell W. H. miner Opliir Mine Mitchell Andrew, miner Savage Mining Co Mitchell James, foreman Baj. & G E. Mining Co Mitchell Jos. miner Savage Mining Co Mitchell James, miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co MITCHELL & ADAMS, wholesale liquor dealers 64 south C Mitchell Jos. miner, res Howard Mitchell J. C. at McLaughlin & Root's Mitchell J. F. miner Wiufield Mill, Virginia Mitchell J. H. farmer, res M and Carson Mitchell Tom. miner, bds Cedar Hill House north C Mitchell Henry K. att'y at law, office Fulton Market Building, B Mitchell J. B. miner, res north G Mitchell J. B. miner Savage Mining Co Moch John A. prop'r Merchants' Exchange 10 north C Mohring F. blacksmith 69 north B Molitor John, cook at Bayreuther Bros Mome Michael, laborer, res H Monaco Louis, clerk for Fortell &, Bush Monahan Wm, S, miner Gould & Curry Mine Monmonier W. B. Empire Market, 152 south C Monaghan Wm, miner Gould & (Jurry Mine, res north A Monnix D. miner Sides Mining Co Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 168 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Monnier E. barber 101 nortli B Moimot E. clerk for L. Fusier & Co Monohan Juo. blacksmith Gould & Curry Mine Monroe Thos. pantryman International Hotel Montford C. E. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Montgomery G. draymen, res Howard Montgomery H. miner Gould & Curry Mine MOODY & WILKINS Barbers 86 south C Moody James, barber, of Moody & Wilkins Moody T. M. blacksmith 24 south D Mooney D. G. painter Gould & Curry Mill Mooney T. miner Ophir Mine Moore M. L. f-up't Rock Island Co. room 12 Roe's Bul'd Moore J. blacksmith Milton Mining Co Moore Pat. miner Gould & Curry Mine Moore E. A. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Moore R. F. sup't savage Mine, office 158 south C Moore Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine Moore Rob. broker, res G Moore miner Sides Mining Co Moore M. L. sup't Rock Island and Poney Express Co. room 12 Roe's Building B Moore James, miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Moore & Ogden, grocers, 48 north C Mooser Wm, Architect, office Medan Building C Moran Andrew, miner California Mine Morehouse J. J, boot-maker, Union bet C and D Morgan John, miner Potosi Mining Co Morgan H. M. notary public and com's for Cal. res Va. Hotel Morgan James, president bides Claim Morgan James, trustee Morgan Wm. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Morgan James, res Bulkeley's Block B MORRILL G. P. Druggist, 22 south C Morrill Frank, miner Gould & Curry Mine Morris J. clothing 60 r-outh C MORRIS MRS. R. Occidental 89 C Morris J. storekeeper, res 13 north A Morris miner Sides Mining Co Morris James R. printer " Old Piute " office MOXLEY, HUGHES & CO. Virginia Planing Mill, 45 south D Moxley John S. of Virginia Planing Mill, res south D MORRISON W. A. prop'r U. S. Hotel, 31, 33, 33^ south B Moreingo S. G. blacksmith Gould & Curry Mill Morrison Miss M. E. at U. S. Hotel Morrison Wm. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Morrow R. F. sup't Savage Mining Co Morse Clias. miner Allen Mining Co HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., TIEGINIA DIRECTORY. 169" Morse Stephen, wood teamster, res north G- Morse James, miner Gould & Curry Mine MORTON E. H. Pioneer Cider and Syrup Manufactory, 196 s B Moses B. F. stock broker and mining sec'y, 23 south C MOUNT DAVIDSON HOTEL, Chas. Brown, proprietoa, 291 south C Moyes R. B. attorney at law, office south B Muhlack A. harness maker, with J, B. Gunther Muir J. miner North Potosi Mining Co Mulaly Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine Mulcahy Pat. Nevada Saloon, 9 north B res G & Taylor Muldoon Pat. foreman Gould & Curry Mill Mullen John, amalgamator Hoosier State Mill Mullin A. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Mulligan J. W. engineer Gould & Curry Mill Mundy Jno. engineer Ophir Mine Munzing Joseph, wagon maker, 124 C Murphey Pat. miner, bds Cedar Hill House, north C Murphy T. G. attorney at law, Taylor bet B and G Murphy Geo. bar-tender Collins House Murphy Peter, fireman Virginia Planing Mill Murphy R. A. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Murphy Stephen, miner Gould & Curry Mine Murphy R. A. workman Gould & Curry Mill Murphy Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Murphy M. J. miner Gould & Curry Mine Murphy Thos. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Murphy M. miner Ophir Mine Murphy J. clothing store, B near Taylor Murphy Francis, boarding house, H near Taylor Murphy Jeremiah, blacksmith, res 92 south D Murphy Sam. blacksmith Central Mill Murphy F. miner Ophir Mine MURRAY PEMBROKE (Alderman), of Gartrell & Murray, 75- south C Murray Wm. miner Savage Mining Co Musler L. Union Bakery, 3 north D Myer J. merchant tailor. Wells & Fargo building, south C Myers Joseph A. butcher Gould & Curry Market south F Myers Chas. blacksmith Empire Mill MYER N. dry goods, 15 north B Myers & Daggett, att'ys at law, 1 Myers & Daggett's building Myers S. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Myers B. boot maker, 37 north C Myers Wm. miner Utah Mining Co MYERS' DRY GOODS BAZAAR, 15 north B Myers T. laborer, res north G Mygalt M. notary public, 10 Wells & Fargo Block Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 170 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. McCole Geo. driver Savage Mining Co McAdoo Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine McAlect Jno. Oiler Gould & Curry Mill McArthur Arche, miner Gould & Curry Mine McAuliff, D. miner Rogers' Mill, Virginia McBeebe, sup't mining co's res 25 A Mc Bride Alex, carpenter Gould & Curry Mine McBride Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine McCabe James D. res north I McCabu J. laborer Opliir Mine McCaffity James, miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co McCaffrey Ed. bar-tender, Nevada Saloon McCann A. S. carrier Virginia " Union," res north A McCain T. miner Ophir Mine McCall John, watchman, Gould & Curry Mill McCallahan B. miner B. Moscow McCan Robert, laborer Gould & Curry Mill McCann J. S. printer McCann H. M. at Gillig, Mott & Co McCardle Dennis, miner Sides Mining Co Mc Carroll D. miner Sides Mining Co McCartney Wm. miner Potosi Mining Co McCarteney J. B. carpenter, res 107 south B McCarthay, lander Ophir Mine McCarthay Pat. laborer Ophir Mine McCarthy J. laborer Ophir Mine McCarthy D. E. of Goodman & McCarthy, prop'rs "Daily Enterprise McCarthy Mike, printer " Union " office McCarthy Gaston, miner Gould & Curry McCarthy M. boot-maker at O'Donohues McCarthy Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine McCarthy M. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill McCarthy Justin, miner Gould & Curry Mine McCarthy J. laborer California Mine McCarty John, broker, 14 north C McCarty David, bar-tender at Delta Saloon McCarty P. miner, res 92 south D McCarty, miner Sides Mining Co McCarty T. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co McCawley miner Sides Mining Co McCawley stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill McCeron J miner Savage Mining Co McClecry Wm. engineer Ophir Mill res F nr Taylor McCloskey J. blacksmiths' helper Savage Mining Co McCluskey Thomas, miner, res I McClusky C. engineer Planing Mill, 34 south D McConnell E. B. miner Gould & Curry Mine HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationera, 418 & 420 Clay St.. S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 171 McConnell J. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co McConwick Ciias. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill McCormick Mrs. washing, H McCourty & Flood Capital Saloon, 71 south C McCourth, miner, res 39 south B McCourt Jas. miner Savage Mining Co McCOY WILLIAM, Occidental Saloon south 0 McCullen, miner Sides Mining Co McCunnell P. miner B. Moscow Mine McDaniel R. P. laborer Ophir Mine McDaniels R. P. miner, res south F McDelowney, hay yard, res G McDermott J. miner Baj & G. E. Mining Co McDonald W. A. miner Gould & Curry Mine McDonald D. W. blacksmith helper, 24 south D McDonald Wm, waiter Maguire's Theatre, res north E McDonald W. H. lamp-lighter Maguire's Opera House McDonald E. miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Co McDonald Pat. miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Co McDonald D. blacksmith Savage Mining Co McDonough James, laborer, res south F McDoual M. A. miner Savage Mining Co McDougall Duncan, miner, res south C McDowal A. L. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Mcllroy James R. sup't mines, 139 north C McCULLOUGH H. V. S. of E. Ruhling & Co. res south A McElwain B. F. printer " Old Piute" office McFadden Jas. bar-tender Sazerac Saloon McFarland Sam'l, lumber yard, Virginia and Gold Hill Divide McFARLAND GILBERT, wholesale liquors, south E McFadden G. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill McGarin F. miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Co McGavin T. miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Ga McGee Pat. miner Gould & Curry Mine McGee D. miner Gould & Curry Mine McGee Mike, miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Co McGinn B. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mil! McGinis , miner, res 40 E McGinnis J. miner Sierra Nevada Mines McGinnis T. brick-mason Gould & Curry Mill McGinnis Robt. at Robson's Club Room McGloin Peter stock broker, office 33 south 0 McGraine Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine McGuire Terence, miner Gould & Curry Mine McGuise Pat. ore-worker Gould & Curry Mill McGwyre Chas. miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Co McHugh T. fireman Gould & Curry Mill Mclvoy, Jas. Burlington HouSe, south B Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 14 172 tIRGINiA DIRECTORY. McKay J. S. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill McKay P. N. mining engineer, office 36 north C McKay D. laborer Gould & Curry Mill McKay J. N. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill McKay James, millwright Gould & Curry Mill McKay P. N. acting sup't California Mine, res Howard McKay Alex, butcher, cor E and Union McKay Patrick M. sup't Potosi Mining Co McKee James, blacksmith with Willard, B nr Taylor McKeg James, roaster Central Mill McKewsie , miner Sides Mining Co McKernal P. amalgamator Rogers' Mill, Virginia McKinney , laborer, res M and Carson McKlusky , miner Sides Mining Co McKlusky , miner Sides Mining Co McLa J. R. carpenter Ophir Mine McLachlan Hugh, laborer Gould & Curry Mill McLaughlan & Willock, sign painters, 117 south C McLAUGHLAN J. W. of McLaughlan & Willock, res C McLaughlon P. miner Savage Mining Co McLaughlin & root, hardware merchants, 48 south C McLaughlin Wm. miner Potosi Mining Co McLauglin Eugene, miner Gould & Curry Mine McLaughton M. miner Savage Mining Co McLaughton Owen, laborer Gould & Curry Mill McLean, laborer Gould & Curry Mill McLean Wm. blacksmith Gould & Curry Mill McLEARN J AS. drug store, 114 south C McLeod H. blacksmith ChoUar Mine McLim J. feeder DeLand's Mill, Flowery McLone M. miner York Claim 69 South O Street, Next door to Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Office, ^J^OTT^ '^^^^'y^lTtt^ZVo » A Lftrge Assortment of Broadcloths, French Cassimeres, Beavers, VESTINGS, ETC., THE LATEST STYLES. Good Material and Experienced Workmen arc the features of our Establishment. FODGE & WOOD. Wholesale Stationers, 418 «& 420 Clav St.. S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. McMaoafry I. miner Utah Mining Co MciMahan J. T. saloon, 152 south C McMahon M. miner Sides Mining Co McMally Jas. carman Ophir Mine McMichael Jno. miner W. & M. Claim McMannis P. carpenter, res E south Silver McMillin M. F. grocers, 184 south C McMahon Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine McLellan D. J. laborer Gould & Curry Mine McMurry Jas. D. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine McMurtrey Thos. miner Potosi North A McMurtry A. T. miner Potosi Mining Co McMullen M. butcher Empire Market McMurray Mrs. N. E. res 110 north B McNally Z. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill McNamara W. butcher, 136 south C McNeal A. hostler Ophir Mine McNine D. miner York Claim McReynolds J. S. salesman L. Elkus McSherry Mrs. Cath. furnished rooms, 45 north F 173 E. H. MORTOIS", Pioneer Manufacturer of SYRUPS, BITTERS & ESSENCES. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. No. 196 South B Street, near the Savage Dump, s2P'a5:sa<^s2S2ra^Ci. ^c^. Dealers in Blank Books, Leg^al and Commercial Blanks. 174 VIRGINIA DIEECTORT. nsr National Market, Treat & Straus, south C Neagle Wm. plasterer, south K NEALIS T. J. bar-keeper International Neall J. M. bookkeeper Hoosier State Mill Neely Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Negle Jno. miner Baj. G. E. Mining Co Neker Chas. Union Brewery, res north G Nelan S. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Nell is 0. B, miner Gould & Curry Mine Nelson A. miner, res south F Nelson Thos. amalgamator, north A Nelson Alex, carman Potosi Mining Co Nesdale Peter, laborer, cor of G. & Union Nester J. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Neumegan S. of H. F. Levitt & Co Nevada Market, Cushing & Langridge, south C "NEVADA PIONEER" newspaper, (German,) J. F. Hahnlen prop'r, office Eenterprise Building south C NEVADA SALOON, Lamnion & Mulcahy prop'rs, 9 north B Nevins J. B. res 211 south 0 Newburger A. clerk at E. A. Fargo & Co Newcombe Thos. miner Sides Mining Co Newington John G. miner, res north H Neumann S. at Pioneer Laundry NEWMAN A. & CO. butchers. Union Market, 32 south C Newman A. of A. Newman & Co. 32 south C Newmann L. barber 6 north C Newman L. speculator at Mandell & Co Newman Chas. speculator at Thomas & Brown's NEW OREGON CIDER, manufactory 311 south C Newton R. waterman Savage Mining Co Newton G. A. brakesman Savage Mining Co New York Restaurant by Jno. Griffin, south C Nicholas F. P. Miners' Home, 103 north B Nicholas F. P. Mountain View Resturant, 307 south G Nicholas Ch. D. machinist. Union, cor A Nicholas J. miner Ophir Mine Nicholass J. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Noble, , miner Sides Mining Co Noe J. A. Mrs. res north H Noc John 3. at Rice ^ Livermore Noell L. boot-maker 31 north C NOLAN'S CENTRAL HOUSE, P. Nolan prop'r, 80 north C Nolan Pat. labitrer Gould & Curry Mill Nolte G. assayer, res north Mill Nox W. D. carpenter De Lands' Mill, Flowery HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 175 Normandy John, bar-tender Grey Hound Saloon Norris A. miner Savage Mining Co North Judge, chambers district court, 41 south B Northy E. miner Savage Mining Co Norton J. at L. H. P. Smith Norton G. M. office 82 south C Norton C. carpenter, res Johnson Norton C. carpenter N. Potosi Mining Co Nugent John, att'y at law, Enterprise Building Nutting C. S. Time-keeper N. Potosi Mining Co Nutting Sam'l, miner Fair View Mining Co Wt 0 Street, BETWEEN SUTTON A.YENUE AND MILL STREET, P. NOLAN, Proprietor. ^^ The best accommodations both iu Board and Lodging. "^^ A. NEWMAN & CO., InTo. 32 Soiath C Street. Dealers in School Sooks and Cheap Publications, 176 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. o OAKLEY A. W. assayer Gould & Curry Mill Oalfon, stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill Obermeyer Benjamin, miner, res south I Obuer P. H. laborer Ophir Mine O'Brien M. waiter International Hotel O'Brien Chas. miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Brien James, laborer Gould & Curry Mill O'Brien Edw. laborer Gould & Curry Mill O'Brien M. miner Milton Mining Co O'Brien, , miner Sides Mining Co O'Brien M. laborer, Gould & Curry Mill O'Canol Pat. miner Ophir Mine Ochs John, bootmaker R. M. Black OCCIDENTAL, lodging and furnished rooms, Mrs. R. Morris, 89 south C OCCIDENTAL SALOON, Wm. McCoy, prop'r, 26 south 0 O'Connell M. of O'Connell & Gill O'Connell & Gill, boots and shoes, Union bet C and D O'Connell Coleman, laborer, res L O'Conner, miner Sides Mining Co O' Conner P. miner Ophir Mine O'Connor Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Connor D. miner Ophir Mine O'Connor Michael, miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Connor Mrs. P. Oriental Hotel, north E O'Connor J. laborer Ophir Mine O'Connor Denis, miner, res G O'Connors Wm. miner, res Mill O'Connor Tim. miner south F O'Connor Dennis, miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Connor Terrence, miner Gould & Curry Mine Owens E. D.- miner Gould & Curry Mine Odgers Jas. miner Savage Mining Co Odgers John, miner Potosi Mining Co O'Donald C. miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Donnel H. waiter International Hotel O'Donnell Francis laborer Gould & Curry Mill O'Dounell James, miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Donohue M. boot and shoe store, Main O'Flyny C. C. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Ogden G. W. of Moore & Ogden, 48 north C Ogders John, miner Ogdon Jno. C. miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Grady Mrs. dress maker, 117 south C O'Grady Pat. miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Haar Thos. laborer Gould & Curry Mill JIODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., vTrginia directory. ITT O'Halofan Mike miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Hare Terrence miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Hare, miner Sides Mining Co O'Hare Pat. roaster Central Mill O'Herran James, laborer Potosi Mining Co O'Hey Mrs. Cedar Hill House, north C O'Keefe Mrs. Mary, Boarding House, south P O'Keefe M. miner Ophir Mine O'Keeffe Dan. miner California Mine OLD PIUTE, (newspaper) Daily and Weekly, Lovejoy & Co.,- proprietors Olevare P. saloon, 48 north C Oldfield P. H. res north A Olin A. S. Olin Stables, 44, 46 and 48 south B Olsen K. miner B. Moscow Mine Olway Thos, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Olympic Hall, by Warnock Davis, 14 C O'Neil Michael, miner Best & B. Mining Co O'Neil Hugh, miner Gould & Curry Mine O'Neil Sam. miner Utah Mining Co O'Niel C. oiler Gould & Curry Mill O'Niel T. 0. laborer Gould & Cm-ry Mill O'Niel A. carman Ophir Mine O'Neill Denis, barber Metropolitan Baths O'Neill Francis, Eureka House, junction C and B O'Neill Henry, Lovejoy Hotel, 49 south D Ouslak Jno. miner Sides Mining Co Onslott J. miner Sides Mining Co Opie D. miner Ophir Mine Opie James, miner Milton Mining Co Ordway A. 0. grocer, 184 south C Oredenick J. miner Ophir Mine O'Reilly H. J. foreman Ophir Mine O'Reilly J. miner Ophir Mine O'Reilly Miss B. at U. S. Hotel O'Reilley Pat, laborer Centreville Mill Oriental Saloon, Richardson & Co. 34 north C ORLEANS RESTAURANT, Welch & Preston, prop'ra, 104 s C Orndorfi" D. L. at Sawyer's Club Room Orndorfle J. W. Ashland House, 348 Divide Orr Martin, miner Gould & Curry Mine ORRICK W. G. broker, 5 Myers & Daggett's Building Osborne W. miner Potosi Mining Co Osborn T. W. teamster, res H OSBORNE D. W. Eagle Brewery, south B OSBORNE & SANDER, Eagle Brewery, 25 south B Osbourne Sam'l, Deputy City Clerk, office 1 Roe's Building, s B- Oska M. miner Sides Mining Co Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Ord«r, 178 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. O'Sullivan Jno. miner Gould & Cnrry Mine Ott, , amalgamator Central Mill Ott Wm. miner, 20 north P Ottenlieimer J. clerk F. Walter & Go's Otto H. laborer Opliir Mine Ottord, , miner Sides Mining Co O'Toole James, miner, res 138 north D O'Toole James, miner Gould & Curry Mine Otturd, , miner Sides Mining Co Otway Thos. laborer Gould & Curry Mill OVERLAND STAGE CO. office Wells, Fargo & Go's, 67 s 0 Ovitt A. W. miner Gould & Curry Mine Owens Ed. D. miner, cor F and Washington .Owens B. carpenter, res Gorin Jlouse Owen Dr. J. R. N. 16 north B No. 26 South 0 Street, (Opposite Territorial Enterprise Office,) VIRGINIA. ^WNl. McCOY, - - - Proprietor. ALWAYS ON HAND, ORLEANS No. 104 South C Street. John Welch & R. S. Preston, Proprietors. .A-G-ISTE-VT" Sz IDEFFEBA.CI3:, BOOK AND JOB PEINTERS, 511 Sa-nsoiue Street, San Francisco. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTOBY. 179 PACIFIC STAGE & EXPRESS CO. office Enterprise Build- ing', south C Parks G. carpenter at Pianino; Mill, 34 south D Packsha Simon, cio-ar stand, Occidental Saloon Paddock Richard,lDENTICAL, 56 south C Page Lewis, miner Baj. and G. E. Mine Page Fred. C. barkeeper International Pagnon J, B. sup't of Sapphire Mill, Virginia Paine Peter, barber, cor C and Union Palmer Chas. auctioneer, south C PALMER REV. D. H. Pastor First PreslDyieriau Church, res at Chapin House Pane Frank, miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Parent T. laborer Sapphire Mill, Virginia Parke I. F. milk-ranch, Gould & Curry Canon, Flowery Parker S. E. miner Gould & Curry Mine Parker J. S. driver Savage Mining Co PARKER CHAS. of C. A. Parker & Co PARKER T. Lone Star stable and wagon yard on Divide bet Gold Hill and Virginia Parker F. A. clerk Gould & Curry Mill Parker Wm. miner Utah Mining Co Parker Milan, amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Parker S. D. engineer Cedar Hill Mill Parker E. J. engineer Gould & Curry Mill PARKINSON R. prop'r Bull's Head Market, 188 south C Parponton Peter, blacksmith 354 Divide Parks Ed. of Parks & Lukin, (boarding) Pascoe James, foreman Best and B. Mining Co Pascoe E. miner Savage Mining Co Pasco ve James, miner Sides Mining Co Pastor S. F. saloon prop'r, res 161 north B Pate John R. at Washington Baths Patten G. foreman Croesus Mining Co Patrick Thos. F. miner boards with F. Murphy Patrick Mrs. S. A. boarding 81 north B Paul Father, Immaculate Conception Church- Paul James, miner Potosi Mining Co PauU Jno. miner Ophir Mine PAXTON & THORNBURGH, bankers 39 south C PAXTON JOHN A. of Paxton & Thornburgh, res south Howaird Peabody W, F. physician, office 60 south C Peake Dr. H. 20 south B Pearcc Wm. miner, res H Pearson Ed. engineer Savage Mining Ca Pearson Jno. foreman White & Murphy Claim Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 15 180 TIRGINIA DIRECTORY. D. W. PERLEY. C. E. DeLONG. PERLEY & DeLONG-, :^ M^mr, Office, No. 45 South 0 Street, VIUfilHIA CHTl, STOISI Cf BMTl, H. T. Mrs. R. Morris, Proprietress, isTo. 89 south: o street, ^^^ The Rooms are clean, well furnished, and ventilated throughout. C. P. PRBSCOTT. J. EARL. PEESCOTT & EARL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i -A.1>TID MINING TIMBERS A large assortment of Planed, Tongued and Grooved, and Rougli Lumber, Doors, Windows, Sash and Blinds. Yard, Corner D and Hickey Streets, HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 181 Peasley Thomas Sazerac Saloon 10 south C Peasley Andrew, brass-finisher Sazerac Saloon Peck John S. carriage-maker, 24 south D Peck C. L. sup't Hall & Norcross Mine Peck James, amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Peck 0. A. boarding-house, Gould & Curry Mill Pedler Sam. night-watch, Milton Mining Co Pedvin John, Barnum Restaurant, Main Pefley S. H. miner Gould & Curry, res west Summit Peiser Sam'l, tobacco and cigars, Union bet B and C Pellas J. miner Savage Mining Co Pelleren D. 69 north B Pendega&t W. W. firm of Hill & Pendegast, res junction of B & 0 Pendergast Thomas, miner California Mine Pennaluna Richard, miner Central Mine Penney William, amalgamator Wiufield Mill, Virginia Peoples Jno. laborer Gould & Curry Mill PEPPER ED. E. editor and correspondent, Collins' House Pepper S. P. carpenter, res Summit PERLEY & DeLONG, att'ys at law, 45 south C Perly D. W. att'y of Perley & DeLong, office 45 south 0 Perkins R. B. carpenter, res corL and K Perkins Geo. E. carpenter for U. M. Reese Perkins Joseph, miner Potosi Mining Co Perkins J. P. operator Telegraph Co Taylor's Building Perrin J. 34 south C Pery J. V. B. constable and ex Marshal & Atwill's ofi&ce Perry H. lawyer res at Mrs. Keith north C Persing E. M. clerk at International Hotel Persons Isaac, miner south G Peters James R. clerk, res on south L Peterson P. miner Sierra Nevada Mill Peterson P. C. groceries cor Sutton Av. and C Peterson L. miner Sierra Nevada Mill Pettibone R. teamster for Story & Farill Pttyzrove E. B. printer " Union ofiice " Penhall Jno. miner Best and B. Mining Co Pforzheimer Isaac of Fulton Market, 4 south B PHILADELPHIA BREWERY, 12 south D Philebrown T. at Benham & Heat Philip Father John, Immaculate Conception Church Phillips Jas. miner Ophir Mine Phillips J. H. foreman Chollar Mining Co Phillips G. H. workmen Gould & Currry Mill Phillips Jno. miner Ophir Mine Phillips A. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Phillips Miss H. R., Second Intermediate Dept. Virginia Public Schools Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. 182 YIRGINIA DIRECTORY. A. PHILIPPSON. J. S. MANSFELD. PHILIPPSON & MANSFELD, Wholesale and Retail <^©^^^^ w SOUTH C STREET, COR. UNION. BRANCH STORE, Corner Union, International Building. CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, STATIONERY, ETC., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ^-♦^♦*-»H . We are constantly receiving the CHOICEST BPvANDS of HAVANA CIGARS, And also keep constantly on hand a large assortment of the best Which we will sell at very LOW PRICES. Our friends and the public generally are invited to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 183 Philips A. M. laborer Gould & Curry Mill PHILIPPSON & MANSFELD, dealers in cigars and tobacco etc., cor C Union (see adv) Philippson A. of Philippson & Mansfeld, cor C and Union Philippson Isaac, clerk at Philippson & Mansfeld Piber Jno. prop'r of saloon, res A Picoli "VYm. miner, res north E Picle Angell, miner, bds 127 north D Picolee A. miner Spanish No. 2 Pierce Mrs. M. A. Canandagua House, north A Pierce Phillip, miner, bds Canandagua House Pierce Wm. miner Potosi Mining Co Pierson E. S. clerk at E. Hoff & Co Pinch J. I. printer "Union Office Pinch John, tinman at H. S. Beck & Co Pinchard G. B. wholesale and retail liquor, 74 south C ■ Pingree I. 0. miner Mammoth and Warsaw Mine Pini Mrs. Maria, residence, north F. PINKERTON & TUCKER, physicians, 80 south C Pinkerton Th.H. county physician and examing surgeon U. S. A. office 80 south C Pinschiner Jacob, clothing, res 45 north B Pinschawer J. clothing store, 41 north B PIONEER STEAM LAUNDRY, White & Hobart, office 60 south C Pioneer Stables by Capt. F. C. Smith, 22 south B PIONEER STEAM LAUNDRY, Sutton Av. bet A and B PIONEER CIDER FACTORY, J. H. Morton, 196 south B Piper John, Piper Saloon, cor B and Union Piser J. barber 6 north C Pitzer & Berry, att'ys at law, 2 Myers & Daggett's Building Pitzer J. S. of Pitzer & Berry, res 19 north B Pixley W. B. Druggist and apothecary, res 29^ south B PL LISTED GEORGE, millwright, contractor and builder, cor High and Marston Planto P. amalgamator Sapphire Mill, Virginia Plitt D. Virginia Restaurant Plumb Geo. painter Gould & Curry Mill Plummer J. W. sup't Independent American Mine Plumer E. C. book-keeper, res 168 north B Pohley Jacob, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Polglass J. miner Ophir Mine Police Court, Maguire's Opera House building, north D Polkenhorn Wm. miner Potosi Mining Co Polkinghorn Wm. miner, res Divide Pomraier L. cook Progress Restaurant Ponce de Leon, T. D. Warwick, sup't Pooley Jno. miner Best & B. Mining Co Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 184 VIEGINIA DIEECTORY. Pope Sara'l, printer "Union " office Porter G. S. painter, res Ashland House Porter Thomas, miner Beach & Paxtou Porter J. S. physician, 9i north B Porter C. smelter Gould & Curry Mill Porter N. M. workman Gould & Curry Mill Post Francis, broker, 28 north F Pottle E. E. speculator, res Howard Potosi W. miner, 149 north B Powell S. W. miner Gould & Curry Mine Powers Elias, bricklayer, north I Powers H. feeder Sapphire Mill, Virginia Power M. J. broker Powers P. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Powers Elias, bricklayer, res north J Powers P. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill Powers M. S. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Powers Jas. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Prentice W. D. miner W. & M. Claim PRESCOTT & EARL, lumber dealers, corner of D and Hickey, (see adv't) PRESCOTT C. J. of Prescott & Earl Prescott G. A. engineer Lady Bryan, Flowery District Prescott G. W. Jr. mining sec'y, JPost Office Building Preston J. H. baker, north Howard Preston R. liquors, 164 south C Preston R. T. Orleans Restaurant, 104 south C Preuss Francis, cutter at Mayers' tailor shop PREVOST A. W. carrier "American Flag," res south E Price Joseph, (colored,) barber, res 16 north F Prince L. M. carpenter, res south F Prince N. carpenter Potosi Minino- Co Prince G. M. carpenter Potosi Mining Co Prior Richard, miner Mexican Co. res above Stewart Prisk Jno. miner Potosi Mining Co Proctor J. carpenter DeLand's Mill, Flowery Progress Restaurant, 33 north C Proup Jas. pitman Ophir Mine Prout Thos. miner Ophir Mine Pryon Sam. miner Sides Mining Co Pryde R. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Purcell Mike, miner Gould & Curry Mine Purcell M. J. City Jailor, res south F Purcell M. miner, res south F Pnrdin C. W. tinsmith McLauo-hlin & Root PUTNAM C. A. V. Associate" Editor " Enterprise" Putman C. C. miner DeLand's Mill, Flowery Pyne Ed. miner Gould & Curry Mine HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIROmiA DIRECTORY. 185 G? Quandh Jno. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Quick Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine QUIGLEY PATK, Delmonico Hotel, 31 south C Quill Pat. miner Gould & Curry Mine Quill Jolm, laborer, res south E. Quill Jno. timberman Opliir Mine Quimbie, J. M. clerk Post Office, res north Stewart Quinlan J. boarding house, 129 north B Quinlan Jno. miner Ophir Mine Quinlan Pat. laborer, res north G Quinn Patrick, miner, res G Quinn & Martin, Great Republic Saloon, Taylor Quinn James, laborer Gould & Curry Mine Quinn Pat, miner Gould & Curry Mine Quinn Timothy, miner Gould & Curry Mine Quinn J. Ironworker Gould & Curry Mill Quinn Jas. Hostler Gould & Curry Quint & Hardy, counsellors, 7 Post Office Block Quint Leander, firm of Quint & Hardy, res near Episcopal Church Quirk T. miner Potosi Mining Co Quison Ed. engmeer Gould & Curry Mill VIRGINIA STABLES O p^ H CO o 15 0 ^ > M A CHOICE LOT of SADDLE & BUGGY HOESES. ,^©* Buggies, Carriages and other conveyances turned out in good shape on short notice. Horses kept by the day, vv-eek or month. Blank Books of ail Descriptions Made to Order. 186 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Raber John, foreman Star Stables, Divide bet. Gold Hill and Viro;iuia Rablin Richard, miner Potosi Mining Co Radlich S. with J. Barnert & Co Radmoud Charles, miner, res south G Raffette Louis, First Ward House, 126 north C Railly M. press-room "Union" office Rainey James JB. at H. S. Beck & Co's Rais Dotores, res 87 north A Ramdohr John, sup't Central Mill Ramilla A. laborer Ophir Mine Ramirez Jos6, gTOcer, 113 north B Randohr Jno., Supt. Central Mill Ranken F. miner North Potosi Mining Co Rapp Wm. Philadelphia Brewery, 12 south D Raphael Morris, of Harris & Raphael, 11 north D Rapsom M. miner Ravins Wm. ass't sup't Empire Mill, Virginia Rawley, miner Sides Mining Co Ray L. J. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Ray Jno. P„ miner, res north Stewart Reaper A. feeder DeLand's Mill Reardan & Hereford, attorneys at law, Taylor's Building Reardan T. B. of Reardan & Hereford, Taylor's Building Reardan Judge, res Stewart Reardon Tim. miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Co Reardon Tim. boarding house, south D Reardon Denis, boot-maker O'Connell & Gill Reaves G. carpenter Winfield Mill, Virginia Record , miner, res Divide Redmond J. laborer Ophir Mine Reed & Matthews, carpenters, 45 south D Reed 0. D. butcher and provision dealer, 27 A Reed John, Vance's Daguerrean Room Reed J. W. carpenter Virginia Planing Mill REESE U. M. carpenter, 5 E north of Union, res north F' REESE P. blacksmith, 154 and 156 south 0 Refoflb Charles, miner, res north E Regan T. watchman N. Potosi Mining Co Regiton D. workman Gould & Curry Mill Reheiser Henry, miner, north G Rcichert Chris. Virginia Bakery Reicliel W. of J. G. Frisch & Co Reigcr H. with Jacob Hoffman's bakery, 13 south C Remllin F. Garibaldi Saloon, 42 north B Rennev R. miner Potosi Minino- Co HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 187 Respean C. miner Opliir Mine RESSAYRE VICTOR, Notary Public, office 115 north B Reticker Saloon, by Jno. A. Rcticker, 33 north B, res 154 n G Retzel F. miner Utah Mining Co Revis L. carman Savage Mining Co Reynolds H. H. carpenter, G REYNOLDS L. with Gillig, Mott & Co., res south C Reynolds 0. B. salesman S. Haas & Co Reynolds Geo. laborer Gould & Curry Mill RHODES TRAVIS, foreman "Old Piute" office Rico Nicholas, miner Potosi Mining Co Rice & Livermore, druggists, cor C and Taylor Rice C. H. butcher, 136 south C Rice Emmett E. of Rice & Livermore Rice Eli, milk ranch, res north L Rice Jacob, sup't mining co's, office south B Rich Henry, of Davis & Rich Rich 0. H. merchant tailor, north B Rich Arthur, miner Milton Mining Co Rich D. W. Club Room, 21 north C Richards W. miner Ophir Mine Richards R. miner Ophir Mine ■A.T- S. ROSENER & CO.'S 70 South O Street, Opposite Wells. Fargo & Co.'s Express, VIRGINIA, N. T. VICTOR RESSAYRE, i m STOCK BROKER & REAL ESTATE AGENT. COMPANIES INCORPORATED & TITLES SEARCHED. Office 115 North 0 Street, Virginia. Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Eancy Stationery. 16 188 VIRGINIA DIRECTORT. Richards W. H. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Rice Abraham, shoemaker, 24 north B Richards J. miner Ophir Mine Richards Jos. miner Potosi Mining Co Richardson Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine RiclVardson J. L. miner Savage Mining Co Richardson Stephen, saloon, 34 north G Richardson Wm. miner, res near Mill Richardson M. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Rickelton J. sup't Dick Sides, 161 north C Riddles R. A. carpenter, res H Rider B. A. foreman Monmouth & Warsaw Mining Co. res 7 s Howard Rider E. H sup't Monmouth & Warsaw Mining Co. n Howard Rigelon D. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Riley Wm. at McFarland's lumber yard, Gold Hill and Virginia Divide Riley John, laborer, south F Riley Geo. Summit Saloon, 368 Divide Riley J. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Riley Mrs. lodging house, north A Riley Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Riley Phillip, miner, G Riley Wm. miner York Claim Riley Phil, miner Gould & Curry Mine Rinaldo D. painter, 84 south C Rine Dan. miner Spanish No. 2 Riordin J, F, iron- worker Gould & Curry Mill Risard J. miner Chollar Mining Co RISING F. S. Rector Protestant Episcopal Church, res basement of church Roach Nicholas, miner Potosi Mining Co. res south H Roach J. miner W. & M. Claim Roach Garrett, miner Gould & Curry Mine Roads M. V. speculator, res south F Roarke Charley, miner, bds Cedar Hill House, north C Roark Jno. miner, res nr Summit Roberts E. miner Ophir Mine Roberti W. miner Ophir Mine Roberts J. C. tinner, res 18 north D Roberts , miner Ophir Mine Roberts H. carman Chollar Mining Co ' Roberts J. carpenter Chollar Mining Co Roberts E. blacksmith Potosi Mining Co Roberts Sam'l, miner Potosi Mining Co Roberts Mat. miner Potosi Mining Co Roberts Thos. miner Potosi Mining Co Roberts J. C. of Roberts & Brady (metalic roofers) HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. I., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 189 Robins Chas B. miner Gould & Curry Robinson Geo. sup't Croesus Mining Co Robinson G. raining engineer, office 2 Jones' Building, south C Robinson E. carpenter, south A Robinson C. P. att'y at law, office 1 C Robson P. res 61 south B ROBSON PUTNAM, Robson's Club Room 68 south C (up stairs) Rock James, teamster, res H nr Taylor Rock G. laundry, Howard Rock John, teamster, res 51 north P Rocke B. blacksmith, Gould & Curry Mill Rocks Jno. miner Ophir Mine Rodgers Richard, carpenter California Mine, res west of Summit Rodgers W. P. res 33 south C Rodgen D. miner Ophir Mine Rodham Wm. 1st engineer Potosi Mine, res 264 south B Rodney Wm. engineer Potosi Mining Co Roe L. B. real estate owners, office 5 Roe's Building, south B Rogers David, miner Ophir Mine, res north A Rohes Jesus, Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Rohr Henrich, res 108 north D Rohrs C. H. miner, res Mill Roles A. painter Gould & Curry Mill Roman S. at S. B. Detray & Mayer, 23 south C Ronen James, miner, res 127 G Ronike Chas. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Manufacturer and Pitter of all kinds of Iron Shutters. Horse Shoeing, Repairing and Blacksmithing generally, done in a workmanlike manner. Shop 154 and 156 South C Street, iu same shop with M. Burke. CARRIAGE ^ WACON MAKER, Constantly on hand and for sale, a large assortment of Carriage and Wagon Material, Spokes, Hubs and Felloes, • Hickory and Oak Plank. 154 & 156 South C Street, in same shop with P. Reese. Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 190 VIRGINIA DIEECTORY. Rovin Richard, miner Gould & Curry Mine Rooney S. B. Broker, res J ROOT JAMEJ^.of McLaughlin & Root, res cor Washington and I Root A, J. carpenter, res north A Roper H. I. miner, res cor I and Sutton Av. Rose C. H. miner, res Mill Rose Picot, Boulder Resturant, 65 north A Rosckemp A. timberman Ophir Mine Rosenbaum G. butcher, res 55 south D Rosenberg; Phil, printer "Union Office" Rosener S. of Rosener & Co ROSENER S. & CO, dry goods 70 south C Rosener H. of Rosener & Co Roskill F. of A. S. Tobias & Co Roskelly R, miner Ophir Mine Ross C. L. broker B3 south C Ross K. B. stock broker, bds Sutton Av. Ross D. M. blacksmith Gould & Curry Mine Ross D. C. carpenter Potosi Mining Co Ross Robt. B. miner Croesus Mining Co. res Divide Ross L. amalgamator Ogden Mill Ross C. L. broker, office 33 south B Ross & McCarty, grocers and provision south C Ross M. M. G. miner, res 139 north C Ross Richard, club Rooms 9 north C Ross Robert, miner Potosi Mining Co Rossi C. & Co. Grocers 29 north C Rossi G. B. of C. Rossi & Co Roth G. G. at Moore & Ogden. 48 north C Rotlienbucher J. jeweler Eaves & Nye Rothschild Samuel, broker, res 39 north A Rouire L. waiter 20 north C Rourke M. printer " Enterprise Office Rouse W. H. Grocery, res 29 north B Row Wm. engineer Sierra Nevada Mill Rowden B. laborer Ophir Mine Rowe E. A. miner, 33 south C, res International Hotel Rowe A miner Ophir Mine Rowe A. miner Best and B. Mining Co Row John miner Potosi Mining Co Rowe , miner Central Mine Rowe John, miner S Potosi Mine Rowen Jas. miner Gould & Cui'ry Mine Rower , weigher Centreville Mill Roy Peter, miner Savage Mining Co Ruestlev Jno. carpenter Ogden Mill RUHLING E. & CO. bankers and assayists 42 south B RUHLING E. of E. Ruhlina- & Co. res north A HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 191 RUHLING JOHN C. cashier E. Ruhling & Co Ruillan Ed. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Ruinn Richard, ore-worker Gould & Curry Mill Rumfrey Wm. miner Potosi Mining Co Russell & Co, Gold Hill, Silver, Dayton & Como stages, office Merchants' Exchange, 10 south C Russell S. A. sup't Gold Hill, Silver, Dayton and Como stages, res 130 north D Russell E- blacksmith DeLands' Mill, Flowery Russell Wm. H. clerk Gould & Curry Mill Russell Jas, miner Gould & Curry Mine Russell Chs. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill RUSSELL CHAS. J. of Humphrey & Co's. milk ranch RUSSELL D. H. prop'r Washoe Exchange and Billiard Rooms, 24 south C Rutter Fred, miner, on L north of Union J. SUTTERLEY. C. SUTTERLEY. FHQTOCRAF B Street, corner of Taylor, N. B.— Pictures taken in all styles and sizes, either from life or copied from old pictures. BOOK AND JOB PRINTEKS, 511 Saxisozne ©ti'eet, San Francisco. Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 192 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. s Sabine C. machinist, bds Mrs. Sweets Sacramento Restaurant by John Hopp, 26 south B Sacramento Saloon, Union bet C and D SACRAMENTO BAKERY & RESTAURANT, 321 south C Safford C. B. Virginia Hotel Samott Isaac, miner Sides Mining Co Samp Deeble miner Ophir Mine Samson Wm. conveyancer, 2 Myers & Daggett's Building Sampson J. miner Ophir Mine Sander Andrew, butcher at Central Market Sander Fred. Eagle Brewery, south B Sanders S. clerk at B. Gad & Co Sanders A. boots and shoes 25 north C Sanderson W. F. miner res south F Sandidge D. M. printer " Enterprise Office" Sands Miss Sarah, res Taylor Sands David, cook, res Taylor Sands Nick, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Sanford B. C. miner Savage Mining Co Sanford W. D. miner Savage Mining (Jo Santereta Claim, Ophir Hill, located 1862 Santhwell Wm. at Gillig, Mott & Co Sapis A. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co SARGENT & FOGLER, paints, oils, glass and crockery, 54 south C, (see adv) Sargent H. S. of Sargent & Fogler, 54 south C,res Stockton Cal Sarnott I. miner Sides Mining Co Sarsfield C. res E near Smith Sarsfield & Daly, dealers in real estate, 59 south 0 Satchell Chs. barber 301 south C SauleE. A. laborer ChoUar Mining Co Savage Mining Company, south B Savage B. blacksmith with Wabjon Savery W. W. rooms on Taylor bet B and C Sawyer G. club rooms 29 north C Sawyer Geo. operator Telegraph Co Sawyer F. A. attornev at law, office over Barnura Hotel, 34 n C SAZERAC SALOON, Peasley & Wardle, 10 s 0 Schaefer John, carpenter, 13 south E Schoefield John, carpenter, res south D Scheel H. J. T. miner, res 149 south D Schiller Chas. first engineer B. Moscow Schlocht A. Union Bakery, north D Schoeneman & Nelle, cutlers, 20 north B Schneider J. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Schloss F. & Co. liquors, 18 north C HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 19d Schloss F. of F. Schloss & Co. 18 north C Schmidt Henry, of Deininger & Schmidt Schmidt Jacob, cook Bayreuther Bros Schneider Jacob, of Cohn &, Schneider, 115 south C Schoenfeld Louis, at Bayreuthers, Schoiield J. engineer DeLand's Mill, Flowery Scholler Chas. miner Gould & Curry Mine Schowalter Juo. barber, 17 south B Schilley Chas. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Schminer G. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Schreen Chas. engineer Gould & Curry Mill Schuck Henry, barber, cor C and Union Schuck Henry, marble yard, 31 north F Schuirer G. painter Gould & Curry Mill Sculley Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine Schultze F. W. engraver, cor Taylor and B Schultz S. miner Sides Mining Co. res Summit Schultz 0. confectioner, 6 south C Schultze Wm. waiter at Bayreuther Bros SCHUSTER'S BREWERY, F. W. Schuster, prop'r, 323 s C Schwartz Philip, dry goods, 84 south C Schwamb C. W. cabinet maker, cor D and Union Scott & Comstock, Robinson's Stand, B Scott Peter, carpenter Ophir Mine Scott Jno. R. carpenter Ophir Mine Scott A. miner, res Divide Scott R: H. (colored), laborer, res H nr Taylor Scott P. painter Gould & Curry Mill Scribner W. R. res north F Seaman Mrs. S. A. Chrystal Peak House, 113 south C Seaward T. Seaward's Saloon, 97 south C Seer Oliver, oysterman, 11 south C Seevers Carl, printer "Old Piute" office Sellers Robt. carpenter Best & B Mining Co Seynor J. milk ranch^ Flowery Sewman A. night foreman Savage Mining Co Shafer M. stock dealer Shafer Miss Julia, res Howard Shakespeare B. F. bricklayer, res 44 north F Shakespeare David, carpenter, res 44 north F Shand Wm. at Flora Temple Stable Shaney C. A. tailor and sec'y mining co's, south C Shany Nicholas, miner Gould & Cuiry Mine Shar J. D. carpenter Potosi Mining Co Sharp Thos. miner, bds F. Murphy Shaw John B. time-keeper California Mine, res Howard Shaw J. S. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Shawnaham J. J. painter Gould & Curry Mill Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 194 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. WM. SHEPARD & SONS, PIiUMBS:RS, GAS AND STEAH FITTESS, AND DEALERS IN WATER AND GAS PIPES, Brackets, Bronzes, Lamp Goods, etc. iiLE f iil9»iTiiiS OE ALL KINDS, WITH SILVER PLATED FAUCETS, IN LARGE VARIETY. MADE AND PUT UP TO ORDER. OIL CHANDELIERS ALTERED TO BURN GAS, and RE-GILT or BRONZED. MILL WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Shop under Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express Office, 67 South a Street, ■VIZRG-IDNri-A.. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY* 195 Phaw N. amalframator Gould & Curry Mill Shaw Wm. bootmaker U. M. Black Shaw Louis, miner, south F Shea J. horse-shoer, 156 south d Shea T. clerk J. T. AtwiU Slielden Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Slieale S. driver Sava2:e Mining Co Sheehan Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Shceham L. lab 'rer Ofjhir Mine Slieek Wm. miner Ba]. & G. E. Mining Co SHEHAN ct STAHL, Union Employment Office, cor B and Taylor Shehan Jno. of Shehan & Stahl Shell M. tailor, 1 Myers' Building Shelton H. A. speculator, lOii south D Shepard W. F. Deputy Marshal, office south B SHEPARD WM. & SONS, plumbers, gas and steam fitters, un- der Wells, Fai'go (t Go's, >outh C SHEPARD J. of Wm". Shepard & Sons, gas fitters SHEPARD WM. Senr. of Shepard & Sons SHEPARD WM. Junr. of Shepard & Sons Sheppard J. P. engineer, res G Shepp Miss Lizzie, res 94 south D Sheppard Jame<, 184 south C Shephard M. P. miner Potosi Mining Co Sheriff A. R. wagon-maker, res south F Sheroni S. cook Progress Restaurant Sherman W. R. printer "Old Piute" Office Sherman G. R. with C. C. Harvey, 82 south C Shiels M. miner Gould & Curry Mine Shields J, W. cigar. stand at Spaldings Shine John, miner Spanish No. 2 Shiriff A. R. carpenter Ophir Mine Shirley J. G. boot-maker at S. Davis & Co Showers James, smelter Gould & Curry Mill Shrader Stephen R. amalgamater HoosieT State Mill Shuch I. carpenter, res north I Shuck 0. T. att'y at law south B Shultz , miner Sides Mining Co Shultz J, W. carpenter, res south F SIERRA MARKET, Masel Kron & Co. 127' north B Silick Thos. carman Chollar Mining Co Silver J. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Silverstin H. tailor south B Silvester Jno. miner Burning Moscow Simes L. B. miner north Carson Simon I. at S. Simon's Simon S. stock-broker and mo'ney lender, 12 south C Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 17 196 YIKGINIA DIRECTORY. Simmons Jo?epli, miner Potosi Mining Co Siraonds G. C. brakesman Chollar Mining Co Simonean T. 47 north C Simons E. clerk at E. A. Fargo & Co's Simson J. builder, res 166 north B Sinclair P. printer Sincock Artliur, miner Potosi Mining Co Sinclair S. F. grocery 139 north C Single Jas. miner Allen Mining Co Sinit Mat. carpenter, res Howard Sippett Wm. miner Potosi Mining Co Sipples John, miner California Mine Sippet S. miner Sierra Nevada Mill Skjrme W. stock-broker, bds Sutton Av Slanwood A. K. P. miner Gould & Curry Mine Slater Wm. miner Gould & Curry Mine Slaughter Jno L. saddle and harness manufactory 53 soutli C Slee Wm. blacksmith 156 south C SI oat C. 0. of Sloat & Finny, res south G Sloat E. D. Painter with H. W. Heath Sloat C. E. provision merchant 43 north C Slocum H. G. club room 21 north C Stokes Ales, carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Slop Lewis, trustee Sleinbach E. Globe Hotel 211 south C Slvk Van J. C. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Slyk Van F. H. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Slyke Van A. P. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Smart Sam. H. miner Gould & Curry Mine Smart S. H. blacksmith Gould & Curry Mill Smart W. R. miner Gould & Curry Mine Smiley , miner Sides Mining Co Smith E. C. carpenter N. Potosi Mining Co Smith J. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Smith Frank, miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Smith Thos. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Smith J. P. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Smith Ed. miner Potosi Mining Co Smith C. M. teamster for Storey & Faull Smith F. B. ass't assessor Internal Revenue, res 15 Stewart near Howard Smith H. Martin, speculator, Roe's Building room 10 Smith W. X. upholsterer at M. Goldman & Co SMITH T. J. grocery and vegetables, City Market, cor of B and Sutton Av Smith Mrs. N. res 43 soutli F Smitli W. K. at Gillig, Mott & Co Smith Thomas, miner, res south F •ffOT.a-n' ^ WOHT). "WTinlpecU RtntioTipirs. 41 R <^ 4^0 Clay St.. « F.. VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 197 Smith W. 0. broker, office Union Block Smith H. R. miner, res B Smith Thos. res north E Smith L. H. P. lumber, 356 Divide Smith J. B. carpenter, res })et A and B Smith J. H. amali^amator DeLand's Mill, Flowery Smith Michael, amalg-amator Empire Mill, Virginia SMITH H. D. ag't Fast Freight and Express Co. office Taylor bet B and C Smith Capt. F. C. Pioneer Stables, 22 south B Smith J. C. teamster, 33 north E Smith Jno. A. miner Gould & Curry Mine Smith Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine Smith Wm. F. lumber surveyor at D. E. Hoff & Co Smith F. printer "Old Piute" office Smith Jacob, broker, Chapin House Smith Isaac, tobacco, cigars, fruit, etc., 3 south C Smith S. book-keeper J. A. Wright Smith Jno. B. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Smith Geo. W. blacksmith Gould & Curry Mine Smith R. T. of Smith & Davies Smith W. H. miner Gould & Curry Mine Smith & Davies, brokers, 8 south (J Smith Richard, miner Gould & Curry Mine Smithers , miner Sides Mining Co Smolen James, miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Snead W. G. miner Gould & Curry Mine Snell A. miner Sierra Nevada Mill Snider John, butcher Central Market Snow James, miner Baj. & G. B. Mining Co Snow J. bds 210 soutli G SNOW S. A. house, sign and ornamental painter and upholsterer, 19 south B Snug Saloon, by Jos. M. Donlan, 9 south C Snyder John, laborer Gould & Curry Mine Snyder N. K. miner Gould & Curry Mine Snyder A. P. miner Gould & Curry Mine Snyder J. W. miner Gould & Curry Mine Snyder Nicholas, laborer Gould & Curry Mine Snyder Allen, laborer, I Snyder H. S. miner Gould & Curry Mine Snyder D. B. miner Gould & Curry Mine SODA WATER FACTORY, W. S. Wright, prop'r, 124 n B Solano Jos. laborer Centreville Mill Sommers H. miner B. Moscow Soloman 0. clerk J. Korn Soles J. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Soper Chas. amalgamator Cedar Hill Mill Dealers in Blauk Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. 198 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 66 South C Street, CLOTHING STORE A.IST3D THE 111 No. 27 North O Street, Virginia. i Keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHINGr, — AND THE- MOST FASHIONABLE GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ^ _ ' Also, a large variety of Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, and all kinds of Goods suitable for traveling. A full assortment of the latest style Hats always on hand. Also Benkert's Boots. ST. LOUIS BREWERY, 132 & 134 South C Street, Virginia. ADAM GERHAUSER, - - Proprietor. l^g=* Established 1st. May, 1863. -=^5^ JIOLGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 199 Soto Epoto, rock-sorter Chollar Mining Co Soule Gr. W. miner Gould & Curry Mine Soule Frank, miner Gould & Curry Mine SOURURY G. J. coflfee manufactory. 80 south D Sourthcourt W. miner Ophir Mine Sovereitrn Warren, amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill SPALDING V. saloon, 66 south C Spaulding U. with Pinschauer, 41 north B Spazek Jno. I. miner, 68 B Spencer Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Spencer E. laborer Ophir Mine Spencer R. miner Ophir Mine Spencer H. carpenter Ophir Mine Spengler J. stone-mason Gould & Curry Mill Sperling A. clothing, 100 south C Spittle S. P. butcher, 92 north C Sporgo Sam'l, miner Potosi Mining Co Sporgo Richard, miner Potosi Mining Co Spriak Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Spring Jno. Spring's Hotel, 36 south D Sproston Jno. agent Guardian Life Ins., New York, oflBce 58 s C Sproston Jno. ass't book-keeper Gould & Curry office Stoddan H. caroenter White & Murphy Claim STAHL SOLOMOX, intellegince office, res 43 north E Slater Geo. workman Gould & Curry Mill STATELER & ARRINGTON, bankers, Medan Building n C Stateler J. W. of Stateler & Arrington Stamm S. K. blacksmith 69 north B Stanton J. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co. res G Stanley Wm. engineer DeLand's Mill, Flowery Stanton James, miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Stapp B. F. brakesman California Mine, res north S Steel 0. C. president Wm. Penn Claim Steel C. C. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Steel 0. C. mimer, res 118 south 0 Steffon Jacob, St. Louis Market, 117 north C Stege Henry Concordia Saloon, 263 south C Steiger Carl, cook, res cor L and Mill Steigh W. engineer Gould & Curry Mill Steinberg A. boarding 211 south south C Steinmats Miss M. boarding 178 south C Stell J. broker, res 25 A Stelling W. J. at Nicholas 23 north C Stem S. H. wagon maker with Willard, north B nr Taylor Stephens H. miner Potosi Alining Co Stevens C. miner Stevens Jos. miner Ophir Mine Stevens Edwin, miner, res 282 B dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 200 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. Stevens H. miner Ophir Mine Stevens T. miner Ophir mine Stevens R. miner Ophir Mine Stevens Wm. Jas. miner, bds north F Stevens Wm. miner bds north F Sterling- J. Resturant 325 south C Sternfels B. H. at Rosener & Co Steuart Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine STEUDEMAN & DALE, music store, 72 south C Steudeman Theo, of Steudeman & Dale STEWART & BALDWIN, aty's at law, Pipers Block cor Union and B Stewart James, laborer, res L nr Union Stewart J. R. speculator, 21 north C Stewart Dugal, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Steward W. S. ore-worker Gould & Curry Mill Stewart George, fruit store '206 south C Stewart Francis, att'y at law, office Masonic Hall Stewart Ira, at Virginia Planing Mill Stewart W. N. att'y at law, res Taylor Stewart R. M. G. miner Savage Mining Co Stewart Mrs. milliner and dress maker, 94 north C Stiel Wm. miner Best, and B. Mining Co Stiffan Jacob, St. Louis Market north C Stinger A. engineer Gould & Curry Mill Stinson Rob. miner Baj. and G. E. Mining Co Stiles E. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Stitle Geo broker, office Union Block, south B Stillman Louis, miner, bds Cedar Hill House north C Strauss A. of Strauss Bros Strauss M. of Strauss Bros Strauss S. N. E. mining sec'y 26 south C STRAUSS market'; 17 south C Strible H. tin-smith, LcLaughlin & Root Strong Chap. L. President " Gould & Curry," res San Francisco Strouse Abraham, Central Market,! 7 south C Stoddan Jno. miner Potosi Mining Co Stoddard Geo. miner Croesus Mining Company, res Divide Stolborg G. blacksmith Burning Moscow Stone A. carpenter Sierra Nevada Mill Stone Phil, miner Savage Mining Co Store R. S. carpenter Chollar Mining Co Stoops R. builder and contracter, res Howard Storey & Faull, teamsters, G, Virginia City Storey Wm. B. clerk Potosi Mining Co Storey Co. Bible Depository, C. Walker, agent, 6 s B Storey John, 148 south D Storrs Dr. , m- ney lender, at Mrs. Hawlett's HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.. VIRGINIA DIRECtORY. 20 1 ST. LOUIS BREWERY, A. Gerhauser, prop'r, 134 s C Stowe F. A. at Wood & Goe's St. Jacques L. amalgamator Sapphire Mill, Virginia St. John Mrs. Ellen, washing, south F St. Louis Hotel, by H. Frankenthall, 6 north B ST. NICHOLAS SALOON, by F. W. Getzler & Co. 23 north C St. Charles Bakery, by A. Hanak, north B St. Nicholas Hotel, by J. S. Landeker, south B St. Paul's Episcopal Church, cor F and Taylor St. Mary's in the Mountains (Catholic Church), Rev. P. Mano gue, pastor, cor F and Washington Studson Wm. L. carpenter and cabinet maker, shop s G StuU J. miner Gould & Curry Mine Sturen Wm. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Stull Jas. miner Gould & Curry Mine Sturm Chas. Enterprise Saloon, Enterprise Building Suhel S. shoemaker, 86| south C Sullivan Jas. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Sullivan Pat. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Sullivan Thos. miner Potosi Mining Co Sullivan C. Grass Valley House, 105 south C Sullivan Philip, miner Gould & Curry Mine Sullivan Pat. miner Gould & Curry Mine Sullivan Jerry, miner Gould & Curry Mine Sullivan , miner Sides Mining Co Sullivan D. amalgamator Empire Mill, Virginia Sullivan L. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Sullivan Wm. laborer Ophir Mine Sullivan Jas. Lexington House, G Sullivan C. V. blacksmith, 63 north B Sullivan C. blacksmith, res 54 north A Sullivan Jas. blacksmith with Willard, B nr Taylor Sullivan M. miner Baj. & G. E. Mining Co Sullivan Dan'I, miner Potosi Mining Co Summers H. B. broker, office in Medan Building, 10 n C Sumner Colonel, res 4 Howard Sunderland Thos. of Crittenden & Sunderland, res cor TayloF" and F SUTLIFF'S HALL. Henry Sutliff, prop'r, 68 north C SUTTER LEY C. of Sutterley Bros photograph rooms, s B SUTTERLEY J. K. of Sutterley Bros, photograph rooms,- south B HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. HAVE STRUCK A ''LEAD!" You can learn the details by looking at back outside cover. Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 202 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. SUTTERLEY BROS. Photojrrapli Rooms, south B nr Taylor Sutton Jno. miner Utah Minitiu- Co Swan J. iron-worker Qouhi & Curry Mill Swan W. H. miner, bds Canandaffua llouse Swasey S. H. laborer Potosi Minin.i^ Co Swearinger VVm. ex-Captain Police Sweet Mrs. M. A. boardin.2: house, 20 north D Swift Jas. H. night clerk International Swinbank T. miner N. Potosi Mine ^ykes T. D. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Sylvester Jno. butcher, 111 north li J. W. STATBLER. N. O. ARRINGTON " ivl B D A. IsT BXJ ILrJ I isr O," NORTH C STREET, Virginia City, N. T. Messrs. Donohoe, Ralston & Co., San Francisco ; Messrs. D. 0. Mills & Co., Sacra- mento ; M<'ssrs. Rideout & Smith, Mafysville ; Messrs. Kiigcne Kelly &, Co., Bankers, New York City, payable in currency or gold coin. Purchase and advance on liullion ; Discount Drafts and Notes ; Receive Deposits; Loan Money; Make Collections, etc. SAMUEL L. SNOW, HOUSE, SIG^Tvr, A.3srrj HOUSE LINING AND PAPERING. No. 17 North B Street, Next to Collins' House, ^2P'S133aC^a3K2ril^a.s mxAoxx ^tttdligcttc^ mA (^tnmxl ^pnq ®fim, Corner B and. Taylor Streets, Vli'ginia. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 203^ a? Taafc L, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Tabart Pierre, Howard Street Bakery Tackuey Wm. Painter at S. A. Snows Tallmadge G. B. sec'y mining go's, 26 south C Tanner J. J. miner Savage Mining Co Tants B. prop'r Washoe Brewery Taylor J, miner Ophir Mine Tausig B. tailor 24 north B Taylor J. F. blacksmith Chollar Mining Co Taylor F. carpenter Winfield Mill, Virginia Taylor Wm. miner W. & M. Claim Taylor G. A. carpenter DeLand's Mill, Flowery Taylor W. J. res Mrs. Fountains cor D and Union Taylor C. J. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Taylor J. porter Gould & Curry Mill Taylor L. W. att y at law, room 33 Jone's Building Taylor Jno. A. ass't assessor Internal Revenue Taylor Miss Eliza, dress maker 22 A Taylor N. B. miner, bds Sutton Avenue Taylor R. miner Ophir Mine Taylor T. L. bookkeeper McLaughlin & Root Taylor Judge 153 north C Taylor J. D. miner, 39 north B Taylor L. W. sup't Brotherhood Consolidated Mine" Taylor C. J. carpenter, res 84 south D Taylor Pittuey, printer, res north H Taylor M. B. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Taylor Thos. G. sup't Best & B. J-ining Co Taylor J. C. miner Potosi Mining Co Taylor T. J. Taylor's Building, Taylor bet B and C^ Teeny J. miner Ophir Mine Telegraph office, Taylor's Building Templeton John, ass't engineer Spanish No. 2 Tenby Edw. miner Potosi Mining Co Thayer W. W. clerk at Post office Theall H. W. Theal & Co THE ALL & CO. assayists, cor of C and Taylor Theriot Joseph, butcher, res H and Flowery Thiery C has. jeweler, 115 north B Thulon Mrs. B. res north B Thurston N. S. clerk at S. Haas & Co Thompson Wm. miner Milton Mining Co' Thomas Jerry P. at Spaldings Thomas Geo. M. at Spaldings Thompson Z. W. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Thomson T. W. auctioneer 26 south C Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Eancv Stationery. 18 204 VIRGINIA mRECTORT, Tliorson P. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Thomas J. A. printer " Old Piute " office Thomas George, miner 31 north P Thomas John W. of Thomas & Brown, lodging house, cor B and Sutton Av Thomas Alex, engineer Sierra NeTada Mill Thomson Monroe, broker, office Medan Building Thomas Isaac, night foreman Potosi Mine Thompson James, stock broker, res south E Thompson , night foreman Central Mill Thomas Wm. engineer Sierra Nevada Mill Thomas Chas. C. sup't N. Potosi and El Dorado Mining Co. res Howard THOMAS & BROWN, lodging house, cor B & Sutton Av Thomas J. miner Ophir Mine Thomas Isaac, night watch Potosi Mining Co Thomas Dr. J. G. office 4 north D Thompson J. driver Savage Mining Co ^ Thomas Joseph, miner Savage Mining Co i THORNBURGH W. B. of Paxton & Thornburg, res N. W. cor ^ Howard and Taylor Tidd J. M. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill j Tiddy F. miner Ophir Mine 1 Tiedermen W. wagon maker 156 south C Tilford Frank, of Tilford & Gordon, city att'y, office Enterprise Building Timm J. carpenter, res cor of R & Sutton Av Timmons John, boot maker for R. M. Bloch Timmons L. miner, res north D . Tobias & Co. A. S. Liquors and groceries 22 north C Tobin Jno. laborer Ophir Mine Toka P. miner Winfield Mill, Virginia Toland Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine Toles L. V. brakesman California Mine, res bet K and I Tompkins M. miner ChoUar Mining Co Tompkins S. A. foreman for R. M. Black Tomy John, res 106 north B Tontine Saloon, by Jno. Brown, 3 south C Tookey J. miner N. Potosi Mining Co TORTELL & BUSH, dealer in groceries, poultry, fish and game, 13.1 south Vj Tortell Wm. of Tortell & Bush, 13.| south 0 Toomly , miner Sides Mining Co Townsend J. W. B. printer ' Union " office Townsend B. M. agent McFarland's lumber yard, Gold Hill and Virginia Divide Tracy Wm. miner Utah Mining Co TiaL-y Jno. laborer, H HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIEGINIA DIRECTORY. 205 Tranor F. laborer Opliir Mine Trask J. amalgamator Empire Mill, Virginia Trayser Henry, printer " Union " office Treat J. D. National Market, res south F Treat & Straus, National Market, south C Treadwell J. M. teamster Storey & Faull Tregloan J. miner Ophir Mine Trelore Thos. miner Potosi Mining Co Trevenan J. miner Best & B. Mining Co Trezisi Jas. miner Ophir Mine Trieker Jos miner Potosi Mining Co Trisch Chas. cabinet maker at M. Goldman & Co's Tricot L. laborer Ophir Mine Tritle F. A. attorney at law, res 32 A Trorry Wm. laborer Gould & Curry Mill TRUCKEE HAY YARD, by Young & Georges, on Divide bet Gold Hill and Virginia True J. H. carpenter Potosi Mining Co Tucker J. C. City Physician and County Coroner, office 80 s C Turner David S. Judge Supreme Court, office s B TURNER HENRY H. phonographic reporter "Union" office Turner S. B. sec'y mining co's, res International Hotel Tuller Capt. miner Wm. Penn Claim Tully James, boarding house, 199 north C Turkleson Lorenzo, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Twinin Hugh, teamster Gould & Curry Mill Tyler David, miner Gould & Curry Mine Tyler Mrs. J. T. res north G Tyrrell Martin, laborer Gould & Curry Mill WM. TORTELL. H. BUSH, Jr. TORTELL & BUSH, DEALERS IN EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, GAME, POULTHY ASTB EHFIT, A constant supply of Fresh Vegetables and California Honey. Dealers in Blank Sooks, Legal and Commercial Slanks. ■206 TIRGINIA DIRECTORY. XJ UNION RERTUR iNT, Denling & Bowen' 42 north C UNION MARKET, A. Newman & Co. 32 south C Uren Geo. miner Ophir Mine U. S. Collector's Desk, Post Office Building Utah Mining Company, Comstock Lead HAY YAED & STABLE. On the Gold Hill and Virginia Divide, YOUNG & GEORGES, - - - PROPRIETORS. Good Stabling, Wagon and Cattle Corrals. Charges Reasonable. TTOTIB ^TATF^ nATFT Nos. 31, 33 & 331 South B Street, W. A. MORRISON, - - - PROPRIETOR. • This Establishment having been enlarged and renovated thronghout, has now a larger number of First Class Beds than any other house in the Territory, and affords excellent accommodations to travelers. «®> HOUSE OIPEIV ^3L.3L. IVIGHT. ■=©» FULTON FOUNDRY Virginia and Gold Hill Divide. .-♦-. THOS. JONES, - - PROPRIETOR. HODGE & WOOD. Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., YIRGINIA DIEECTORY. 20T "V" Vac Kiro A. gardener Mill Vail John, foreman Fairview Mine, res D Valentine John J. cashier Ex. Dep'ts, Wells, Fargo & Co Valleton Peter, broker, res south G Vance R. H. daguerrean rooms 4 north F VAN BOKKELEN JACOB L. Provost Marshal, N. T VAN BOKKELEN W. A, M. mining sec'y and notary public, office Enterprise Building south C Vanduyn W. H. res south F Vanoppen H. at S. Bloomfield & Co Vanstyke J. C. teamster Gould & Curry Mill Van Walbeck Martin, carpenter bds at Barreuthers Vaughn P. miner Ophir Mine Vaughan A. H. bar-tender at Wood and Wilsons Verschogle Chas. at Barnes' Saloon south B Vertimer Louis, merchant, res south G Vertner J. D. bds at U. S. Hotel Vest A. E. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine A^vendt Clara Mrs. res north H Viciente M. res 87 A Viel Jas. miner Milton Mining Co Villeti Adolph, baker Howard Street Bakery Vincent Theo. amalgamator Hoosier State Mill Vincent Q. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Virginia Hotel, by Jno. Werner, north B Virginia Saloon, by W. Grossetti, north B VIRGINIA PLANING MILL, 45 south D VIRGINIA STABLES, by A. Benham & Bro. 29 south C Virginia Milk Dairy, by A. Clock, cor K and Taylor Virginia Brewery, by G. Florchitz & Co. 7 Mile Canon Vichosions F. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Vittor Cicere, cook, res cor Union and E Vodden Wm. carpenter Ophir Mine Vodden R. miner Ophir Mine VOIGT Dr. C. B. F. La Charite Hospital, north F iILL 45 South D Street, Virginia. MOXLEY, MUGflES & CO., - - PROPRIETORS. ALL KINDS OF PLANING, TOHGUE AND GROOVING. ■Manufacturers of Sash, Blinds, and Sash Doors. Job Sawing and all kinds of Mouldings ou hand and for sale. Turning of all descriptions done on the lortest notice. Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 208 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. "V^ Wacker C. restaurant, 321 south C Wadsworth Mrs. sewing" machines, res Chapin House Wagener Sam'l, city bell-ringer, 14 north B Wagener Wm. barber Washington Baths, 51 south G Wager Jas. teamster Storey & Faull Wagner C. carman Opbir Mine Wagner Adam, tinner McLaughlin & Root Wagor Jas. weigher Potosi Mill Waim Thos. miner, res north E WAKEMAN 0. P. reporter " Old Piute," res 25 A Walard J. B. res cor Carson and J Walch D. W. clerk Gould & Curry Mill Walker C, watchmaker and jeweler, 6 north B Walker R. carpenter Ophir Mine Walker J. carpenter Ophir Mine Walker C. A. miner, res 169 north C Walker John, physician and surgeon, 4 north C Wall F. B. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Walch Robt. miner California Mine Wall T. P. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Wall Jno. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Wallace B. F. miner, 114 south C Wallace Mrs. E. W. boarding house, G Wallace Wm. oyster-man, 11 south C Wallace W. C. of Botts & Wallace, office Enterprise Building Walsh M. miner Sides Mining Co Walten W. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Walter F. merchant, res cor H and Taylor Walter F. & Co. merchants (groceries) 52 south C Walters Jno. miner Gould & Curry Mine Walton L. miner Savage Mining Co Walty Nicholas, Stewart, 36 north E Walyon Peter, blacksmith, south C Wanwick D. miner Savage Mining Co Ward W. T. miner Potosi Mining Co A¥ard Valentine, painter Gould & Curry Mill Ward Thos. R. miner Gould & Curry Mine Ward Jas. laborer Gould & Curry Mill Ward & HeflFron, Argentine Saloon, 71 south C Ward J. M. auctioneer, 19 north C Wardle L. Sazerac Saloon, 10 south C Warner C. C. sec'y mining co's, 7 south C Warner J, F. barber with L. Bach WARNER & MUNCKTON, drug store, 25 north B Warner J. of Warner & Munckton, res 25 north B Warner L. M. clerk Hatch Bros HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., Virginia directory. 209 Warnock T. D. foreman Mining Co. north Stewart Warwick , sup't Ponce Dc Leon Warren Edw. laborer Gould & Curry Mill WARREN W. T. wagon and carriage making, 71 north B Warren A. E. with W. T. Warren, 71 north B WARSCHAUER M. harness maker, 74 north C Washburne E. wood turner, res 34 south D Washburne S. miner. I nr Catholic Church Washburn S. miner Chollar Mining Co WASHINGTON BATHS, L. Bach, 51 south C Washington Chas. miner, bds Canandagua House WASHINGTON MARKET, Cramer & Co. 92 north C WASHOE BREWERY, Egert & Tants, prop'rs, 304 south C Washoe Stables, Orrick Johnson & Co. 109 south 0 Washoe Stock and Exchange Board of Brokers, Medan Build'g WASHOE EXCHANGE BILLIARD SALOON, D. H. Rus- sell, prop'r, 24 south C WASSERMAN SAM'L, cigars, tobacco and stationery, corner Union and C Watchesky Chas. mattres maker at D. Wolf & Co Waters Mrs- J. M. dress maker, cor D and Union Waters Jas. waiter International Hotel Waters T. timberman Ophir Mine Waters Jas. miner Savage Mining Co Waters Tommy, miner, bds Cedar Hill House Watson J. E. teamster, res 33 E Watson C. W. hay yard, north E Watson Thos. baker International Hotel Watson J. miner N. Potosi Mining Co WATTS EDGAR E. secretary mining co's and dealer in mining' stocks, office International Building, C WATTS ERASMUS, law stationer, etc., 216 south C Watts Dr. 45 north B Waw Sam, washing and ironing, north D WAUGAMAN ASA L. prop'r El Dorado Saloon, res s Howard. Wearn W. miner Ophir Mine Webb H. miner Ophir Mine Webber F. upholsterer at D. Wolf & Co Webber W. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Webster E. C. bar-tender Occidental Webster J. L. Summit Saloon, 368 on Divide Webster W. C. miner Gould & Curry Mine Wedemeyer C. with W. T. Waren & Co Wefonsas Father, Immaculate Conception Church Wehr F. carpenter, L nr Union Weidel Louis, Sazerac Saloon, res G Weigaud C. assay er Gould & Curry Mill Weigle Chris, butcher Central Market Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 210 YIRGINIA DIRECTOEY. WEIL CHAS. newspaper carrier, 63 south C Weiuslienk & Alsbacher, clothing, 16 south C Weir Stephen, shoe-maker, res south C Weiss H. J. carpenter, res north G WELCH JOHN, prop'r Orleans Restaurant, 104 south C Welch , miner Sides Mining Co Welch James, miner, res south D Welch Wm. foreman of Beach & Paxton, res north F Welch Wm. sup't mining claims, res 48 north F Welch S. C. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Welch Wm. foreman California Mine res north F Welsh Nick, iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Welsh C. oiler Gould & Curry Mill Welsh Edward, miner, south G Welscli Leonard, miner Gould & Curry Mine Welsh James B, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Welling J. W. res Occidental Wells Miss M. north E WELLS, FARGO & CO. Express office 65 and 67 south C Welty Amos, carman Gould & Curry Mill Wenderoth P. butcher Grey Eagle Market WENDEROTH &HELBINGER, Grey Eagle Market 346 Divide Weimer W. Virginia Hotel, res 8 A Wcrtheimer M. cigars and tobacco 54 south 0 Wertheimer I. 54 south C Wescoat N. civil engineer, office Walter's Building 52 south C West John L. carpenter, res north S. Westfall George, foreman Gould & Curry Tunnel, res south D Westover A. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Westwood , blacksmith, res Howard bet A and B Whalen J. E. amalgamator Gould & Curry Mill Wheeler W. P. bar-tender, Maguire's Opera House Wheeler J. B. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Wheelock C. A. butcher City Market, cor of B and Sutton Av White C. B. engineer Best and B. Mining Co White J. J. boot-maker. Union bet C and D White Martin, of Corson & Whife res 75 south C White T. bar-tender Hughes' Saloon White A. W. Pioneer Laundry 60 south C WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT, Mrs. S. J. Dill prop's, 92 south C White W. S. liquors, 164 south C White Seth, miner Ophir Mine White W. D. of Eastman & Co White Moseby, laborer, res south D White E. W bookkeeper at McLaughlin & Root AVhite E. J. clerk Gould and Curry Mill White Richard, miner Gould & Curry Mine HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 211 White R. D. miner Gould & Curry Mine White Pat. miner Gould & Curry Mine Whitcher J. W. att'y at law, 172" south C Whitman Henry, butcher Union Market Whitman , att'y at law, room 3 Wells-Fargo's Block Whitley Henry, cook at Gould & Curry Whittaker E. teamster Rogers' Mill, Virginia Wier W. H. Restaurant 807 south C Wiggins L. C. miner Gould & Curry Mine Wightman & Chappell, commission and stock brokers, Black and Howell's Building Wightman A. C. of Wightman & Chappell, International Hotel Williams Manuel, miner Gould & Curry Mine Wilcox Sam'l, policeman, res B Wilcox J. M, laborer Gould & Curry Mill Wild C.ofBottorf & Wild Wilder Ed. B. sup't Ophir Mine Wilder W. P. secretary Rock Island Pony Express Co. room 12 Roe's Building B Wiley Nicholas, gas works Wilkinson Joseph, amalgamator Cedar Hill Mill Wilkins , trustee Wm. Penn Claim WILKINS A. L. Flora Temple Livery Stable 37 n C, res n E Willard B. blacksmith, shop B nr Taylor Wilkins Chas. barber 86 south C Williams L. ore-worker Gould & Curry Mill Williams Walter, blacksmith Gould & Curry Mine Williams Gen. Tom. bds at Chapin House Williams Stephen, miner, bds north E Williams Geo. miner bds Cedar Hill House north C Williams H. A. clerk for Casey, Kelly & Co ^ Williams , of Williams & Bixler att'ys at law Williams G. miner Ophir Mine Williams , money lender, International Hotel Williams S. M. Yances daguerrean gallery Williams D. R. printer "Old Piute" office Williams & Bixler, att'ys at law, 31 & 32 Jones' Building, s C Williams Stephen miner Ophir Mine Williams Isaac, jobbing, &c., south G Williams J. B. sup't Sierrra Nevada Mill Williams P. miner Sierra Nevada Mill Williams J miner Sierra Nevada Mill Williams & Labassee, Express Exchange Saloon 62 south B Williams A. feeder Cedar Hill Mill Williams Stephen, miner Milton Mining Co Williams Wm. spup't Ophir Mine, res north G Williams Chris, miner Best and B. Mining Co Williams F. rock-breaker Cedar Hill Mill Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancv Stationery. 1 t7 212 VIEGINIA DIRECTORY. WASHOE EXCHANGE, H. D. Russell, Proprietor, 24 SOUTH C STREET, THE LARGEST AND MOST COMMODIOUS ILL! QMS The Bar will be always stocked with the Choicest WIFES, LIQUORS AFB GIGASS. THE BIILLI.A.I^r> E,003VE IS UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF MR. C. H. FLINT. HERMAN EGGERT. E. TANTS. D K 1^ W b W\ I Junction B and C Streets, 9 ECCERT & TANTS, - PROPRIETORS. RESTAURANT, South O Street, Virginia. MRS. S. J. DILL, PROPRIETRESS. The Table is supplied with the best the Market affords, and prices reasonable. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., YIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 213 Williams "W. J. miner Potosi Mining Co Williams Emanuel, miner Gould & Curry Mine Williams Tho, pit-man Potosi Mining Co Williams Jno. miner Potosi Mining Co Williamson J. carpenter Gould & Curry Mill Willock J. C. of McLaughlan & Willock, res 117 south 0 Willock Chs. clerk Winfield Mill, Virginia Willson Martin, carpenter Utah Mining Co Willson Sam'l, miner Gould & Curry Mine Willson J. W. undertaker 34i south B Willson J. iron-worker Gould & Curry Mill Willson S. L. sec'y mining co's, office Crystal Peak House Wilson James, bookkeeper with Stateler & Arrington Willson Thos. miner Milton Mine Willson Jas. miner Allen Mining Co Wilson Frank, miner Utah Mining Co AVillson Jas. miner Savage Mining Co Willson Thos. miner Milton Mining Co Willson Abe, watchman Utah Mining Co Wilmington J. W. printer "Union office" Wilson Chas. butcher bds with Mrs. Lightner Wilson John, driver C. Stage Co Wilson S. L. broker 113 soutli C Wilson , auctioneer south B Wilson W. F. of Wood & Co. 9 north C Wilson T. H. engineer, res 46 north F Wimer A. J. brick-maker res M and Carson WINN & CENTER'S Saloon 60 south C Winn Walter, of Winn & Center's Saloon 50 south C Winn M. L. candy factory 218 south C Winins W R. rock-breaker DeLand's Mill, Flowery Winter Mrs. Alpine Boarding House, 66 B Winter Jno. laborer Gould & Curry Mill WINTON N. W. county clerk, 10 Roe's Building B Witkowsky & Bro. clothing 14 south C Witkowsky J. barber, Washington Baths, 51 south C Witkowsky H. of Witkowsky & Bro Witkowsky M. of Witkowsky & Bro Witt De E. res 191 north C Wivil T. miner Ophir Mine Wolf D, & Co. furniture and upholstry, 30 north C Wolf L. of Wolf, Herzog & Co WOLF J. W. Ag't " Mining and Scientific Press," and assistant compiler Virginia and Gold Hill Directory Wolf John, saloon 338 south C Wolf Herzog & Co. dry goods 24 south C Wood W. S. att'y at law, room over Hasting's Bank, res Bar- num's Hotel Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 214 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. COUNTY CLERK Clerk of the Probate and Civil Probate Courts of Storey County, N. T. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Depositions to be used in the several Courts of Nevada Territory and the State of California, carefully taken. OFFICE : New Court House, 14 South B Street. 31:. TV^.4.IiSOH:.^XJEI^, No. 70 North C St., Virginia City, _,^^ Mo T. Manufacturer Dealer in SADDLES AND HARNESS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT THE LOWEST CALIFORNIA PRICES. JOHN RAPP & LOUIS REICK, PROPRIETORS OF THE BKcW ERT Below the Central Mill, VIRGINIA CITY, N. T. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F, VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. 215 "Wood Robert, of Wood & Goe Wood T. J. of Wood & Co. res 9 north C Wood & Goe, grocers 226 south C Wood Granville, ass't melter E. Ruhling & Co Wood & Wilson, saloon 9 north C Wood John, carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Woodburn W. miner N. Potosi Mining Co WOODHURST WM. plasterer Gould & Curry Mill Woodman Chas. special policeman 2d ward Woodman Wm. miner Potosi Mining Co Woodruff Jno. workman Gould & Curry Mill WOODS MISS ELLEN, dress maker, res at M. Burnes Woods Jesse, foreman Pacific Stage Go's stables, IT south F WOOLF D. B. prop'r "Old Piute" office Woore J. W. carpenter, res Silver bet D and E Worcester Wm. M. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Work J. rock-breaker De Land's Mill, Flowery Wright Wm. blacksmith Potosi Mining Co Wright J. A. Wright's Gift Enterprise,' res n Stewart WRIGHT WASH, editor " Union," res Cedar Hill Wright E. B. C. mining clerk, 160 north B Wright C. carpenter Ophir Mine WRIGHT'S GIFT ENTERPRISE, office cor C and Union, res north Stewart WRIGHT WM. local editor "Enterprise" Wright Jacob, amalgamator Empire Mill Wright VV. G. blacksmith South Potosi Mine Wright Jacob, miner, res Mill Wright P. D. miner, bds F. Murphy WRIGHT W. S. soda factory, 124 and 126 north B Wright A. M. miner Gould & Curry Mine Wright J. amalgamator Empire Mill, Virginia Wridit Geo. miner W. & M. Claim '\?S7'. "3?- "^7^u^:E^:Ei.E3Kr, WAGON & CARRIAGE MAKING, RAIL CARS, WINDLASSES, HARD WOOD LUMBER, FELLOES, AXLES, SPOKES, HUBS, ETC., Next Door to Collins & Darling's Blacliismith Shop, VIRGrlNIA. Dealers in School Sooks and Cheap Publications. 216 VIRGINIA DIRECTORY. "IT Yates L. F. broker, room 13 Taylor's Building Yates Thomas, miner Milton Mining Co Yates J. miner N. Potosi Mining Co Yoesel E. J. miner Gould & Curry Mine York C. saloon, 88 south C Young Thos. miner Gould & Curry Mine Young A. J. Gould & Curry Mine Young Jacol?, Jr. res 141 south D Young Jacol3, Sr. tinner, res 141 south D Young Wm. H. of H. S. Beck & Co. res 148 south C Young J. R. broker, 8 south C Young S. D. miner, res north B YOUNG CHARLES W. watchmaker and jeweler, 11 north B Young Sam'l D. miner, res Sawyer's Building, A Young W. A. timberman Ophir Mine YOUNG & GEORGES, Truckee Hay Yard, on Virginia and Gold Hill Divide Young H. A. Truckee Hay Yard, Divide Young America Saloon, by H. G. Deville, 59 south C Young A. J. ass't foreman Gould & Curry Mine YOUNG R. A. Alderman, weigher and ore deliverer Gould & Curry Mine, res F south of Hickey Young A. M. carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Young H. I), carpenter Gould & Curry Mine Young Jacob, Jr. tin and coppersmith, 47 south C Yovanich Raphael, groceries, north C Zacharias L. of Jessel & Zacharias Zaun Seb. bar-tender St. Louis Brewery Zeller M. press-room " Union " office Zeyer Jno. res north A Zeyen Jno. blacksmith, Carson bet D and E Zimmerman J. Sacramento Restaurant OSCAR T. SHUCK, itmu^ & ^0tttt^diji' at ^§m, HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY, IN WHICH THE Different Trades and Professions are Classified and Arranged. ADVERTISING AGENTS. COLLINS CHARLES, office Sheban & Stable, cor B and Union AGENTS TRAVELI WOLF J. M. " Mining and Scientific Press" BENHAM & HEATON, south B, (see ad p 52) CULBERTSON C. A. cor Taylor and D, (see ad) Mooser Wm. office Medan Building, C ASSAYERS. Dorwin G. W. res cor Union and F KUH LEOPOLD, A nr Ophir Mine, (see ad p 103) RUHLING E. EI?E]VI>EIVT OI«,T>EIl OF Or>X> r'ELlL.OTVS. WiLDEY Lodge No. 1 — Gold Hill, — Warren Heaton, D. D. G. M. for Nevada Territory; H. C. Jacobson, N. G.; Henry Donelly, V. G.; E. M. Crane, Sec'y; John DeWitt, Treasurer; J. "W. Wright, E. Gushing and W. H. Dolman, Trustees. Meets every Tuesday evening of each week. Organized April 1, 1862. Numbers ninety members. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 243 Pioneer Division No. 1. — Regular meetings held in Odd Fel- low's Hall on Wednesday evening of each week. Whole num- ber of members, 115. Officers— W. P. Griffin, P. W. P.; Wm. Minto, W. P.; E. A. Hyde, R. S.; Morgan Korn, A. R. S.; Wing, F. S.; M. 0. Boyle, T.; Thos. Sleigh, Chaplain; A. Jewett, C; M. Flynn, A. C; Jeff Hall, I. C; Wm. Burgess, 0. S. TOIuI^ HOARDS, mOHTV-A-YS, ETC- There are numerous roads leading to and from Gold Hill. The main toll road running from Gold Hill through Silver City to Dayton, is kept in excellent repair, as all, or a large proportion, of the hauling done by quartz and wood teams, and in fact all con- veyances going or coming to this place, have to pass over this road, from the tolls of which the owner derives a princely reve- nue. The road is owned bj W. R.. Armstrong and G. D, Roberts. There are numerous other roads which radiate from here to all parts of the Territory. The Pioneer Stag« Co. between here and California ; the Overland Stage to the States ; Langton's Pioneer Line to Dayton and Carson ; Russel's Line, and the Fast Freight and Express Co., «ach start hourly and daily from this place, besides numerous other lines for various parts of the Territory, OMIIVIBUSES. Crandall's Pioneer Omnibus Line, between Yirginia and Gold Hill, runs every half hour, connecting here with a line that car- ries passengers to Silver City every half hour. Mr. Crandallis one of the pioneer stage men of the Territory— being one of the first proprietors of the Pioneer Stage Company. There are numerous Banking Houses in this city. Maynard & Flood and Almarin B. Paul & Co., have eaeh European cor- respondents, thus enabling them to draw direct upon any of the principal cities of Europe. PHOTOGRAPHS, DAGUEREOTYPES AND MELANEOTYPES IN EVERY STYLiJ OF THE ART, TAKEN BY IVM. SXIJBW, 433 BIONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO* Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 244 GOLD IIILK DIRECTOnr, HEPBURN $( PETERSON'S 137 & 139 First Street, San Francisco. Tiie Hubscribors woulJ .-all the att ntinn of tlie mining public to their Reciucer and Amalgamator, an I m1:ira,tor for rtducing and sep:irating the miniTal from Gold and Silver Ores. Manufactiired and exhibited at the Vulcan Iron Works, Xos. 137 and 139 First street, San Francisco. These Macliiuos secure to the Miner a more expeditions and perfect Reduction and Amalgamation, a less liability to accident and delay, and a greater amount ol' useful effect in proportion to the power employed to k.ep tbern in operation than any other machine now m use for producing similar resul's. This flic is attested to by their i^eneril adoption and preference at all the principal Reduc- tion Works in Nevada Terrnory ; amoug which m;iy be mentioned the Could & Curry, Silver State Reduction Works, i^lioenix Mill, San Francisco Mill, Davis k. Barron Mill, Eastern Slope Mill, Pioneer Will, (Ueldiu «: (Jregory Mill, in Aurora.) Kodgers & Grissiu's Mill, L. A. Booth & Co's Mill, Ander- so.i A; Sale's Mill. HEPBURN & PKTEKSON. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTOET. 245 EST.i^BLIS:E3:E3D, 1850. 137 and 139 First Street Iron Founders, Steam Engine Builders and Boiler Makers. These Works have lately been increased by the addition of new Shops on Fremont Street, doubling the capacity of the original Estab- lishment. Their facilities for turning out Machinery promptly and efficiently are now unequalled in the State. Their boiler works have also been enlarged correspondingly. The Company are now prepared to execute orders for all classes of Machinery and Boiler Work, such as HEPBUBN & PETEKSON'S Amalgamating and Reducing Pans and Separators, Flour Mills, Hydraulic and other Presses, Hoisting Machines, Gearing, Pullies, Gudgeons, Boxes, Hangers, Etc., Etc., in QUAUTZ STAMPERS, SHOES & DIES, Warranted to be made of the very hardest and toughest Iron. CJiiax'tz Screens of Hxissla Ii'on i>iinelxed. to Order. A published list of Patterns of these Works will be sent on application. MANUFACTURERS OF JONVAL'S TURBINE WATER WHEELS, The CHEAPEST, MOST PORTABLE and EFFECTIVE MACHINE ever invented for the application of Water as a motive power. These Wheels ARE ENTIRELY MADE OF IiioN, Simple aud not liable to get out of order. VULGAi^ IROISa WORKS COMPANY, P. TORftUET, Manager. SAM. AITKE:N. C. R. STEIGER. RICHARD IVERS, .^^A DIPLOMA was awarded to this Company for the BEST California Made STEAM ENGINE, by the MECHANICS" INSTITUTE, September, 1857. Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 246 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. r"OTJT»f DRIES. The rapid increase and continual demand for machinery, as well as the constant repair, necessary to keep the various mills in this District in Working ordet, has given a great stimulus to this branch of tfade. Pioneer Foundry.— 'This foundry^ as its name indicates, was one of the first in the Territory. In 1863, the owner suffered a severe loss by having the whole of his foundry burned to the ground, with the loss of nearly all of the machinery. With characteristic energy he commenced and has now in full blast another foundry, which is creditable alike to himself and the Territory. The building, which is 126 by 3i) feet, with a wing 40 by 50, is built of brick, with tin roof, and is now considered fire-proof. It has all the latest improvements for turning out all kinds of machinery. Attached to the foundry is a machine shop. Empire Foundry. — This foundry has recently been built on the most approved plan, and has excellent facilities for the manu- facture of all kinds of machinery. Situated on the Divide, be- tween Virginia and Gold Hill, its location makes it easy of access for the surrounding mills. The proprietors, Messrs. Hubbard, McAdams & Maxon, have had a life-time experience in the busi- ness, and are all practical foundrymen and machinists. Another foundry is being erected in Lower Gold Hill, by McCondy & Co. The Gold Hill (evening) " News " Lynch & Mundall prop'rs, was started in 1863, by its present proprietors. The ability and judgment displayed in its management has gained for it a repu- tation second to none in the Territory. It is noted for its plain, out-spoken di.^cussion of every subject that comes within its notice, and is remarkable for its devotion to the Union. It contains daily a large amount of matter relating to the mines of the Territory — the laws of the Territory requiring that all assessment sales and other matters relating to the mines shall be published in the columns of the nearest paper — has given a pres- tige, and brought pecuniary patronage to the " News " which none of its cotemporaries enjoy ; it is, undoubtedly, the best pay- ing paper in the Territory. Its editorials are models of sound HOLGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 24T judgment and good sense, and the local columns are characterized by wit, ability and a desire to keep its readers posted on every- thing that takes place within its sphere. Daily Morning Message — was started on the 23d May, 1 864, by Geo. W. Bloor, D. M. Sandidge and H. W. Johnson. The "Message" is issued daily. The experience of the publishers will enable them to give to their patrons a valuable paper. It has received very complimentary notices from its cotemporaries It contains all the current news of the day ; and, no doubt, will render itself a welcome visitor to every resident of Gold Hill and the Territory CITY OFTICI^I-.S. City Marshall, S. Arnold ; Police Judge, L. H. Robinson ; County Clerk, E. W. Pease; Justice of the Peace, S. A. Kellogg ; Board of Trustees, C. H. Van Gorder, President, J, V. A. Lansing, L. H. Robinson, C. H. Coover, and G. Douglas ; Capt. J. McClory, jailer; Policemen, Thomas Johnson, John Householder, Andrew Russell and W. R. Surin. QXJA.RTZ >XIi:^lL,S A^7^T> HOISTIIVG TVOHltB. The following are the names of Quartz Mills and Hoisting" works, with their capacity, in this District : Pioneer Mill — Coover & Stephenson proprietors ; was' erected in 1860, and claims to be the oldest Mill in the Terri- tory, which is clearly illustrated by its present dilapidated exte- rior ; although its machinery is not as modern as its neighbors^ the experience of its proprietors more than makes up for this deficiency. Although its capacities are limited, it has rendered larger dividends to its owners than mills of much greater capacity. It is a fact worthy of note that the mill is owned and worked by its first founders ; it has an eight stamp rotary battery and nine amalgamating pans. Seales' Mill. — This Mill is owned by Scales & Anderson. It was erected in 1862 ; has an engine of sixteen-horse power which runs five stamps and five amalgamating pans. The owners of this Mill, at an early date, contemplate adding five more stamps with six amalgamating pans to be driven by a new engine of fifty- horse power Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 248 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. Empire Mill No. 2. — Owned by the Empire Mill and Miuing Company, is situated in Gold Hill. It has an engine of sixty- horse power which drives sixteen stamps, two rock breakers of two thousand pounds each, with fifty-two amalgamating pans. R. N. Graves superintendent. This Company intend adding thirty more stamps, twenty "wheelers" and a new engine of one hundred and fifty-horse power, during the coming Summer. This is one of the most extensive Quartz Mills in Gold Hill. The Imperial Mill.— The property of the Imperial Mill and Mining Company ; situated in Lower Gold Hill ; was erected in 1860. It has forty-four stamps, sixty-six amalgamating pans and is driven by an engine of forty-horse power. This Mill has re- cently had sixteen new stamps added to it, and is classed among the finest in the District. It is under the superintendence of J. C. Corey. Petaluma Mill. — Owned by S. L. Greely ; is situated in Lower Gold Hill. It runs eight stamps, and fourteen pans with an engine of twenty -horse power, built at the Pacific Foundry, San Francisco. S. L. Greeley superintendent. Sapphire Mill. — This Mill is owned by the Sapphire Mill C o It was built in 1862 ; has sixteen stamps and forty pans, which are driven by an engine of thirty-five-horse power. Under the superintendence of J. B. Gaznon. This Company intend adding new boilers during the Summer. The Pacific Mill. — Messrs. C. B. Land & Co., have just erected a mill below the Pioneer Foundry, to which they have given the above name. The main building is 100 feet in length by 72 in breadth. The machinery is from the Miners' Foundry, San Francisco. The engine is of 120-horse power, cylinder 16 inch, 3 feet stroke. It has two boilers, 16 feet long and 48 inches in diameter. It runs 40 stamps, and one of Blake's pa- tent crushers, together. with pans sufficient to amalgamate 40 tons per day, which is about the working capacity of the mill. Succour Mill. — Built in 1862 ; is situated in Lower Gold Hill. It runs 15 stamps, 24 pans ; has a 34-horse engine ; owned by George Stead & Co. D. B. Hunt, superintendent. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.. GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 249 Douglas Mill — Formerly known as tlie Centreville Mill, is owned by Messrs. Gilbert, Douglas & Starr ; situated in Lower Gold Hill. It was erected in 1861 ; has 10 stamps, 24 pans, and an engine of 24-horse power. The machinery was built at the Fulton Foundry. Marysville Mill. — Owned by Rule, O'Neil & Co.; has an engine of 25-horse power ; runs 9 stamps, 30 pans, and was built in 1861. Granite Mill. — Was built in 1861 ; owned by Truett, Darst & Harris. This Mill runs 16 stamps, 16 pans, and 2 separators, with an engine of 40-horse power. It is located in Gold Hill proper, and the material with which it is built is stone. It is the only Quartz Mill in the Territory which is considered to be fire- proof. The building is 86 by 43 feet. Comet Mill. — Owned by Nealand & Requa ; has battery of 16 stamps ; employs 8 men ; superintended by Isaac Requa ; is situated a short distance back of the city. For amalgamating purposes, it has 32 4-feet pans. Crown Point Mill. — This mill is owned by the Crown Point Gold and Silver Mining Company. It was erected in 1861 ; situated in Crown Point Ravine. It has 8 stamps, 14 amalga- mating pans, and is driven by an engine of 40-horse power. H. Woodcock, superintendent. Union Mill. — Owned by the Union Mill and Mining Co. Is situated in Gold Hill ; has 8 stamps 12 pans, and is driven by a 25-horse power engine. Was built in 1861. Gold Hill Mill. — Owned by the Gold Hill Mining Company^ Built in 1861 ; building 74 by 35 feet ; runs 13 stamps and 24 pans, with an engine of 35-horse power, from the Pacific Foun- dry, San Francisco. The Mill is under the supervision of Chas. Pioda. Eclipse Mill. — Owned by the Eclipse Mill and Mining Co. Built in 18b0 ; located in Gold Hill ; runs 15 stamps, 12 pans, with an engine of 40-horse power. Employs 10 men. American Flat Mill. — Situated two and a half miles from Gold Hill ; was built in 1861 ; engine 25-horse power, and built at the Union Iron Works, San Francisco. Elank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 250 GOLD HILL DIEECTOEY. ^ RiGBY & Co.'s Mill. — Situated at head of American Ravine. Machinery from the Pacific Foundry, San Francisco. St. Louis Co.'s Mill. — Is situated in Gold Canon, a short distance above the Devil's Gate ; building 60 by 50 feet ; engine 40-horse power. The machinery was built at the Miner's Foun- dry, San Francisco. Bowers' Mill. — Built and owned by L. S. Bowers. It is situ- ated in Crown Point Ravine, Gold Hill ; runs 20 stamps and 30 pans, with an engine of 30-horse power. Under the superinten- dence of James Mee. Stewart & Co.'s Mill. — Located on Gold Canon, a short dis- tance below Gold Bill ; was erected in the fall of 1861. This is one of the largest Mills in the Territory, and for convenience .and perfection of arrangement, is not surpassed by any. Rhode Island Mill. — Is owned by G. L. Smith, T. Y. Bar- ney and H. B. Potter. This Mill is situated in Gold Hill ; runs 25 stamps and 20 pans, with an engine of 40-horse power. G. L. Smith, s.uperintendent. It is classed amongst the finest in the District. HOISTINO Tvomt®. Alta Hoisting Works. — Owned by the Imperial Company; built in 1863 ; situated in Upper Gold Hill ; size 80 by 40. Empire Hoisting Works. — Owned by the Empire Mill and Mining Company; erected in 1863; has an engine of 45-horse power ; employs 60 men ; size of building 65 by 40 ; wing 40 by 41 — making a front of 66 feet. Eclipse Hoisting Works. — Built in 1863, and owned by the Eclipse Company. Has a shaft 12 feet long by 4 wide, divided into three departments ; engine 25-horse power. Consolidated No. 1. — Owned by the Consolidated Mining Company. Constructed in 1863 ; engine of 18-horse power. The Rice Company work their Mine through the Consolidated Company's Shaft. Crcesus Works. — Situated in Gold Hill ; built in 1864 ; size of building 86 by 50. Has an engine of 50-horse power. BODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 251 Bullion Hoisting Works. — Owned by the Bullion Mining Company; situated in Upper Gold Hill, These Works were erected in 1853 ; has an engine of 40-horse power. This Com- pany is putting up a new engine. It is the best finished Hoisting apparatus in Gold Hill. J. M. Walker, general superintendent. Belcher Hoisting Works. — Erected in 1864. Size of main building, 40 by 65 ; carpenter shop, 20 by 40 ; has an engine of 30-horse power ; employs 45 men. Superintended by John Lam- bert. Michigan Mining and Hoisting Works. — Owned by the Michigan Mining Co. Went into operation in 1864 ; has an engine of 16-horse power ;»size of building 16 by 35 ; this Com- pany employs 15 men. Under the supervision of Geo. Swernson. Mary Ann Mining Co's Works— In Gold Hill District ; built in 1864; comtemplate erecting additional machinery during the Summer ; which, when completed, will be amongst the finest and most complete hoisting works in the Territory. Confidence Hoisting Works. — Situated in Gold Hill ; was constructed in 1863 ; is owned by the Confidence Mining Com- pany ; engine 35-horse power. Matthew Irwing superintendent. Logan & Holmes' Hoisting Works. — Was built in 1862 ; located in Gold Hill ; has an engine of 60-horse power. Lutherne Hoisting Works.— Situated in Lower Gold Hill ; size 27 by 65 feet ; has an engine of 24-horse power ; owned by the San Francisco Company, and superintended by William Henicks. Omega Mining Company. — This Company are about erecting machinery on their claim Minerva Mining Company. — This Company have ordered machinery and contemplate erecting it during the Summer. Alpha Mining Works. — Owned by the Alpha Mining Com- pany ; was built in 1863 ; is situated on Upper Gold Hill ; has an engine of 30-horse power. Yellow Jacket Mining Works — Situated in Gold Hill, ad- joining the Confidence Works, is owned by the Yellow Jacket Mining Co. These Works have got hoisting works and ma- chinery which is not excelled by any in the District. Engine house is 36 by 52 feet ; timber house 52 by 46 ; the main shaft is down a distance of 300 feet. About 70 tons of ore is taken out daily. This Company have also an incline of 275 feet, through which the mine is being worked until it is struck by the main shaft. The engine is 40-horse power and was bnil't at the Mi- ner's Foundry, San Francisco. J. B. Winters, President ; Sam'l Hyatt, Sec'y; James M. Day, Superintendent. Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery, 24 252 GOLD HILL DlRECTOEf. E. B. McBRIDEj'^^'^*'^^'^'®- E. C. COOK, Gold Hill, N. T. WILLIAM S. BURNS & CO., Wholesale and Retail GROCERY I PROVISION STORE, Main Street, Gold Hill, N. T. •-♦-• if iilti iii iif B>UU Mmt, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT LOWEST RATES FOR CASH. Fiiilii iESTiiiiiT, Main Street, Gold Hill. A. BENITZ, - - - PROPRIETOR. THE t.a.:biLi:e3 Is supplied with Gnmc, Fish, and Choice Steaks, and all the DELICAC8ES OF THE SEASON. IJ;^^ Meals Cooked to Order and served in a Superior style HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GrOT^U HILL DIHEOTORY FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING MAY, 1864. _A_To "toro -xTO-a- tio jns- bds.. boards, n.. north, s.. south. nr..near. res.. reside, op. .opposite, ad . . advertisements. Adams Geo. miner Consolidated Mine Alexander, , teamster Eclipse Mill Alford H. F. brakesman Michigan Mine Alford Chas. blacksmith Michig-an Mining Co Allabough James, miner, bds Meakan's Boarding House n Main Allen A. W. pattern maker Fulton Foundry Allen Miss M. Gem Saloon, oposite Gold Hill "News" office Allen A. P. miner N. A. F. Pd Ames G. E. engineer Gold Hill Anderson John, cook at G. E. Hotel, Main Anderson A. engineer Michigan Mine Anderson J. Y. miner Divide Anderson H. G. foundryman P. F ANDERSON J. W. bds Wliite House, Main Appersou J. A. att'y res Main Apple Robt. sup't N. A. Mining Co Applegate Geo. miner Empire Mining Co Armstrong W. H. millwright Crown Point Ravine ARNOLD SAM'L, City Marshal, office Main, Maynard's Block Atchison H. C. miner Uncle Sam Mine Atcheson H. C. miner, bds G. E. Hotel Atherton Thos. feeder Petaluma Mill Atwater M. D. teamster Divide AYLSWORTH G. W. Eclipse Livery Stable, Main Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 254 GOLD HTLL DIRECTORY. Bach John, miner Ferrell Mine Bacon Hiram, City Trustee Bailey Wm. miner Divide Bailey M. W. miner, Main Bailey I. H. miner, bds Winnies House, south Telegraph Bailey H, H. miner. Divide Balablega F. brakesman Michigan Mine Balaeseja F. brakesman Michigan Mining Co BALL F. P. prop'r Canon House, Ball N. A, H. cashier Maynard & Flood, res south Telegraph Ballad J, W, engineer Succor Mill Balloon F. miner Michigan Mine BARNES THOS. L. physician and surgeon, Vesey's Hotel Barber Wm. M. blacksmith Eclipse Mine Barber Oscar T. tinsmith Bittners & Co. Main Barbers Asa, amalgamator Petaluma Mill Barker H. miner, bds White House Barnes W. H. clerk Post Office, res Telegraph Barnes W. W. foreman Gold Hill " News " office Barnes H. M. clerk Vesey Hotel Barnct R. P. engineer Coover's Mill, Main Barney T. V. prop'r Rhode Island Mill, Lower Gold Hill Barnhart J. miner, res Gold Hill Barritt Jno. miner Alta Mining Co Barry Jas. rock-breaker Granite Mill Bartlett V. C. prop'r milk ranch. Main Bartlett David, prop'r milk ranch, Main Barton W. miner Empire Mining Co BATES J. S. sup't Alpha Mining Co Bates J. S. miner, High Bates Thos. miner Alpha Mining Co Baum M. steward Fai-hion Restaurant, Main Beals A. J. Photographic Gallery, Main Beals A. J. dentist. Main Becker Jacob, Pioneer Bakery, Main Beckwith Chas. snp't Consolidated No. 1 Beckworth Geo. engineer north Bowers BEEGAN WM. H. constable, office Main, (see adv) Beegan Stephen, ass't foreman Eclipse Mine Begeman Fredrick, clerk Perry & Leichter, Main Begley M. workman Lnperial Mill Begon Louis, res Main Bell J. miner, bds Mrs. Long's, south Telegraph Bell Wm. carpenter Gold Hill Mine Bell Jas. miner. Main Bell Jno. laborer Eclipse Mill HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIEECTORY. 255 Beman A. carpenter Empire Mining Co Bemus A. miner Consolidated Mine BENITZ ADOLF, Fashion Restaurant, Main, (see adv) Bentz Jas. laborer Rhode Island Mill, Main Bergan J. miner Empire Mining Co Bercularins G. carpenter Empire Mining Co Berran Jno. miner, American Berry D. E. teamster, south Main Berry T. laundry, res Main Berrick Wm. workman Bowers Mine Berrick Geo. workman Bowers Mine Binns J. D. bds White House Birger F. A. Bank Exchange, Main Birmingham J. engineer Crown Point Mill, s Telegraph Bish J. bar-tender Colburn's Saloon, Main Bishop S. physician and surgeon, Main Bishop Wm. W. attorney, north Main Bishop F. miner, American Bittner Eugene, hardware merchant, res Main Black David, blacksmith Whittaker's shop Blackman T. H. sign painter, res Tunnel Road Blanchard & Hardy, teamsters, office opposite Vesey Hotel Blanchard H. C. teamster, Telegraph ^. BXJTSCJH, MANUFACTURER OF HORSE SHOEmG AND BLACKSMITlimG OF ALL DESCRiPTiOnS, MME at tU ElQilWSf P®EEIBLI I@TISI. FOUR DOORS SOUTH OF " GOLD HILL NEWS " OFFICE, Main Street, Gold Hill, N. T. Dealjsrs in School Eooks and Cheap Publications. 256 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. Bloomfield E. cigar stand, res Main Blouin Peter, stock broker and sec'y, Main Blueet J. miner, north Tunnel Road Bluett W. B. carpenter Blumer L. miner Michigan Mine BODEMER & SCHWBIS, brewers, Main BODEMER F. brewer Main Bond A. boiler maker, Pioneer "Works Bone F, W. north American Bonnemont C. M. workman Bowers' Mine, Main Book Wm. blacksmith Alta Mine Boon Harvey, miner, Bowers Boon M. ass't foreman Consolidated Mine Boone G-. B. prop'r Gold Hill Foundry, res Lower G-. H. Booth Thos. miner Calidonia Claim BOPE M. M. carpenter. Main Bourret Louis, bar-keeper Miner's Hotel, Main Bowlin G. C. miner Bownuin H. miner, south Telegraph Bowman Juo. miner. Bowers Booyar R. at Maynard & Flood's, Main Boyle M. miner Empire Mining Co Boyle E. brakesman N. A. Mining Co Bradley J. A. blacksmith Eclipse Mill Brant J. C. laborer Fulton Foundry Braslin Wm. workman Empire Mill No. 2 Breen Peter, miner Caladonia Tunnel Brent Jno. miner Branch Mint Claim Brently C. H. Main Brewer J. miner Brigham Edward, engineer, bds Barnes' Hotel Brittain Wm, miner Challange Mine Brittingham Wm. miner Potosi Claim Brodek R. at Maj^er & Fliedner's, res Main Brodhun Chas. tailor. Main Brooks J. W. chief engineer Centreville Mill Brooke H. C. stock broker and notary public, office opposite " News " office Brooks A. D. sec'y Challange Mining Co. Main Brosseau M. machinist Crown Point Ravine Brown Wm. miner Eclipse Mine Brown Wm. miner, res Telegraph Brown N. L. teamster Russell & Co Brown F. miner Fremont Mine Brown G. W. sup't Fremont Claim Brown B. F. miner Solpherino Claim Brown Jno. foundryman Pioneer Foundry Brown Wm. miner, bds Meakan's boarding house. Main HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., Gold hill directory. 25t Brown G. M. driver Pioneer Omnibus Line, res Main Brown K. M. driver Pioneer Omnibus Line, res Main Brown W. S. engineer Eclipse Mill, Main Brown A. B. lumber merchant. Main Brown G. T. miner Buckley J. miner Alta Mining Co ' Buckman O. F. clerk Korn Bros Bulm J. S. at Mayer & Fliedner's, Main BULLOCK J. K. millwright. Main BURNS & CO. grocers, etc., Main, Lower G. H. Burans Jas. B. ass't blacksmith with Hill, Main Burbank Chas. helper Bunsches' shop, Main Burk W. T. melter Fulton Foundry Burk Jno. miner Summit Burke D. miner Crown Point Ravine BURNS WM. S. of Burns & Co. grocer, res Placerville, Cal Burns J. J. miner Empire Mining Co. Burns M. miner, bds Meakan's boarding house, n Main BURNETT GEO. G. stock broker and mining recorder, office Maynard's Block Butler Wm. carpenter, south Telegraph BUTSCH VALENTINE, wagon maker and blacksmith, Maia opposite Golden Eagle Hotel (see ad) .Byrne P. miner Empire Mining Co Byrne M. miner Belcher Mining Co Byrne R. miner Empire Mining Co Byrne D. miner Empire Mining Co i ilM. — uA.2srr> — SECRETARY OF MINING COMPANIES. O. V. aOODRIOH, !<=> Office in J. V. A. Lansing's Store, Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. {J58 Gold hill directory. O Caldwell S. moulder P. F Caldwell Edwin stock broker Maynard's Block Cambell James, amalgamator Petaluma Mill Campbell Thomas, miner Overman Mine Campbell Jolin, miner Challange Mine Campbell & Hereford, physicians, Main CAMPBELL S. D. physician Main Campbell J. A. laborer Eclipse Mill Camel J. D. miner, bds Canon House Cameron M. miner Empire Mining Co Camron C. rock-breaker Imperial Mill CANON HOUSE, by F. P. Ball Capen C. C. clerk Koru Bros Carl M. miner Empire Mining Co Carley James, whim driver Uncle Sam Sr. Lower G. H Carlton John, teamster south Main Carman C. W. miner N. Tunnel Road Carpenter J. miner Carruthers Geo. machinist Fulton F Carruthers J. R. machinist Fulton F Carves J. B. miner north Bowers Carwell E. miner Casey Barney, ass't engineer Petaluma Mill Castello J. miner Consolidated Mine Caven E. carpenter Belcher Mining Co Cawley John, laborer Eclipse Mill Chaderton E. moulder Fulton F Chamberlain J. miner Belcher Mining Co Chant Chas. wheelwright Whitaker's shop Charters S. miner N. Bowers Chase I. M. of Todd & Chase, res Main Chisliolm John, miner Eclipse jMine Chubl)uck S. W. Teleo-raph Chubbuck S. W. clerk Post Office Clap]) D. L. millwright Main Clark Lemuel, teamster Clark Geo. G. stable keeper Main Clark R. E. miner N. Main Clark Geo. anial. Lnperial Mill Clay W. miner Empire Mining Co Clinton David, su])'t Clinton & Hubb's Mining Claim Clippard Frank, miner Elipse Mine Clute H. laboi-er Fulton F 'Coad John, miner Divide Cochran J. miner N. A, Mining Co Cochran M. mechanic G. H. Quartz Mill HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S- F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 259 Cocran E. engineer Lutherne Works Cohn & Co. grocers Main Cohu E. D. grocer Main COLBOURN J. E Nevada Saloon, Main Colby C. S. foreman Petalmna Mill, Main Colby A. laborer Cole A. P. miner Uncle Sam COLE & McCRARY, grocers and provisions, opositc Rhode Island Mill Cole Gr. J. grocer Lower G-. H Coleman Cherry M. at JButsch's Coleman P. miner Alpha Mining Co Collimore Jas. carpenter Eclipse Mine Collins S. miner Consolidated Mine Collins T. miner Empire Mining Co Collins D. miner N. American Mining Co Colter Robt. teamster Eclipse Mill Colton A. carpenter Belcher Mining Co Connors J. D. carpenter Eclipse Mine Connell S. B. bookeeper N. Tunnel Road Conely M. J. miner Taylor Claim Connett John, blacksmith Consolidated Mine Connor Jerry, miner Challange Mine Conwell W. 0. sec'y Mary Ann Co. Main Cook E. C. grocer, Main Cook A. saddler at McMartin's, Main Cook B. J. carpenter, Virginia Cook R. miner Cold Canon Claim Cook Wm. miner, res Gold Hill Cook Thomas, miner Keystone Mine Coover Chas. S; prop'r Coover's Mill, Main Coover C. H. City Trustee, res Main Corbery Jno. miner CORBETT & MOORE, prop'rs Pioneer Boiler Works, Lower Gold Hill Corbett R. L. boiler maker, res Lower Gold Hill Corey J. C. sup't Imperial Mining Co Corsby P. miner North American Mining Co Coursolles L. G. A. Langton's Express Agent Cousins C. S. Main Cowan D. K. street-waterman, res south Main Cowen A. cook. Divide Craiger R. workman at McMartin's, Main Craiger M.workman at McMartin's, saddler CRAIGHEAD & RICHE, City Market, Main Craighead W. G. Meat Market, Main Crandell H. miner, south Main CRANDALL J. B. prop'r Pioneer Omnibus Lino, res Main Dealers in iSvery Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 25 260 GOLD HILL DIRECTORTr Crane E. M. brakesman Eclipse Mine Creamer John, miner McLellan Claim Crocker Jolni, North A Crocker & Co. o^rocers, Main Crocker J. grocer Main Croft T. F.l)ookeepcr for Flagg & Co. res Telegraph Cromwell J. P. fireman, bds C;ifion House Crosby Wm. miner bds Enos Hotel Cross Thos. brakeraan Eclipse Mine Crow A. M. Inmber merchant, Divide Crowley Mat. miner Empire Mining Co Cryneinan G. miner N. American Mining Co Curran Hngh, shoemaker, Main Curtis B. miner Consolidated Mine Curtis J. H. engineer Belclier Mining Co CUSHING E. Tinner, Main A. DINSxMORB. G. W. AYLSWORTH. MAIN STREET, GOLD HILL. DINSMORE &. AYLSWORTH, PROPRIETORS A LARGE VARIETY OF CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR HIRE. HOESES GEOOMED BY THE BAY OE WEEK. WM. SHEW, PHOTOGRAPHER, HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 261 3D Dacy J. miner Dailey Hugh, miner Dale Levi, carpenter Marysville Mill Daley Tlios. minor Eclipse Mine Daley Peter, amal. Empire Mill No. 2 Daley T. miner Empire Mining Co Dallis Gr. miner Empire Mining Co Daly James, Divide Daly Clias ass't amal. Union Mills Dais Thomas, Engineer Marysville Mill Darst Osmer, of Darst, Harris & Co Darst, Harris & Truett, prop'rs Granite Mill, Main Dourney B. miner Challange Mine Davis G-. S. engineer Elipse Mine Davis D. H. Boomerang Saloon Davis S. G. ass't amal. Imperial Mill Davis T. at Hankins barber shop, Main Davidson John, miner Belcher Claim Davol Wm. C. stock broker. Telegraph Day James M. of Yellow Jacket DECHRER F. H. sisyn painter, res Tunnel Road Decker E. A. printer ^Gold Hill "News" Deely Ed. workman Centreville Mill Denise R. C. teamster Lower Gold Hill Denise Wm. H. teamster, res Lower Gold Hill Denny J. J. drugist I. 0. 0. F. Building, cor Main & Blanchard Denny C. W. of Denny & Son Denver Frank, contractor and builder, res n Howard, Virginia Desotel Moses, saloon, Divide Devine E. miner Consolidated Mine DeWitt John, res Gold Hill Dicks John, miner Yellow Jacket Dickenson B. sup't patern and moulders, Fulton F Dickey Geo. W. moulder P. Foundry DIEHL THOMAS, R, lumber dealer, oflfice West Side G. H Diemier J. miner, Divide Dignen M. miner Empire Mining Co Dillon Daniel, miner Challange Mine DINSMORE & AYLSWORTH, livery stable keepers, Main, DINSMORE A. of Dinsmore & Aylsworth Dimond Henry, miner Consolidated Mine Dimond Thos. miner Consolidated Mine ' Dodd B. miner Sunrise Co. Bowers' Ravine Dodds Miss 0. M. lodging house. Telegraph Dolen M. J. miner, north Main Dolliff J. carpenter Consolidated Mine Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 262 GOLD HILL DIRECTOEY. Dolliss A. J. miner Consolidated Mine Dolman & Clark, feed stable, Main Dolman W. H. stable keeper, Main Donahue John, moulder Fulton F Donahue F. boiler maker at Pioneer Boiler Works Donahue Thomas, clerk at Nevada Hotel Main Donaly Henry, foreman Imperial Mine Donohue M. boot and shoe store, Main Dondridge D. miner Divide Donely Henry, res Gold Hill Donhone W. C. miner, bds Canon House Donn Wm. miner, bds Winne's Boarding House, s Telegraph Dooley P. miner N. American Mining Co Dooley P. miner Eclipse Mine Dor John, miner Challange Mine Doublebiss Jacob, enginer, Lower Gold Hill Douglas G. prop'r Centreville Mill, res Lower Gold Hill Douglass E. driver Pioneer Buss Line, res Main Dowd Patrick, miner Belcher Claim Doyle John E. barkeeper Bank Exchange, Main Doyle P, miner Empire Mining Co Drake Wm. miner, bds Winne's Boarding House, s Telegraph Drennan John, carpenter, res Virginia City Dwier Robert, ass't blacksmith Bowers' Mill Dwyer Jas. amalgamator Bowers' Mill Dwyer R. blacksmith Bowers' Mill Dun, Mac miner Duo-an Wm. machinist Fulton P Dugan Wm. miner, north Main Dugherty W. moulder Fulton F Duglass G. City Trustee Dunn 0. miner Michigan Mine Duncan Paul, blacksmith at P. F Duncan J. miner Alpha Mining Co Dunham W. miner Empire Mining Co Dunkan Henry, Milk Ranch workman, main Dupray D. M. blaeksmiih bds White House Dupry G. miner, south Telegraph Dutton B. miner south Telegraph Dwyer Robert, miner Bowers' Mine PHOTOGRAPHS, DAGUEREOTYPES AND MELANEOTYPES IN EVERY STYLE OF THE ART, TAKEN BY "w:m:. s:e3::h]"W", Wo. 423 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAX FRAIVCISCO. . ■ ■■- -— — • ~-I ' JIODGE & WOOD. Wholesale Statianers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIEECTORY. 263 EI Earl J. D. carman Consolidated Mine Eastman 0. res Gold Hill ECKERT HENRY, blacksmith, Main ECLIPSE IJVERY STABLE, Dinsmore & Aylsworth, Main, (see ad) Edwards John, carpenter Edwards Wm. stock broker, Lower Gold Hill Edwards Joseph, printer Gold Hill ''News" Egan T. miner N. American Mining Co Egan J. F. foreman North American Mining Co Elliot Wm. miner Bowers' Mine Elliott P. miner Empire Mining Co Ellis J. miner Empire Mining Co Ellis E. miner Belcher Mining Co Elwell Ben. night-watch Fulton P Elwell Wm. engineer Scale Mill Emerson J. M. butcher Gold Hill Market, Main Emery G. miner Englebert John, ass't amalgamator Imperial Mill Ensus Thomas, miner Eclipse Mine Estes Samuel, moulder Fulton F Ettlinger S. grocer, Main Eugene Bittner & Co. hardware merchants, north Main Evans Isaac, Main Evans Nelson, engineer Lucerne Hoisting Works Evans Frank, brakesman Eclipse Mine Everitt Wm. miner Summit Ewing L. foundrvman at P. F EXCHANGE HOTEL, R. Gaines, Main T. E. FINCH'S Main Street, Gold HiU, N. T. STATIONERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 204 ■ GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. Faffan F. miner, American Failohae Thos. miner Uncle Sam Claim Farley Wm. miner Tayloi* Claim Farnsworth F. helper Whitaker's shop, Main Farnsworth J. feeder Union Mill, Main FASHION RESTAURANT, by A. Bcnitz, Main Fay Michael, waiter A. R. Gaines, Main Fay Thos, clerk A. R. Gaines, Main Feeney Jas. miner Michigan Mine Feeney P. rock-breaker Bowers' Mill Feeney F. miner Michigan Mining Co Fegan J. B. assay er Empire Mill No. 2 Fenton John, miner Ferguson H. J. feeder Granite Mill Fewry Jas. miner Fieny Eugene, laborer Bowers' Mill Filley Thompson M. bar-tender Bank Exchange, Main FINCH'S SALOON, Thos. E. Finch, Main FINCH T. E. Finch Saloon, south Main Fink L. engineer Alpha Mining Co Fink Levi, miner, N. A. F. Road Fitsch Frank, bar-keeper Globe Hotel, Main Fitzpatrick M. boarding house, Lower G. H. FLAGG H H. & CO. stock and commission agents. Post Office Building (see ad) FLAGG H. H. of H. H. Flagg & Co. Maynard's Block Flanagin Patrick, miner Caladonia Tunnel Flannagan P. miner Fleuer 0. D. whim-driver Consolidated Co. Mine Fliedner C. of Mayer & Fliedner, barber, Main Fliedner G. barber. Main Flinigan P. miner Eclipse Mine Flinn .Jas. miner Michigan Mine FLOOD J. W. of Maynard & Flood Fogerty A. miner Consolidated Mine Foley Thos. miner Consolidated Mine Foley Wm. miner North American Mining Co Folkner Hugh, miner Crown Point Ravine Folson D. li. stone-breaker Coover's IMill, Main Forl)S Jas. workman Bowers' Mill Ford 0. miner Empire Mining Co Foreman Chas. sup't Eclipse Woi'ks Forks T. carpenter Empire Mining Co FORMAN CHAS. sup't Eclipse Mill and Mining Co. Main Foster Edward, cook Gold Hill Hotel, Main Foulkner H. miner Empire Mining Co HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORr. 265 Fountain Leonard, wagon maker Butschs' shop Fowler C. foundryman Pioneer Foundry Fox Geo. carpenter Eclipse Mine Fox Anthony, stock broker, Maynard's Building Fox J. carpenter Consolidated Mine Fox Philip, miner North American Frank Wm. miner A. F. Road Frank Jos. tailor, Main Frankel L. B. Main Fraukcnheinier M. of Frankenheimer & Co. res Main Frankenheimer M. & Co. merchants, Main Fraser Fred, stewart White House Fraser A. machinist Fulton Foundry Frasier 0. carpenter Belcher Mining Co Frasier J. miner Belcher Mining Co French H. amalgamator Petaluma Mill Fritz Jno. amalgamator Gold Hill Mill Frost Henry, engineer N. A. Mining Co Frost Henry, miner, bds Wine's boarding house, s Telegraph Fry Geo. miner, bds Canon House Fulda L. clerk Cohn & Co. Main FULTON FOUNDRY, Thos. Jones, prop'r, Divide bet Virginia and Gold Hill, (see ad) Funston. Densmore & Co. saloon, Main FUNSTON M. H. of Funston, Densmore & Co. saloon, Main H. H. FLAGG. E. M. PLATT, H. H. FLAGa & CO., GENERAL AGENTS FOR iie;a.l estate Office, Post Office Building, Maynard's Block. G-OILID HILL, ISr, T. Blank. Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 266 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. Gr GAGNON EDWARD, of Quick & Gagnon, Nevada Market, Lower Gold Hill, (see ad) GAINES R. prop'r Exchange Hotel, Main, (see ad) Gallegar James, miner, A. F. Road Galligher James, miner Michigan Mine GAMBLE E. A. apothecary, res High, (see ad) Garrety T. miner N. American Mining Co Garrett R. S. foreman Clinton & Hubb's Claim Lower G. H. GASTON WM. physician and surgeon, bds next door to Vesey Hotel Geds Chas. H. cook San Francisco Restaurant, Main George J. blacksmith New Oregon Mine Gibbin B. miner Consolidated Mine Gibbons B. miner. Bowers Gibney James, laborer Eclipse Mill Gidden C. carpenter Alpha Mining Co Gill Thomas, miner Gill E. miner, Lower G. H Gillespie A. engineer Union Mill, Main Gilmore Wm. miner bds at Mrs. Long's, south Telegraph Geoynuen D. miner Uncle Sam Claim Gliddon P. blacksmith N. American Mine Glynn A. miner bds at Meahan's Boarding House, north Main Goff T. A. chief engineer Alta Mine Gokey A. moulder Fulton F GOLD J. M. Billiard Saloon, Main GOLD HILL BREWERY, Main, opposite A. B. Paul's Bank GOODRICH C. B. mining sec'y Gold Hill Good Thos. foreman Pioneer 0. B. stables, Main Goodson G. carpenter N. A. F. Road Gordon J. miner Empire Mining Co Gordon D. miner Empire Mining Co Goss Wm. H. physician, Main Goss J. lumber dealer, Divide Gottleib J. miner N. American Mining Co Gould A. J. mining sup't, Main GOULD A. JACKSON, wheelwright, Main Grant Robert, teamster Scale's Mill Gray W. D. foreman Imperial Mill Gray W. H. amalgamator Imperial Mill Gray N. Hostler Eclipse stable. Main Green 0. E. clerk Pioneer F Greenwood 0. amalgamator Bower's Mill Greeley A. L. prop'r Petaluma Mill, Main Grey Geo. miner Griffin W. P. miner HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.^ GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 207 EXCHANGE iMitiiil»i « Main Street, Cold Hill. R. GAINES, - - PROPRIETOR. g®-THIS HOTEL IS NEWLY BUILT AND HAS -^a BEEN FURNISHED IN THE MOST COMFORTABLE MANNER, "wiXEc ti3:e best of m ® PARTIES DESIRING DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOMS, IN A WELL REGULATED HOUSK NOT INFERIOR TO ANY IN THE CITY, Are respectfully invited to call and examine the premises. Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery, 26 268 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY, Griifen T, miner N. American Mining Co Griffin Wm. P. miner, res Main Griswold C. foundryraan Pacific F Griswold K. 0. ore-worker Pacific F Groin Clias. miner, bds at Winne's, soutli Telegraph GROVE F. J. watchmaker and jewelry, res Main Grow S. G. miner, bds Canon House Guest Z. miner Divide Guire James, amalgamator Bowers' Mill Guin James, miner Diride Guele E. workman G. H. Brewery GOLD HILL FOUNDRY &" MACHINE SHOP, Herrick, McCurdy & Co., Main OFFICE : Corner of Main and Blanchard Streets, C3-0]L.3I> HXXj ^tx §m & gilliard Mlmi, IN MUSTO BRICK BUILDING, Opposite "Wells, U^ai'go «fc Co.'s Express. llw §fst l^ww, pi|Mig ail ilpw, ALTVAYS ON HAND, J, M. GOLD & CO. S. SCHWEIS. F. BODEMER. BODEMER & SCHWEIS, Proprietors, OPPOSITE A. B. PAUL'S BANKING HOUSE. H0J3GE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 269 HAAS & CO. diy goods merchants, Main, (see ad) HAAS S. of Haas & Co. dry goods merchants, Mainl ] HAAS D. of Haas & Co. dry goods merchants, Maia Hacker Chas. amalgamator Empire Mill No. 2 Hadley G. S. tin and coppersmith, Main Haflin M. feeder Bowers' Mill Hagler D, B. sup't Bowers' Mill, Main HALE W. E. notary public and commissioner for California, at Wells, Fargo & Co's, (see ad) Hale Wm. E. clerk Wells, Fargo & Co's Hall J. miner Belcher Mining Co Hall E. miner. Telegraph Hall J. M. physician, res Main Halligan Jas. miner Bowers' Mine Halligan H. miner Bowers' Mine Hammell T. miner N. A. F. Road Hamerslag A. clerk Haas & Co. Main Hamilton Wm. teamster Hannaman Jno. hostler Pioneer Omnibus, Main Hanranhen Jas. bar-keeper White & Youst, Main Harbaugh F. workman Fulton Foundry Harding Jno. moulder Pioneer Foundry Hardy G. W. teamster, res American Plat Road Hargrave B. F. miner Confidence Mining Co Hargrave B. F. miner Challange Mine Hargrave B. miner N. A. F. Road Harkins W. miner Belcher Mining Co Harper Jas. miner Keystone Mine Harrigan B. workman Imperial Mill Harrington S. engineer N. American Mining Co Harris J. tailor. Main Harris Jno. of Darst, Harris & Co. HARRIS H. assayer, office Banking House of Almarin B. Paul & Co. (see ad) Harris J. miner, south Telegraph Harris Jno. miner Keystone Mine Harris E. clothing, res Main Harris W. carpenter Belcher Mining Co Harrold Mrs. boarding house, Lower G. H. Hart G. A. Sample Rooms, Main Harvey Wm. miner N. A. F. Road Haub Geo. assistant Fountain House Haub Conrad, boarding house. Lower G. H. Haub Jno. assistant Fountain House HAUCK L. A. Hart's Saloon, Main HAWKINS H. B. associate editor Gold Hill '' News " Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. 270 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. WILIiIAM E. HALE, !r®i.©F J) OFFICE WITH WELLS, FARGO & CO., 13:. H^V^IFLI^LXS, GOLD HILL, p Office with A. B. Paul & Co., Odd Fellows Building. 1^°^ Gold, Silver aucl Ores of every description Assayed and returns made in six hours, in Bars or Coin, at option of depositor. ^W flifiil f WiH^Wfl'll DEALERS IN FINE CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING AND w- fiiiiiiiiii iff ti^ HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES OF ALL JIAKE, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Sole Leather Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, Opposite Post Office, GOX,B 3QCXX.X. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIEECTORY. 271 Hawkins Jas. miner, bds Winning's boarding house, s Telegraph Hawkins Geo. barber, Main Hawkins A, miner CroAvn Point Mill HA WLEY LEVI H. meat market, res Main Hayes Mrs. boarding house, Lower G, H. Hayes J. J. meat market, Main Haynes E. miner French Ravine Hays J. miner, American Heald J. miner, north Bowers Heall Andrew, shoemaker McGinnis' shop. Main Heaton Warren, D. D. G. M. of Nevada Territory I. 0. 0. F. Hebner Wm. miner HEDLEY P. D. Wells, Fargo & Go's agent, Main Heim Jno. baker J. Becker, res Main Henney P. miner Eclipse Mine Henicks Wm. sup't Lutliern Hoisting Works Hennings H. at Mayer & Fliedner's, res Main Hennissy Pat. miner Eclipse Mine HERRICK N. B. of Herrick, McCurdy & Co. G. H. Foundry Henry Jno. engineer Michigan Shaft Henry J. C. teamster Henry Wm. ass't blacksmith Eclipse Mine Henry J. engineer Michigan Mining Co Herbage W. M. miner Divide Hereford H. F. physician, Main Herrick N. R. prop'r Gold Hill Foundry Hertsburgh Wm. blacksmith Eclipse Mine Hertweck Layvee, boarding house, north American Hyatt Sam'l, stock broker Maynard's Block Hctker J. H. foreman Crown Point Ravine Houston H. G. salesman E. Harris' store Hews R. miner N. T. Road Heack J. bds Mrs. Long's, south Telegraph Hide Wm. miner N. A. F. Road Higgius J. W. miner Challange Mine Higg'ins C. W. Blanchard Hilds W. P. teamster Hill Jno. hostler Eclipse Stable, Main Hill Jno. blacksmith, Main Hobbs J. L. prop'r Monitor Hotel, Divide bet Gold Hill and Virginia Hodelling C. B. foreman Consolidated Mine Hogan Wm. miner Well Co. Claim Hogan D. miner Well Co. Claim Holmes R. D. miner, south Yellow Jacket Holman H. miner Challange Mine Holmes W. P. book-keeper Imiierial Mining Co Hopkins G. foreman Belcher Mining Co Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 272 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY, N. B. HERRICK, JOHX McCURDY, A. J. nrxcHisoN, KAMUEL McCURDY, JOHN BOONE. GOLD HILL .^L3NrX3 MACmNESHOP Situated just below the Rhode Island Mill, Main street, Gold Hill, Nevada Territory, , Herrick, McCurdy & Co., ARE NOW PREPARED TO If ALL DESCIRPTIONS OF STEAM ENGINES, QUARTZ MILLS AND MINING PUMPS, HOISTING MACHINERY, AND ALL THE MACHINERY REQUISITE FOR MINING & MILLING PURPOSES. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 273 Hornick A. P. machinist Pioneer Foundry Horst Philip, miner Bowers' Mine Householder J. policeman, res Main Howard Mrs. T. B. north Main Hubbard Warren, prop'r Empire Foundry HUBBARD, McADAMS & MAXON, prop'rs Empire Foundry Hubbs A. whim-driver Clinton & Hobb's Mine Hudnell W. carpenter Empire Mining- Co Hudson E. miner Belcher Mining Co Huff Jas. miner, south Telegraph Hughes P. hostler Eclipse Stable Hull W. W. painter, A. F, Road Humphry Geo. teamster, south Main Humphrej'S W. miner Empire Mining Co Humphreys W. S. milk ranch, American Flat Hunt P. miner, south Telegraph Hunt S. M. stock and commission broker, Telegraph • Hunt Geo. surveyor. Main Hunt R. workman Bartlett's R^nch, Main Hunter E. workman Bowers' Mine, Main Hurd Thos. teamster Huse J. E. miner Challange Mine HUTCHINSON A. J. of Herrick.Mc Curdy & Co. G. H. Foundry Hutchins Robt. miner Challange Mine Hutchinson A. J. prop'r Gold Hill Foundry, Main HYDE OLIVER, Jr. prop'r Pioneer Foundry, Lower G. H. Hyde Wm. B. at Pioneer Foundry Hyatt S. sec'y Yellow Jacket Hynes Wm, miner, south Telegraph Inch J. miner Empire Mining Co Isaacs J. miner, south Yellow Jacket Isaacs Wm. painter for W. H. Lee FULTON IRON I BRASS FOUNDRY C3-OI_.ID lEIII-iI. Castings bf Iron and Brass. Turning and Finishing executed with dispatch. Quartz. Crushing and Amalgamating Machinery. Mill Irons and Castings of every description made to order, and everything connected -with the business promptly attended to. THOMAS JONES, PROPRIETOR. On the Divide, between Gold Hill and Virginia. Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 274 GOLD HILL DIEECTORY. JACKSON & RYAN, prop'rs Gold Hill Hotel, Main Jackson John B. hotel keeper, Main Jackson James, miner Divide Jackson T. S. ass't engineer Imperial Mill Jackson J. miner, res Gold Hill Jackson A. B. foreman at Gold Hill Mine and Quartz Mill Jacobs G. carpenter north Bowers Jacobson H . C James S. miner Belcher Mining- Co James A. miner Crown Point Mill James 0. bds at Winne's, south Telegraph James J. miner Am. F. Road Jarrad C. miner Consolidated Mine Jarvis Peter, workman Imperial Mills No. 2 Jarvis,A. B. blacksmith Alpha Mining Co Geffrey Geo. miner bds Vesey Hotel Jennings J. R. chief engineer Granite Mill Jewett A. broker and mining se(?y, Main Jones Leonard, carpenter Crown Point Ravine Jones John, apothecary at E. A. Gambles, Main Jones L. miner south Telegraph Jones Wm. miner Consolidated Mine Jones H. miner Bowers' Mill JONES THOMAS, prop'r of Fulton Foundry, on Divive Jones H. miner Bowers' Mill Jocelyn P. J. ag't Pioneer Omnibus Line, res Main Johnson Wm. miner south Yellow Jacket Johnson Geo. miner French Ravine Johnson John, brakesman Michigan Mine Johnson John, miner Branch Mint Claim Johnson Wm. laborer with Russell & Co., Lumbermen Johnson J. miner Consolidated Mine Johnson Thomas, res Main Johnson F. miner, north Summit Johnson A. laborer Fulton F Johnson Thomas, policeman Johnson Henry, miner north' Am. Flat Road Johnson Henry, miner south Telegraph Johnson Wm. carpenter Bowers' Ravine Johnson J. miner, Am. F. Road Johnson Wm. miner, Am. F. Road Johnson S. M. lawyer, Main Johnston Geo. at Butsch's sliop, Lower G. H Johnston H. carman Consolidated Mine Joseph John, engineer Empire Mill No. 2 Junloonay J. miner Divide Hodge & wood, wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F. GOLD HILL DmECTORY. 215 Kane M. miner Divide Kassell Wm. miner Keystone Mine Katchen Piatt, res Yellow Jacket Keefe M. miner Consolidated Mine Keegan M. North American Mining Co Keegan , 2nd amalgamator Imperial Mill No. 2 Keeley J. D. liotel keeper, Main, Lower G. H Keeley Thomas H. miner Uncle Sam Keenan James, Main Keepers J. T. north American Kelley H. carpenter Empire Mining Co Kelley John, Challange Mine Kelley Peter, miner Gold Hill Mine Kelley T. miner Alpha Mining Co Kelley 0. miner Empire Mining Co Kellogg L. F. engineer Rhode Island Mill * Kellogg J. miner south Telegraph KELLOGG S. A. Justice of the Peace, Main KELLOGG S. A. Ati'y at Law, Main Kellogg L. F. ass't engineer Rhode Island Mill Kelly M. ass't amalgamator Imperial Mill Kelley P. miner N. American Mining Co Kelley J. F. patern maker Pioneer F Keltou V. B. teamster Divide Kenedy H. W. chief engineer Empire Mill Kendall N. B. painter for W. H. Lee, Main: Kenesy D. miner Consolidated Mine Kenisey P. blacksmith Belcher Mining Co Kenny John, teamster Kerney Richard, miner Caladonia Tunnel KETCHAM PL ATT, mining sec'y Key Thos. miner Challange Mine Keye William, miner Sunrise Co. Bowers' Ravine Killigan James, miner Bowers' Mine Kinsman John, mason, res Virginia City Kitchen J. G. miner Divide Kline I. D. blacksmith with Hill, Main Kline J. W. H. Gold Hill " News" office Knight W. trader Main Knight C. W. miner Sunrise Co KORN BROS. Grocers, Provision Dealers, etc., Flagg's Block KORN M. firm of Korn Bros, res High KORN L. firm of Korn Bros, res Sacramento Korn D. K. attorney, Main Kouns M. miner Bowers' Mine * Kupper B. miner Eclipse Mine Kupper E. carpenter Elipse Mine Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 27 276 GOLD HILL DIEECTORY. EDWAED A. GAMBLE w&TmmT mmmnmmm JE^JkJLlST^ ancl OILS. A Large Assortment of English and French Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc., always on hand. .-»-. , I@°=- Orders for Assayers' Materials and Chemicals for Mills promptly filled, and goods carefully packed. M. KORN, Gold Hill. L. KORN, Sacramento. GOLD HILL STORE, FLAGG'S BLOCK, — ••-Ih-O' KORN BHOTHEHS, DEALERS IN POWDER, MINING TOOLS, OILS, ■ AND <©® ikILIL ©1^®S;» A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St.,S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 277 * Laddie J. miner Consolidated Mine Lafferty W. B. stock broker, res opposite printing office, Main Lamb H. miner, Divide Lambert Jno. sup't Belcher Mining Co Lane F. machinist P. F. Lansing J. V. A. City Treasurer and Trustee LANSING J. V. A. grocer. Main Larkin Wm. moulder P. F. Lassen A. miner A. F. Road Lascelies H. W. assayer and engineer, Empire "Works, Broadway Lassack H, S. miner, res Summit Laugh lin A. C. cook Vesey Hotel Lawler Jno. feeder Centreville Mill Lawrance H. F. Painter, Main Lawrence Jno. moulder Fulton Foundry Lawson A. miner Michigan Mine Lawson Davie, apprentice machine shop P. F. LeBlanc E. J. res south Telegraph Lee L. W. sup't and pres't mining co's, res Bowers' R9,vine Lee Levi, sup't Tunnel Co. Crown Point Ravine Lee Patrick, cook Nevada Hotel Lee W. H. H. painter, south Main LeFlower F. res N. Tunnel Road LeFlower Joseph, Grey Hound Saloon, Main LEICHTER A. of Perry IL.I> HILL, IV. T. THOMAS MOORE. »♦-•-.■• R. L. CORBETT. A^OOP^IB cfc GO., Manufacturers of all kinds of STEAM BOILERS & SHEET-IRON WORK. Also, ALL KINDS OF PIPES FOR MINING PURPOSES. ^^ Make the above their exclusive business. ■'^_ TOB^CCOIsTIST, Fire-proof Building, two Doors below Gold Hill Hotel, PHOTOGRAPHS, DAGUEREOTYPES AND MELANEOTYPES IN EVERY STYLE OF THE ART, T.\KEN BY No. 423 MOXTGOMERY STREET, SAIV FRAXCISCO. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F. GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 283 IS/LCD McAdams A. prop'r Empire Foundry, Divide McBride R. B. p:rocer, res Placerville McCalmont 0. P. machinist Crown Point Ravine McCarthy J. miner, north Bowers McCarthy E. miner, north Summit McCarthy T. W. Mack's Saloon, Main McCarthy & McGinn, Mack's Saloon, Main McCartney R. miner Empire Mining Co McCoy William, miner north Main McCrady P. miner, north Bowers McCrary S. H. grocer, Lower G. H McCrullus A. miner Consolidated Mine McDermot , amalgamator Empire Mill No. 2 McCartney C, miner Empire Mining Co McC-arty M. brakesman Belcher Mining Co McCarty Henry, miner N. American Mining Co McCarty D. miner N. A. Mining Co McCaully John, laborer Petaluma Mill McChesise M. feeder Marysville Mill McClory Capt, J. jailor. Main McCloud Wm. D. carpenter Virginia City McCormack M. miner, bds at Winne's Boarding House, south Telegraph McCURDY JOHN,of Herrick, McCurdy & Co. G. H. Foundry McCURDY SAM'L, of Herrick, McCurdy & Co. G. H. Foundry McDonald James, teamster Bowers' Mill McDonald J. feeder Bowers' Mill McDonald A. miner Empire Mining Co McDonald W. miner Empire Mining Co McDonald Alex, first amalgamator Union Mill McDonald 0. C^ stock broker, Maynard's Block McDonall M. mmer. Am. F. Road McDonnald James, res C. P. Ravine McDonnell J. teamster Bowers' Mill McDougal A. miner Empire Mining Co McFadden Andrew, at Whitaker's shop. Main McGinness James, stock broker, Maynard's Block, Main McGinn Henry, shoe-maker, res Lower G. H McGinnis D. at Butschs' shop. Main McGinn P. Mack's Saloon, Main McGuire Thomas, moulder Fulton F McGrath P. miner Alpha Mining Co McGordon Cha?. quartz hauler, south Blanchard McGuire Pat. laborer Fulton F McGregor F. miner, bds Meahan's Mclntyre Andrew, stock broker, office Golden Eagle Hotel » Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 284 Gold hill DiJiECTORf. Mclntyre Margret, Golden Eagle Hotel, Main' McKeehan James, miner soutli 'J'elegraph McKeevar A. miner Empire Mining Co McKellester James, miner Divide MeKelvy David, laborer Fulton P McKenan Peter, l)ar-tender at Fitzpatrick Hotel McHale — -, workman Gold Hill Brewery McLellan R. Am. F. Road McLanghlln L. miner. Am, F. Road McLaughlin Tnos. bds at Meahan's Boarding House, MaiET' McMackall R. miner Empire Mining Co McMann , miner Belcher Mining Co McMullen Wm. feeder at Union Mill, Main Mc Mull en J. miner Am. F. Road McMartin James, saddle and harness maker, Main McMutchell Wm. miner north Summit McSwiggen F. miner, bds Meahan's Boarding House, Main' McSweeney Mac, miner Crown Point Ravine McPike A. J. White House, Main McPike & Paterson, prop'rs White House Hotel, Main McVicar E. miner Challauge Mine McVICAR C. Watchmaker and Jeweler, res Main Nadow T. wagon-maker Lower Gold Hill Nealon Patrick, miner Taylor Claim Neender J. miner Belcher Mining Co Nelson Robt. res Main, Lower Gold Hill Neltner Martin, Stewart Globe Hotel Neveille Thos. engineer Consolidated Mine Neville Pat. miner Eclipse Mine Nevius Dennis, miner N. Am. Mining Co Newell Wm. W. pressman "News" oflQce Newton Wm. teamster. Main Nicoll Wm. shoemalier, res Main Nichols B. S. at Coover's House, Main Niland Jno. miner, south Telegraph Nisbet J. R. American City Saloon, Am. F. Road Niswendler J. miner, bds Canon House Nolan T. miner N. Am. Mining Co Noonan Jas. miner Crown Point Ravine Norray R. bds Winne's boarding house Norris S. B. engineer P. Foundry Norton Edw. stock broker, Maynard's Block Norton Wm. machinist Fulton Foundry Norton J. B, meat market, Downieville, Cal Nowart S. miner, N. Tunnel Road HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTOET. 285 CD O^Brien J. miner, Divide O'Brien J. miner, north Bowers O'Brien P. miner Michigan Mine O'Brien J. miner Empire Mining Co O'Brien Thos. miner Alp. Mining Co O'Brion Jno. ass't shoer Butsclis' shop O'Conner Jno. feeder Bowers' Mill O'Conner Peter, amalQ:amator Bowers' Mill O'Connell T. Am. F. Road O'Conell Misses E. & C. dressmakers, Main O'Connell J. miner Empire Mining Co O'Connell D. miner Michigan Mining Co O'Conner Michael, butcher, Divide O'Connor D. miner Empire Mining Co O'Connor J. feeder Bowers' Mill O'Connor P. amalgamator Bowers' Mill O'Connell Dan. miner Michigan Mine O 'Donald J. foreman Yellow Jacket O'Donnell Jno. butcher Nevada Market, Main O'Donnell J. miner Bowers' Mill O'Donohue M. boot and shoe maker, Main Oesting Paul, boarding house, Lower Gold Hill O'Farrell J. F. teamster, bds Main Street Hotel O'Greenewood 0. amalgimator Bowers' Mill O'Hara M. miner Empire Mining Co O'Heale W. T. sup't Marysville Mill, Lower Gold Hill O'Keefe Dennis, hotel. Main Olney Chas. B. miner Main Orendoflf Mrs. Crown Point Ravine Orn Jas. laborer Bowers' Mill Orome Jas. miner Bowers' Mill Osborn Robt. miner Alpa. Mining Co Ostrom Jno. City Surveyor O'Veil Andrew, miner Gold Hill Mine O'Veill Jno. with Wm, Nicoll, Main Owen McCabe, miner, south Telegraph Owens Jno. miner Am. F. Road Owens Sam'l, miner Am. F. Road HEUSTON, HASTINGS &. CO., THE LARGEST fiLOTHIFG HOUSE .^^ON THE PACIFIC COAST. -§5^ J^^'See Advertisement on outside cover. '"^H Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. 286 GOLD HILL DIEECTORY. ONEEK LIN OIF nil VIRGINIA CITY, GOLD HILL, SILVER CITT, and AMERICAN LEAVES THE ABOVE NAMED PLACES EVERY 20 MINUTES, -•t*- This Line is noted for its careful Drivers, good Stock and comfortable Omnibuses. J. B. CRANDALL, X^roprietor*. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 287 Pa.^e Robert, bookkeeper for Whitcomb and Norton, Main Palmer N. carman Consolidated Mine Parish J. W. feeder Centreville Mill Parks Wm miner bds at Mrs. LonG:'s, south Telegraph PARKS J. F. sup't Uncle Sam, Lower G. H PAUL ALMARIN B. & CO. Bankers, Main Paul Almarin B. of Paul Almarin B. & Co Paterson B. E. miner Uncle Sam Paterson A. S. White House, Main Patej Robert, miner Divide Peabody T. F. miner Uncle Sam Pease G. W. sec'y and g-en'l accountant. Main Pease S. 0. miner Divide Pease E. W. county Clerk, res Main Pease G. W. city Clerk Pedoin John, Barnum Restaurant, Main PEDLER JOSEPH R. secV, res Bowers' Peltier M. blacksmith Am. F. Road Pendal E. miner Bowers' Claim Perkins C. C. stock broker Perreault J. F. Miners' Hotel, Main Perrino- J, bds at Winne's Boarding House, south Telegraph PERRY & LEICHTER, Liquor Merchants, Main, Gold Hill and 508 Battery, San Francisco, (see ad) PERRY G. Liquor Merchant, res Main Perry John, miner Overman Mine Perry D. miner Belcher Mine Peters I. T. blacksmith-helper Imperial Mill Peterson A. feeder at Marysville Mill Phareo & True, Theatre Saloon, res Main Phareo C. P. of Phareo & True, Main Phelps C. F. machinist Fulton Foundry Phillips E. E. stock broker, res Crown Point Ravine Phillips L. miner Empire Mining Co Phillips J..- W. Am. F. Road Pilon J. miner, bds Meahan's boarding house PIODA CHAS. sup't Gold Hill Quartz Mill and Mining Co., office and res south Main PIONEER FOUNDRY, by 0. C. Hyde, Lower Gold Hill PIONEER BOILER WORKS, Moore & Corbett, prop'r, Lower Gold Hill, (see ad) PIONEER OMNIBUS LINE, J. B. Crandall, prop'r, res Main, (see ad) Piper A. W. laborer Centreville Mill Piratsky Geo. miner Confidence Claim Pitney Taylor, compositor " News " office Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 288 GOLD HILL DIRECTOEY. G. PERRY, A. LEICHTER. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Pfll 11 11 "" i, .A.1S11^ Eii s, MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF THE CELEBRATED i n TT .^ Battery. Street, Opposite Custom House, SAN FEANCISCO. A. LEICHTER, Saa Francisco, G. PERRY, Gold Hill, N. T. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 289* t^LAISTED GEORGE, wheelwriglit, contractor and builder, cor High and Marston PL ATT 0. H. postmaster, res Main PL ATT & FLAGG, stock and commission brokers, Post Office Building PLATT C. M. of Flagg & Co. stock brokers, P. 0. Building Platy Andrew, workman Perry & Leichter Plumer R. miner Michigan Mining Co Post Office, Maynard's Block, Main Porter W. R. miner Am, F. Road Potter H. B. prop'r Rhode Island Mill Potter P. K. laborer Rhode Island Mill Potter A. K, grocer, Main Power Edw. miner Uncle Sam Claim Power Jas. miner Crown Point Ravine Power Jno. miner Uncle Sam Claim Prall J. S. lumber merchant, south Main Prall T. H. stock broker, office with Prall & Brown Prall & Brown, lumber merchants, office opposite Union Scales PRAY MRS. MARY, Praysville House, on Divide PRAYSVILLE HOUSE, by Mrs. Mary Pray, on Divide bet Virginia and Gold Hill, (see ad) Presho Jas. feeder Rhode Island Mill Preston Edw. miner Overman Mine Price Thos. miner Bowers' Mine Price Wm. miner Consolidated Mine Prior Henry, blacksmith Alta Mine Proctor & Co. lumber merchants Proctor D. lumber dealer, Divide bet Gold Hill and Virginia Q Quelet Geo. saloon. Lower Gold Hill QUICK & GAGNON, Nevada Meat Market, Lower G. H. Quick Jno. A. meat market, res Lower Gold Hill Quinlan Jas. ass't engineer Empire No. 2 1praysyili.e house, Situated on the Divide bet. Virginia and Gold Hill. — Is kept as a First Class — Boarding & Lodging iB^sr ivc:fls. isal.j^'fl'^^ Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 290 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. NEVADA MARKET Main Street, Gold Hill, (opposite Barnes' Hotel,) QUICK & GAGNON, BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL AND PORK, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. m Meats delivered to any part of the City, and orders promptly attended to. STANWAY & SONS, ^MEBlC^lSr CITY. A. D. NUDD, S. L. STANLEf, C. S. LORD. NUDD, STANLEY ^ CO., (Successors to H. WEBSTER & CO.) IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, ]Xo. 4XO .tT'i'oiit Street, SAS ERAFGISCO, HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.; GOLD HILL DIEECTORY. 291 ^L Radmond Wm. miner, south High Eafferty J. miner Empire Mining Co Raven M. miner, bds Meahan's boarding house Ray Jas. miner, bds Golden Eagle Hotel Reardon M. miner, north Main Redman W. miner Belcher Mining Co Reeder J. carpenter Pioneer Foundry Reel W. miner Empire Mining Co Reen Jno. employed at Barnes' Hotel Reese Wm. miner Consolidated Mine Regensburg Julius, book-keeper Korn Bros Reilly Wm. Divide Renand J. feeder Gold Hill Mill Renney R. S. miner, bds Winne's Reynolds R. S. teamster, south Main Reynolds Jno. feeder Empire Mill Rhiley M. miner, bds Winne's Rhine R. S. miner, Divide Rice E. S. chief engineer Bowers' Mill Rice Sam'l, chief cook Globe Hotel Riche B. D. meat market, Main Riche Thomas, Main Rickett A. sup't Consolidated Co. bds White House Righelti G. A. stone-breaker Gold Hill Mill Rinn Pat. workman Empire No. 2 Roberts J. C. carpenter, res Virginia City Roberts Jno. C. engineer, Main Robison Jos. foreman Butschs' shop Robinson S. miner Empire Mining Co Robinson R. 0. carpenter Am. F. Road Robinson W. P. miner Caladonia Tunnel Robinson J. A. carpenter Empire No. 2 Robinson S. miner, bds Meahan's boarding house Robinson J. R. foreman Bullion ROBINSON S. H. Police Judge and City Trustee, res Bowers Roddick Wm. engineer Gold Hill Quartz Mill Rodgers Chas. feeder Imperial Mill Rogers G. Divide Rogers Mrs. boarding house. Divide Rolls Wm. workman Bowers' Mine Rose W. G. miner Consolidated Mine Rose B. miner, bds Winne's boarding house Ross G. miner, bds Mrs. Long's, south Telegraph Ross D. engineer Bowers' Mill Ross Duncan, amalgamator Bowers' Mill Ross Robt. miner Divide Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 29 292 GOLD HILL DIEECTORT. Rotcliford G. P. foreman mining co's, bds Canon House Eoule A. D. helper Butschs' wagon shop Rule Jno. sup't Justice Mine Rule Ed. chief engineer Marysville Mill Rush P. miner N. Am. Mining Co Russell Jno. C. lumber merchant, Main Russell A. Main Russell Andrew, policeman RUSSELL CHAS. J. of Humphreys & Co. milk ranch, A. F. Ryan V. A. printer " News" office Ryan Dennis, hotel keeper. Main Ryan Pat. Stewart Gold Hill Hotel RYAN E. J. superintendent Union Mill Ryan Thos. miner Challenge Mine Ryan M. miner Empire Mining Co Ryan Michael, miner, bds Mealian's boarding house LEVI SHEPARD, Wholesale and Retail Feed^ Flour, Oils, Tobacco, and a general assortment of the best of goods always on hand. TWO DOORS SOUTH OF GOLD HILL "NEWS" OFFICE, Main Street, Gold Hill. SAN FRANCISCO RESTAURANT, EMBiE 4 EilMFIE, i^vdiE^^XjS sEZFi-^rEiD iisr E]-VEli=L-:r ST-irXjE. Game, Fish, Eggs, and all the delicacies of the season served up in a superior manner. HODCtE & WOOD^ Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 293 Safford J. B. engineer Granite Mill SANDERS & SCHAEFER, San Francisco Restaurant, Main, (see ad) Sanders Richard, restaurant keeper, Main SAN JUAN EXCHANGE, Schaefer & Lux, prop'r, Main (see ad) Santjago , cook San Francisco Restaurant Saunders Thos. miner, Divide Saul Jno. miner, south High Savage Jas. feeder Bowers' Mill SAYLES L. C. engineer Succor Mill Sawyer A. H. feeder Marysville Mill Scannel J. blacksmith Belcher Mining Co SCHAEFER & LUX, San Juan Exchange, Main SCHAEFER J. J. of Schaefer & Lux, res Main Schaefer Edw. restaurant keeper, Main Schaefer A. ass't cook San Francisco Restaurant Schell Jacob, brakesman Michigan Mine Schmitt J. Wm. brewer, Lower Gold Hill Schubert Jno. miner Am. F. Road SCHWEDT & MOELLER, shoemakers, Main Schwedt F. shoemaker. Main SCHWEIS S. brewer, Main Schweiss R. workman Gold Hill Brewery Sears Wm. miner, bds Meahan's boarding house Semands J. miner Am. F. Road Senderling Jno. C. 'engineer Seth G. Grow, miner N. Tunnel Road Shad E. miner, rCsBowers' Ravine Shannon D. miner Michigan Mine Sharp J, miner, south High Shears Mrs. Am. F. Road Sheckleton Jos. workman Lnperial Mill SHEPARD LEVI, grocer, next door to Omnibus office, (see ad) Shepherd R. miner, Blanchard Sheriden Jno. miner Crown Point Ravine Sheriden H. miner Empire Mining Co Sherley Wm. ass't engineer Bowers' Mill Sherron David, miner A. F. Road Sherry Jas. teamster, res Silver City Sheur Fred, ass't amalgamator Gold Hill Mill Shields E. miner Empire Mining Co Shirley Wm. enaineer Bowers' Mill Shirley W. C. clerk Vesey Hotel Siller M. American Bakery, Main Simonds E. carpenter Empire Mining Co Simonds Robt. miner, bds Winne's boarding house Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Conunercial Blanks. 294 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY, Simpson Benj. moulder P. Foundry Simpson M. moulder P. Foundry Sinnott M. carpenter N, A. Mining Co Skerritt E. hardware merchant, res Maiu Skewes Jno miner Branch Mint Claim Skinner J. miner Slavin J. miner Consolidated Mine Sleep J. Empire Mining Co Smith J. C. carpenter Eclipse Mine Smith T. miner Empire Mining (Jo Smith Thos. miner, south Telegraph Smith Jno. miner, south Telegraph Smith L. W. butcher Gold Hill Market Smith Frank, engineer Coover's Mill Smith Hugh, miner Crown Point Mill Smith Geo. L. sup't Rhode Island Mill Smyth Pat. amalgamator Rhode Island Mill Snell B. T. miner Michigan Mining Co Snell B. T. carpenter Michigan Mine Snyder & Hayes, meat market, Main Snyder F. V. meat market. Main Spinning F. M. carpenter Eclipse Mine Soblony J. miner N. Tunnel Road Stackpole C. C. patern maker Fulton Foundry Stacy A. S. carpenter Eclipse Mine ST AN A WAY JAMES Sr. mason, American City Stanaway J. A. mason, American City Stanaway S. mason, American City Stangroom M. L. civil engineer, north Main Stanmeyer Wm. F. miner Lower Gold Hill Starr H. C. prop'r Centreville Mill, res Lower Gold Hill Stein Chas. E. shoemaker, Main Steplienson G. C. carpenter. Lower Gold Hill Stephen S. blacksmith Whitaker's shop Stern M. of Stern & Weill, res Main Stern & Weill, grocers, Main Stern Martin, grocer, res San Francisco Stevens J. blacksmith Whitaker's shop Steward A. miner Empire Mining Co Stewart miner Consolidated Mine Stiles G. "W. amalgamator Centreville Mill Stiles A. J. amalgamator Centreville Mill Stockle G. boot and shoemaker, Main Stoddard Geo. A. chief engineer Petaluma Mill Stolte Wm. miner Sunrise Co Stone Wm. H. brakesman Yellow Jacket Mine Story Geo. miner Consolidated Mine Stouffer Sam'l, driver Pioneer Omnibus Line HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F, GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 295 Stow J. B. miner Eclipse Mine Striker J. boarding house, Am. F. Road Strong Robt. miner Bowers' Mine Sullivan Jno. miner, res Lower Gold Hill Sullivan J. miner. Divide Sullivan J. miner N. Am. Mining Co Sullivan J. miner Empire Mining Co Sullivan M. L. blacksmith Alta Mine Sullivan J. H. laborer Fulton Foundry Sunderland J. speculator, Coover's House Swaney Jas. L. stallsman Union Market Swenson Y. sup't Michigan Mining Co Swenson Geo. sup't Michigan Mining Co Swim W. R. policeman, res Main Switzer V. blacksmith Whitaker's shop Sylvester D. L. wholesale and retail liquor dealer, north Main Symour F. miner Branch Mint Claim T Taffender I. W. workman Centreville Mill Taylor Rob. miner, bds Meahan's Boarding House, north Main Teague Henry, miner, bds Winne's Boarding House, s Telegraph Tease James, ass't amalgamator Gold Hill Mill Tewer Chas. boiler-maker Pioneer Boiler Works Thomas J. miner, south Yellow Jacket Thomas Wm. miner, south Telegraph Thomas Jas. miner Am. F. Road Thompson J. B. sup't mining claims, bds Canon House Thompson A. C. butcher Nevada Meat Market Tilley Wm. at White & Youst's, Main Tims Geo. miner Consolidated Mine Tindall C. H. amalgamator Coover's Mill Tipman S. at Mayer & Fliedner's, res Main Tobin Wm. miner Gold Hill Mine J. J. SCHAFER, H. LUX. SAN JUAN EXCEAEGE, ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OP FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. *-*-• SCHAFER & LUX, PROPRIETORS. Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 296 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. Todd & Chase, Sample Rooms, Main Todd R. C. of Todd & Chase, res Main Torkey Qua, miner N. Tunnel Road Tozer C. W. Pres't Challenge Minino- Co Townsend B. M. of McFarland's lumber depot. Divide Transchent J. miner, Bowers Trask W. V. feeder Gold Hill Mill Traubant A. dishwasher S. F. Restaurant Travers J. miner Alpa Mining Co Travers James, miner, Main Travis Jas. laborer Fulton Foundry- Treat W. W. tinner E. Cushing & Co Trewsby W. amalgamator Centreville Mill Trout A. miner, Divide True T. blacksmith Imperial Mill True C. of Phareo & True, res Main Truett II. B. of Darst, Harris & Co Turner H. miner Michigan Mine Turney Geo. W. stock broker, Maynard's Block Tyrell A. J. foreman Pioneer Foundry Tyrrell D. M. foreman Empire Mining Co XJ Uhl Adam, bakery. Main Uhl Fred. French Ravine Uhl Valentine, shoemaker. Main Underhill W. H. miner Consolidated Mine Underhill H. miner, south Telegraph Upham W. R. miner, Am. F. Road Valli Y. F. of Densmore & Go's saloon, res Main Van De Water Jno. sup't Challenge Mine Van Every H. dealer in tinware, res Sacramento, Cal Van Gorder Chas. H. pres't Board of Trustees, res Main Vanvliet W. W. stock broker, res Lower Gold Hill Veild F. miner, Divide Vermilya D. miner Vernon Alex, feeder Rhode Island Mill VESEY'S HOTEL, by H. M. Vesey, Main above Blanchard VESEY H. M. of Vesey's Hotel, res north Main Vesey E. A. clerk Vesey Hotel Vincent S. miner Branch Mint Claim Vite Jno. clerk Burns & Go's grocery. Main V oilers Hanke, miner Voorhees L. with Korn Bros. Main Vorheis Thos. miner, Bowers HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIEECTORr. 297 H. W. BRAGG t( CO. SAN FRANCISCO and - - - SACRAMENTO CITY- IMPORTERS OF ALL KINDS OP HICKOEY, OAK, ASH, MAPLE AND BIRCH PLANK, HiiTjs, Spolces and. r'elloes. Bent work of every description, single-trees, whipple-trees and lead bars, plow beams and handles, white wood, black walnut, cherry and mahogany trimings, etc C. WATERHOUSE, San Francisco, H. W. BRAGG, Sacramento, No. 29 and 31 Battery Street. Seventh Street, bet I and J* J. W. LESTER, New York. J. P. SWEENEY & CO., Importers and Dealers in all kinds of Seeds. Agricultural, garden, flower, fruit and tree seeds. Bulbous roots, Garden and hedge shears, pruning and budding knives, etc. Orders addressed to J. P. Sweeney & Co., Seedsmen, 406 California street, near Sansome, San Francisco, will meet with prompt attention. VISSX3Y HOTlSIi, (above Blanchard,) GOLD HILL, NEVADA TERRITORY, li. m:. vesey. Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 298 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. tVada H. Metropolitan Saloon, Main Wagner L. yjainter with Decker, res Tunnel Road Waite H. W. compositor " News" office Waklem Thos. miner, Divide "Walcott E. E. prop'r Union Scales, res Main WALES J. H. chief engineer Rhode Island Mill Walker Mrs. C. French Ravine Walker B: F. miner Gold Hill Mine Wallace F, miner Empire Mining Co Wallis F. miner, bds Mealian's boarding house Ward Wm. W. teamster, Divide Ward Martin, miner, south High Warren M. miner. Golden Eagle Hotel Warwick J. miner Empire Mining Co Watkins J. S. miner Caladonia Mining Co Watkins C. miner Belcher Claim Watkins J. C. stock broker. Crown Point Ravine Webb Jos. Theatre Saloon, Main Webb Riciiard, compositor "News" office Webster H. Federal House, Telegraph Weil R. clerk Levison's, Main Westfall N. H. amalgamator Centreville Mill Weill S. & Martin, Main Welch Jno. helper Whitaker's shop Welsh M. amalgamator Marysville Mill Welton J. A. book-keeper Fulton Foundry Whaelan M. miner. Divide Whaler Mike, miner Eclipse Mine Wheeler J. miner Empire Mining Co Wheeler 0. M. engineer Wheeler Wm. miner, Divide Wheeler C. T, prop'r Centreville Mill, Sacramento, Cal Whilds Peter, cook. Am. F. Road Whipple L. machinist Fulton Foundry Whipple Jno. miner Overman Mine Whirp J. W. boot-black, res Main WHITAKER 0. W. rector St. John's Church WHITAKER WM. wheelwright. Main Whitcomb Jas. Meat Market, res Sacramento, Cal WHITE & YOUST, Exchange Saloon. Main, (see ad) WHITE J. C. of White & Youst, Main White Wm. A. clerk Golden Eagle Hotel White Jno. M. horse-shoer Butsclis' shop White S. N. carpenter Fulton Foundry Whiting Geo. patern maker Pioneer Foundry Wiemnan Jno. at Snyder & Hays' market, Main ^ODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 299 "Wignall Wm. moulder P. Foundry Wilcox S. J. amj]ilgamator Granite Mill Wilkinson Wm. machinist Fulton Foundry Williams G. miner Empire Mining Co Williams P. T. feeder Petaluma Mill Williams W. P. oyster stand at Bank Exchange, Main Williams S. miner, bds Meahan's boarding house Williams Francis, cook Vesey Hotel Williams D. C. res Telegraph Williams Thos. foreman Butschs' shop Williamson E. miner, south Telegraph Williamson J. amalgamator Crown Point Mill Williamson W. miner, Summit Willis Wm. moulder Pioneer Foundry Willingham Jno. engineer Consolidated Mine Willson R N. carpenter, north Bowers Willson Jas. miner Overman Mine Wilson J. E. engineer Wing R. teamster Russell's lumber yard Winnans J. C. miner Eclipse Mine Winne J. P. grocer, res Lower Gold Hili Winne E. G. grocer, res Eagle Valley Winne H. boarding house, south Telea-raph WINTER J. B. pres't and sup't Yellow Jacket, N. Tunnel Road WINTERBAUR C. R. shoemaker, Main Wood R. F. carpenter Empire Mining Co Wood H. miner, bds Candu House Wood J. H. miner Herald Mining Co Wood Jno. miner, bds Mrs. Long's, s Telegraph Wood Henry, miner, bds Mr. Harrold's Wood Jerry, hostler Pioneer Buss Line WOOD D. reporter "News" office Woodruff" Wm. miner. Bowers Woods G. miner, Summit J. C. WHITE, L. YOUST. ^xtRange gilliatd J'ftlajni, THE FINEST TABLES IN THE TERRITORY. The Bar is stocked with a choice selection of Liquors, and the Lest brands of Havana Cigars. WHITE 8l YOUST, PROPRIETORS, MA^IN STREET, OOLD HILL. Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 30 300 GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. "Woodward E. carpenter, Lower Gold Hill Woollsey Mrs. boarding house, Divide Word Jno. amalgamator Empire Mill Wright J. W. foreman Eclip^^e Mine W right J. T. amalgamator Imperial Mill Wright H. S. miner, south Telegraph Wunsch Henry, Globe Hotel Main, YOUST LEONARD, of White & Youst, Exchange Saloon, Main, (see ad) Young L. D. engineer N. Am. Mining Co Young John, feeder Marysville Mill !^ Zook A. miner Challenge Mine J. C. YOUNG'S PRIWE MEDICAL OFFICE IND HOSFITIL, IVo. 540 'Wasliing'toii Street, Second buildibg below Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. EiSTj^llI^ISIIEI> 1850 For the cure of private complaints of whatever nature, and all diseases to which, as a sex, females are liable. OflBce for the sale of Dr. Young's celebrated female remedies. The safest and surest ever used. r>Tt. J. C YOXJIVG Graduate of the University Penn., and late lecturer on diseases of women and children, etc., etc., can be consulted by the afflicted of either sex, with every assurance of speedy and permanent cure. Self-abuse, Seminal weakness, Gonor- rehffia. Syphilis, Stricture, Gleet, Nervous debility, Trembling, Loss of Power in the Sexual Organs, Loss of Memory, All Female Irregularities, etc., etc., promptly and effectually cured. Cxlre al'ways OiiaranteeA, &v no pay Reqxxire*!. ISO HVXEIiCTJUTZ' XJBEI> US AJS^ FOTtmi. C01VSXJLTA.TT0JV, toy Letter or Otlier^w^ise, FREE. Tile utmost secrecy inalntairied. All Letters opened and replied to by himself. "S^ >^ ID ID ItESS J. C. YOUNG, M. D., 540 Washington Street, San Francisco California. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL DIRECTORY. 301 A. H. OXENHAEVI & CO., Proprietors, Manufacturers, Direct Importers and Exclusive Wliolesale Dealers »^ — IN- PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, NEAR BATTERY, SAN FRANCISCO. PACIFIC ARMS CO., Manufactory, Jersey City, N. J. A. H OXENIIAM, lp,.„„,;„.„,.„ J. W.FOX, 'I Proprietors. ■ We particularly invite Gunsmiths and dealers in this class of goods to send in their orders, they will receive the closest attention at the lowest rates. No, 732 Montgomery Street, cor. Jackson, IMPORTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Of every kind in use, and of the Latest Styles, Portables, Drop Lights, Torches, Turn-Keys, Wax Tapers, &c. Glass, PAPER, and Transparent MICA SHADES, in great variety. i:JE=L03Xr lE^XX^IS, ALL SIZES, us.'d for WATER, STEAM or GAS, for sale in quan- titles to suit, at tlie Lowest Market Rates. GALVANIZED IRON PIPE, FOFl WATER, A substitute for Lead, being more healthy, cheaper ar.d less liable U> injury. ^^ Fittings of all kinds such as Elbows. Tees, Bends, Crosses, etc. All Si7;e3 of Gas Cocks. Service Cock<, Meter Cocks, Bi'b Cocks Union Couplings in great variety. All ki".ds of GUis^. s, Wicks, &c. Plumbers' Basins, Wash and Closet Batins, Urinals. &c. Ivory Table Cutlery in gr at variety. Geo. "Wostenholm & Sons' ceiebratsd IXL Pocket Cutlery. Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 302 GOLD HILL DIIlECTORY. J. F. & H. H. SCHAFER, Manufacturers of and Dealers in ■AND ^"^ (^^ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ikttte, ® 0mf0ittt^, MttH, h 504 and 506 SANSOME STREET, NEAR CLAY, SAiN" FRANCISCO. ^^* This Establisliment is now generally known to be the CHEAPEST PLACE in the City for good BEDDING. JONATHAiy KITTREDGE, Manufactures FIEE-PEOOF BOORS, SHUTTERS GRATINGS. Mob. 6 NKAR BUSH, Battery Street, SAr;r aeu-Aisrexsee. K WllEMf IB IS @1BIKB. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., BUSINESS DIRECTORY IN WHICH THK Different Trades and Professions are Classified and Arranged. Gold Hill Foundry and Machine Shop. This is the name of a new foundry that has just been erected in Gold Hill, by Messrs. Herrick, McCurdy & Co. ; it is one of the most extensive foundries in the Territory. The various depart- ments are under the personal supervision of the proprietors. Messrs. McCurdy Bro's, taking charge of the machine shop, and Messrs. Herrick, Atchison and Boone, the foundry department, the main building is G8 by 45, with an additional wing of 65 by 14. A large and powerful crane with 40 feet sweep is used in the foundry, which is capable of supporting the heaviest kind of castings. The pattern room is located on the second floor. APOTHECARIES. Denny J. J. & Son, Odd Fellows' Building GAMBLE E, A. Main street, res High, (see ad p 276) ARTIST. Beals A. J. Daguerrean Artist ASSAYER. ^^ HARRIS H. Almarin B. Paul & Co.'s Bank, (see ad p 270) Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 304 GOLD HILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS. Bishop & Apperson, Main Johnson S. M. Main KELLOGG S. A. Maynard's Block, Main Korn D. K. office op Odd Fellows' Hall, Main BAKERS. Becker J. Main Fleidner G. Main McHartnatt J. south Telegraph Seller M. American Bakery Uhl Adam, Main BANKERS. MAYNARD & FLOOD, Maiu, (see ad outside front cover) PAUL ALMARIN B. & CO., next to Odd Fellows' Hall BARBERS. Hawkins Geo. Main Mayer & Fliedner, Main BATHS. Mayer & Fliedner, Main BLACKSMITHS. BUTSCH V. Main, (see ad p 255) Eckel , Main Hill John, Main Lewis M. B. pick makers Mason John, N. American F R BDAROiNG HOUSES. Ball F. P. prop'r Canon House Hobbs J. L. Monitor Harrold Mrs. Lower Gold Hill Hayes Mrs. Lower G. H. Main MEAHAN M. Main Oesting P. Lower G. H. op Union Mill PRAYriVn^LE HOUSE, Mrs. Mary Pray, Divide, bet Virginia and Gold Hill, (see ad p 289) VESEY HOTEL, Main, (see ad p 297) EXCHANGE HALL, (see ad p 267) HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD SILL BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 306 BOILER WORKS. CORBETT & MOORE, Pioneer Boiler Works, Lower Gold Hill, (see ad p 282) BOOT AND SHOE EVIAKERS. Flynn Thos. C. Crown Point Ravine McGinn Henry, Lower Gold Hill, Main Nicoll Wm. res Main O'Donohue M. Main SCHWEAT & MOELLER, Main Stockle G. Main Winterbauer G. Main BOOT-BLACK. Whirp J. W. Main BREWERIEiS. BODEMER & SCHWEIS, " Gold Hill," Main, (see ad p 268) BROKERS. Arnold Samuel, Main Blouin P. office Montminy Building, Main Brooke H. C. office opposite Gold Hill "News," Main Burnett Geo. G. office Maynard's Block Caldwell Edwin, res Telegraph Davol Wm. E. Main FLAGG H. H. of H. H. Flagg & Co. Post Office Building FLAGG H. H. & CO. Post Office Building, (see ad p 265) Fox Anthony, office Maynard's Block HALE W. E. office Wells, Fargo & Go's, (see ad p 270) Hyatt Sam'l, Main Hunt S. N. Main Jewett A. Main Lafferty W. E. Main opposite '• News" office Lukin A. Main Manning H. A. Maynard's Block McDonald A. C. Main McGinness J. Maynard's Block Mclntyre A. Main Morse Edward C. Maynard's Block Norton Edward, Main Pease G. W. Maynard's Block Perkins C. C. res White House Phillips opposite " News " office Prall J. H. south Main Robinson S. H. Turney Geo. W. Post Office Building Slauk Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 306 GOLD HILL BUSINESS DIKECTORY. BUTCHERS. CRAIGHEAD & RIOHE, City Market, Main Hawley , Union Market, Lower Gold Hill QUICK & GAGNON, Nevada Market, Main, (sec ad p 290) Schneider & Hays, Main Whitcomb & Norton, Gold Hill Market, Main CARPENTERS. Bluett W. B. Bope M. M. Main Cavan G. North Tunnel Road Connell S. North Tunnel Road Cook Wm. south Blanchard Goodson R. North Am. F. Road Hackett R. A. Canon House Jacobs G. north Bowers Johnson Win. south Telegraph Marohn F. Main McCloud Wm. D. Virginia City McGlauflen S. T. bds Striker's boarding house Meacham D. O'Connor J. D. north Main Odium L. Y. bds Canon House Patton J. Divide Robinson R. 0. Am. F. Road STAN AW AY & SONS, res American City, (see ad p 290) Stephenson G. C. Lower Gold Hill Willson R. N. north Bowers CHEMISTS AND DRUCCBSTS. Denny & Son, Odd Fellow's Building GAMBLE E. A. drug store, Main, (see ad p 276) CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Bloomfield & Co. Main LEVISON B. Main opposite Maynard & Flood's, (see ad p 279) CLOTHING. Frankenheimer & Co. Main HAAS S. & CO. Main, (see ad p.270) Harris E. Main COMMISSION AGENT. FLAGG H. H. & CO. Post Office Building, (see ad p 265) HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St, S. F., GOLD HILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 307 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Patton S. J. Divide PLAISTED GEO. res cor High and Marston Stanaway & Sons, Am. F. Road DENTISTS^ Beals A. J. Main Mayer J. G. Main DRY GOODS. HAAS BROS. Main, (see ad p 270) ENGINEERS. Anderson A. Michigan Mine Ballad J. W. Succor Mill Barnett R. P. Coover's Mill Beckworth Geo. north Bowers Bower Jno. south B, Virginia City Brandt Simon, res Yellow Jacket Brigham , Imperial Mill Brook J. W. Centreville Mill Casey B. Petaluma Mill Cocran E. Lucerne Works Davis Thos. Maysville Mill Elwell Wm. Seale Mill Evans N. Lucerne Works Gillespie A. Union Mill Goff T. A. Alta Mine Jackson T. S. Imperial Mill Kellogg L, F. Rhode Island Mill Kenedy H. W. Empire Mill i Laselle H. W. Alta Mine LeBlanc E. I. Sapphire Mill and Mining Co' Long Wm. M. Virginia Mansen Z. Swansea Mill Morrow J. B. Scale's Mill Mullen Robt. Main Ostrom Jno. Virginia City Quinlan Jas. Imperial Mill Rice E. S. Bowers' Mill Roberts J. C. Union Mill Roddick W. Gold Hill Mill, res south Telegraph Ross Dan'l, Bowers' Mill Rule Edw. Marys ville Mill Safford J. B. res Globe Hotel Sayles L. C. Succor Mill Dealers in Every Variety of Staple anxi Fancy Stationery. 31 308 GOLD HILL BUSINESS DIEECTORT. Senderling Juo. C. res Fountain House Shirley Wm. Bowers' Mill Smith Frank, Coover's Mill STODDARD GEO. A. Petaluma Mill Wales J. H. Rhode Island Mill Wheeler E. M. Main Wilton R. S. Divide EXPRESSES. Coursolles L. G. agent Langton's Express Wells, Fargo & Co. Main FOUNDRIES. EMPISBy Hubbard, McAdams & Co. prop'rs, Virginia and Gold Hill Divide, (see ad p 164) FULTON, Thos. Jones, prop'r, Virginia and Gold Hill Divide, (see ad p 206 & 273) Herrick, Mc Curdy & Co. Main, Lower Gold Hill HYDE 0. C. prop'r Pioneer, Lower Gold Hill, (see ad front in- side cover) GROCERIES. BURNS W. S. (fe CO. Main, Lower Gold Hill, (see ad p'252) Cohn & Co. Main Cole & McCrary, Main, Lower Gold Hill Crocker & Co. Main KORN BROS. Gold Hill Store, Flagg's Block, (see ad p 276) LANSING J. V. A. Main Musto J. Main SHEPARD LEVI, next door to Omnibus office, Main, (see ad p292) Stern & Weill, Main Winne E. J. Centreville Store, Main HARDWARE. Bittner, Eugene & Co. Main Gushing Edw. res south Telegraph HOTELS. GAINES R. prop'r Exchange Hotel, Main, (see ad p 267)* Haub C. Fountain House, Main Jackson & Ryan Keeley J. D. Nevada, Lower Gold Hill Meserve W. H. Barnes Hotel Mclntyre M. Golden Eagle Hotel HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S.F.; GOLD HILL BUSINESS DIEECTORY. 309 McPike & Pater son, White House PRAYSVILLE HOUSE. Mrs. Mary Pray, Virginia and Gold Hill Divide, (see ad p 289) Perreault J. F. Main opposite Vesey Hotel VESEY'S, by H. M. Vesey, Main above Biancliard (see ad p 297) Wunsch H. Globe Hotel Webster H. Federal, Telegraph JOINER. Marston L. H. south High LAUNDRIES. Brry T. Main PIONEER STEAM LAUNDRY, by White & Hobart, Spring Valley, PERRY & LEICHTER, Main, Gold Hill, and 508 Battery San Francisco, (see ad p 288) Sylvester, D. S. wholesale LODGINGS. Brown Wm. private. Telegraph Dodds Miss 0. M. LUMBER. Diehl Thos. R. west side Gold Hill McFarland S. Divide Prall & Brown, south Main Proctor & Co. Divide • ' Russell & Co. Main MASONS. STANWAY & SONS, American City, (see ad p 290) MILLWRIGHTS. Bope M. M. Main Bullock J. H. Rhode Island Mill Clapp D. L. Main Gould A. Jackson, Main Lemont J. Main PLAISTED GEO. cor High and Marston Smith F. K. North Tunnel Road Whitaker Wm. Main opposite Vesey's Hotel Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Couunercial Blanks, 310 GOLD HILL BUSINESS DIKECTORY. NEWSPAPERS. Daily Message, Bloor & Co, prop'rs GOLD HILL NEWS, (Daily Evening,) Mynch & Mundall, prop'rs, Main, (see ad p 278) NOTARIES PUBLIC. Brooke H. C. Main HALE W. E. office Wells, Fargo & Go's, (see ad p 270) OMNIBUS LINE. GRAND ALL J. B. Virginia and Gold Hill Pioneer Line, (see ad p 286) PAINTERS. Declier & Blackman, Main Hull W. W. Am. F. Road -• Lee Brothers, Main PHYSICIANS. Barnes T. L. Vesey's Hotel, Main Bishop S. Main Gampbell & Hereford, north Main GASTON WM. next door below Yesey's Hotel, (see ad p 268) Goss Wm. H. Main Hall J, W, Main RESTAURANTS. Barnum, Main BENITZ A. Fashion, Main, (see ad p 252) SAN FRANCISCO; Sander & Schaefer, Main, (see ad p 292) SADDLER. McMartin James, Main SALOONS^ Allen Mrs. M. Lower Gold Hill Birge F. A. Bank Exchange, Main BUCK & WAT A, Metropolitan, Main Golburn J. E. Nevada Soloon FINCH'S SALOON, by Thos. Finch, Main, (see ad p 263) FUNSTON & CO., Blue Wing, Main GOLD J. M. Main, (see ad p 268) Hart G. A. Sample Rooms ?ODGE & WOOD, WholesalQ Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., GOLD HILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 311 |^Iarglot Peter, French Saloon, Main McCarty & McGinn, Main Phareo & True, Main Quelet Geo. Lower Gold Hill SAN JUAN EXCHANGE, Schaefer & Lux, Main, (see ad p 295) Scliaefer & Lux, Main Todd & Chase. Main WHITE & YOUST, Main, (see ad p 299) STABLES. DINSMOPE & AYLSWORTH, Eclipse Stables, Main, (see ad p 260) Dolman & Clark, Main Denise Wm. H. Main STATIONERY. LEYISON B. Main opp. Maynard & Flood's Bank, (see ad p 279) Montminy A. Main SURVEYOR AI\aD CEVIL ENGINEER, Hunt Geofge, Broadway TAILORS. Brodham, , Main Harris J. Main TINNER. GUSHING E. Main WAGON MAKER. BUTSCH YALENTINE, Main, op Golden Eagle Hotel, (see ad p 255) WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS. Gamble Wm. south Blanchard Grove F. J. Main Levy Max, Main McYicar C. Main HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO., THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE ^®~ ON THE PACIFIC COAST.-"^ See Advertisement on outside cover. Dealers in School Books and Cheap Fublicaticns. 312 GOLD HILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., SILVER CITY DiRECTORt. 313 SILVKR CITY, LYON COUNTY, is situated about halfway between Virginia City and Dayton. All of the stages running between Virginia and California, over the Placerville Route, pass through here, as well as a large pro- portion of the travel of the Territory. Silver City relies exclu- sively on the mining interests of the surrounding country for sup- port. Some of the finest mills in the Territory, as well as the richest lodes, lay encompassed within her limits. The past year has been particularly noted for the number of private residences that have been erected and are now in course of completion. Thei citizens display a refined taste, as well as a confidence in the re- sources of the country, by the numerous gardens and other exter- nal and substantial improvements that they are constantly making. Almost every private residence is adorned by numerous tree planted around their dwellings, which has the effect of making favorable impressions on every one that either passes through or takes up a residence within its limits. Silver City is fully rep- resented by societies, organizations and social institutions ; which for numbers and unity, would be creditable to the reputation of larger cities. Having an abundance of granite and other building material contiguous to the City, the citizens have erected several blocks of buildings composed of the above mate- rial, which render them fire proof, and are substantial indications to the observing traveler, of the permanent growth and pros- perity of the City. CHXJRcriii:®. Ppesbyterian Church, Silver City. — Rev. W. W. Macomber" pastor; services every Sabbath, at 2^ o'clock p. m., at the School- house. This Church was organized January 1st, 1864. The various other religious denominations are represented, ancJ several of them contemplate erecting churches and places of wor- ship, at an early date. Blank Books of all Descriptious Made to Order. 014 SILVER CITY DIRECTORY. ©CII001L.S. Active preparations are now being made by the "City Fathers" to perfect a system of "City Schools," for the education of the numerous and constantly increasing youth of the City. There are several schools conducted and supported by private enter- prise. Silver City Lodge, No. 163, F. & A. Masons. — Dispensation granted March 29th, 1863 ; organized April 4th, 1863 ; char- tered May 15th, 1863. Present officers : Chas. F. Brant, W. M.; August Koneman, Treas.; Richard T. Mullard, S. W.; Henry W. Arnold, Sec'y ; Moses J. Rourke, J. W.; Jno. M. Kennedy, S. D.j Josiah K. Barney, J. D.; Henry Lux, Tyler. Present number of members fifty. Stated meetings first Satur- day in each Month. Called meetings every Saturday. I. O. O. F. Silver City Lodge. — Organized April 14th, 1862. Officers for the ensuing year : J. Pattie, N. G.; L. D. Noyes, V. G.; D. McLaughlin, Treas.; J. W. Adkins, Rec. Sec. Number of meml^ers twenty-seven. Meet every Monday even- ing at Odd Fellows' Hall. eill^VEH CITY OXJ^Kr>. The Military of Silver City was organized in October, 1862. This Company had eighty-four members when first organized under Capt. Zebriskie. It at present boasts of a full complement of well drilled members. Officers: S. terry, Capt.; C.Garrett, 1st Lieut.: W. H.' Campbell, 2nd Lieut.; L. D. Noyes, Brevet; P. J. H. Smith Orderly. The above Company numbers amongst its members some of the best military talent in the Territory. Should an opportunity ever be offered 1o test the material of which the citizen soldiery of Nevada is composed, the Silver City Guard will give an ac- count of themselves which will reflect immortal honors on them- selves, as well as the City they represent. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S' F. SILVER CITY DIRECTORt'. 315 A new road is almost completed between this place and Amer- ican City. If the mines of the latter place should realize the expectations of its friends, the vast amount of teams that will be engaged in hauling quartz over this road to the quartz mills located around Silver City, will give an impetus to business here, as well as a source of great revenue to its owners. From here the roads radiate to Carson, Dayton, Humboldt, and the Reese River Country. Devils Gate Quartz Mill. — Is situated just below the Devil's (rate. This Mill was formerly known by the name of the Washoe Mill. It was erected by Almarin B. Paul & Co., and was started for the first time on the 9th August, 1860. There is a dispute and a great deal of controversy between this Mill and Coover's Pioneer Mill at Gold Hill, as to which should have the honor of having first commenced operations in crushing quartz in the Ter- ritory— both having got up steam the same day and the same hour. It is a matter open to discussion amongst the oldest in- habitants. This Mill has changed proprietors ; it is now owned by Irwin & Co. The machinery is driven by a 24-horse power steam engine, working two of Howland's batteries of 8 stamps each, making in all 16 stamps with a crushing capacity of 20 tons of quartz in 24 hours. It also has 24 pans of the latest im- proved style. J. C. Benson, superintendent. Pioneer Quartz Co.'s Mill — In Gold Canon, near Devil^s Gate ; erected in 1860 ; started on the 15tli December of the same year. It has a 40-horse power steam engine, running three 5-stamp batteries, with a crushing capacity of 20 tons per day* It works 3 of Hepburn's and 28 Knox's pans. The size of the main building is one hundred feet square. It is due to the credit of the present proprietors to state that for three years it has been the most successfully worked Mill in the Territory — not having stopped operations longer than twenty hours at any one time during that period. J. A.. Toddman, Superintendent ; N. P. Sheldon, Business Agent. Knickerbocker Mill. — Owned by Messrs. Sherman & Bro. is situated in Gold Canon, near American Ravine ; has 5 stamps Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. o2 316 SILVER CITY DIRECTORY. with 2 7-feet amalgamating pans, and is driven by a 32-feet "water- wheel. Small though this Mill may appear in comparison with those surrounding it, yet owing to the advantages of water- power, and good management, it is perhaps more profitable to its- owners than Mills that boast of greater capacities. Bacon Quartz Mill. — Owned by the " Bacon Mill and Mining Co.;" situated at the junction of Gold Caiion and American Ra- vine, below Silvei' City. Was first built in 1862, and re-built in 1863. It runs 30 straight stamps, has 18 4-feet and 16 5-feet pans, and is driven by an engine of 45-horse power. It reduces ■ 20 tons of ore in 24 hours. Samuel Doake, Superintendent • L. S. Phillipps, Foreman. Sparrow, Trench & Co.'s Mill. — Is located in American Ravine, a short distance above the Sierra Nevada Hotel. Was built during the summer of 1860. Size of building 90 by 75 feet. It has 20 stamps and 16 7-feet pans; driven by an engine of 60-horse power. This Mill reduces about 20 tons of rock per day, which is taken from the Company's Claim at Gold Hill. It employs 15 hands, working day and night, and is under the superintendence of Joseph Trench. Bartola Mill. — Is located in Gold Canon, below Silver City. It is at present leased to John White. It has 8 stamps and 8 pans, with a crushing capacity of 10 tons of ore every 24 hours. It is propelled by a 16-horse power steam engine ; employs nine men, and is under the supervision of the lessee. Union Mill. — Owned by George A. Hudson ; was built in 1861. It is situated in American Ravine, a short distance above the Bacon Mill. It has 2 5-stamp batteries, driven by an engine of 20-horse power, and is capable of crushing 15 tons of ore in 24 hours. In the amalgamating department tliere are 8 7-feet amalgamating wooden tubs, with one small Wakelee pan. Em- ploys about 10 men. George A. Hudson, superintendent. Eastern Slope Mill. — Is situated one-half mile below Devil's Gate. Commenced operations in 1861. Was then owned by the Eastern Slope Mill and Mining Co., but has since changed hands, and is now in the possession of Edward McLean. It has 12 stamps of 950 pounds each, which crush 20 tons of quartz in 24 hours. It has 6 Hepburn pans, 3 separators, and has an outer HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.; SILVER CITY DIRECTORY. 317 settler and flumes for catching quicksilver and amalgam. It ig propelled by a steam engine of 45-liorse power, from the Pacific Foundry, San Francisco. Employs 14 men. Edward McLean> superintendent. Phcenix No, 1. — Was erected in 1860, by C. S. Kellogg At that time it had 8 wooden stamps, which have been since re- placed by 16 iron ones. It has 4 Hepburn pans and 2 settlers, driven by an engine of 24-horse power, with boiler to corres- pond. Employs nine men and runs day and night. Under the supervision of Charles Uznay. Phgenix No. 2. — Was constructed in 1861, and has a front of 100 by 80 feet. It has 4 batteries of 5 stamps each ; runs 22 amalgamating pans of 6 feet in diameter and 12 of 5 feet. It has also a prospecting battery of 2 small stamps. The whole making a crushing capacity of 25 to 30 tons of quarts per day* It is to be propelled by a new and splendid steam engine of 70- horse power, and employs 17 men, and is also under the super- vision of Mr. Charles Uznay. There are a number of stone and frame houses adjoining these two Mills, which are used for ofi&ces, retorting rooms, boarding houses for the hands and residence of the proprietor and super- intendents. Excelsior Quartz Mill. — Is situated in John Town, about one-quarter of a mile below the Swansea. It was built in 1861 and started in November of the same year. It has 8 stamps of 900 pounds each, which work about 12 tons of rock in 24 hours, and has also 10 amalgamating pans ; is propelled by an engine of 40-horse power, built at the Vulcan Iron Works, San Fran- cisco. Employs nine men ; under the supervision of Mr. John Briggs, one of the owners. Swansea Mill. — Owned by John Tregloan ; is situated just below the Phoenix Mill, in Gold Canon ; was built in 1862 and started in June of the same year. It has 12 double-stem stamps of 800 pounds each, 18 6-feet amalgamators, 2 5-feet tubs and 3 concentrators. The capacity of the engine is 40-horse power with a 12-inch cylinder of 3-feet stroke. This Mill is capable of reducing 18 tons of quartz in 24 hours, and is under the super- vision of Mr. John Tregloan, the owner. Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 318 SILVER CITY DIRECTORY. Eagle Mill. — Is now being built by H. B. Jones (proprietor). It will have three straight stamps with two pans, and will be driven by water-power — the wliecl of which is 24 feet in diame- ter. As this Mill is to be driven by the same power as the Knickerbocker, with careful management there is no doubt but it will prove a source of profit to its owner. Merchant's Mill. — Situated in Gold Canon, below t!ie Phoe- nix, at the junction of Rock Point Mill and Dayton road ; was constructed in 1861 ; has 12 stamps, 8 wooden amalgamators and 9 iron pans. It reduces about 15 tons of quartz in 24 hours — running night and day. It is propelled by an engine of 15-horse power, and employs 12 hands. Its machinery is adapted for working all the precious metals, and is under the supervision of C. A. Chapin. Sacramento Quartz Mill. — Owned by the Sacramento Mill Co.; located in John Town ; situated one mile below Silver City; has 12 stamps, working 20 tons of quartz in 24 hours ; weight of stamps, 950 pounds each. It has also 12 amalgamating pans of 7 feet in diameter, and is driven by an engine of 60-horse power ; employs 11 men, working night and day. J. W. L. Hunt, superintendent. REGALIA FOR ALL ORDERS. TRIMMINGS, ETC. MASONIC TEMPLE, SAN FRANCISCO. HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO., THE LARGEST fiLOTHISTG HOUSE ^©-ON THE PACIFIC COAST.-^ See Advertisement on outside cover. • HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F.. SILVER CITY DIHECTORY FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING MAY, 1864. bds. .boards, n.. north, s.. south. nr..aear. res.. reside, op. .opposite, ad . . advertisements. -A. Adkins J. W. blacksmith Pride of West Mine Adler M. grocer Main, op Eastern Slope Hotel Albert John, laborer Phoenix Mill Alder & Co. grocers and clothing store, Main Allen E. E" mason, Main Allen Thos. amalgamator Sacramento Mill Allen E. B. wagon maker Main Ames D. J. blacksmith with Hortep, Main ANGEL J. I. prop'r Eastern Slope Hotel, Main ARCADE SALOON, Hall & Noyes, (see ad) ARMSTRONG, ROBERTS & HOWARD, prop'rs Devil's Gate Toll Road Armstrong Wm. prop'r Devil's Gate Toll Road, res at Gate Arnold Wm. amalgamator Phoenix Mill IB Bainar M. with Conrad Weigenstine, Main Baker J. H. musician, Main Baker J. H. prop'r Occidental Saloon, Main Baldwin J. B. amalgamator Sacramento Mill Bankheiser P. laborer Eastern Slope Mill Barber S. T. carpenter and contractor, res Main BARNEY, McDUFFIE & CO. grocers, Main BARNEY J. K. of Barney, McDuffie & Co Barrett Thos Bartlett C. P. druggist, office in Post Office Dealers in School Books and Cheap Fublioations. 320 SILVER CITY DIRECTORY. J. K. BARMFA', C. D. McDUFFIE. W. E. DUNBAR. BARNEY, McDUFFIE & CO., DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, BLANKETS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE, Mining Tools, Blasting Powder, Fuse, Steel, u Main Street, Silver City, N. T. PETER BRO^W^ISr, MANUFACTURER OF DOORN, SASHES, ETC., C. S. FITZPATRICK. C. W. KENISON. FITZPATRICK & KENISON, Main Street, (ojiposite Silvtr House,) Silver City. .^~ HORSE and OX SHOEING, and GENERAL BLACKSMITHING f^ executed with neatness and dispatch. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F, SILVER CITY DIRECTORY. 321 Bateman L. feeder Bartola Mill Bauer Wm. prop'r Union Bakery, Main Beach J. F. miner, Main Bean John, amalgamator Bartola Mill BECKER L. C. prop'r Grass Valley Saloon, Main Beers Geo. W. clerk with R. B. Thomlison Beers Joseph, carpenter Main Beers Thos. miner Beetle Chas. W. ass't engineer Merchant Mill Beineman August, boot and shoe maker with Mullard, Main Bell W. J. cabinet-maker Benson J. C. sup't Devil's Gate Mill Betker Sam'l moulder Nevada Foundry Bidwell Stephen, ass't engineer Eastern Slope Mill Bisbois J. miner, bds Oro House Black Robt. M. shoemaker Main Black Francis, shoe-maker with Robt. Black, Main Blair Darlin, clerk Golden Age Hotel. Main Blinn H. teamster for Carrick Bro's Bloom J. grocer Main, op Steiner & Koneman Bloom Jones, clerk with Meyer, Bloom & Co. Main BOISOT CHAS. V. druggist Main Boisot Chas V. agent for Langton's Express, Main Bonhan B. H. miner, Bonhan J. S. foreman Pride of West Mine Bonham J. H. miner Bowen W. helper with Fitzpatrick & Co. blacksmiths, Main Branner Fred, ass't engineer Union Mill Bresmehen M. shoemaker with Mullard Briggs John, owner in Excelsior Mill Broad Wm, amalgamator Swansea Mill Brown F. W. boarding house at Phoenix Mill BROWN PETER, carpenter and builder. Main (see ad) Brownlee Thos, blacksmith at Devil's Gate Mill Bryson Edward, prop'r Mansion House, Main Buffner Chas. chief engineer Excelsior *Mill Buob Casper, Silver City Brewery, Main Burgefl" Wm. miner, Main Burns M. cook at Nevada Hotel Butler P. laborer on Devil's Gate Toll Road Byron W . W. ass't engineer Pioneer Quartz Mill AGNEW & DEFFEBACH, PRINTERS AND BOOK BINDERS, :N'o. 511 Sansome Street, ©an Franciseo. Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 322 SILVER CITY DIRECTORT. o Campbell Robert, miner, bds Oro House Campbell Wm. laborer Hacon Mill Carl John, feeder Merchant Mill Carle J. G. brewer, Main Carley Andrew A. teamster Nevada Foundry Carnes J. K. stock broker with Pease, Main, op Wells -F argons Carrick Brothers, teamsters Carrick B. H. teamster Carrick C F. teamster Carrigan A. moulder Nevada F Carroll Dan, moulder Nevada F Casey John, miner Echo Mine Chapin Chas. A. foreman Merchant Mill Clarkson M. boarding housekeeper, nr Pioneer Mill Clarkson M. watchman Devil's Gate Mill Clay Geo. H. barber. Main, in the Masonic Hall Clenan Peter, laborer French & Go's Mill Coile Geo. feeder Union Mill Collins Dennis, amalgamator Sacramento Mill Coneley E. miner bds Oro House Conklin H. chief engineer Sacramento Mill Cooper Wm. wagon maker with Sparks, Main Cooper A. D. miner Pride West Mine Cork J. C. whitewasher, Main Cornelison Jno. prop'r feed stable. Main Cramer H. feeder and amalgamator Knickerbocker Mill Crandall Geo. chief engineer Pioneer Quartz Mill Creamer Jno. teamster Carrick Bros ID Daley M. amalgamator Phoenix Mill Daubert F. A. tailor Main David E. teamster Swansea Mill DEAN GEORGE, postmaster and telegraph operator, Main Dean E. H. ass't postmaster Dean Geo. notary public, office in post office Denny Wm. painter, res Main Derr Louis, prop'r Silver City Bakery, Main Dettner Geo. restaurant keeper. Main Diederson W. A. carpenter Merchant's Mill Dick Jno. musician. Main Dilley Jas. U. S. Tax Collector, Main Dilley C. R. with Jas. Dilley, Main Dodge E. K. prop'r Merchant's Quartz Mill, res at Mill Doey Wm. miner Dolan Jas. laborer Phoenix Mill HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St, S. F., SILVER CITY DIRECTORY, 323 i)onald McP. teamster Swansea Mill Dooley D. laborer Bacon Mill Doolin E. ass't engineer Bacon Mill Douckun Jas. miner, res Main Drum Phylander, miner Drum Jas. laborer Bacon Mill Drysclel J. prop'r Rob Roy House, Main opp Silver House DUNBAR W. E. of Barney, McDuJufie & Co. dealers in groceries, etc., Main El EDWARDS JAS. (colored) prop'r Hannibal Laundry, Main Eichiuger Val. tobacconist, Maiu Elliott Mrs. E. proprietress Sierra Nevada Hotel, Main Enders Alex, ass't engineer Phoenix Mill Ensley S. V. amalgamator Excelsior Mill Ervin Tlios. E. bar-keeper Chrysopolis SalOOn Fallan M. miner Pride of West Mine Findley Washington, feeder Union Mill Fitzo;erald P. engineer Sacramento Mill FITZPATRICK & KENISON, prop'rs blacksmith shop, MaifiC FITZPATRICK C. S. blacksmith, of Fitzpatrick & Kenison Flanedy Jos. res Main, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co Fleming David, laborer Eastern Slope Mill Florrance M. foreman Bartola Mill Folsom H. feeder Devil's Gate Mill Foot Geo. chief engineer Phc6nix Mill Forbs Jno. foreman Excelsior Mill FOSTER & ROBEDEE, prop'rs Pioneer Stables Foster J. H. B. of Foster & Robedee, Pioneer Stables, Main Foster Jno. laborer Phoenix Mill Frett N. boarding house keeper, Main J. H. B. FOSTER. C. C. ROBEDEE OPPOSITE THE EASTERN SLOPE HOTEL, FOSTER & ROBEDEE, - ■ PROPRIETORS. J^~ The Largest and most commodious Stable, and the finest Turnouts in the Territory. Horses groomed by the day or week. ^23^ The Best of care taken of transient Stock. ''^. Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. oo 324 SILVER CITY DIRECTORT* Gammons C. H. feeder French & Go's Mill Garnou P. laborer Nevada Foundry Garrett Clias. millwright Gear Jno. amalgamator Union Mill Geary M. laborer French & Go's Mill Gcron Dennis, miner, bds Glarkson's House Gibbins A. laborer Bacon Mill Gilbert & Swasey, prop'rs Eagle Saloon, Main Gilbert J. L. prop'r Eagle Saloon, Main Gilbert J. D. amalgamator Bacon Mill Gill Z. chief engineer Devil's Gate Mill Gillespie Jas. M. musician, Main Gilmore Geo. blacksmith, Main Gilpin L. res Main Gipe E. pattern maker Nevada Foundry Gleason F. P. engineer Swansea Mill Gleason Wm. amalgamator Swansea Mill Gleason E. H. helper Gilmore's shop Glover Wm. amalgamator Swansea Mill Goldsticker M. prop'r Union and Silver City Market, Main GRIER JOHN WILSON, notary, banker, and agent for Wells, Fargo Pimentel J. Mrs. prop'rs Union Saloon, Main Piatt Norman, school teacher, Silver City Polley Flint M. amalgamator Eastern Slope Mill Potting Wm. amalgamator Devil's Gate Mill Price A. amalgamator Merchants' Mill Quintrall Wm. miner Pride West Mine IFL Ramsdell J. super't Boston Mill Rasmussin Chris, amalgamator Swansea Mill Rastaw W. miner, bds Oro House Reed Dan. foreman Union Mill Reese J. M, bar-tender Chrysopolis Saloon Riglon J. carpenter Eastern Slope Mill Rings Peter, feeder Trench & Co.'s Mill Robedee B. C. prop'r Pioneer Stable, Main Roberts J. Wm. prop'r Devil's Gate Toll Road, res gate' Roberts Wm. H. engineer Swansea Mill ROURKE M, J. prop'r Silver City Lumber Yard, Main Rufifner Edward, ass'i engineer Excelsior Mill Ruiward E. cook Fashion Restaurant Ryan John, laborer- Trench & Co.'s Mill Ryan John, chief engineer Union Mill Ryan J. L. bookkeeper Nevada Foundry res John Town — i^ Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. 830 SILVER CITY DIRECTORY. W. H. STEPHENSON, M. D., Mlj^IlV STItEET, SILVEK, CITY, Gives special attention to the treatment of all DISEASES OF THE HUMAN SYSTEM And from an experience of twelve years of general practice, can Safely GcakaJitee Satisfaction to all who may place themselves under his care. Special attention given to the treatment of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, DIPTHERIA AND PARALYZED LIMBS. WILLIAM SPARKS, ]VrA.IIsr STREET. Opposite Mansion House, SIXj"VEI^ CIT-Z-. 'M HORSE SHOEING AND BLACKSMITHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Executed with the greatest dispatch. R. B. TOMLINSON, SILV^ER CITY, DEALER IN G10CE8IES & PSOYinONS, 'J^ AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF MINING IMPLEMENTS. BRANCH STORE AT AMERICAN CITY^ Between Reed's Mill and Norton's Land Office, "Where he is prepared to furnish all kinds of Goods cheap for cash. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay Stv S. F.; SILVER CITY DIRECTOEY. 331 Sanborn A. feeder Pioneer Quartz Mill Scott E. R. wagon-maker with Fitzpatrick & Kenison Schramm Geo. shoe-maker, Main Scribner Fred, amalgamator Merchants' Mill Shafer Thos. chief engineer Bartola Mill Shaw Samuel, moulder Nevada Foundry Sheldon V. P. prop'r Pioneer Quartz Mill, Main Sherman & Bro's prop'rs Knickerbocker Mill Sherman C. L. prop'r Knickerbocker Mill Sherman Geo. prop'r Knickerbocker Mill Schmidt P. J. H. deputy sheriff, bds Sierra Nevada Hotel Schmidt Jeremiah, barber, Main Smith & Co. prop'rs Washington Market, Main Smith Casper, meat market, Main Smith A. A. prop'rs Oro House, Main SPARKS WM. blacksmith. Main, (see ad) Sparrow, Trench & Co. prop'rs of Sparrow, Trench & Go's Mill and Mine Sparrow Erastus, milling, res San Francisco Stanker Joseph, helper at Fitzpatrick & Kenison's blacksmith shop, Main Steele H. M, att'y at law. Main Steele W. (M. D.) office Main STEINER & KONEMAN, grocers and general merchandise, Main STEINER SAMUEL, firm of Steiner & Koneman, res S Francisco Steiner J. bookkeeper with Steiner & Koneman STEPHENSON W. H. Doctor, office Main Stock Chas. laborer Trench and Co's Mill Storey Chas. A. bookkeeper Swansea Mill Sullivan John, amalgamator Pioneer Quartz Mill Sullivan P. feeder Devil's Gate Mill Swasey V. M. prop'r Eagle Saloon, Main Sweeny P. moulder Nevada Foundry SAN FRANCISCO DRY GOODS STORE. DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. A FULL ASSORTxMENT OF DRY GOODS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. No. 84 South 0 Street, Virginia City, N. T. Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 34 332 SILVER CITY DIRECTOBT. T Tailleur M. stationer, Main Tallman J. A. head feeder at Bacon Mill Teackle E. W. milling, res San Francisco Terry J. L. Texas Saloon, above Devil's Gate Terry John teamster for Carrick Bro's Terry Geo. F. feeder Merchants' Mill Terry J. grocer, Main Thompson H. A. sup't of Pride "West Mine Tobler J. M, miner Pride West Mine Todman J. A. prop'r Pioneer Quartz Mill, Main Toll Robt. carpenter, bds Sierra Nevada Hotel TOMLINSON R. B. dealer in groceries and provisions, below Nevada Hotel Totis H . amalgamator Phoenix Mill Townsend E. L, amalgamator Excellsior Mill Travis J. B. clerk for M. J. Rouke, lumber dealer Tregloan John, prop'r and sup't of Swansea Quartz Mill Trench Joseph, milling XJ Uznay Chas. superintendent of Phoenix Mill "V Vincent Philip, laborer Nevada Foundry Vollmar Edward, clerk with Steiner & Koneman, Main Waddell James A. teaming Wagner Conrad, tailor, Main Wagoner Chas. ass't engineer Phoenix Mill Wakeman W. miner, bds Miners' Home Wallace Mrs. B. S. prop'r Miners' Home above Devil's Gate Walrod Robt. H. stable-keeper. Main Waters J. (col'd) agent for Hanibal Laundry, Main Watson J. feeder Eastern Slope Mill Watt John, miner Walter Scott Mine, bds Oro House Watt Wm. miner Walter Scott Mine, bds Oro House Weigensteine Conrad, prop'r Conrad's Saloon, Main Weis Chas. sadler, Main Wcnnerblad Fred, carpenter with Brown, Main Whaland E. rock breaker Devil's Gate Mill Wliite John, prop'r Bartola Mill, res Lower Gold Hill White John, milling, res above Devil's Gate Whitesidcs Josh, teamster Swansea Mill HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St, S. F., SILVER CITY DIRECTORY. 333 Whittemore Y. stock broker, bds Sierra Nevada Hotel Wilbur R. blacksmith with Hortop, Main Williams B. C. feeder Excelsior Mill Williams F. feeder Excelsior Mill Wilson A. minor, bds Golden Age Hotel Woods E. miner Leo Mine. Woods L. Wm. miner Leo Mine Woods Edward, ass't engineer Devil's Gate Mill Wright John, prop'r Nevada Hotel, Main Young Jos. laborer Sacramento Mill Young Thomas, miner, Main Young R. S. P. miner, above Devil's Gate NO CURE, NO PAY ! consrsxjLT-A.Tio3sr p^piee i PRIVATE DISEASES IN MALES AND IRREGULARITIES IN FEMALES Are the great destroyers of health ; they attack insidiously the structure and gradually undermine and destroy it ; they drive the bloom from the cheek, the lustre from the eye, the strength and vigor from the frame ; they give to the world puny and diseased offspring, and poison through successive generations the race of man. The finger marks can be seen in SCROFUL.A, COWSIJMPTIOIV, CRIPPI.ES, THERE IS "A BALM IN GILLEADl" The most obstinate of advanced stages, in either sex, cured in a marvelously short period and in the most perfect manner, without the use of Mercury in any form, by DR. J. C. YOUNG, 540 WASHINGTON STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 334 SILVER CITY cmECTOET. A NEW SEWING MACHINE! ^ ® DO NOT BUY A SEWING MACHINE UNTflL YOU HAVE SEEN THE FLORENCE SAMUEL HILL, General Agent, 111 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Corner of Montgomery and Bush Streets, SAN EHAFGISGO. LEWIS LELAND & CO. - - PROPRIETORS. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., BUSINESS DIRECTORY, m WHICH THE Different Trades and Professions are Classified and Arranged. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kennedy F. H. & J. M. office in Eastern Slope Hotel, Main Pike P. H. Steele H. M. office Main BAKERS. Bauer Wm. Union Derr L. Main BLACKSS^iiTHS. FITZPATRICK & KENISON, Main (see adv. p. 320) Gilmore George, Main Hortop C. G. Main SPARKS WILLIAM, Main (see adv. p. 330) BOARDING HOUSES; Clarkson Michael, Main Drysdel J. Rob Roy House Fret N. Hine R. Hine's House Hise Louis, Main SIERRA NEVADA HOTEL, J. C. Gruber & Mrs. E. Elliott prop'rs. (see adv. p. 324) BOOTS AND SHOES. BLACK ROBT. M. Main Mullard R. T. Main Schramm Geo. Main Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 336 SILVER CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BREWERS. Klein & Buob, Main BUTCHERS. Goldsticker M. Silver City Market Goldsticker M. Union Market CABINET MAKERS. Bell W. J. manufacturer chairs, etc CARPENTERS. Barber S. T. Main Beers Jo. Main BROWN PETER, builder and contractor, Main (see ad. p. 320) Hill Henry, Main Pine J. Wennerblad F. with Brown Peter, Main CLOTHING. BARNEY, Mcduffie & CO. (see ad p 320) Gross C. A. STEINER & KONEMAN, (see ad p 326) CONTRACTORS. BROWN PETER, Main (see ad. p. 320) Howard B. C. DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. Bartlett C. P. Boisot Chas. V. Main ENGINEERS. Branner F. ass't Union Mill Dooley E. ass't Bacon Mill McWilliams John, ass't Bacon Mill PHILLIPPS L. S. chief Bacon Mill Ruffner Chas. chief Ryan John, chief Bacon Mill EXPRESSES., Boisot Chas. Y. Langton's, op. Paris' Livery Stable, Main Fast Freight and Express Co. office Main Grier J. W. Wells, Fargo & Co. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., SILVER CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 337 FOUNDRIES. Mead &, McCone, Nevada PIONEER, (see ad inside front cover) GROCERIES. Alder & Co. Main BARNEY, Mcduffie & CO. (see adv. p. 320) Meyer, Bloom & Co STEINER & KONEMAN, Main, (see adv. p. 326) Terry J. Main TOMLINSON R. B. (see adv. p. 330) HOTELS. ANGEL J. F. Eastern Slope, Main Hart Mrs. Mary, Golden Age, Main McEvely & Co. prop'rs Mansion House, Main Nichols S. C. Silver House, Main SIERRA NEVADA, J. C. Gruber & Mrs. E. Elliott (see ad p 324) Smith A. A. Oro House, Main Wright John, Nevada LIVERY STABLES. PIONEER, Foster & Robedee, op. Eastern Slope Hotel, (see ad. p323) LUMBER. ROURKE M. J. Silver City Yard, Main, (see ad. p. 326) MASON. Allen E. E. res. Main MERCHANTS-GENERAL. BARNEY, McDUFFIE & CO. (see adv. p. 320) STEINER & KONEMAN, (see adv. p. 326) TOMLINSON R. B. (see adv. p. 330) NOTARIES PUBLIC. Dean Geo. office in Post Office, Main Grier J. W, office in Wells-Fargo's, Main Kennedy James M. office Main Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. 338 SILVER CITY BUSINESS DIEECTORT. PAINTER. Denny Wm. Main PHYSICIANS. Steele W. Main STEPHENSON W. H. Main, (see ad p 330) RESTAURANTS. Dettner Geo. Fashion SADDLER: Weis Chas. manufacturer SALOONS^ Baker J. H. Occidental Becker L. C. Grass Valley, Main Gilbert & Swasev, Eagle, Main HALL & NOYES, Arcade, Main (see adv. p. 326) McLaughlin D. Our Office Saloon Myrick & Muncton, Chrysopolis Hall, Main Pimentel J. Mrs. Union Sierra Nevada, J. 0. Gruber & Mrs. E. Elliott Terry J. L. Texas Gold Hill Weigenstein C. Conrads, Main STABLES. FOSTER & ROBEDEE, Pioneer, (see ad p 323) Paris D. H. Main STATIONERY. Tailleur M. Main Haubert F. A. Main Wagner C. Main McCrumnon D. Main TAILORS. TINNER. WAGON MAKERS. Cooper Wm. Main FITZPATRICK & KENLSON, (see ad p 320) SPARKS WM. (see ad p 330) HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., AMEEICAN CITY DIRECTORY. 339 AMERICAN CITY, STOREY COUNTY. Is situated one and a half miles south-west of Gold Hill, on the main travelled road between California and Virginia. Th6 road is in excellent order, and extensive improvements are being constantly made which gives it a prestige over any of the othef roads leading through the Territory. From the point at which this road leaves the Dayton and Carson road the ascent is gradual, giving to it the exclusive travel of all heavy teams loaded for Virginia. The citizens have displayed an energy in building up this city which is not excelled by any body of people in th-e Ter*- ritory, although but little was known of American City except- ing the richness of the mines in the locality, previous to the present spring, buildings have been erected with such dispatch, (and rapidly doubling in numbers,) that the place now presents all the features of an old and well established city. Here can be found representatives from almost every trade, business or pro^ fession. The rapid growth of ihe city is caused by the rich developments and numerous well-defined lodes discovered in and around the city. The excitement in past years has been so great in other localities that the majority of prospectors passed through here and went to places that were heralded to them through the aid of wily runners and interested speculators. When the out^ side bubbles bursted this spring, and the excitements subsided, the returning emigration seeing the advantages of the place and the richness of the mines, hastened to niake locations and erect suitable dwellings, the result of which is, that there has been more buildings erected, and improvements made here, during the past few months, than in any other city in the Territory. A number of quartz mills are now in course of erection, and several more have been ordered. The cite of the city has a natural loca^ tion which is possessed by none of the neighboring' cities* There are several springs which furnish sufficient water to supply the demands of a large city, besides several more have been struck by miners while tunnelling in the vicinity, which secure to the city an ever abundant supply of this indispensible fluid. Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 35 340 AMERICAN CITY DIRECTOE"?. Reed & Wade's quartz mill, situated at American City, was built in 1861 by Smith, Wade & Co., runs four batteres of two stamps each, making- eight stamps in all, which reduces about eight tons of quartz in twenty-four hours ; it has six amalgamating tubs, two Hepburn pans, and one agitator. The mill is run by an engine of 20-horse power, and crush custom rock, superintended by the proprietors. Rigby & Co.'s quartz mill, situated on American Flat, was erected in 1862, owned by Rigby Bros., Brewster & Breet ; runs two batteries of five stamps each, making ten stamps, which re- duces about fourteen tons of quartz in twenty-four hours ; has five Varney amalgamating pans, and four settling tubs, driven by a steam engine of 30-horse power, crushes custom rock. This mill has a prospecting pan for working small lots of ore, also an assaying and smelting apparatus. The boiler is of Nevada manufacture, having been made by the Pioneer Boiler Works in Lower Gold Hill. This company were fortunate in securing such an excellent natural site for the location of their mill and works. Office at Virginia Hotel, cor. Sutton Avenue and B Sts., Jl^* This Establishment being the oldest and largest in the City, situated free fi'om dust, and having a good quality of water, is now prepared to give to its patrons a superior style of work. Wagons Eun Daily to Eecsive and Deliver Washing. ORDINARY WENDING AND BUTTONS SEWED ON ^'Tr- Orders attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. "t§2^ MARK THE DBFFERENCE BETWEEN " PIONEER" and '* PIONEER STEAM LAUNDRY." HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St, S. F., FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING MAY, 1864. bds.. boards, n.. north, s.. south. nr..near. res.. reside, op. .opposite, ad . . advertisements. Adams J. H. prop'r American Citv Sta2:e Line AMERICAN CITY STAGE CO."^ runs'bet Virginia and Ameri- can City AMERICAN CITY HOTEL, Wm. Fawcett, (see ad) Anderson G. G. miner, bds American City Hotel Armstrong J. miner, bds American City Hotel Bacon Frank, miner, bds American City Hotel Baker J. W. carpenter Bath Joseph, F. butcher Beltier M. blacksmith nr Toll House Berk John, blacksmith Bodwell J. D. carpenter Hogar C. S. amalgamator Reed's Quartz Mill BOOHINGER & ORTH, grocers (see ad) BOOHINGER M. grocer, of Boohinger & Orth BOOTHERTON J. R. prop'r American City Store, (see ad) Boyden Wm. miner, bds at Strother's Brett J. R. of Rigby & Co's Mill, res San Francisco Brewster Calvin, prop'r Russ House Brewster S. T. of Rigby & Co's Mill Brown James, Feeder Reed's Mill BROWN S. H. prop'r Brown's Lumber Yard, nr Washoe Toll House, (see ad) Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 342 AMERICAN CITY DIRECTORY. EXCHANGE SALOON, A-]M[EIIIC.4.]V "F1L.A.T. BEST QUALITY OF WINES, LIQUORS ETC, ALWAYS ON HAND. " You will find Brown as snug as a Bug in a rug, And snugger than any other Bug-ger." M. BOOHINGER, R. ORTH. BOOHINGER & CO. RETAIL DEALERS IN ^wmm, ^tmmm$, ^ifi§u, #fc., ISrEj\.It THE L^IVD OFFICE, ^MERICA^lSr CITY, IST. T. JAMES R. BROTHERTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, ETC. (near Miantonomoh Works.) ^IMERIO^N CITY, THEODORE GOSSE, PROPRIETOR. Board and Lodging by the day or week. Rooms for families. THE BAR IS FURNISHED WITH THE BEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS. HODGE & WOOD, Wliolesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., AMEEICAN CITY DIRECTORY. 343 BROWN HENRY C. Notary Public, and prop'r Brown's Ex- change, res and office American Flat, (see ad) Brown John, cook at Rigby & Go's Mill Burke V. foreman Empress Mine Burns Luke, miner Empress Mine Burns Michael, recorder Am. District Burne M. Jr. toll housekeeper of Am. F. Toll Road o Carlton R. N. prop'r American Exchange Hotel Carlton W. P. Carson James, ranchman Childers L. C. chief engineer Rigby & Go's Mill Chism John, carpenter and builder Collins Chas. P. chief engineer Miantinomoli Mine Conely E Crawford Wm. C. miner Crawford T. miner, bds Eureka Hotel Cuddiiigton J. S. bar-tender at Browns' Exchange Curtis D. S. ID Danley W. N. miner Davis James P. carpenter Davis T. J. owner of lime kiln Delavan Geo W. miner Bell Vernon Mine Dolan M. miner Dowell F. M. carpenter and builder Dutton Geo. laborer Rigby & Go's Mill Eyde Peter, feeder Rigby & Go's Mill in FAWGETT WM. prop'r American City Hotel Fortin J. whim-driver Empress Mine Fry Milton L. prop'r Stone House o- GLOVER E. F. agent American City Land office Gordon J. H. carpenter Grant R. P. carpenter Green Henry, miner Griffin J. miner Grinell Joshua, ass't amalgamator Rigby & Go's Mill GOSSE T. prop'r Eureka'Hotel Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 344 AMERICAN CITY DIRECTORY. Hanson E. miner Havens James, steward at American City Hotel Heppel John, plasterer Holms Joseph, engineer Reed & Wade's Mill Hunt Samuel, miner Continental Mine HUNT WM. stock broker and mining sec'y I Issen J. H. mining secretary J" Jacob J. G. miner Jahn Henry, prop'r City Hotel Jones H. H. engineer Reed's Mill Jones Robert, prop'r milk-ranch KALLEY D. W. prop'r Our House, on Divide Am. Flat KEEPERS J. T. prop'r with Lee, of Willows Saloon Kiser Samuel, owner in American City Brewery Kline Louis, owner in American City Brewery Kline & Kiser, prop'rs American City Brewery Kyger Peter, carpenter LEE BARTON, prop'r with Keepers, of Willows Saloon LEE & KEEPERS, prop'rs Willows Saloon Lillie Crist, painter Lingelfeter J. L. miner, bds at American Exchange Lint E. carpenter and builder Logan W. C. carpenter, res American City Lopez Manuel, miner Lynch Thos. blacksmith shop, op Brown's Lumber Yard Lyon James, ass't engineer Rigby & Go's Mill Marchant Geo. bar-tender at American City Hotel Maiipin Thos. J. sup't Miantinomoh Mine Maynard C. amalgamator Rigby & Co's Mill MIDDLETON W. 0. Lumber Dealer Miller G. miner Minto Wm. engineer and surveyor, office at Brown's Exchange Monty Joseph, blacksmith nr Toll House Moss T. H. owner in Miantinomoh Mine Murry Thos. amalgamator Rigby & Co's Mill HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. P., AMERICAN CITY DIRECTORY. 345 McCarty P. prop'r McCarty's Saloon McCleand James, miner McDaniel J. H. laborer at Am. F. lime kiln McFarland S. prop'r lumber yard, bet American City and G. H McGurk Wm, carpenter Baltic Mine McKay Dan. miner, bds American City Hotel McMillan A. M. carpenter and builder McMillan David, feeder at Rigby & Go's Mill McMillan R. carpenter McPeck J. carpenter McReynolds Robt. owner of lime kiln IS! Nisbet J. R. American City Saloon Nugent F. miner Scott Consolidated o O'Conor M. ass't engineer Miantinomoli Mine Olvany Thos. miner Bell Vernon Mine O'Neii C. miner, bds Thorn's House ORTH R. grocer -^ Peterson A. miner PRINCE B. American City Stage Line Radczewosky & Birke, prop'rs blacksmith shop Radczewosky Jacob, blacksmith Rasner J. B. brakesman Miantinomoh Mine Redwine J. F. owner in lime kiln Redwine & Co. prop'rs American F. lime kiln REED WM. M. American City Stage Line Reed G. K. owner in Reed & Wade's Mill RIGBY A. J. of Rigby & Co's Mill, res Oakland, Cal RIGBY JAMES A. of Rigby & Co's Mill Rigby & Co. prop'rs Rigby's Mill Robinson James M. helper with H. Sheel Sargent H. E. laborer Rigby & Co's Mill Saxtorph A. miner Sexton James miner, bds Central House Sheel H. blacksmith and wagon-manufacturer Shontz I. S. clerk at Russ House Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks. 846 AMERICAN CITY DIEECTORY. DEALER IN DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, NAILS, LOCKS, &C. YARD NEAR WASHOE TOLL HOUSE, JliEiliii ilTI iiTEL Near Rigby & Co.'s Quartz Mill WILLIAM FAWCETT, (Late of Sacramento) PROPRIETOR. JKl'^Table is furnished with all the delicacies of the scasoii.'=@H .^"BAR IS SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF LIQUORS.-®^ ^ Large and extensive Stables are connected with this Hotel for the accommoda' tion of teams, etc. BARTON LEE. J T. KEEPERS. AMERICAN CITY. A place of Resort, Amusement and Refreshment. A Race Track always ready. BARTON LEE & J. T. KEEPERS, PROPRIETORS. ^V^ILLIAM HUIsrT jSL3>J'X> OF THE FOLLOWING COxMPANIES : ^ Jim McClellan, Orion, Hunt, Braden, West Gold Hill and Washington. OFFICE, AMERICAN CITY, N. T. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., AMERICAN CITY DIRECTORY. 347 SMART GEO. H. clerk for R. B. Tomlinson, branch store Smith John, miner Empress Mine Smith Henry, miner Snyder F. V. prop'r meat market Snyder J. J. miner Steel James, carpenter Rigby's Mill Strother E. miner, res op American Exchange Stuart Wm. A. teamster Rigby's Mill T Thompson Thos. M. laborer at Am. F. lime kiln THOMPSON R. prop'r Central Hotel Tomlinson R. B. branch store, res Silver City TOMPSON H. H. millwright, works at Reed's Mill Tucker James, teamster Rigby & Go's Mill WADE ABNER, owner in Reed & Wade's Mill WALL G. millwright and general mechanic Warren I. F. Watkins James, miner Bell Vernon Mine Wheeling John, miner bds American City Hotel White John, teamster White W. J. bds Central Hotel White H. G. machinist White A. H. miner White A. C. carpenter Willson Wm. miner WILLOWS SALOON, Keepers & Lee" Winkerman milkman for Jones WINN H. S. & CO. prop'r Pioneer Lumber Yard' WINN H. S. lumber dealer Wright H. S. brakesman MiSntinomoh Mine Wright W. ass't amalgamator Rigby & Co's Mill JOHN 0. MITCHELL & CO., 408 Pine Street, above Montgomery^ SAixr ae'B.Aiiirexseo. mmn t All Garments guaranteed to give satisfaction. "^^ Dealers in Every Variety of Staple aad Fancy Stationery. 348 AMERICAN CITY DIRECTORY. S. ALSTROM. G. S. JOHNSOJf. LICK HOUSE, ALSTROM & JOHNSON, PROPRIETORS, Comer Sutter and Montgomery Streets. This House is in every respect the lit >@ OF — idC^SS- IS'QQS,4^S:3-C^IZ^C^CS>» Its interior Is finished vrlth a degree of excellence unsurpassed by any Hotel In the United States. iJkl In fact, All the Improvements of the Age. The Proprietors, (formerly of the Oriental, Will endeavor to please all who favor them with their patronage. WHITE SUIPHUUPRINGS, This Favorite Resort will remain under the management of MR. S. ALSTROM. Haying made EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS on the The public can rest assured that their sojourn at the Springs will be made pleasant. S. ALSTROM, Proprietor. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., BUSINESS DIRECTORY, IN WHICH THE Different Trades and Professions are Classified and Arranged. BREWERIES. Kline & Kiser BLACKSMITH & WAGON MAKERS. Lynch Thos. Peltier & Monty, Ameriean City Shop SheelK Snyder F. V BROKERS AND MINING SECRETARIES. BROWN H. C. HUNT WM. (see ad p 3-46) CARPENTERS. Dowel F. M. builder Gordon J. H McMillan A. M McPeck J. STANWAY & SONS ENGINEER. Minto Wm. civil, office Brown's Exchange GROCERS. BOOeiNGER & ORTH, (see ad p 342) BROTFIERTON J. R. (see ad p 342) TOMLIXSON R. B. store in Silver City, branch American City, (see ad p 830) Blank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 350 AMERICAN CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HOTELS. Brewster Calvin, Russ House Carlton R. N, American Exchange FAWCETT WM. American City (see ad p 346) GOSSE T. Eureka (see ad p 342) Jahn Henry, City Hotel K alley D. W. Our House Thompson R. Central LUMBER. BROWN S. H. Brown's Yard, (see ad p 846) McFarland, branch, bet G. H, and Am. Flat WINN H. S. & CO. Pioneer MILLWRIGHT. Wall G NOTARY PUBLIC, Brown Henry C. office American Flat RECORDER. Burns M. American City District SALOONS. BROWN H. C, Brown's Exchange, (see ad p 342) Burnes M. Empress LEE & KEEPERS, Willows, (see ad p 346) McCarthy P. McCarthy's Nisbet J. R ALEX. K. BALDWIN. JAMES MICHAEL. A. R. BALDWIN ^ CO., I (Successors to S. H. MEEKER & CO.,) IMPORTERS AM) JOBBERS OF mum m E'@m Agency of Longworth's Wines, Chestnut Grove Whisky, and Cucomungo Vineyards, San P-ornardino County. je^FlNE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, IN BOND."^ HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F, AMERICAN CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 351 HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., 352 AMERICAN CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 411 SAlVSO]\XE STI^EET, Between Commercial aud Sacramento, SAN FRANCISCO. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, RIFLES, *iitmi»' mm sii MWi.ftWI^W.fl . POWDER, SHOT, LEAD AND CAPS. And Repairing oxecnted in the neatest manner. Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. MININGS DIRECTORY CONTANING THE NAMES OF CLAIMS, THE NUMBER OF FEET OWNED',- THE DISTRICT IN WHICH THEY ARE LOCATED, NAME OF SECRETARY, AND THEIR ADDRESS. -A.ToToxeATia.tiojiajS. P. F.. Pioneer Foundry. G. S. .Gold Hill. Dist. .District. Va .. Virginia; Va. Dipt.. Virginia District. B S. S. .Blue Sulphur Springs. Pal .. Palmyra. R. R.. Reese River. Am. F.. American Flat. Sec'y. .Secretary M. Co.. Mining Company. Ft. .Feet. Sh. .Shares. G. S. .Gold and Silver. S. V. Dist, .Spring" Valley District. S. S. Dist. .Silver Star District. Cor.. Corner. I. S.. Indian Springs. D. G.. Devil's Gate. Red Mt..Red Mountain. Of.. Office. Con.. Consolidated. N. C. .North C Street. S. C. .South C Street. S. C. .Silver City. Mt.W.. Mount Wells. .A. Abell and Key, 2000 ft. G. H. Dist. W. W. Bishop sec'y, office G. H Abernpthy, G. H. Dist. 1040 sh. H. Bruckman sec'y, office 48 s B, Va Adolph, Devil's Gate Dist. 1000 sh, A. S. Pease sec'y, office S. City jEtnu, S. Heidelheim sec'y, office Dayton Agate, 600 ft. G. H. Dist. W. E. Hale sec'y office Wells-Fargo's G. H Alabama, Silver Star Dist, 800 sh. M. Mygatt sec'y, office over Wells- Fargo's Va Alamance, Con. 8200 ft. V. Dist. W. A.M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C, V« Alameda Coal Co. 880 sh, C, D. McDuffey sec'y, office Silver City Alban, W. O, Farnsworth sec'y, 73 Montgomery, San Francisco Alladin, 2400 ft, G. H. Dist. V, F. Valle Sec'y, office G, H Allison Ranch, Spring Valley, 1400 sh, A. C. Knox sec'y, office room 13 Taylor's Building, Va Almaden, Desert Dist. 1200 sh, W. W. Coryell sec'y office 45 s C, Va Alpha, S. D. Fulton sec'y, office 43 s B Alpha, G. H. Dist. Chas. Foreman sec'y, office G. H Altoona, H. E. Woodruff sec'y, office G. H Alturas, M, Mygatt sec'y, office 94 s C Amador, W, K. Cutler sec'y. Roe's Building, B Amazon, Va. Dist, 1200 sh. J. H, Dupai.x sec'y, office 25 s B, Va Amazon, J. P. Winnie sec'y, office G. H Ajnerican Basin, 9300 ft. Humb't Dist. J. B. Fulton sec'y, Va Am. City, G. H, Dist, 500 sh, W. W, Coryell sec'y, office 45 s C, V» Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 35i MINING DIRECTORY. Am. City, AI. T. & W. Co. 2500 ft. G. H. Dist. U. P. Hutchings sec'y Am. Flat, Nevada, J. M. Anderson sec'y, 32 s B Am. Flat M. Co. 1200 ft. G. H. Dist. G. G. Burrett sec'y, office May- nard's Biocic, G. H Am. Shield & Red Mt. 1200 ft. W. E. Hale sec'y office Wells-Fargo's Am. and Silver City T. R. Co. 500 sh. T. Barcley sec'y office 1 s B. Va Andrew Jackson, 800 ft. G. H. ]3ist. H. C. Brooke sec'y G. H Andrew Jackson, Reese K. 1600 sh. B. F. Moses sec'y office 26 n C, Va Anna, Devil's G. Dist. 800 ft. L. A. Hauck sec'y, office G. H Antelope, G. H. Dist. J. Loryea sec'y, 17 n C. Va Antelope, D. G. Dist. 1400 sh. J. T. Mc:Mahon sec'y, office s C, Va Apple, G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. W. W. Price, sec'y, office 37 s C, Va Atlantic, 1200 ft. G. H. Dist. J. F. Linthicum sec'y, office Va Argentoro, H. Butenop sec'y. office cor B & Union Arrington Co. J. F. Linthicum sec'y, office G. H Arizona, 1200 ft. G. H. Dist. D. F. Hodges sec'y, 8 s C, Va Arizona, 1200 ft. S. S. Dist. S. B. Turner sec'y, 33 s C, Va Aspinwall G. & S. M. Co. Argentine Astor, G. H. Dist. E. C. Lovell sec'y, 436 Jackson, San Francisco Atchison, Va. Dist. 6000 shs. G. W'. Hopkins sec'y, office 48 s B, Va Atlantic, D. G. Dist. 1800 sh. A. C. Knox, sec'y, office, room 13 Tay- lor's Building, Va Atlas, 1200 ft. G. H. Dist. D. K. Korn sec'y, G. H Atwill, Flowery Dist. 1800 sh. S. E. Wetherell sec'y, office 62 s B, Va Aylsworth, 800 ft. G. H. Dist. Geo. G. Burnett sec'y, office Maynard's Block, G. H Bacon M. Co., S. Doake sec'y, office B. F. Hasting's Bank, Va Badger, Desert Dist. 1200 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, office 45 s C. Va Bajazet & Golden Era Con. F. F. Fargo sec'y, office 45 s C. Va Baker Co., G. W. Talmadge, office 23 s C. Va Baldwin, G. H, Dist., 1040 sh. H. Brick man sec'y, office 48 s B. Va Ball, 1000 ft. V. Dist. W. McKay sec'y, 26 s C. Va Ballard, 2000 ft. A. F., C. C. Warner sec'y, 7 s C. Va % Baltic, G. H. Dist. 1800 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, office 45 s C. Va Baltimore American, M. Leichtenstein sec'y, office 19 n C. Va Baltimore American, W. T. Atwood sec'y, office 224 Montgomery, S. F Banner, Erastus Bond sec'y, office 27 n B Barley, V. Dist. 2200 sh. A. H. Griswold sec'y, office over Wells- Fargo's, Va Baton Rouge Con., 1800 ft. V. Dist. C. C. Harvey sec'y, 32 s C. Va Beach & Paxton, V. Dist. L. Hermann sec'y, Va Beard, 400 ft. B. S. S. Dist. M. Leichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C. Va Belcher, G. H. Dist. 1040 sh. H. Bruckman sec'y, office 48 s B. Va Belle Union, 1400 ft. S. S. Dist. R. W. Billet sec'y, 33 s C. Va Belle Fontain, 600 ft. G. H. Dist. A. J. Gould sec'y, G. H Belle Vernon, W. R. Morris sec'y, office cor. B. & Union, Va Belle of Nevada, Louis Morris sec'y, office 89 s C Va Belvidere, V. Dist. E. S. Pierson sec'y, office at Hoffis Lumber office, Va HODGE & WOOD, Wkolesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., MINING DIRECTORY^ 355 Ben Franklin, I. S. Dist. 1400 sh. Lewis Goodwin sec'y, 58 n C. Va Bennett Co., 600 ft. G. H. Dist. W. £. F. Deal sec'y, 45 s C. Va Bennett, E. A. Hills sec'y, office 120 s C. Va Bertrand, A. F. Dist. 1200 sli. W. Bremner sec y, office 24 s C. Va Best & Belcher, W. Willis sec'y, office 712 Montgomery, S. F Beunaventura, G. H, Dist. 2600 sh. J. B. Coffee sec'y, 10 Taylor, Va Beaver G. & S. M. Co., G. H. Dist. IQOO ft. A. Lukiri sub sec'y, G. H Birdsall, R. Mackintosh sec'y, office cor B. & Union Black Warrior, 600 ft. G. H. Dist. G, G. Burnett sec'y, office May- nard's Block, G. H Blucher, T. Steudeman sec'y, office 72 s C. Va Bob Black, 3000 ft. D. G. Dist. J. Loryea sec'y, 17 n C. Va Bob Walker, 1400 ft. G. H. Dist. J. McCarty sec'y, 14 n C. Va Bohemian, D. G. Dist. 1000 sh. P. Kitz sec'y, office S. City Bolan, M. W. Dist. Churchill Co. 1800 sh. M. Mygatt sec'y, office over Wells-Fargo's Va Bonanza, 365 ft. V. Dist. W. P. Hutchings sec'y Boston, 600 ft. S. V. Dist. M. Leichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C. Va Bourbon, V. Dist. 1000 sh. W. W. Price sec'y, office 37 s C. Va Bowery, G. H. Dist. 1600 ft. W. Krause sec'y, Va Divide Braden, G. H. Dist. 1000 sh. W. Hunt sec'y, office American City Branch Mint G. & S. M. Co. 1200 ft. G. 11. Dist. D. F. Hedges sec'y, 8 s C. Va Broadway, C. A. Shaeny sec'y, office s C. Va Broderick, B. S. S. Dist. 2000 sh. H. H. Crone secV, office Va Brooklyn. Tunnel & M. Co., V. Dist. 2200 sh. T. Barclay sec'y, office 1 s B. Va Brother Jonathan, G. H. Dist. 1000 sh. S. J. Devoe sec'y, 19 s B. Va Brown & Nickison, A. F, Dist. 1500 sh. H, C. Brown sec'v, Amer'n .City Buckeye, Argentine Dist. F. A. Marston sec'y Buckeye, S. H. Sweetapple sec'y, office Dayton Buenavista, I. S. Dist. 160 ft. T. B. Storer'^sec'y, G. H Burke & McClellan Con. 1800 ft. G. H. Dist. J. F. Linthicum sec'y, office Va Bullion, J. C. Leconey sec'y, office Taylor bet. C. & D Bullion, G. H. Dist. 2500 sh. G. W. Hopkins sec'y, office 48 s B. Va Burke, M. W. Dist. 1800 sh. M. Wygatt sec'y, office ov^r Wells-Far- go's, Va. Burke & Hamilton, B. F. Hastings, Va Burning Moscow, J. P. Nourse sec'y, office 620 Washington, S. F Byron, Genessee Dist. 8000 sh. S. G. Martin sec'y, office 85 s C. Va EDOAR E. WATTS, Secretary of Mining Companies and Stock Broker, INTERNATIONAL BUILDING, Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. o 7 356 MINING DIRECTORY. o Caledonia Tunnel & M. Co. G. H. Dist. &00Osh. R, H. Newton sec'y, office 9 s B, Va Caledonia, R. N. Newton sec'y, Post Office Building, B Calitornia, J. C. Leconey see'y, office Va California, Va. Dist. 300 ft. L. Hermann sec'y, Va Caliph. 1600 ft. G. H. Dist. H.C. Brooke sec'y, G. H Canada West, 1600 ft. Va. Dist. W. E. F. Deal sec'y, 45 s C, Va Canadian, S, D. Steel see'y, office cor C & Taylor Capital 100 ft. Va. Dist. J. H. Lehigh sec'y, cor C &and Union Capital, B. S. Springs Dist. 1600sh. A. Cramer sec'y, office 7 s C. Va Capitola, T. J. Owens sec'y, office Armory Hall, S. F Carrie Mack, 1800 ft. N. Dist. S. N. E.Strauss sec'y, 26 s C, Va Carson, G. H. Dist. 1400 ft. W. W. Bishop sec'y, office G. H Cascade, G. H. Dist. 2000 ft. G. V^. Turney sec'y, office G. H Casselli, Ind. Spring Dist. H. Dreschfeldt sec'y, office south E Cedar Hill Tunnel, C. T. Hobart sec'y, 620 Washington, S. F Cedar Tree, W. W. Bishop sec'y, office G. H Centreville, W. R. Rhodes sec'y, G. H Central, P. II. Frank Sec'y office at Mill, E, Va Central American, H. P. Forrester sec'y, office 436 Jackson, S. F Central Park, 1000 ft. G. H. Dist. J. Loryea sec'y, 17 n C, Va Cerro Pasco, Va. Dist. 1000 sh. W. W. Price sec'y, office 37 s C, Va Challenge, 1000 ft. G. H. Dist. John White sec'y, office G. A Challange, G. H. Dist. 600 ft. A. D. Brooks sec'y, office G. H Champion, Devil's G. Dist. 2100 sh. A. S. Pease sec'y, office Silver C Champion, 1400 ft. G. H. Dist. Geo. G. Burnett sec'y, office Maynard's Block, G. H Chaniplain, Va Dist. 800 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, office, 45 s C, Va Chapin, E. A. Hill sec'y, office 120 s C. Va Charles Caney, G. Evans sec'y, office G. H Cherokee, Am. Flat Di.?t. 2000 sh. Ketcham Piatt sec'y, office G. H Chicago, Como Dist. W. G. Lee sec'y,- office Como Chippewa, J. C. Leconey sec'y, office Va Chollar, W. E. Dean sec'y, office 434 California, S. F Chrisopolis. Va. Dist. J. P. Corrigan sec'y, office at Mexican mine, Va Churchill, Va. Dist. 3000 sh. T. Barclay sec'y, office 1 s B. Va Cincinnati, 1600 ft. G. H, Dist. A. S. Arrington sec'y, office Va Claremont, W. O. Smith sec'y, office Va Clement, 1000 ft. Va. Dist. S. B. Turner sec'y, 33 s C. Va Cleopatra, Va. Dist. 2200 sh. C. G. FuTik sec*y, office 15 n B. Va Cleopatra, D. Dist. 1800 sh. T. Fitch sec'y, office cor. Taylor & B, Va Clinton & Hubbs, J. P. Winnie sec'y, office G, H Clio G. & S. M. Co. 2600 ft. R. M. Dist G. Stitle sec'y, 35 s B. Va Clipper, B. S. S. 1200 sh. W. A. Luders sec'y, office S. C Coburg, J. C. Leconey sec'y, office Va Coercion, G. Dist. bOO sh. A. Kramer sec'y, office 7 s C. Va G.le, VV. E. Wood sec'y, office 123 California, S. F Collossus, W. H. Rhodes sec'y, office Taylor's building, Va Colorado, D. M. Desmond sec'y, office cor. B. & Union. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St.,, S. F., MINING DIRECTORY. 357 Colorado Co., G. H. Dist. 1800 ft. H. H Flagg sec'y, office G. H Columbia, 1500 ft. N. V. Dist. W. E F. Deal, sec'y, 45 s C. Va Columbus, G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. H. S. Winn, office American City Colusa, D. G. Dist. 1200 sh. A. II. Griswold sec'y, office over Wells- Fargo's, Va Combined Effort, 700 ft. G. II. Dist. W. O. Conwell sec'y, office G. H Comstock Con. D. G. Dist. 1400 sh. W. Samson sec'y, 25 n B. Va. Confidence, Argentine Dist. W. E. Hale sec'y, office Wells-Fargo's building, G. H. Confidence, G. A. Dist. A. B. Paul sec'y, office Paul's block, G. H. Consolidated Brotherhood, D. N. Berlin sec'y, office Union block B. Va Cons'd Cedar Hill, 4300 ft. Va. Dist. R. W.' Billet sec'y, 33 s C. Va. Consolidated Co. W. W. Bishop sec'y, office G. H Consolidated G. & S. M. Co. G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. A. H. Griswold sec'y, office over Wells-Fargo's, Va Consolidated Grass Valley, T. Barclay sec'y, cor. B. & TTnion, Va Consolidated Mt. G. H. Dist. 2200 sh. A. Kramer sec'y, office 7 s C. Va Constantine, Va. Dist. 1000 sh. J. B. Plunkett sec'y, office 16 n B. Va Constitution, P. Dist. 1300 sh. M. Thomson sec'y, office 14 n C. Va Constitution, L. T. Heath sec'v, office American City Continental, G. H. Dist. 2000^ft. G. W. Turney sec'y, office G. H Contraband, 700 ft. G. H. Dist. G. G. Burnett sec'y, office Maynard's block, G. H Coppers, 1000 ft. G, H. Dist. G. G. Burnett sec'y, office Maynard's block, G. H Coryell, S. S. Dist. 2000 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, office 45 s C. Va Cosmopolitan, T. J. Owens sec'y, office Armory Hall, S. F Cosmopolitan, H. J. T. Schell sec'y, office 93 s C. Va Cosser, S. D. Fulton sec'y, office 43 B. Va Crescent, D. G. Dist. 2000 sh. W. A. Luders sec'y, office S. C Crinoline, E. A. Hills sec'y, office 120 s C. Va Cristo & India Con. G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. J. Loryea sec'y, 17 n C. Va Crocker, C. H. Eastman sec'y, 119 D. Va Crcesus, G. H. Dist. 600 ft. J. Pfoutz sec'y, of. G. H Grossman, C. A. Witherell sec'y, of. Como Crowell, Mt. W. Dist. 1800 sh. M. Mygatt sec'y of. over Wells-Fargo's Va Crown Point Rav. G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. R, H. Newton sec'y 9 s B, Va Crystal Peak, R. D, Ferguson sec'y, of, Va Cumberland Coal Co. H. Hugert sec'y Cyclopes & Sanoita Con. Va, Dist. 3200 sh, J, R. Plunkett, 16 n B, Va ID Daly, Va. Dist. 20OO sh, B. F. Moses sec'y, 26 s C, Va Daney, Devil's Gate Dist. A. De Senailhac sec'y, 515 Sansorae, S. F Daney, No. 2, D. G. Dist. 1400 sh. Victor Ressayre sec'y, 115 n B, Va Daniel Webster, Rd. Mt. Dist. J. W. Brown sec'y, 113 s C, Va Daniel Low Coal Co. J- Carmichael sec'y, R'^e s IBuild. n B, Va Dansville Iowa, Devil's G. Dist. 800 sh. A. S. Pease sec'y of Silver C Dardanelle, G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. C. V. Goodrich of. Lansings's G. H Blank Sooks of all Descriptions Made to Order. 358 MINING DIRECTORY. Davis, Red Mt. Dist. 2400 sh. B. F. Moses sec'y, "26 n C, Va Dayton & Mont. Ledge, Palmyra Di?t. 2000 sh. M. Thomson 14 C, Va Dearborn, Summit Lake Dist. 1400 sh. C. C. Warner sec'y 7 s C, Va Decatur, J. N. B. Carver sec'y, of. G. H Deep Red, S. S. Dist. 1000 sh. S. B. Turney sec'y, 33 s C, Va De Groot Con, Thos. Barclay sec'y, of. cor. Union and B, Va De Groot, P. N. Ryan sec'y, ot, cor. B, and Taylor Delevan Blue S. S. Dist. 1200 sh. T. J. Devoe sec'y, 19 s B, Va Dell, John Fowler sec'y, 326 Clay, S. F Delmas V, Rassayre sec'y, 115 n B, Va Desert, Flowery Dist. D. Wilder sec'y 240, Montgomery S. F De Witt Clinton, G. H. Dist. 2000 sh. J. L. Moore sec'y, 10 s B, Va Diamond, Blue S. Spring Dist. 1300 sh. P. 11. Pike sec'y, of. Silver C Dictator, S. S. Dist. 1600 ft. Wm. L. Hoover sec'y, 54 s C, Va Don Carlos, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. Joseph Loryea sec'v, 17 n C, Va Double Eagle, Va Dist. 2000 ft. W. E. F. Deal sec'y, 45 s C, Va Douglas, G. W. Blackford sec'y, of Dayton Dr. Perry, G. H. Dist. IGOO ft. Dr. Perry sec'y, G. H Dudley, Am. Flat, 2000 ft. H. M. Barnes, of. Vesey Hotel Dugliss, Va. Dist. 800 sh. C. Grey Sec'y, 62 s C, Va Dundley, Am. Flat, 2000 ft. H. M. Barnes sec'y, of. G. H EI Early Dawn, D. G. Dist, J. H. Brewer sec'y, 40 Mont. Block S. F Eastern Crown Point, W. Sansom sec'y, of. B. Va Eastern Slope, D. G. Dist. J. J. Cushin^ sec'y, 627 Clay, S. F Eastern Cruwn Point, G. H. Dist. 1400 sh. W. Samson sec'y, 25 n B.Va East India, S. H. Brown sec'y. of. Am. City Echo, C. C. Harve^r sec'y, 22 s C. Va Effingham, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. W. W. Bishop sec'y, of. G. H Eldorado Coal Co., E. W. Blackford sec'y, of Dayton. Eldorado, W. H. Martin sec'v, 627 Clay, S. F Ellis Co., G. H. Dist. 400 ft. W. A. M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C. Va El Progresso, G. H. Dist. 1800 sh. J. T. McMahon sec'y, of s C. Va Empire, G. H. Dist. A. Cramer sec'y, 7 s C. Va Empress Eugene, Va. Dist. 1800 sh. L. E. Bulkeley sec'y, 41 s B. Va Empress, J. S. Dudley sec'y, 422 Mont. S, F Enterprise, G. H. Dist. 1000 sh. W. Bremner sec'y, 24 s C. Va Eugenia, G. PL Dist. 900 ft. J. Loryea sec'y, 17 n C. Va Eugenie, Am. Flat, 2000 ft. Wm. E. Hale sec'y, of. Wells- Fargo's Eureka, G. H. Dist. 1000 sh. Moses Hirschman, sec'y G. H Evening Star, Arg. Dist. 1800 ft. Geo. G. Burnett sec'v, of. Maynard's Block, G. H Exchange, Palmyra Dist. 1000 ft. Geo, G, Burnett sec'y, of, Maynard's Block, G, H ERASMUS WATTS, 216 SOUTH C STKEKT, KODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., MINING DIRECTORY. 359 Fail-play, G. H. Dist. 4000 sh. Geo. Murphy sec'y, IT-J^ s B, Va Fail-view, G. H. Dist. 2400 ft. G. A. King sec'y, of. Va Falls of Clyde, Esm'a Dist. W. L. Duncan sec'y, Pioneer Hall, S. F Faulkner, Am. Flat Dist, IGOO sh. H. C. Brown sec'y, Brown's Ex, Am. F Favorite, Devil's Gate Dist. J Kelly sec'y, of Hoff's Lumber of. Va F. C. Loomis, T. J. Steele sec'y, of. Va Federal Republic, N. Shiverick sec'y, of. cor. Clay and Mont. S. F Federal^ P. Ketchum sec'y, of. G. H Filmore, Am. F. Dist. 1400 sh. A. C. Knox sec'y, room 13 Taylor's Building, Va Finley, Mt. Wells Dist. 1200 sh. Milton Mygall sec'y, of. over Wells, Fargo A^. Co., Va Fire King, J. Figurere sec'y, of. Howard, Va Flora, A. W. Russell sec'y, of. Dayton Florida, R. R. Dist. J. Gorman sec'y, 432 Battery, S. F Florence, R- R. Dist. 2400 sh. C. D. McDuffie sec'y, of. S. City Flowery Queen, B. Ford sec'y, of. Flowery Dist. Flowery Hill, Va. Dist. 600 sh. C. G. Funk sec'y, 15 n B. Va Flving Cloud, Am. Flat, 800 ft. C. C. Warner sec'y, 7 s C. Va Fo"ley, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft, E. E. Phillips sec'y. G. H Forcade & Brickard, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. A. Lukin sec'y, G. H Forrest Va. Dist. 2200 sh. J. S. Gaige sec'y, 52 s C, Va Forest Queen, M. Dist. 1500 ft. A. Luken sec'y, G. H Frankel G. H. Dist. 1400 ih. M. Blumlein se'cy, of M. G. H Franklin German Con. F. A, Pauii sec'y, of. Nevada Saloon, Va Free and Easy, G. H. Dist. 1400 ft. J. White sec'y, of G. H Fryburg, A. Dist. 1000, M. Leichtenstein, 19 n C. Va Fuller, G. H, Dist. 242 ft, W. E. Hale sec'y, of Wells-Fargo's, G, H CBr Galena, Am. Flat Dist. 400 sh. M, Byrne Jr. sec'y, of. Am, C Gal Conda. Desert Dist. 1200 sh. A. C. Knox, sec'y, room 13 Taylor's Building, Va Gem, V. Lernery sec'y, of. Sapphire Mill, G. H General Hooker, C. L. Farrington sec'y, 528 Clay, S. F General Jackson, A. Stott sec'y, 512 Sansome, S. F General Vizey, J. W. Brown sec'y, of, Va Genesee, Devil's Gate Dist, 950 ft. L. Lillie sec'y, Va Gentle Annie, G. A. King sec'v, of Roe's Building, Va Gentry, G. H. Dist. 800 sh. J." L. Eckley sec'y, 85 s C, Va George Law, Alpine Dist. Alpine Co. Cal, 1500 ft. Wm. L, Hoover, sec'y 54 s C, Va Georgiana, Devil's G, Dist, 1000 sh. F. S, Sawyer sec'y, of Barnum's Hotel, Va Georgiania, Va, Dist. F. A, Sawyer sec'y, of Va German, Churchill Dist. 2400 sh. Carl Kaiser sec'y, 7 s C, Va Germania, Va. Dist. 1800 sh. J. H, Diipaix sec'y, 25 B, Va Dealers in Blank Books, Leg^al and Commercial Blanks, S60 MINING DIRECTORY. Gilmore, A. F. Dist. 2500 shs. W. Doolin sec'y 181 s B. Va Globe, A. F. Dist. 1600 sh. A, C. Chapman sec'y 4 n B. Va Golden Belt, A. F, Dist. 1600 sh. C. C. Warner sec'y, 7 s C. Va Golden Citv, W. Halsey sec'y, of. Va Golden Eagle Co. No. 1, G. H. Dist. 1600 ft. J. N. V. Carver sec'y, G. H Golden Gate, N. Shiveric sec'y, 605 Qay S. F Golden Horn, G. H. Dist. 25-25 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, 45 s C. Va Golden State, A. F. Dist. 1500 sh. A. J. Enders sec'y, of. Va Golden Swan, G. H. Dist. 1800 ft. G. W. Turney sec'y, of. G. H Golden Wedge, N. Shiverick sec'y, 605 Clay, S. F Gold Dust, G. H. Dist. 600 ft. A. Luckin sec'y, G. H Gold Hill, D. Dist. 1200 ft. G. W. Pease sec'y, G. H Gold Hill Tunnelling Co., A. Canil sec'y of Va Gold Hill & Va. Divide, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. G. G. Burnett sec'y of. Maynard's Block, G. H Good Hope, G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. J. V. Coffee sec'y, of. 10 Taylor, Va Gotham, J. J. Hayes sec'y, of. G. H Gould & Curry, J. C. L. Wadsworth sec'y, Lucas & Turner's Bg, S. F Governor Seymour, R. R. Dist. J. Quickhouse sec'y, of. S. F Governor Nye, D. G. Dist. C. M. Blake sec'y; of Gov. House, S. F Governor Low, J. Brown sec'y, of. Va Grand Isle, W. C. Harriman sec'y, of. Va Grand Trunk, A. Carrie sec'y, of. Va Granite Rock Quarry, Va. Dist. 2200 sh. S. E. Wetherill sec'y, of. 62 s C, Va Grant, S. McCann sec'y, of. Va Grant, B. S. S. Dist. W. S. Moffiit sec'y Grass Valley, Va. Dist. 4200 sh. G. W. Hopkins sec'y, 48 s B, Va Grass Valley and Nepolion Con. Va. Dist. 3400 sh. T. Bark ley sec'y, 1 s B, Va Gray & Cook, D. G. Dist. 600 sh. C. D.McDuffie, of. S. C Great Eastern, S. S. Dist. 2000 sh. A. C. Knox sec'y, of. 13 Taylor's Build. Va Great Eastern, 2400 ft. G. H. Dist. J. B. Jackson sec'y, of. G. H Greek Fire, F. Dist. 1600 ft. C. C. Warner sec'y, 7 s C, Va Green Mountain, N. G. French sec'y, 426 Montgomery, S. F Green, J. J. Mills sec'y, 420 Montgomery, S. F Grenada, Va. Dist. 20,000 sh. C. G. Funk sec'y, 15 n C, Va Grey Eagle, D. G. Dist. 1400 ft. Wm. L. Hoover sec'y, 54 s C, Va Grey & Cook, D. G. Dist. C. D. Mac Duffie sec'y, of S. C Grizley, G. H. Dist. 1600 sh. G. W. Hopkins sec'y, of 48 s B, Va Guardian, G. H. Dist. 800 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, of 45 s C, Va ^®" It is all important for those wishing a Picture taken, true to nature, by-^. ^^-the best Artist, in the State, and a master sph'it in Photography,"^^ ^^g-to know that he is to be found only at WM. SHEWS, -@^ ^^-423 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. -fe^ J5@~ Remember the Number. "^^ HODQE & WOOD, Wliolesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., MINING DIRECTORY. 361 Hale & Norcross, J. F. Lightener, of. 60 Metropolitan Block, S. F Hale & Hunt, Am. F. 1000 ft. Wm. E. Hale sec'y, of Wells-Fargo's Hale & Bronson, S. S. Dist. 1100 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, 45 s C, Va Hannah Herman, D. G. Dist. 1200 sh. R. T. Milliard sec'y, of. S. C Harrald & Argo, Con. 2100 sh J. F. Linthicum sec'y Harrison. Geller Ledge, L. F. Yates sec'y, of Va Harrison, F. Dist. H. Toomy sec'y. 402 Montgomery, S. F Hardnut, V. Ressayre sec'y, 115 n B, Va Harem, S. V. Dist. 800 sh. B. F. Moses sec'y, 25 n C, Va Harrow, Desert Dist. 2100 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, 45 s C, Va Hartford, B. W. Tomlinson sec'y, 606 Merchant, S. F Hathaway L. Lillie sec'y, of. at Gould & Curry, Va Hawley, D. G, Dist. J. J. Scotchler sec'y, of S. F Hawk Eye No. 1, G. H, Dist. 506^ ft. G. W. Pease sec'y G. H Hazel Green, Va. Dist. 4400 ft. A. S. McDowell sec'y, 9 s C, Va Helvetia, H. Schmidt sec'y, of, cor C, Va Henderson, C. C. Harvey sec'y, 32 s C, Va Hemingford, A. Carrie sec'y, of Va Herkimer, Amador Dist, S. Jaynes sec'y, of. Va Hills, E. A. Hills sec'y, Va Hooker, J. C. Leconey sec'y, of. Va Hooker, Smokey V. Dist. 1000 ft. M. Lichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C, Va Honest Abe, Va. Dist. 1400 sh. W. S. Edwards sec'y, 19 s B, Va Honest Miner, R. R. Dist. J. Drinkhouse sec'y, of s E Honduras, Va. Dist. 1400 sh. W. W. Price sec'y, 37 s C, Va Hope, Smokey V, Dist. 1000 ft. M. Lichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C, Va Howell, Mt. Wells Dist. 1800 sh. Milton Mygatt sec'y, of over Wells- Fargo's, Va Hudson, E. C. Lovell sec'y, 436 Jackson, S. F Humes & Norton, G. H. Dist. 1400 ft. L. A. Hauck sec'y, of G. H Hunt, G. H. Dist. 2000 sh. Wm. Hunt sec'y, of Am. City Hughes' Segregated N. American, Wm. H. Bremner sec'y, 17 nC, Va Hugh Lamb, G. H. Dist. 300 sh. G. Swenson sec'y, of. Mich. M. G. H Hull, H, G. Brower sec'y, of. Va Ida, G. H. Dist. 800 sh. S. J. Devoe sec'y, 19 s B, Va Idaho, A. S. Pease sec'y, of. G. H I. X. L., G. H. Dist. J. F. Linthicum sec'y, of Va Imperial, J. C. Corey sec'y, of G. H Independent American, J. W. Plumraer sec'y, of. G. H Independent No. 2, G. II. Dist. 1000 sh. E. E. Phillips sec'y Independent, Va. Dist. 1600 sh. M. Thomson sec'y, 14 n C, Va Independent, Pal. Dist. G. A. Kern sec'y, of Como Independent, A. Dist. 1000 ft. S. B. Turner sec'y, 33 s C, Va Inpependent, G. H. Dist. 1600 ft. E. E. Phillips sec'y, G, H Indiana, Va. Dist. 1800 sh. B. F, Moses sec'y, 26 n C, Va Indiana Queen, Va. Dist. 800 sh. L. C. Bulkeley sec'y, 41 s B, Va Dealers in School Books and Cheap FubUoations. 362 MINING DIRECTORY. Indiana, J. C. Leconey sec'y, of. Va., N.T Indispulible, Va. Dist. 1400 sh. P. M. O'Connor sec'y, 77 s C, Va Insurance, W. Eversor sec'y, of. cor. Clay & Battery, S. F Ironsides, Va. Dist. 2200 sh. C. G. Funk''sec'y, 15 n B, Va Isabella, 1). G. Dist. 1200 sk. A. S. Pease sec'y, of. S. C Jackson, G. H. Dist, 400 ft. W. W. Bishop sec'y, of. G. H Jackson, Ind. S. V. Dist. 1400 ft. W. P. Hatchings sec'y Jefferson, D. G. Dist. 1800 sh. A. A. Smith sec'y, of S. C, N. T Jewitt& Shepard, G, H. Dist. 1600 ft. D. K. Korn sec'y, G. H Jenny Lind, M. J. Power sec'y, of. Wells-Fargo's, Va Jim McClellan, G. H. Dist. 2200 sh. William Hunt sec'y, of. Am. C John A. Logan, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. W. W. Bishop sec'y, of. G. H Jo. Hanna, Arg. Dist. 1200 ft. John White sec'y, of. G. H Joe Jackson, Va. Diet. 1200 sh. S. G. Martin sec'y, 28 s C, Va Joe Davis, S. D. Pryor, sec'y, of G. H Judge Advocate, G. H. Dist. 900 ft. Joseph Loryea sec'y, 17 n C, Va Julia, A. Noel sec'y, 607 Washington s, S. F Juniata, G. H. Dist. 800 sh. G. W. FTopkins sec'y, 48 s B, Va Jupiter, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. Joseph Loryea sec'y, 17 n C, Va Jura, John Hunt sec'y, of S. F Justice, G. W. Hopkins sec'y, of s B, Va Kansas, D. G. Dist. 5100 ft. W. E. F. Deal sec'y, 45 s C, Va Kate, G. H. Dist. 9000 ft. C. McVicar sec'y, of G. H Kelley Con. H. S. Fitch sec'y, 426 Montgomery, S. F Kentucky, G. H. Dist. 2000 ft. Geo. W. Turney sec'y, of G. H Kenosha, Va. Dist. 2400 ft. W. W. Savery sec'y, Va Kanaka, Palmyra Dist. ISOO sh. M. Thomson sec'y, 14 n C, Va Kennedy, S. Fe Dist. 1400 ft. Wm. L. Hoover sec'y, 5 1 s C, Va Keokuk, A. F. Dist. 2400 ft. W. E. Hale sec'y, of. Wells-Fargo's, G. H Keystone, G. H. Dist. 1200ft. Geo. W. Turney sec'y, of G. H Keystone, Va. Dist. 1200 sh. M. Mygatt sec'y, of over Wells-Fargo's King Solomon, G. H. Dist. 1500ft. Joseph Loryea sec'y, 17 n C, Va King David, B. S. S. Dist. 2600 sh. John Mesick sec'y, 4 n B, Va King Bee, S. S. Dist. 1000 sh. W. W. Coryell secy,- 45 s C, Va Kit Carson, G. H. Dist. E. S. Pierson sec'y, of at Hoffs' lumber of. Va Knickerbocker, G. H. Dist. 2400 ft. S. A." Kellogg sec'y, G. H Knight, D. Wood sec'y, of G. H Kohinoor, G. H. Dist. 800 ft. Wm. E. Hale sec'y, of Wells-Fargo's, Gold Hill Kossuth, D. G. Dist. W. H. Howard sec'y, ot. Court-house, B, Va ACNEW & DEFFEBACH, 511 Sansome Street, San Francisco. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., MINING DIRECTORY. 363 Laboring Co., G. H. Dist. 900 ft. A, J. Gould sec'y, G. H La Crosse, Martin White sec'y, of. Va Lady Bryan, F. Dist. J. F. Bailey sec'y, of. 402 Montgomery S. F Lady Washington, G. H. Dist. 3300 ft, Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C, Va Lady Bryan No. 2, F. Dist. 1800 ft. G. W. Hazleton sec'y, 14 n C, Va Lady Jameson, Am. F. 1200 ft. A. S. McDowell sec'y, 9 s C, Va La Fayette, V. Dist. W. E. Moody sec'y, of Va La Fayette, L. D. Ingoldsby sec'y, of. Armory Hall, S. F Lake View, Des. Dist. 12 6 ft. W. E. F. Deal sec'y, 45 s C, Va La Mena, Del. Alto, Va. Dist. 1250 sh. W. S, Edwards sec'y, 19 9 B, Va Lamotte, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. V. F. Valle sec'y, of. G. H Lancers, M. Feeney sec'y, of 2b' s B, Va La Plata Oro, G. H. Dist. 2000 sh. Monroe Thomson sec'y, No. 14 n C, Va La Plata, Mt. Wells Dist. 1800 sh. Milton Mygatt sec'y, of. Wells- Fargo's, Va Last Chance, G. H. Dist. 375 ft. A. Lukin sec'y, G. H Lasselle, R. R. Dist. C. C. Warner sec'y, of Monitor Saloon, C, Va La Trobe Tunnel, R. N. Van Brunt sec'y, 706 Montgomery s, S. F Leaf M. Co., G. H. Dist. Wm. L, Hoover sec'y, 54 s C, Va Lee G. & S. M. Co., G. H. Dist. 600 ft. G. W.' Turney sec'y, of. G. H Legal Tender, W. K. Cutler sec'v, of. Va Leven, G. H. Dist. 800 ft. Wm. E. Hale sec'y, of. Wells-Fargo's Leon, Wm. E. Hale sec'y, of. Wells-Fargo's, G. H Leopold, L. W. Carr sec'y, of Va. N. T Lester, A. J. Moulder sec'y, 605 Montgomery s, S. F Lilie G. & S- M. Co., B. S. S., 1200 ft. L. Li'llie sec'y, Va Lincoln, Va. Dist. 1200 sh. T. C. Plunkett sec'y, 16 n B, Va Lisbon, G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. J. B. Coffey sec'y, N(;. 10 Taylor, Va Live Yankee, N. Dist. 1800 sh. A. C. Knox sec'y, of. Room 13 Tay' lor's Building, Va Loisan, G. H. Dist. 1600 sh. C. V. Goodrich, of Lansing's store, G. H Lord Byron, D. G. Dist. H. B. Congdon sec'y, 620 Washington, S. F Louisville No. 2, W. T. Court sec'y, of. Va Louis Ann, C. B. Goodrich sec'y, of G, H Louisville, G. H. Dist. 1400 ft. J. A. Apperson sec'y, of G, H Loyal American, B. S. S. Dist. 300O ft. Wm. L, Hoover sec'y, 54 sC, Va Lucerne, J. S. Paxton sec'y, of. City Hall, S. F Ludin, D. G, Dist. E. Kennedy sec'y, of S. C Lundin, D. O. Dist. 1800 sh. J. M. Kennedy sec'y, of S, C Lusby & Beard, :^'. V. Dist. 1200 ft. M. Lichtengtein sec'y, 19 n C,Va Lyons & Leland Con., J. F. Pope sec'y, 34 California s, S. F ACNEW & DEFFEBACH, 511 Sansome Street, San Ifraiioisoo- Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 38 364 MINING DIRECTORY. ISA. Macy, Va. Dist. 1400 ft. Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C, Va Madison, R. R. Dist. W. Wheeler sec'y, of. R. River. Maggie, G. II. Dist. 2000 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, of. 45 s C, Va Maizgie Jane, R. Mt. Dist. 1200 sh. J. McLearn sec'y, 114 s C, Va Magnolia, Mon'r & Mogul Dist. 10,(500 ft. G. W.Turney sec'y, of. G. H Major, a H. Dist. 400 ft. A. Liikin sec'y, G. H MalakolT, R. D. Ferguson sec'y, of Va Maloine, Arg. Dist. 1600 sh, Albert Cramer sec'y, of 7 s C, Va Manhattan, E. Franklin sec'y, of 338 Montgomery s, S. F Mmsfeldj W. R. Morris sec'y, of cor B & Union s, Va. Marion, 1. Steudeman sec'y, 05 s C, Va Marc Antony, D. Dist. IbOO sh. Thos. Fitch sec'y, of cor. Taylor & B s, Va Marlette, J. G. Libby sec'y, of Va Marshal Ney, D. G.'Dist. 1000 sh, Victor Ressayre sec'y, 115 n B,Va Mary Ann, G. H. Dist. 2000 ft. W. O. Con well sec'y, of G. H Mary De Neale, J. Larkin sec'y, 210 B, Va Mary Ellen, Pevine Dist. 1600 ft. H. C. Lillie sec'y, 54 s C, Va Mary Rice, S. S. Arnold sec'y, of Va Massey Con., E. Bond sec'y, of Va Massilon, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. A. J. Gould sec'y, G. H Mattie, G. H. Dist. 2000 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, No. 45 s C, Va Mayflower, D. G. Dist. 2400 sh. A. ' Martin sec'y, of cor. B & Taylor, Va Mayflower, A. F. Dist. 1200 sh. Wm. Bremner sec'y, 24 s C, Va May Queen, G. H. Dist. 1000 sh. C. D. McDufiie sec'y, of S. C May Queen, D. G. Dist. 1000 sh. P. H. Pike sec'y, of S. C Mazeppa, Arg. Dist. 1400 ft. W. Krause sec'y, of Va. Divide M<-Donald, C. Burbank sec'y, Va McLellan, J. Clemens sec'y, 48 Montgomery Block, S. F McMeans & Williams, G. H. Dist. 3600 sh. W. W. Price sec'y, 37 sC, Va Mechanics, A. F. Dist. 4600 sh. C. C. Warner sec'y. No. 7 s C, Va Medin, T. Steudeman sec'y, G5 s C, Va Medina, G. H. Dist. 3200 ft. Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C, Va Menkin, Am. F. 1000 ft. G. J, Cole sec'y, G. H Merchant. S. S. Di-^t. 2000 ft. M. Lichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C, Va Meredith,' G. IT. Dist. 2000 sh. Thos. Fitch sec'y, of cor. Taylor & B, Va Messenger & Vanderbilt, Va. Dist. 1000 sh. T. Shea sec'y, 62 s C, Va Metropolitan, R. River Dist. J. W. Chirk sec'y, of R. River Metropolitan, Arc. Dist. 2000 ft. Geo. G. Burnett sec'y, of Maynard's Blo(,k, G. H Mexican, Va. Dist. 100 sh. J. P. Corrigan sec'v, of at the Mine, Va Miantinomoh, G. H. Dist. 2500 fr. II. C. Brooke sec'y, G. H Michigan, G. n. Dist. 1500 sh. G. W. Pease sec'y, of G. H Midas, G. H. Dist. 85 ft. S. A. Kellogg sec'y, Maynard's Block G. H Middlesex, L. W. Carr sec'y, 30 n C, Va HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S- F., MINING DIRECTORY. 365 Milton, Va. Dist. 1000 sh. M. Thomson sec'y, 14 n C, Va - Milwaukie, Va. Dist. 1200 sh. J. V. Coffee sec'y, 10 Taylor, Va Mineral Rock, Arg. Dist. 2000 ft. Geo, G. Burnett sec'y, of. May. nard's Block, G. H Minerva, Austin Dist. 1000 ft, M. Lichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C. Va Minerva, h. D. Ingoldsby sec'y, of. Armory Hall, S. F Minnesota, Pal. Dist. 800 sh. M. Thomson sec'y, 14 n C, Va Mississippi & Sebastopol, D, G, Dist. 1000 sh. C. D. McDuffie sec'y, of. S. C Mitchell, G. IT, Dist. E. S. Pierson sec'y, of. at ITofF's Lumber of, Va Mogul, D, Dist, 2100 ft. G. W. Pease sec'y, G. H Mohegan, Va. Dist. 2::{00 sh. J. R. Plunkett sec'y, 16 n B, Va Monitor, Smokey V, Dist. (>00 ft, M. Leichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C, Va Monitor Pevine Dist. 1400 sh, A. C. Knox sec'y, ot. Room IH Tay- lory's Building, Va Monitor, Am. F. Dist. IGOO ft, A. S. McDowell sec'y, 9 s C, Va Monmouth & Warsaw, Con. J, Wescoatt sec'y, 45, s C, Va Montauk, D, G. Dist, 800 sh. A, S. Pease sec'y, of. S. C Monte Christo, Como Dist. V, Rassay re sec'y, 115 n B, Va Monterey, John J. Mills sec'y, of. s F Montgomery, G. H. Dist. 600ft, E. E, Phillips sec'y, G- H Montreal, H. J. S. Schell sec'y, of Va Moore. Va Dist. 1800 sh. A, C. Knox sec'y, room 13 Taylor's Bg, Va Moray, 560 ft. V, Dist, Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C, Va Morning Star, Va, Dist. 1600 ft. Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 sC, Va Morning Star, D, G, Dist. 1200 sh. A. S, Pease sec'y, of, S. C Moss, R. Wertheman sec'y, of. Exchange Build, S. F Mother Lumpkins, G. H, Dist. 2400ft. John White sec'y, of, G, H Alount Blanc, J, Cuttle sec'y, of, Va Mount Davidson, W. Fell sec'y, 53 Montgomery, S. F Mount Eden, H. B, Congdon sec'y, 620 VVashington S, F Mount Royal, Pal Dist," 1200 sh. M, Thomson sec'y of, 14 n C, Va Mount Vernon, G. H. Dist. 900 ft. H. C. Brooke sec'y, G. H Mount Washington, D, G. Dist. H, Tooti-y sec'y, 402 Mont, S, F Mount Washington, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. W, H. Beegan sup't, of G. H Mountain Co., G, H, Dist, 1200 ft, G, W. Turney sec'y, P. O, Bu, G.H Mountaineer, J. C, Spencer sec'y, of. Va Mountain Peak, J. Gutte sec'y, of Va Muringo, Austin Dist, R. I, Smith sec'y, 8 s C, Va Murphy, Va, Dist. 3200 sh. J, McLearn sec'y, 114 s C, Va isr Napoleon, G, H. Dist. 2300ft, L. G. A. Coursolles sec'y, G. H Naragansett, G. H. Dist, 600 ft, Geo, G. Burnett sec'y, of. Maynard's Block, G. H National, J. H. Webber sec'y, of Va Navigation, G. H. Dist. lOOOsh. H. Issen sec'y, of. Am. C Nelson Con. A. Miller sec'y, of cor Pine & Battery, S. F Neriadah, Thos. Fitch sec'y, of. cor Taylor &i B, Va Slank Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 366 MINING DIEECTORY. Nevada, Esmor'da Dist. P. B. Cornwall sec'y, of. 608 Merchant, S. F Nevada & Golden Era, Thos. F. Croft sec'y, of. G. H Nevada Santa Ritta Con. Va Dist. 2800 ft. W. A. M. Van Bokkelen sec'y. 22 s C. Va Nevada (J. G.) G. H. Dist. 2100 sh. G. W. Hopkins sec'y, of. 48 s B, Va Nevada, Am. F. Dist. 2000 sh. Albert Cramer sec'y, of 7 s C, Va New York, Thos, F. Croft sec'y, of. G. H New Star, Humboldt Dist. J. H. Gager sec'y, of. Humboldt New Eden, A, S. Gould sec'y, of. 52S Clay, S. F New Oregon, G. H. Dist. 1400ft. G. G. Burnett sec'y, of. Maynard's Block, G. H New Virginia Con. N. Va. Dist. 0300 ft. W. W. Bishop, sc'y, of. G. H New Mount:iineor, F. Brewer sec'y, of Va New Zealand & Vanderhoff, B. S. S. Dist. 2000 sh. P. H. Pike sec'y, Silver City New York Con. D. G. Dist. 2000 sh. W. A. Luders sec'y, of. S. C New Orleans, Va. Dist. 2000 sh. S. G. Martin sec'y, 85 s C, Va Niagara Falls, D. G. Dist. W. E. iMelville sec'y, of. Va Nicaragua, G. W, Pease sec'y, of G. H Ninian, R. W. Van Brunt sec'y, 776 Montgomery, S. F Northampton, Am. F. Dist. 1400 ft. Chas. L. Ro^se sec'y, Va Norton, R. M. Van Brunt sec'y, of 776 Montgomery S. F North Star, R. R. Dist. J. F. Drinkhouse sec'y, of S. F North Star, H. Schmidt sec'y, of cor D & Smith, Va North Potosi, E. V. Joice sec'y of cor Washington & Battery, S. F North Pole, Arg. Dist. 1600 ft. D. K. Korn sec'y, G. H North Swezy, G. H. Dist. 550 ft. W. W. Savery, Va North Ophir, Arg. Dist. 1600 ft. S. B. Turney sec'y, 33 s C, Va North Comstock, Red Mt. Dist. 3800 sh. Ellerhorst sec'y, of Va North Allison Ranch, G. G. Dist. 1000 sh. J. T. McMahon sec'y, of. s C, Va Northern Light, G. H. Dist. 2000 sh. G. W. Hopkins sec'y, of 48 s B, Va North Am., Am. F. Dist. 4100 sh. J, R. Plunkett sec'y, 16 n B, Va Nordberg & Lybecker. G. H. Dist. 2900 ft. T. W. Thomson sec'y, 26 s C, Va Nolan, T. G. Murphy sec'y, of Va Norma, D. G. Dist. 1400 sh. Victor Ressayre sec'y, ofj 115 n B, Va Normnn. Flowery Dist. J. F. Bailey sec'y, of 402 Montgomery S. F Nor Wester, W. B. Scott sec y, of G. H o Oakluid, G. & S. M. Co., Va. Dist. 1200 ft. D, F. Hodges sec'y, 8 s C, Va Ocean, hid. S. Dist. 1200 sh. W. W. Price sec'y, 37 s C, Va Ocean, S. W. Wulffe sec'y, of Va O'Connell, D. G. Dist. 1400 sh. R. B. Tomlinson sec'y, of. S. C Ohio, B. S. S. Dist, 1200 sh. James Cherry sec'y, of. F s, bet. Smith and Taylor, Va HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St, S. F., MINING DIRECTOEY. 367 Old Abe, Va. Dist. 1400 sh. C. F. Duval sec'y, 15 n B, Va Olive Branch, S. V. Dist. 400 ft. M. Lichtensteiu sec'y, 19 n C, Va Omega, L. D. lugoldsby sec'y, of. Armory Hall, S. ¥ Oneoto Con., G.'H. Dist. 2000 sh. Geo. Swenson sec'y, of. at Michi- gan Mine. G. H Oneida, M. J, Powers sec'y, No. 9 Wells- Fargo's Building, Va Ontario, R. R. Dist. A. H. Bewley sec'y, 325 Montgomery, S. F Opal, Fl. Dist. 1800 ft. Jos. B. Fulton sec'y, Va Oregon, R. R. Dist. J. Drinkhouse sec'y, of. S. F Orian, Ind. S. Dist. 1400 ft. Va. U. P. Hutchings sec'y, Va- Oriental, M. Dist. J. T. Owens sec'y, of. Armory Hall, S. F Overman, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. F. Linthiouin sec'y, of. Va Oriental, S. L. Dist. J. Gutte sec'y, 42 n C, Va Oro Fino Mill Co,, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. W. W. Savery sec'y, Va Original Hawkeye, C. Keifer sec'y, of. G. H Original Croesus, J. M. Anderson sec'y, of, Va Orion, G. H. Dist, 1400 sh. Wm. Hunt sec'y, of. Am. F Orizaba, J. McMish sec'y, of. Dayton Orleans Fiat, Va, Dist. 1350 sh. W. Samson sec'y, 25 n B, Va Ossian, F. Dist. 2000 sh. Thos, Fitch sec'y, of, cor, Taylor & B, Va Ottowa, D. G. Dist. J. Tabor sec'y, of. Armory Hall, S, F Overland, S. S. Dist. 1000 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y. No. 45 s C, Va Ozark, G. H. Dist. T, Brownjohn sec'y, 240 Montgomery, S. F Pacific Tunnel, F, Dist. 15,0.00 ft, Wm. A, M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C, Va Pactolus, N. D. Pene sec'y, 20S Clay, S. F Palmerston, Va. D. 800 ft. Wm, A, M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C,Va Palmvra Cm., C, W, Hayden sec'y, 625 Clay, S, F Palmyra Mill Queen of the West, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. E. E. Phillips sec'y, G. H Randolph, Indian S. Dist. 800 sh. D. F. Hodges sec'y, 8 south C, Va Rappahannock, Pal. Dist. Henry Sternhein sec'y, of Dayton Rapidan, C. A. Wetherell sec'y, of Como Ravine, S. M. Anderson sec'y, 32 s B, Va Real Del Monte, E. Dist. S. Pattee sec'y, 522 Montgomery, S. F Real, Del, Oro, B. S. S. Dist. 1200 sh. James Cherry sec'y, of F, bet. Smith & Taylor, Va Recorder, J. S. Davis sec'y, of Va Red Ledge, Des. Dist. 2000 ft. S. Wasserman sec'y, 1 n C, Va Red Jacket, D. G. Dist. J. J. Mills sec'y, 420 Montgomery, S. F Reese River Ophir, Wm. Willett sec'y, of R. River Relief, Wm. Hoover sec'y, of VVells-Fargo's Building, Va Republic, G. H. Dist. 800 ft. G. W. Pease sec'y. G. H HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 430 Clay St, S. F., MINING DIRECTORY. 360 Restitution, G. H. Dist. 2000 sh. F. S. Sawyer sec'y, of. Barnaul's hotel, C, Va Reynolds, G. H. Dist. 800 sh. G. W. Pease sec'v, G. H Rhode Island, C. R. Dist. 1000 sh. M. Thomson secy, 14 n C, Va Rich, W. K. Morris sec'y, of. cor. Union & B, Va Richland, M. Holmes sec'y, of. Va Richelieu, A. Lukin sec'y, of. G. H Rip Van Winkle. S. T. King sec'y, 712 Montgomery, S. F Roanoak, G. H. Dist, 1400 ft. W. E. F. Deal sec'y. 45 s C, Va Robt. Ellis, D. Dist. 3600 sh. T. Fitch sec'y, of cor Taylor & B, Va Robert Emmet, J. G. Carpenter sec'y, of Va Robinson Blue, S. S. Dist. 1000 sh. Wm, Bremnor sec'y, 24 s C, Va Rock Point, No. 2. W. (). Conwell sec'y, of. G. H Rock Island, G. H. Dist. 3000 sh. J. L. Moore sec'y, 10 s B, Va Rock Point No. 2, Pal- Dist. 400 ft. W. O. Conwell sec'y, of G. H Roman Eagle, G. H. Dist. 1000 sh. John White sec'y, G. H Rose Bingham, Va. Dist. 1400 B. F. Moses sec'y, 26 n C, Va Rothschild, B. S. S. Dist. 3600 sh. M. Thomson sec'y, 14 n C, Va Roxby, C. V. S. Gibbs sec'y, of G. H Russian, G. H. Dist. 1600 ft. S. B. Turner sec'y, 33 s C, Va Russell, Va. Dist, 20G0 sh, W. W. Coryell sec'y, 45 s C, Va Roger Sherman, Ind. S. Dist. G. A. King sec'y, of. Roe's Building, Va Sacramento & Meredith, William Willis sec'y, 712 Montgomery, S, F Sam Patch, A. F. Dist 2000 sh. C. C. Warner sec'y, No. 7 s C, Va San Bernard, B. F. Ban on sec'y. of Va Sand Springs Salt M. Co., S. S. Dist. 2500 ft. G. W. Hazleton sec'y, 14 n C, Va Sandy Bowers, G. H. Dist. 1600 ft. G. Burnett sec'y, of. Maynard's block, G. H San Francisco, D. G. Dist. 800 sh. P. E. Lallande sec'y. No. 13 n B,Va San Jose, G. H. Dist. 1400 sh. J, McLearn sec'y, 114 s C, Va San Juan, G. H. Dist. 1400 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, No. 45 s C, Va Santa Fe, F. A Marsten sec'y, of Union Block, B, Va Santa Rita, W. A. M. Van Bokkelen sec'y, of Va Santa Rosa, G. N. Burnham sec'y, 329 Clay, S. F Santa Rosa, Pal. Dist. 1200 sh. W. W. Price sec'y, 37 s C, Va Satellite, W. B. Scott sec'y, of Am. F Savage, G. B. McAneny sec'y, 712 Montgomery, S. F Scheel, G. H. Dist. 400 sh. Albert Cramer sec'y, 7 s C, Va Schiller, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. Willard Biter sec'y, 4 n C, Va Schuylkill, G. H. D. 2600 ft. Joseph Loyea sec'y, 17 n C, Va Scorpion, Wm H. Martin sec'y, of. 617 Clay, S. F Scott Con- G. H. Dist. 1800 sh. A. H. Griswold sec'y, of over Well^- Fargo's, Va Seely, R. R. Dist. Wm. Wheeler sec'y, of. R. R Seneca, J. Fowler sec'y, 326 Clay, S. F Sebastopol Con. Sebastopol Dist. 9000 ft. W. W. Bishop sec'y, of. G. H Sebastopol, D. G. Dist. R. N. Van Brunt sec'y, 706 Montgomery S. F Dealers in School Books and Cheap Publications. 370 MINING DIRECTORY. Shamrock, John Larkin sec'y. 212 s B, Va Sharon, A. Noel S. F., or Pellett G. H. sec'ys Shooting Star, Am. F. 1000 ft. M. Leichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C, "Va Shoshone, M. J. Newmark sec'y, of. cor Pine & Mont, S. F Sides, Va Dist. lOOOsh. G. W. Hopkins sec'y, 48 s B, Va Siege], R. E, Meyer sec'y, 46 s C, Va Sierra, Nevada, C, A. Shaney sec'y. Sierra, S. V Dist, 1200 sh. Tbos. Barkley sec'y, of. 1 s B. Va. Silver Age, C. J. Boehl, sec'y, 86 s C. Va Silver Bar, G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. \V. VV. Bishop sec'y, of. G. H Silver Heels, G. H. Dist. 2000 ft. Geo. G. Burnett sec'y, of. Maynard's block, G. H Silver Mountain, Jerome Wilcox sec'y, 22 s C, Va Silver Star, Wm. C. Moody sec'y, 706 Montgomery. S. F Silver State, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. H. C. Brooke sec'y, G. H Silver Vale, W. R. Morris sec'y, of. cor. B & Union, Va Sinaloa, G. H. Dist. 1040 ft. W. E. Hale sec'y, of. V^ells-Fargo's G.H Sister Helen, Am. F. 1400 ft. H. M. Barnes sec'y, of. G. H Smith O'Brien, James Linen sec'y, of. Armory Hall, S. F Snow Squall, Isaac Greer sec'y, of, Illinois House, C, Va Solferino, Va, Dist. 1800 ft. W. W. Savery sec'y, Va Sonora, Pal. Dist. S. S. McGee sec'y, of. Como Sonora, L. Ingoldsby sec'y, of. S. F South Burnside, M. S. Gregorv aec'y, 108 s C, Va South Madison, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. G. V^^ Pease sec'y, G. H South Ophir, V, Lemery sec'y, of. Sapphire Mills, G. H South Overman, S. VV. Chubbrick sec'y, office G. H South Victor Hugo, P. Dist. 800 sh. M. Thompson sec'y, of. 14 n C. Va Southern Michigan, G. A. Dist. 1600 sh. E. E. Phillips secy, G. H Sovereign, Smoky Val. M. J. Powers sec'y, of. Wells-Fargo's Spanish, D, G. Dist. 1200 ft. W. Krause secy, of. Va Divide Spanish No. 2, V. Dist. 1600 ft. E, Cahill sec'y, 14 n C. Va Sparrow M. & M. Co. J. S. French sec'y, of. Silver City Spring Valley, B. F, Moses sec'y, of. St. Nicholas Saloon, C. Va Squaw Valley, Summit Divide, Placerville, Cal, 2100 ft. C. W. Hum- phries sec'y, G. H Stangroom Con. & Effingham, G. H. Dist. 3600 ft. W. E. Hale sec'y, of. Wells-Fargo's Stars & Stripes, R. M. Dist. H. C. Brooke sec'y, G. H Star of the West, M. H. Funston sec'y. of. G. H State of Maine, G. H. Dist. 1800 ft. G. W. Turney sec'y, of. G. H Stephens, N. Dist. 1200 sh. B. F. Moses sec'y, of. 26 n'C. Va Stevenson Kehoe, S. Curtis sec'y, of. cor. Taylor & B, Va Stranger, D. G. Dist. 1400 ft. W. P. Hatchings sec'y Stuart, Va. Dist. 1200 ft. J. H. Lehigh sec'y, cor. C & Union St. Charles, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. L. A. Hauck sec'y, of. G. H St. George, G. H. Dist. IL S. Bigelow sec'y, of. Parrott's Build'g,S. F St. George, Va. Dist. 1400 sh. B. F. Moses sec'y, 26 n C, Va St. Helena, Va. Dist. 1600 ft. Jos. B. Fulton sec'y, Va St. Patrick, Va. Dist. ISOO sh. B. F, Moses sec'y, 26 n C, Va HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., Fining Directory. 3tl St. John, B. S. S; Dist. 2100 sh. M. Thomson sec'y, 14 n C, Va St. Lawrence, G. H. Dist. 1000 sh. J. V, Coffee sec'y, 10 Taylor, Va.- St. Miguel, R. R. Dist. H. H. Allen sec'y, of. Battery, S. F Sullivan, S. Dist. 2400 ft. Win. L. Hoover sec'y, 34 s C, Va Sultan, D. G. Dist. 2400 sh. J. M. Kennedy sec'y, of S. C Summit, Va. Dist.- 2000 ft. J. McCarty sec'y, 14 n C, Va Sunrise, G. H. Dist. 1800 sh. K. Piatt sec'v, of. G. H Sunshine, D. G. Dist. 1800 sh. J. F. Atwifl sec'y, of 62 s C. Va Superior, G. H. Dist. 300 ft. G. G. Burnett sec'y, of. Maynard's Block, G. H Sutro, J. C. Ruhling sec'y, of. Va Swezy, G. H. Dist. 1050 ft. W. W. Savery sec'y, Va Taylor G. & S. M. Co. G. H. Dist. 400 ft. C. L. Ross sec'y, Vai Teackle, G. H. Dist. 1400 sh. W. A. Luders sec'y, of S. C Tecumseh, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. G. G. Burnett sec'y, of. Maynard's Block, G. H Teddy O'Neill, D. G. Dist. 800 sh. C. D. McDuffie sec'y, of S. C Temple Ledge, Va. Dist. 1400 sh. M. Burns sec'y, of Am. C Teutonia, M. Maize sec'y, of cor. Merch. & Mont. S. F Texas, J. G. Libby sec'y, of Va. Thomas Paine, G. H. Dist. 1400 ft. L. A. Hauck sec'y, of G. H Tiger Union, P. Dist. 1400 sh. M. Thomson sec'y, of. 14 n C. Va Tonawanda, G. H. Dist. 1400 sh. G. G. Burnett sec'y, of. Maynafd'a- Block, G. H Tontine, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. D. F. Hodges sec'y, 8 s C. Va Tozer, G. H. Dist. 200 ft. G. W. Pease sec'y, G. H Tremont, Va. Dist. 1400 sh. W. Kr use sec'y, of Va. Divide Trio, Mt. W. Dist. Churchill Co. IhOO sh. M. Mygatt sec'y, of over Wells-Fargo's, Va Triumph, B. S. S. Dist. 1000 sh. T. J. Devoe sec'y, of 19 s B. V» Tri Union, F. Dist. N. Shiberick sec'y, of 606 Clay, S. F Trojan, G. H. Dist. 1000 sh. J. Campbell sec'y, of 3| s B. Va Truckee, E. Dist. 3680 sh. K. Piatt sec'y, of G. H Try Again, D. M. Desmond sec'y, of 8 s C. Va Twin Mining Co. E. A. Hills sec'y, of 120 s C. Va Tyler, A. F. Dist. J. B. Burton sec'y, Va %\Gr P. Dist. 400 sh. E. W. Palmer sec'y, of, S. C XT Uncle Sara, G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. W. W. Coryell sec'y, of. 45 s C. Va Union Star, D. G. Dist. R. H. Nason sec'y, of G. H Union, V. Dist. F. G. Smith sec'y, of Armory Hall, S. F tJnion Tunnel M. Co., A. Dist. 1000 ft. M. Lichtenstein sec'y, 19 n C. Va Union, G. H. Dist. 2 100 ft. W. E. Hale sec'y, of G. H Union, P. Dist. 1600 ft. H. C. Lillie sec'y 54 s C. Va Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancfy Stationery. 39 372 MINING DIRECTORY* United American, G. H. Dist. lOOO ft. S. B. Turner sec'y, 33 s C. Va United Spates, Va. Dist. 4000 sh. R. H. Newton sec'y, 9 s B. Va United States, C A. Crane sec'y, of Va Ural, E. Dist. W. II. Watson sec'y of. 630 Montgomery, S. F Utali, F. Dist. E. C. Lovell spc'y, of. 436 Jackson, S. F Utah, Va. Dist. 2000 sh. G. W. Hopkins sec'y, 48 s B. Va Utah, P. Dist. 1600 sh. K. Piatt sec'y, of. G. H Utica, F. Dist. 1800 sh. C. C. Warner sec'y, 7 s C. Va Valle, V. Ressayi-e sec'v, 115 n B. Va Vesey, G. H. Dist. lOOO ft. G. W. Pease sec'y, G. H Vesuvius, G. H. Dist. 400 ft. G. W. Turney sec'y, of. G. H Virginia & San Francisco C. M. Co., S. N. E. Strauss sec'y, 23 s C. Va Virginia & Sinaloa, Va. 118 ft. C. S. Cousins sec'y, of. G. H Virginia Sidonia, Va. Dist. 1000 sh. J. H. Dtijpaix sec'y, 25 s B. Va Virginia & Reese M. Co., P. Dist. 5000 sh. M. Thompson sec'y, of. 14 n C. Va Virginia & Gold Hill W. Co., Va. Dist. 1000 sh. C. G. Funk sec'y, 15 n B. Va Virginia, D. Dist. 1800 sh, W. W. Coryell sec'y, 45 s C. Va Virginia, G. H. Dist. A. C. Tiettman, 64 Clay, S. F Virginia Express, D. M. Desmond sec'y, of. Va Virginia Eagle Ledges 1 & 2, L. H. P. Smith sec'y, 356 C. Va Virginia Gas Co., Thornburg sec'y, at Paxton & Ihornburgh's Bank, Va Virginia Hill, A. C. Tiettman sec'y, 64 Clay, S. F Voltaire, S. S. Dist. 2600 sh. M. Mygatt sec'y of. Wells-Fargo's, Va Vulcan, G. H. Dist. 1300 sh. A. H. Griswold sec'y, of. over Wells- Fargo's, Va Wakefield, V. D. 1000 ft. J. S. Fried sec'y, 25 n C. Va Wall Street, G. H. Dist. 1600 ft. D. F. Hodges sec'y, 8 s C. Va Walter Scott, D. G. Dist. 1800 sh. C. V. Boisot sec'y, of. S. C Warren, Mt. W. Dist, 1800 sh. M. Mygatt sec'y, of. over Wells- Fargo's, Va Washing, C. Dist. 1600 sh. W. Hunt sec'y, of. Am. City Washington, Va. Dist. 5400 sh. T. G. Murphy sec'y, of. Union Block,- Taylor, Va Washington, Grt. Eastern Ledge, G. Aithenson sec'y, of. S. F. or D. H. Gray, Va Washoe Zephyr, A. F. Dist. 1000 sh. W. Bremner sec'y, 24 s C. Va Washoe, E. Bond sec'y, of. Va Washoe Salt Mining Co., H. L. Blodgett sec'y, P. O. Building, Va W. B. Astor, J. T. Steele sec'y, of. Va Weal Chance, F. Dist. F. A. Brewer sec'y, 40 Mont. Block, S. F Wealth Co., F. Dist. F. A. Brewer sec'y, Mont. Block, S. F Well Co., H. H. Flagg sec'y, of. at P. 6., G. H HODOS & WOOD, Wiiolesald Statiouers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. I*., MINING DIRECTORY. 373 West Burning Moscow, Va, Dist. 1400 sh. V. Ressayer sec'y, 115 n B. Va Wost Gold Hill. G. H. Dist. 1600 sh. W. Hunt sec'y, of. Am. City West Point, Am. Flat, 1800 ft. W. E. Hale sec'y, of. Wells- Fargo's White & Murphy, J. P. Nourse sec'y, 620 Washington, S. F White & Sanders, E. Bond, secy, of Va White Cloud, A. Johnson sec'y, 625 Clay, S. F White Dove Con., G. H. Dist. 1200 ft. J. Loryea sec'y, 17 n C. Va Whitman, I. S. Dist. T. W. Colburn sec'y, Montgomery, S. F Wide Awake, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. A. Lukin sec'y, G. 11 Wisconsin Con., G. H. Dist. 2500 ft. G. G. Burnett sec'y, of. Maynard's Block, G. H Wimmer, Va. Dist, 1000 sh. W. W. Price sec'y, 37 s C. Va Wm. Penn, Va. Dist. 1300 sh. J. M. Gearhart sec'y, 13 of. Taylor's Building, Va William Penn, D. G. Dist. H. M. Toomy sec'y. Express Building, S. F Willow Springs, E. Dist. J H, Sayre sec'y, 406 Montgomery, S. F Winegardner, G. H. Dist. 1000 ft. W. A. M, Van Bokkelen sec'y, 22 s C. \ a Winfield Scott, C, C Harvey sec'y, of Va Winnemucca, G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. J. T. McMahon sec'y, of. s C. Va Winond, I. S. Dist. 2000 ft. G. W. Turney sec'y, of Maynard's Block, G. H Wisconsin, J. Clement sec'y. Metropolitan Block, S. F Woodruff, G. Clark sec'y, of. G. H Woodstock, W, K. Cutler sec'y, of. Va Yankee Jim, F. D. 2400 ft. A. S. Arrington sec'y, 14 n C. Va Yellow Jacket S. Hyatt sec'y, of. at the mine, G. H Yolo, G. H. Dist. 1200 sh. C. B. Hammond, sec'y, 110 s C. Va Yolo, C. Dist. 1400 sh. B. F, Moses sec'y, 26 n C. Va York, Va. Djst. 1250 sh. A. C. Chapman sec'y, 4 n B. Va Yosemite Con., G. W. Kinzer sec'y, 56 Merchant, S. F Young, W, P. Wilder sec'y, Roe's Building, B. Va Young Co., G. H, Dist. 2400 sh. J. L. Moore sec'y, 10 s B. Va Yuba, T. McCallan sec'y, 622 Clay, S. F Yuba. P. Dist. P. Ketcham sec'y, of G. H Yuba, B. S. S. Dist. M, Thomson sec'y, at Stateler & Arrington's Bank, Va Yucatan & Mary Annie, D. G. 2400 sh. L. E. Bulkely sec'y, of. 41 s B. Va WHEELER 4! RANDALL'S ^ nesr »nd improved Amalgamator and pulverizer, which possesses Real Merit, and needs only to be seen to convince any practical man of its superiority. Manufactured at Miner's Foundry and at the Pacific Foundry, -an Fr;incisrn. ^^^^ BlaniL Books of all Descriptions Made to Order. 374 MINING DIRECTORY. uA^3?a'33 Commission House, AND WHOLESALE FLOUR AND GRAIN WAREHOUSE. FR.OTVT ST,, S-A^CI^A-IMEIVTO. And Central Pacific Rail Road Depot, Newcastle ; also, SacrameHto Valley Rail Road Depot, Folsom, ►♦-• Special attention will be given to RECESV8NC AND FORWARDING TO ALL PARTS OF THE STATE, Having had a long experience in this branch of business, and being acquainted with all Teamsters loading here and at the Railroad Terminus, he is warranted in assuring shippers that their goods will be shipped AT THE LOWEST RULISG RITES OF FREIdHT! His facilities for carrying on the FORWARDING BUSINESS are unsur- passed, as he is in connection with responsible Houses at all the pFiAcipal points in the country. Mark your Goods, ^'Care of Greenhood, Sacramsnto." ALWAYS ON HAND, A LARGE STOCK OF m\ w\m\l AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. HODGE & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., MINING DIEECTORY. 375 THE PASSENGER TRAINS Will leave the Depot at the foot of K Street, Sacramento, at 6^ A. M, 1 P. M., and 5 P. M. [Sundays excepted.] Folsom for Sacramento at 7 A. M., 12 M. and 5^ P. M. [Sundays excepted. Will leave Sacramento at 6 J A. M. Will leave Folsom at 12 M. Places to and from which Stages run in connection with the Cars = Stages connect at Fulsom. i JSac. and Coloma Line. Mormon Island, Boiling Hills, Joe Taylor's or Wilkshaw's, Green s^^irings, Pleasant Grove, White Oak Flat, Somerset House, Cold Springs— Sipp at Snvierset Union Town, [House Coloma, Spanish Flat — three miles from Coloma — Ticktt to Cnlnma. Kellej's and American Flat — two miles from Coloma — Ticket to Coloma. Sac. and Georgetown Line. Salmon Falls, Centerville, Maine Bar, Pilot Hill, Oak Valley, or Bailey's, Knickerbocker Rancli, Murdtrer's Vat, Slop at K Ranch. Greenwood Valley, Georgetown. Stages connect at Folsom. Sac. and Jackson Line Micbijjau Bar, Arkansas Diggings, Forest Home, Willow Springs, Drytown, Amador, ■^utter, Fiddletown, Volcano, .Jackson, .Mokelurane Hill, Butte City. Stages connect at Folsom, Sacramento, Placerville and Overland. "Washoe Line. . Mormon Tavern. Clarkesville, or Spanish Tavern, iiuroc Ranch, ,'rairie House, Buckey Klat , -:l Dorado Ranch, ■liingle ."Springs, ■.lud Springs, Diamond Springs, l^lacerville, or Hangtown, [,ake Bigler, Van .'-ickles, iienoa, Carson City, DHyton, Silver City, (Jold Hill, Virginia, Aurora, Esmeralda, WASHOE. , , jg®"" Logtow.i and Newtown Passengers Ticketed to Mud -Springs, and Grizzly Flat Pas- sengers to Diamond Springs. S. V. R. R. Office, Sacramento, Jd.ne 14th, lfe6i. J. P. ROBmSON, Supt. The 6>^ A. M. train out from Sacramento, connects with the Stages for all of the above named Places, and Passengers procuring Tickets at the Ticket Office of the Railroad, under the What Cheer House, will be sent through the same day. The Stages run from the above named places, to connect with the 12?.I. Train from Folsom, arriving in Sacramento one hour before the San Francisco Boat leaves. Dealers in Blajik Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 376 MINING DIRECTORY. T'-'--" — — j ■■ ■ - ■ ■■■■—■ ■ -■ ■■■ -■ ■ ■ — . — , — ■! ■ ■ ■ . _^ HuJULri; 6c Wi)i)i), Wiiaie^w&tationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F., MINING DIRECTORY. 377 ^^^^%fW Virginia and Gold Hill, Truckee Meadows, Dutch Flat, Illinoistown, Nevada, Grass Valley, Auburn, Sacramento, San Ft*ancisco. @^ie, @Wi.&l@ f) PACKAGES, LETTERS^ u^nd A^LL EXPRESS M:-^TTER Forwarded with safety and dispatch. °@H Our Franked Envelopes can be obtained at Offices of the Company. OmOES : Mercbants E2:change, - - - - C Street, Virginia. Enterprise Building, - - - . c Street, Virginia, 220 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. G. W. GEER, Agent, Virginia. S. B. CASWELL, Agent, San Franfcisco. S. B. CASWELL, Dealers ul School Sooks and Cheap Publications. 378 MINING DIEECTORY. HODGE & WOOD, Wlioleeale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., S. F^ MINIXCi DIRECTORY. ' 3T9 1SG4. ' 18G4. FORWARDINfi & COMMISSION HOUSE, AND WHOLESALE if lour aittr ©rain Wmd^onQt, — ' — ^ — »♦ » 109 AND 111 FROPT STKEET, SACRAMENTO, AND CENTRAL TACIFIC RAIL ROAD DEPOT, NEW CASTLE. Special attention will be given to receivinp- and forwarding Merchandise to all parts of the State and Nevada Territory, by the most favorable route. Mark Goods ''Care EAUL, Sacramento." W. L. PERKINS, — A N D — u ulMiillual Ulil liIJblilaJtjLillit X . Mark Your Freight "Care W. L. P." Pai'ties desirous of sending freight to any portion of Nevada Terri- tory, either as an Agent, or Contractor, can make as advantageous arrangements by addressing or calling upon the Undersigned, at his office. No. 404 Front Strct. San Francisco, and liave their business attended to with as mtioh Dispatch, and at as Low Rates, as by any other Forwarding House in the Stale. W. L. PERKINS. Office No. 404 FRONT STREET, San Francisco, Warehouses at Freeport- Sacramento and Folsom. Dealers in Every Variety of Staple and Fancy Stationery. 380 MIKIXC DTRECTOHY, O 03 I ^3 5 V «« CO-- "^ 50-- - i^ ^ c3 to J 3 S (X> ~ 5 :J — ^ r H ~ ^ = H S > au^u^ ut V. OOD, Wholesale Statimiers, 418 & 4.30 Clay St., S F., MIXING DinECTOKY, 3&1 LANGJ-TON'S PIONEER EXPRESS, Connecting with relial)le EXPRESSES for all parts of the Territory, California, :e]xji=io:f>e]. LEAVES VIRGINIA CITY, N. T., EVERY DAY AT 4 O'CLOCK A. M., AiND FORWARD TBEiii f i^^ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WITH Particular attention paid to making collections, and do a OFFICE IN ENTERPRISE BUILDING, ivo. s4 south: O STR:EET, VIRGINIA CITY, N. T. , LA.lSraTOISJ & GO'S STA.GE — FOR — Gold Hill, Silver City, Empire City and Carson City. Leaves Virginia Office at 9 o'clock A. M. for the above named places. Returning, Leaves Carson City at 2 o'clock P. M. Blank Books of aU Descriptions Made to Order. 382 MINING DIRECTORY. WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS AND BANKING COMFY CAPITAL, r^^r^ r ^.^ $1,000,000. FORWARD REGULARLY TO ALL PARTS OF California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah and Washington Terri- tories, the Atlantic States and Europe. > ^ ^ » On all the principal Cities and Towns of the Atlantic States ; the Union Bank, London, and the Royal Bank, Dublin. SHIP TREASURE, PACKAGES, ETC., At the Lowest Rates, to all parts of the World. Make Collections and attend to Commissioris for the Purchase of Goods. LOUIS McLANE, General Agent, San Francisco, Cal. -•♦• Offices in GENOA, CARSON CITY, SILVER CITY, GOLD HILL, VIRGINIA CITY, DAYTON and AURORA. R. A. SWAIN & CO. Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ,Crocker]], (ilass WMt, WHITE AND DECORATED CHINA, Plated and Britaniiia "W^are, Cutlery, Kerosene Oil and Lamps, Lanterns, IsToirtla Estst Ooi-an.e.->i% Sansoixie and Pine Streets, (Sign of the Big Pitcher,) SAF FRASrCISCO. H0I)O£ & WOOD, Wholesale Stationers, 418 & 420 Clay St., 6. F^ MINING DIRECTORY. 883 513 CLAY STREET, SAN FRANCiSCO, 122 J STREET, SACRAMENTO. IMPORTERS OF FINE ENGLISH SHOT GUNS, All kinds of Sporting Material and Apparatus. Also, for sale, a large asf^ortment of American Hunting and Target Rifles, of the most celebrated makers. Henry's, Spencer's, Colt's and Sharps' Repeating Rifles, Coil's, Smith's & Wesson's, Remington's, Dean & Adams', and all the latest improved Pistols of the day at the Lowest Ca?h Prices, A chcdcc assortment of the Improved Breech-loading, as well as the old style of Derlngers, constantly on hand, N. B.— Rifles, Shotguns and Pistols made to order, and nil kinds of Repairing done by First Class workmen. Orders promptly attended to both at Sacramento and San Francisco. We are the Authorized Agents of the Pacific for the sale of the celebrated Greener Guns, P'OX «fe CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN wmm mm y(Q[iD®[^ uimmmm. '3 ERASMUS ^VATTS, 216 SOUTH C STKEET, "Virgii-xia. Oity, IST. T. ACNEW & DEFFEBACH, Sll Sai\.«oii:ie Street, tSa-ii Francisco. Dealers in Blank Books, Legal and Commercial Blanks, 384 MINTXG DTRECTORY. JOHN TAYLOR, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Assayers' Articles, Corks, Twine, etc. ^Vv^^SHINQTOlSr STREET A full assortment of Crucibles, Furnaces, Muffles, Cupels, Test Tubes. Also Soda Stock, Labels, &c UNION SALT WORKS. SALT MERCHANT. KEEPS CONST ATLY ON HAND ALL KINDS OF Table, Dairy, Miners and Packers Salt, ISO. 333 mOlVT' STREET, (between Clay and Commercial,) SAN FRANCISCO. ALL OHDKRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. MECHANICS' MILLS, SOUTH D STREET, VIRGINIA CITY, N. T. is/£^^nsrxjin^A^oTXj:E=LEi Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldin.. ^